CM 1243-5 ___________________ Preface 1 ___________________ Application and properties SIMATIC NET S7-1200 - PROFIBUS CM 1243-5 2 ___________________ Displays and connectors Installing, connecting up and 3 ___________________ commissioning Configuration and 4 ___________________ programming 5 ___________________ Operating the module Operating Instructions 6 ___________________ Technical specifications A ___________________ Dimension drawings B ___________________ Approvals C ___________________ References D ___________________ Training, Service & Support 05/2012 C79000-G8976-C246-04 Legal information Legal information Warning notice system This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger. DANGER indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken. WARNING indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken. CAUTION with a safety alert symbol, indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken. CAUTION without a safety alert symbol, indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken. NOTICE indicates that an unintended result or situation can occur if the relevant information is not taken into account. If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property damage. Qualified Personnel The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems. Proper use of Siemens products Note the following: WARNING Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed. Trademarks All names identified by (R) are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner. Disclaimer of Liability We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions. Siemens AG Industry Sector Postfach 48 48 90026 NURNBERG GERMANY Order number: C79000-G8976-C246 05/2012 Technical data subject to change Copyright (c) Siemens AG 2011, -, 2012. All rights reserved Preface Validity of this manual This document contains information on the following product: CM 1243-5 Order number 6GK7 243-5DX30-0XE0 Hardware product version 1, firmware version V1.2 The device is the communications module for the PROFIBUS DP master function for the SIMATIC S7-1200. Figure 1 CM 1243-5 At the top right behind the hinged cover of the module housing, you will see the hardware product version printed as a placeholder "X" (for example X 2 3 4). In this case, "X" would be the placeholder for hardware product version 1. Product name In this document, the term "CM" is also used instead of the full product name "CM 1243-5". New in this release New firmware version with bugs fixed and expanded configuration limits. You will find the configuration limits in the section Performance data (Page 9). You will find the necessary requirements in the section Requirements for operation (Page 10). CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 3 Preface Replaced documentation This manual replaces the manual release 09/2011. Current manual release on the Internet You will also find the current version of this manual on the Internet pages of Siemens Automation Customer Support under the following entry ID: 49851842 ( Purpose of the manual This manual describes the properties of this module and supports you when installing and commissioning the device. The necessary configuration steps are described in the form of an overview. You will also find instructions for operation and maintenance and information on the diagnostics options of the device. Required experience To install, commission and operate the CM, you require experience in the following areas: Automation engineering Setting up the SIMATIC S7-1200 SIMATIC STEP 7 Data transfer with PROFIBUS Further information You will find an overview of further reading and references in the Appendix of this manual. You will also find information about training, Service & Support and who to contact in the Appendix of this manual. License conditions NOTICE Open source software Read the license conditions for open source software carefully before using the product. The acceptance of the disclaimers of liability and warranty it contains is a clear precondition of the use of open source software. You will find license conditions in the document "DOC_OSS-S7-CM-CP_74.pdf" on the supplied data medium with the product documentation. CM 1243-5 4 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 Table of contents Preface ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 1 2 3 4 5 Application and properties ......................................................................................................................... 7 1.1 Connecting the S7-1200 to PROFIBUS.........................................................................................7 1.2 Communications services of the CM .............................................................................................7 1.3 Performance data ..........................................................................................................................9 1.4 Requirements for operation .........................................................................................................10 1.5 Configuration examples for PROFIBUS ......................................................................................11 Displays and connectors.......................................................................................................................... 13 2.1 Opening the covers of the housing ..............................................................................................13 2.2 LEDs ............................................................................................................................................14 2.3 Electrical connections ..................................................................................................................17 Installing, connecting up and commissioning ........................................................................................... 19 3.1 Warning overvoltage protection ...................................................................................................21 3.2 Installing and commissioning the CM 1243-5 ..............................................................................21 3.3 Pin assignment of the socket for the external power supply .......................................................25 3.4 Pinout of the D-sub socket...........................................................................................................26 Configuration and programming .............................................................................................................. 