mea ak re rem rn 3469674 FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR 44 ve fj syean74 o027830 ? i a FMP20N05/FMP18N05 7- 37- N-Channel Power MOSFETs, 18-20 A, 50 V ee en | FAIRCHILD ee A Schlumberger Company Power And Discrete Division Description TO-220AB These devices are very low Roscon) 50 V, n-channel, en- hancement mode, power MOSFETs especially designed to serve the low voltage, high speed, switching markets. Typi- cal applications are SMPS for telecommunication and in- strumentation, DC motor controls, emitter switching, synchronous rectification, and systems that are operated from low voltage batteries, such as automotive and porta- ble equipment, etc. FMP18N05 Extremely low Rosion) FMP20N05 Ves Rated at +30 V Silicon Gate for Fast Switching Speeds Rugged t @ Low Drive Requirements @ Ease of Paralleling : Maximum Ratings e Rating Rating Symbol Characteristic FMP20N05 FMP 18N05 Unit - Voss Drain to Source Voltage 50 50 Vv Voar Drain to Gate Voltage! 50 50 v Res = 20 kQ Vas Gate to Source Voltage +30 +30 Vv Ty, Tstg | Operating Junction and -55 to +150 -55 to +150 C Storage Temperatures Th Maximum Lead Temperature 300 300 C for Soldering Purposes, 1/8 From Case for 5 s Maximum On-State Characteristics FMP20N05 FMP 18N05 Rpsjon) | Static Drain-to-Source 0.085 0.10 2 On Resistance Ip Drain Current A Continuous at To = 25C 20 18 Continuous at To = 100C 14 13 Pulsed 60 50 Maximum Thermal Characteristics Reic Thermal Resistance, 1.67 1.67 C/W Junction to Case Rasa Thermal Resistance, 80 80 C/W Junction to Ambient Pp Total Power Dissipation 75 75 WwW at To = 25C Notes For information concerning connection diagram and package outline, refer to Section 7. 2-43vas ena Ip EM eg 3469674 FAIRCHILD FMP20N05 FMP18N05 T-39-11 Electrical Characteristics (Tc = 25C unless otherwise noted) Symbol Characteristic | Min | Max Unit Test Conditions Off Characteristics Visryoss | Drain Source Breakdown Voltage! 50 Vv Vas =0 V, Ip = 250 wA lpss Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current 250 BA Vps = Rated Vpss, Vas = 9 V 1000 vA Vos = 0.8 x Rated Voss, Ves=0 V, To = 126C less Gate-Body Leakage Current +500 nA Ves = +20 V, Vos =0 V On Characteristics Vasith) Gate Threshold Voltage 2.0 4.0 Vv Ip = 250 wA, Vos = Ves Rosvon) Static Drain-Source On-Resistance? Q Ves=10 V, Ip=10 A FMP20N05 0.085 FMP18N05 0.10 Voston) | Drain-Source On-Voltage FMP20N05 2.0 Vv Veg = 10 V; Ip = 20 A; FMP18N05 2.25 FMP20