27 4.1 Configuration................................................................................................................................27 4.2 Programming................................................................................................................................28 Operating the module .............................................................................................................................. 29 5.1 Note on operation ........................................................................................................................29 5.2 Diagnostics...................................................................................................................................29 5.3 Downloading firmware .................................................................................................................30 5.4 Module replacement ....................................................................................................................30 6 Technical specifications........................................................................................................................... 31 A Dimension drawings ................................................................................................................................ 33 B Approvals................................................................................................................................................. 35 C References .............................................................................................................................................. 41 D Training, Service & Support ..................................................................................................................... 43 Glossary .................................................................................................................................................. 45 Index........................................................................................................................................................ 49 CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 5 Table of contents CM 1243-5 6 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 Application and properties 1.1 1 Connecting the S7-1200 to PROFIBUS Connecting the S7-1200 to PROFIBUS DP The S7-1200 can be connected to a PROFIBUS fieldbus system with the following communications modules: CM 1242-5 Operates as DP slave CM 1243-5 Operates as DP master class 1 If a CM 1242-5 and a CM 1243-5 are installed together, an S7-1200 can perform the following tasks simultaneously: Slave of a higher-level DP master system and Master of a lower-level DP master system 1.2 Communications services of the CM Bus protocol PROFIBUS communication with the S7-1200 CMs is based on the PROFIBUS DP-V1 protocol. The supported functions and restrictions are described below. Possible DP slaves for the DP master CM 1243-5 With the DP master module CM 1243-5, the S7-1200 can communicate with the following DP-V0/V1 slaves: Distributed I/O SIMATIC ET200 S7-1200 CPUs with CM 1242-5 S7-200 CPUs with PROFIBUS DP module EM 277 SINAMICS converter Drives and actuators from various vendors Sensors of various vendors S7-300/400 CPU with PROFIBUS interface CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 7 Application and properties 1.2 Communications services of the CM S7-300/400 with PROFIBUS CP (for example CP 342-5) SIMATIC PC stations with PROFIBUS CP Types of communication with the CM 1243-5 in DP-V1 The following types of communication are available with DP-V1: Cyclic communication The CM supports cyclic communication for the transfer of process data between DP slave and DP master. Cyclic communication is handled by the operating system of the CPU. No instructions or software blocks are required for this. The I/O data is read or written directly from/to the process image of the CPU. Acyclic communication The CM also supports acyclic communication: - The "RALRM" instruction is available for receiving interrupts of the DP slaves. - The "RDREC" and "WRREC" instructions are available for transferring configuration, diagnostics or I/O data. Functions not supported by the CM 1243-5: SYNC / FREEZE Get_Master_Diag Other communications services of the CM 1243-5 The CM 1243-5 supports the following additional communications services: S7 communication - PUT/GET services The DP master functions as a client and server for queries from other S7 controllers or PCs via PROFIBUS. - PG/OP communication The PG functions allow the downloading of configuration data and user programs from a PG and the transfer of diagnostics data to a PG. Possible communications partners for OP communication are HMI panels, SIMATIC panel PCs with WinCC flexible or SCADA systems that support S7 communication. CM 1243-5 8 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 Application and properties 1.3 Performance data 1.3 Performance data Number of CPs/CMs that can be plugged in per S7-1200 station You can configure a maximum of three CMs/CPs per station. The maximum number of DP master modules depends on the firmware version of the CPU in the master station: CM 1243-5 + CPU with firmware version V2.x: Maximum of 1 DP master (CM 1243-5) CM 1243-5 + CPU with firmware version V3.x: Maximum of 3 DP masters (CM 1243-5) Transmission speeds of the CM 1243-5 As the transmission speed on PROFIBUS, values of 9.6 kbps to 12 Mbps are permitted for the CM. Characteristic data of the DP interface of the CM 1243-5 Number of operable DP slaves The number of DP slaves that can be operated with the DP master depends on the STEP 7 version, the firmware version of the CPU in the master station and the firmware version of the CM 1243-5: - CM 1243-5 with firmware version V1.2: Maximum of 32 DP slaves - CM 1243-5 with firmware version V1.0/V1.1: Maximum of 16 DP slaves You will find the required STEP 7 version and firmware version of the CPU in the section Requirements for operation (Page 10). In conjunction with a CPU with firmware version 2.x, the maximum number of operable DP slaves is reduced by the following modules or nodes: - CM 1242-5 slave modules plugged into the station of the DP Master - PROFINET IO devices connected to the station of the DP Master Example: The DP master module CM 1243-5 is plugged into the station. There are also two CM 1242-5 DP slave modules plugged into the station. 5 PROFINET IO devices are also connected to the CPU. In this case, the maximum number of DP slaves that can be operated with the CM 1243-5 is 25. (32 -2 -5 = 25) Number of operable slots Total number of operable slots: Maximum 256 Any distribution of the slots as I slots and Q slots is permitted. Note Bi-directional slots are counted double. CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 9 Application and properties 1.4 Requirements for operation Data areas of the DP master Size of the DP data areas of the DP master: Max. 1024 bytes - Input area of the DP master in total: Max. 512 bytes - Output area of the DP master in total: Max. 512 bytes Data areas of the DP slaves Maximum size of the DP data areas of the DP slaves - Input area per DP slave: Max. 244 bytes - Output area per DP slave: Max. 244 bytes - Diagnostics data area per DP slave: Max. 244 bytes Characteristic data of S7 communication Number of possible connections for S7 communication in total: 8 Of which maximum: - Configured connections for PUT/GET services: 4 - PG/OP connections: 4 User data per frame - PUT: Max. 209 bytes - GET: Max. 222 bytes 1.4 Requirements for operation Configuration tool To configure the module, the following configuration tool is required: STEP 7 as of version V11.0. For the precise version, refer to the following table. CPUs of the S7-1200 Use of PROFIBUS functionalities with the S7-1200 requires CPUs with firmware versions 2.0 or higher in the master station. For the precise version, refer to the following table. CM 1243-5 10 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 Application and properties 1.5 Configuration examples for PROFIBUS Supported functions depending on the firmware and STEP 7 versions Required components Supported functions CM 1243-5 with firmware version V1.x ** + 1200-CPU with firmware version V2.0 + STEP 7 V11.0 All functions and the reduced configuration limits are supported. * CM 1243-5 with firmware version V1.2 + 1200-CPU with firmware version V3.0 + STEP 7 V11.0 + Service Pack 2 + Update 2 All functions and the current configuration limits are supported. * * You will find the relevant configuration limits in the section Performance data (Page 9). ** Regardless of the configuration limits, the CM should be operated with the newer firmware version V1.2. 1.5 Configuration examples for PROFIBUS Below, you will find examples of configurations in which the CM 1242-5 is used as a DP slave and the CM 1243-5 is used as a DP master. PG/PC/IPC SIMATIC S7-300 Operator control & monitoring PROFIBUS SIMATIC S7-1200 with CM 1242-5 OLM OLM PROFINET/ Industrial Ethernet Operator control & Figure 1-1 PROFIBUS (LWL) SIMATIC S7-1200 with CM 1242-5 Configuration example with a CM 1242-5 as PROFIBUS slave CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 11 Application and properties 1.5 Configuration examples for PROFIBUS SIMATIC S7-1200 with CM 1243-5 Operator control & monitoring PROFIBUS PG/PC/IPC Figure 1-2 SINAMICS ET 200S Configuration example with a CM 1243-5 as PROFIBUS master CM 1243-5 12 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 Displays and connectors 2.1 2 Opening the covers of the housing Location of the display elements and the electrical connectors The LEDs for the detailed display of the module statuses are located behind the upper cover of the module housing. The terminals for the power supply are located on the top of the module. The PROFIBUS connector is located behind the lower cover of the module. Opening the covers of the housing Open the upper or lower cover of the housing by pulling it down or up as shown in the illustration. The covers extend beyond the housing to give you a grip. Figure 2-1 Opening the covers of the housing CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 13 Displays and connectors 2.2 LEDs 2.2 LEDs LEDs of the module The module has various LEDs for displaying the status: LED on the front panel The "DIAG" LED that is always visible shows the basic statuses of the module. Table 2- 1 LED on the front panel LED / colors Name Meaning DIAG Display of the basic status of the module red / green LEDs below the upper cover of the housing Open the upper housing cover. The LEDs here provide more detailed information on the module status. Table 2- 2 LEDs below the upper cover of the housing LED / colors Name Meaning RUN/STOP Details on the operational and communications status of the module ERROR Group error - not used - - - not used - - yellow / green red NOTICE LED colors when the module starts up When the module starts up, all its LEDs are lit for a short time. Multicolored LEDs display a color mixture. At this point in time, the color of the LEDs is not clear. CM 1243-5 14 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 Displays and connectors 2.2 LEDs Display of the operating and communication status The LED symbols in the following tables have the following significance: Table 2- 3 Meaning of the LED symbols Symbol - LED status OFF ON (steady light) Flashing, one color Flashing yellow-green Not relevant The LEDs indicate the operating and communications status of the module according to the following scheme: Table 2- 4 Display of the basic states of the module by the "DIAG" LED DIAG Meaning Comment (red / green) Power OFF RUN without errors green flashing green Startup STOP without errors No project data Firmware update Problem / error flashing red The individual states are signaled by the RUN/STOP and ERROR LEDs (see below). The individual states are signaled by the RUN/STOP and ERROR LEDs (see below). CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 15 Displays and connectors 2.2 LEDs Table 2- 5 Display schemes for detailed module statuses DIAG (red / green) - RUN/STOP ERROR (yellow / green) (red) Meaning Detailed status schemes green flashing green RUN without errors, Exchange of user data with DP master Stopped (STOP) without errors No project data available Starting up (STOP RUN) flashing green Loading firmware flashing green (The RUN/STOP and ERROR LEDs flash alternately.) RUN with PROFIBUS problem: flashing red DP slave errors No master-slave connection PROFIBUS cable not connected or not detected System fault: flashing red CM has not received an address from the CPU Power supply of the CM was interrupted CPU reset to factory defaults Solution when the error is permanent: Station power OFF ON Other possible problems: Module fault Incomplete firmware version Contact the hotline. In STOP mode, configuring and performing diagnostics on the CM remain possible. CM 1243-5 16 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 Displays and connectors 2.3 Electrical connections 2.3 Electrical connections Power supply The 3-pin socket for the external 24 V DC power supply is located on the top of the module. The matching plug ships with the product. You will find the pin assignment of the socket in section Pin assignment of the socket for the external power supply (Page 25). 6RFNHWIRU9'& SRZHUVXSSO\ Figure 2-2 Socket for the 24 V DC power supply 9-pin D-sub female connector (PROFIBUS) The PROFIBUS connector is located behind the lower cover of the module. The interface is a 9-pin D-sub female connector operating according to the RS-485 standard. You also have the option of connecting to optical PROFIBUS networks via an Optical Bus Terminal OBT or an Optical Link Module OLM. You will find the pin assignment of the D-sub socket in section Pinout of the D-sub socket (Page 26). More detailed information on the electrical connections For technical information on the electrical connections, refer to the section Technical specifications (Page 31). CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 17 Displays and connectors 2.3 Electrical connections CM 1243-5 18 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 Installing, connecting up and commissioning 3 Safety notices on the use of the device The following safety notices must be adhered to when setting up and operating the device and during all work relating to it such as installation, connecting up, replacing devices or opening the device. General notices WARNING Safety extra low voltage The equipment is designed for operation with Safety Extra-Low Voltage (SELV) by a Limited Power Source (LPS). (This does not apply to 100 V...240 V devices.) This means that only SELV / LPS complying with IEC 60950-1 / EN 60950-1 / VDE 0805-1 must be connected to the power supply terminals. The power supply unit for the equipment power supply must comply with NEC Class 2, as described by the National Electrical Code (r) (ANSI / NFPA 70). There is an additional requirement if devices are operated with a redundant power supply: If the equipment is connected to a redundant power supply (two separate power supplies), both must meet these requirements. WARNING Opening the device DO NOT OPEN WHEN ENERGIZED. General notices on use in hazardous areas WARNING Risk of explosion when connecting or disconnecting the device EXPLOSION HAZARD DO NOT CONNECT OR DISCONNECT EQUIPMENT WHEN A FLAMMABLE OR COMBUSTIBLE ATMOSPHERE IS PRESENT. CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 19 Installing, connecting up and commissioning WARNING Replacing components EXPLOSION HAZARD SUBSTITUTION OF COMPONENTS MAY IMPAIR SUITABILITY FOR CLASS I, DIVISION 2 OR ZONE 2. WARNING Requirements for the cabinet/enclosure When used in hazardous environments corresponding to Class I, Division 2 or Class I, Zone 2, the device must be installed in a cabinet or a suitable enclosure. General notices on use in hazardous areas according to ATEX WARNING Requirements for the cabinet/enclosure To comply with EU Directive 94/9 (ATEX95), this enclosure must meet the requirements of at least IP54 in compliance with EN 60529. WARNING Suitable cables for temperatures in excess of 70 C If the cable or conduit entry point exceeds 70 C or the branching point of conductors exceeds 80 C, special precautions must be taken. If the equipment is operated in an air ambient in excess of 50 C, only use cables with admitted maximum operating temperature of at least 80 C. WARNING Protection against transient voltage surges Provisions shall be made to prevent the rated voltage from being exceeded by transient voltage surges of more than 40%. This criterion is fulfilled, if supplies are derived from SELV (Safety Extra-Low Voltage) only. CM 1243-5 20 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 Installing, connecting up and commissioning 3.1 Warning overvoltage protection 3.1 Warning overvoltage protection CAUTION Protection of the external 24 VDC power supply If power is supplied to the module over longer 24 V power cables or networks, the coupling in of strong electromagnetic pulses onto the power supply cables is possible. This can be caused, for example by lightning strikes or switching of higher loads. The connector of the external 24 VDC power supply is not protected from strong electromagnetic pulses. To protect it, an external overvoltage protection module is necessary. A suitable device is, for example, the Dehn Blitzductor BVT AD 24V type no. 918 402 or comparable protective element. Manufacturer: DEHN + SOHNE GmbH + Co. KG, Hans-Dehn-Str. 1, PO box 1640, D-92306 Neumarkt 3.2 Installing and commissioning the CM 1243-5 Prior to installation and commissioning WARNING Read the system manual "S7-1200 Programmable Controller" Prior to installation, connecting up and commissioning, read the relevant sections in the system manual "S7-1200 Programmable Controller" (refer to the documentation in the Appendix). When installing and connecting up, keep to the procedures described in the system manual "S7-1200 Programmable Controller". Make sure that the power supply is turned off when installing/uninstalling the devices. Configuration One requirement for the commissioning of the CP is the completeness of the STEP 7 project data. You should also read the section "Configuration and programming (Page 27)". CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 21 Installing, connecting up and commissioning 3.2 Installing and commissioning the CM 1243-5 Dimensions for installation % % % % $ $ Figure 3-1 Dimensions for installation of the S7-1200 Table 3- 1 Dimensions for installation $ S7-1200 devices $ Width A Width B * 90 mm 45 mm CPU CPU 1211C, CPU 1212C CPU 1214C 110 mm 55 mm Signal modules 8 or 16 digital I/Os 2, 4 or 8 analog I/Os Thermocouple, 4 or 8 I/Os RTD, 4 I/Os 45 mm 22.5 mm 16 analog I/Os RTD, 8 I/Os 70 mm 35 mm Communications interfaces CM 1241 RS-232 and CM 1241 RS-485 30 mm 15 mm CM 1243-5 (PROFIBUS master) CM 1242-5 (PROFIBUS slave) 30 mm 15 mm CP 1242-7 (GPRS CP) 30 mm 15 mm * Width B: The distance between the edge of the housing and the center of the hole in the DIN rail mounting clip DIN rail mounting clips All CPUs, SMs, CMs and CPs can be installed on the DIN rail in the cabinet. Use the pull-out DIN rail mounting clips to secure the device to the rail. These mounting clips also lock into place when they are extended to allow the device to be installed in a switching panel. The inner dimension of the hole for the DIN rail mounting clips is 4.3 mm. CM 1243-5 22 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 Installing, connecting up and commissioning 3.2 Installing and commissioning the CM 1243-5 Procedure for installation and commissioning NOTICE Installation location During installation, make sure that the upper and lower ventilation slits of the module are not obstructed and good ventilation is possible. Above and below the device, there must be a clearance of 25 mm to allow air to circulate and prevent overheating. Remember that the permitted temperature ranges depend on the position of the installed device. Device position / permitted temperature range Installation location Horizontal installation of the rack: 0 C to 55 C Vertical installation of the rack: 0 C to 45 C NOTICE Connection with power off Only wire up the S7-1200 with the power turned off. Power supply from the power outputs of the CPU The power of the CM must be supplied via the power outputs of the CPU. Keep within the maximum load of the power outputs of the CPU. You will find data relating to the current consumption and power loss of the CM in the section Technical specifications (Page 31). Grounding the PROFIBUS cable If a CM 1243-5 is plugged into the S7-1200, a PROFIBUS cable must always be connected to the CM 1243-5. The PROFIBUS cable must be grounded. CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 23 Installing, connecting up and commissioning 3.2 Installing and commissioning the CM 1243-5 Table 3- 2 Step Procedure for installation and connecting up Execution Notes and explanations 1 Mount the CM on the DIN rail and connect it to Use a 35 mm DIN rail. the module to its right. The slots to the left of the CPU are permitted. 2 Secure the DIN rail. 3 Secure the power supply wires to the power output of the CPU. 4 Secure the wires of the power supply to the plug supplied with the CM and insert the plug in the socket on the top of the CM. The pinning is shown beside the socket on the top of the housing. You will also find this in the section Pin assignment of the socket for the external power supply (Page 25). 5 Connect the PROFIBUS cable to the D-sub female connector of the CM. Lower surface of the CM 6 Turn on the power supply. 7 Close the front covers of the module and keep them closed during operation. 8 The remaining steps in commissioning involve downloading the STEP 7 project data. The STEP 7 project data of the CM is transferred when you download to the station. To load the station, connect the engineering station on which the project data is located to the Ethernet interface of the CPU. You will find more detailed information on loading in the following sections of the STEP 7 online help: "Loading project data" "Using online and diagnostics functions" CM 1243-5 24 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 Installing, connecting up and commissioning 3.3 Pin assignment of the socket for the external power supply 3.3 Pin assignment of the socket for the external power supply / 0 1(&&/$66 '&9$ Figure 3-2 Socket for the external 24 VDC power supply (view from above) Table 3- 3 Pin assignment of the socket for the external power supply Pin Labeling 1 L+ + 24 VDC 2 M Ground reference for + 24 VDC 3 Function Ground connector CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 25 Installing, connecting up and commissioning 3.4 Pinout of the D-sub socket 3.4 Pinout of the D-sub socket PROFIBUS interface Table 3- 4 Pinout of the D-sub socket Pin Description Pin - not used - 6 VP: Power supply +5 V only for bus terminating resistors; not for supplying external devices 2 - not used - 7 - not used - 3 RxD/TxD-P: Data line B 8 RxD/TxD-N: Data line A 4 CNTR-P: RTS 9 - not used - 5 DGND: Ground for data signals and VP Description 1 Housing Ground connector PROFIBUS cable and connector CAUTION Contacting the shield of the PROFIBUS cable The shield of the PROFIBUS cable must be contacted. To do this, strip the insulation from the end of the PROFIBUS cable and connect the shield to functional earth. NOTICE If you use a 180 PROFIBUS or a PG connector, the lower panel cannot be completely closed. CM 1243-5 26 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 Configuration and programming 4.1 4 Configuration Configuration in STEP 7 You configure the DP modules and DP master systems in SIMATIC STEP 7. You will find the required version in the section Requirements for operation (Page 10). You will find the number of CMs/CPs that can be configured per station in the section Performance data (Page 9). Overview of the STEP 7 configuration Follow the steps below when configuring: 1. Create a STEP 7 project. 2. Insert the required SIMATIC stations. 3. Insert the communications modules and other required modules in the stations. 4. Select the PROFIBUS interface of the master module and create a DP master system using the shortcut menu (right mouse button). 5. Configure the DP master system in the following parameter groups: - General - Network settings - Cable configuration - Additional network nodes - Bus parameters 6. Network the PROFIBUS slaves with the master system: - Either using the shortcut menu command with the PROFIBUS interface selected - Or in the "Operating mode" parameter group of the slave module 7. Configure the slave modules. Configuring the DP slaves is described in the manual of the slave module. 8. Configure the PROFIBUS master module. This affects the properties in the following parameter groups: - General - PROFIBUS interface with the lower-level parameter groups "General" and "PROFIBUS address". The "Mode" of the DP master is preset. 9. Configure the remaining modules and submodules according to your requirements. 10.Save the project. CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 27 Configuration and programming 4.2 Programming Note You will find more detailed information on configuring the individual parameters in the help system of STEP 7. Downloading project data When you load the station, the project data of the CM is stored on the CPU. 4.2 Programming DP data exchange with the CPU No instructions are necessary for GP data exchange with the CPU. The cyclically transferred slave data is written to the input and output areas of the CPU. Reading and writing consistent data of a standard slave With the DPRD_DAT and DPWR_DAT instructions, you can read consistent data with a length of > 4 bytes from a slave or transfer consistent data to a slave. Receiving interrupts with RALRM The RALRM instruction is used to receive interrupts from DP slaves and the corresponding information is indicated by the output parameters of the instruction. Reading and writing a data record with the RDREC and WRREC instructions The "RDREC" and "WRREC" instructions are available for transferring configuration, diagnostics or I/O data. S7 communication: Data exchange with remote communications partners The CM can communicate with remote partners via PROFIBUS. The following instructions are used: PUT: Instruction for writing data to a remote CPU or a remote PC GET: Instruction for reading data from a remote CPU or a remote PC Remote communications partners can be S7-CPUs, PCs, PGs, TDs/OPs or SCADA systems, such as WinCC. Note Information on the instructions You will find information on the instructions mentioned above in the STEP 7 help. CM 1243-5 28 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 Operating the module 5.1 5 Note on operation CAUTION Closing the front panels To ensure interference-free operation, keep the front panels of the module closed during operation. 5.2 Diagnostics Diagnostics options You have the following diagnostics options available for the module: The LEDs of the module For information on the LED displays, refer to the section LEDs (Page 14). STEP 7: The "Diagnostics" tab in the Inspector window Here, you can obtain the following information on the selected module: - Entries in the diagnostics buffer of the CPU - Information on the online status of the module STEP 7: Diagnostics functions in the "Online > Online and diagnostics" menu Here, you can obtain static information on the selected module: - General information on the module - Diagnostics status - Information about the PROFIBUS interface: - Settings - Statistics - Node list with PROFIBUS address and response on PROFIBUS You can obtain further information on the diagnostics functions of STEP 7 in the STEP 7 online help. CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 29 Operating the module 5.3 Downloading firmware DP diagnostics You will find the description of the functions of DP diagnostics in the documentation of the relevant slave (for example, in the manual of the CM 1242-5, see /3/ (Page 42)). The evaluation of diagnostics data records requested by the DP master and the diagnostics interrupts or diagnostics alarms of the DP slaves is handled in the user program of the DP master station. 5.3 Downloading firmware New firmware versions If a new firmware version is available for the module, you will find this on the Ethernet pages of the Siemens Automation Customer Support under the following ID: 44632196 ( On the Internet page, select the "Entry list" tab and the "Download" entry type. You will find the firmware file and a description of the procedure there. You can recognize that firmware is being loaded by the flashing LEDs of the CM, see section LEDs (Page 14). 5.4 Module replacement Module replacement The configuration data of the CM is stored on the local CPU. This allows simple replacement of this communications module when necessary. When the station starts up again, the new CM reads the project data from the CPU. WARNING Read the system manual "S7-1200 Programmable Controller" Prior to installation, connecting up and commissioning, read the relevant sections in the system manual "S7-1200 Programmable Controller" (refer to the documentation in the Appendix). When installing and connecting up, keep to the procedures described in the system manual "S7-1200 Programmable Controller". Make sure that the power supply is turned off when installing/uninstalling the devices CM 1243-5 30 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 6 Technical specifications Table 6- 1 Technical specifications of the CM 1243-5 Technical specifications Order number 6GK7 243-5DX30-0XE0 Interfaces Connection to PROFIBUS 9-pin D-sub female connector Maximum current consumption on the PROFIBUS interface when connecting network components (for example optical network components) 15 mA at 5 V (only for bus termination) *) Permitted ambient conditions Ambient temperature During storage -40 C to 70 C During transportation -40 C to 70 C During operation with the rack installed horizontally 0 C to 55 C During operation with the rack installed vertically 0 C to 45 C Relative humidity at 25 C during operation, without condensation, maximum 95 % Degree of protection IP20 Power supply, current consumption and power loss Type of power supply DC Power supply / external 24 V minimum 19.2 V maximum 28.8 V Current consumption (typical) from 24 V DC 100 mA from the S7-1200 backplane bus 0 mA Effective power loss (typical) from 24 V DC 2.4 W from the S7-1200 backplane bus 0W Power supply 24 VDC / external Min. cable cross section min.: 0.14 mm2 (AWG 25) Max. cable cross section max.: 1.5 mm2 (AWG 15) Tightening torque of the screw terminals 0.45 Nm (4 lb-in) Electrical isolation PROFIBUS interface to ground PROFIBUS interface to internal circuit 710 VDC for 1 minute CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 31 Technical specifications Technical specifications Dimensions and weights Width 30 mm Height 100 mm Depth 75 mm Weight Net weight 134 g Weight including packaging 171 g *)The current load of an external consumer connected between VP (pin 6) and DGND (pin 5) must not exceed a maximum of 15 mA (short-circuit proof) for bus termination. CM 1243-5 32 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 Dimension drawings A Note All dimensions in the drawings are in millimeters. Figure A-1 CM 1243-5 - front view CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 33 Dimension drawings Figure A-2 CM 1243-5 - left side view Figure A-3 CM 1243-5 - view from above CM 1243-5 34 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 B Approvals Approvals issued NOTICE Issued approvals on the type plate of the device The specified approvals apply only when the corresponding mark is printed on the product. You can check which of the following approvals have been granted for your product by the markings on the type plate. Approvals for shipbuilding are not printed on the device type plate. Current approvals on the Internet SIMATIC NET products are regularly submitted to the relevant authorities and approval centers for approvals relating to specific markets and applications. You will also find the current approvals for the product on the Internet pages of Siemens Automation Customer Support under the following entry ID: ( "Entry list" tab, entry type "Certificates" Approvals for SIMATIC NET products You will find an overview of the approvals for SIMATIC NET products including approvals for shipbuilding on the Internet pages of Siemens Automation Customer Support under the following entry ID: 57337426 ( Overview of the approvals The CM 1243-5 has the following approvals: cULus LISTED IND. CONT. EQ. for HAZ.LOC. cULus LISTED IND. CONT. EQ. FM ATEX: KEMA 10 ATEX 0166X CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 35 Approvals C-TICK EC declaration of conformity - EC Directive 2004/108/EEC "Electromagnetic Compatibility" (EMC Directive) - EC Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) - Use in industrial environments according to: EN 61000-6-4:2007 EN 61000-6-2:2005 Standards and test specifications The product meets the following standards and test specifications. The test criteria for the module are based on these standards and test specifications. EC declaration of conformity The product meets the requirements and safety objectives of the following EC directives and it complies with the harmonized European standards (EN) for programmable logic controllers which are published in the official documentation of the European Union. EC directive 2006/95/EEC "Electrical Equipment Designed for Use within Certain Voltage Limits" (Low Voltage Equipment Directive) - EN 61131-2:2007 Programmable controllers - Equipment requirements and tests EC Directive 2004/108/EEC "Electromagnetic Compatibility" (EMC Directive) - Emission EN 61000-6-4:2007: Industrial area - Immunity EN 61000-6-2:2005: Industrial area EC directive 94/9/EC "Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres" (ATEX Explosion Protection Directive) - EN 60079-15:2005: Type of protection 'n': The EC Declaration of Conformity is available for all responsible authorities at: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Industry Automation Industrielle Kommunikation SIMATIC NET Postfach 4848 D-90327 Nurnberg Germany You will find the EC Declaration of Conformity for this product on the Internet at the following address: 10805878 ( Tab "Entry List" CM 1243-5 36 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 Approvals Filter settings: Entry type: "Certificates" Certificate Type: "Declaration of Conformity" Search items(s): cULus approval Underwriters Laboratories Inc. meets Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.: UL 508 Listed (industrial control devices) Canadian Standards Association: CSA C22.2 Number 142 (process control equipment) FM certification Factory Mutual Research (FM): Certification standard class number 3600 and 3611 Approved for use in: Class I, Division 2, Gas Group A, B, C, D, Temperature Class T4A, Ta = 55 C Class I, Zone 2, IIC, Temperature Class T4, Ta = 55 C ATEX approval EN 60079-0:2006: Potentially explosive atmosphere - general requirements EN 60079-15:2005: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres; Type of protection 'n' II 3 G Ex nA II T4 Over and above this, the following conditions must be met for the safe deployment of the product: Install the modules in a suitable enclosure with degree of protection of at least IP54 to EN 60529 and take into account the environmental conditions for operation of the devices. If the rated temperatures of 70C at the cable entry or 80C at the branching point of the wires are exceeded, the permitted temperature range of the selected cable must be suitable for the actual measured temperatures. Measures must be taken to prevent the rated voltage being exceeded by more than 40% due to transient disturbances. CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 37 Approvals C-Tick approval The product meets the requirements of the AS/NZS 2064 standards (Class A) Maritime approvals The S7-1200 products are regularly submitted to the relevant authorities for approvals relating to specific markets and applications. If you require a list of the current approvals for individual devices, consult your Siemens contact. Standards and test specifications The device meets the following standards and test specifications. The test criteria for the device are based on these standards and test specifications. Industrial environments The product was developed for use in industrial environments. Application Requirements for emissions Requirements for immunity Industry EN 61000-6-4:2007 EN 61000-6-2:2005 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) The electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of an electrical device is its capability of functioning as intended in an electromagnetic environment without emitting electromagnetic interference that could impair the operation of other electrical devices in the vicinity. Electromagnetic compatibility - immunity EN 61000-4-2 Electrostatic discharge 8 kV air discharge to all surfaces 4 contact discharge to exposed conductive surfaces EN 61000-4-3 Radiated electromagnetic field 80 to 1 000 MHz, 10 V/m, 80% AM at 1 kHz 1.4 to 2.0 GHz, 3 V/m, 80% AM at 1 kHz 2.0 to 2.7 GHz, 1 V/m, 80% AM at 1 kHz EN 61000-4-4 Fast transient bursts 2 kV, 5 kHz with coupling network to AC and DC system power 1 kV, 5 kHz with coupling clamp to inputs/outputs EN 61000-4-5 Surge immunity DC systems - 2 kV common mode, 1 kV push-pull For DC systems (I/O signals, DC power supplies), external protection is necessary. 2 kV via coupling clamp on PROFIBUS cable EN 61000-4-6 Conducted disturbances 150 kHz to 80 MHz, 10 V RMS, 80 % AM at 1 kHz EN 61000-4-611 Voltage dips DC systems 0 % for 1 cycle, 40 % for 12 cycles and 70 % for 30 cycles at 60 Hz CM 1243-5 38 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 Approvals Electromagnetic compatibility - emission Conducted emissions EN 61000-6-4, class A 0.15 MHz to 5 MHz 5 MHz to 30 MHz < 79 dB (V) quasi peak; <66 dB (V) average < 73 dB (V) quasi peak; <60 dB (V) average Conducted emissions EN 61000-6-4, class A 30 MHz to 230 MHz 230 MHz to 1 GHz < 40 dB (V/m) quasi peak; measured at 10 m < 47 dB (V/m) quasi peak; measured at a distance of 10 m Environmental conditions Environmental conditions - transportation and storage EN 60068-2-2, Test Bb, dry heat and EN 60068-2-1 Test Ab, cold -40 C to +70 C EN 60068-2-30, Test Db, damp heat 25 C to 55 C, 95% humidity EN 60068-2-14, Test Na, temperature shock -40 C to +70 C, dwell time 3 hours, 2 cycles EN 60068-2-32 Free fall 0.3 m, five times, in product packaging Atmospheric pressure 1 080 to 660 hPa (corresponding to an altitude of -1 000 to 3 500 m) Environmental conditions - operation Ambient temperatures / air humidity (inlet air 25 mm below device) 0 C to 55 C for horizontal installation of the rack 0 C to 45 C for vertical installation of the rack 95% relative humidity, non-condensing Atmospheric pressure 1080 to 795 hPa (corresponding to an altitude of -1000 to 2000 m) EN 60068-2-14, Test Nb, temperature change 5 C to 55 C, 3 C/minute EN 60068-2-27 Mechanical shock 15 g, 11 ms pulse, 3 positive and 3 negative shocks in each of the 3 axes (half sine) EN 60068-2-6 Sinusoidal vibration (DIN rail mount) 2 mm PP from 2 to 13 Hz and 0.7 g from 13 to 100 Hz (according to shipbuilding 1); 10 sweeps per axis, 1 octave/minute Protection class Protection class III according to EN 61131-2 (protective conductor not required) Degree of protection Mechanical protection to EN 60529: IP20 Protects against finger contact with high voltage as tested by standard probe. External protection required for dust, dirt, water and foreign objects of < 12.5 mm in diameter. CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 39 Approvals CM 1243-5 40 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 C References Where to find Siemens documentation You will find the order numbers for the Siemens products of relevance here in the following catalogs: - SIMATIC NET Industrial Communication / Industrial Identification, catalog IK PI - SIMATIC Products for Totally Integrated Automation and Micro Automation, catalog ST 70 You can request the catalogs and additional information from your Siemens representative. You will find SIMATIC NET manuals on the Internet pages of Siemens Automation Customer Support: Link to Customer Support ( Enter the entry ID of the relevant manual as the search item. The ID is listed below some of the reference entries in brackets. As an alternative, you will find the SIMATIC NET documentation on the pages of Product Support: 10805878 ( Go to the required product group and make the following settings: Entry list Entry type "Manuals / Operating Instructions" You will find the documentation for the SIMATIC NET products relevant here on the data medium that ships with the product: - Product CD / product DVD or - SIMATIC NET Manual Collection /1/ SIMATIC S7-1200 Programmable Controller System Manual Siemens AG order number: 6ES7298-8FA30-8BH0 Entry ID: 36932465 ( CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 41 References 0 /2/ /2/ SIMATIC NET PROFIBUS Network Manual system manual Siemens AG Entry ID: 35222591 ( /3/ SIMATIC NET CM 1242-5 Operating Instructions Siemens AG entry ID: 49852105 ( CM 1243-5 42 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 Training, Service & Support D Online support In addition to our product documentation, the comprehensive online information platform supports you in all aspects of our Service & Support at any time and from any location in the world. You will find this on the Internet at the following address: ( en) Here, you will find the following information: Support news, newsletter Product information, Product Support, Applications & Tools Technical Forum Access to other features of our Service & Support offer: - Technical Consulting - Engineering Support - Field Service Phone: +49 (0)911 895 7444 - Spare parts and repairs Phone: +49 (0)911 895 7448 - Optimization and modernization - Technical Support Expert advice on technical questions with a wide range of demand-optimized services for all our products and systems. Phone: +49 (0)911 895 7222 ( jid=38718979&caller=view) You will find contact data on the Internet at the following address: ( CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 43 Training, Service & Support SITRAIN - Siemens training for automation and industrial solutions With over 300 different courses, SITRAIN covers the entire Siemens product and system spectrum in the field of automation and drive technology. Advanced training tailored to your needs is also available. In addition to our classic range of courses, we also offer a combination of various training media and sequences. You can, for example, use self-study programs on CD-ROM or on the Internet as preparation or to consolidate training. You will find detailed information on our training curriculum and how to contact our customer consultants at the following Internet address: ( CM 1243-5 44 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 Glossary Bus parameter Special parameters that control transfer characteristics on the bus. Each PROFIBUS node must use bus parameters that match the bus parameters of other nodes. CLEAR mode Mode of the DP master; inputs are read cyclically, outputs remain set to 0. CM Communications module Module for communications tasks that is used in an automation system as an interface expansion of the CPU. Same interface types of a CPU and a CM are functionally identical. Contol job Control command for DP mode. Examples: CLEAR, SYNC, FREEZE, UNFREEZE, ACT, DEACT. CP Communications processor Module for expanded communications tasks that provides the CPU with additional interface types or communications options. DP I/O module Component of a DP slave. DP slaves have a modular structure. A DP slave has at least one DP I/O module. DP master A node with master functionality on PROFIBUS DP. The following must be distinguished: DP master (class 1) or DP master 1 The DP master 1 handles cyclic user data traffic with the DP slaves assigned to it. DP master (class 2) or DP master 2 The DP master 2 provides asynchronous services such as : - Reading input/output data - Diagnostics CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 45 Glossary DP master system A DP master and all DP slaves with which this DP master exchanges data. DP mode Communication between the DP master and DP slaves can be divided into four modes: OFFLINE, STOP, CLEAR, RUN (corresponds to OPERATE according to the DP standard) Each of these modes is characterized by defined actions between the DP master and the DP slaves. DP module name Name of one of the DP I/O modules entered in the DP module list. DP module type Name to identify a DP I/O module in the generic station data of a DP slave in compliance with EN 50170, Vol 2. DP protocol The rules for communication and data transmission according to the communications standard for the field area (IEC 61158) and PROFIBUS standard (EN 50170). Note: The DP protocol is used in the distributed peripheral I/O (DP) and allows distributed use of numerous modules and other field devices in the immediate vicinity of the process. DP slave A node with slave functionality on PROFIBUS DP DP slave name To identify a DP slave in the configured DP configuration, a DP slave name is entered in the DP slave list. DP subnet PROFIBUS subnet on which only distributed I/O is operated. FREEZE mode The FREEZE mode is a DP mode in which process input data is obtained at the same time from one or more (group) or from all DP slaves. The time of acquisition is signaled by the FREEZE command (this is a control frame for synchronization). CM 1243-5 46 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 Glossary Group identification Allows the assignment of DP slaves to one or more groups. The DP slaves can be addressed specifically when transferring control frames using the group identification. SYNC mode A DP mode in which one, several (group) or all DP slaves transfer data to their process outputs at a certain time. The time at which the data is transferred is indicated in the SYNC command (a control command for synchronization). UNFREEZE Job for resetting the FREEZE mode. UNSYNC Job for resetting the SYNC mode. Watchdog time A monitoring time that can be set on a DP slave to detect failure of the controlling DP master. CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 47 Glossary CM 1243-5 48 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 Index A ATEX, 20 ATEX approval, 37 C Configuration limits, 9 CPU firmware version, 10 R Replacing a module, 30 Resources, 9 S Safety notices, 19 STEP 7 version, 10 SYNC / FREEZE, 8 D Degree of protection, 39 Dimensions, 22, 32 Downloading project data, 24, 28 E Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), 38 EMC, 38 Environment, industry, 38 Environmental conditions, 39 F Firmware version, 3 Firmware, version, 11 H Hardware product version, 3 Hazardous area, 19 O Operating states, 15 P PROFINET IO devices, 9 Protection class, 39 CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04 49 Index CM 1243-5 50 Operating Instructions, 05/2012, C79000-G8976-C246-04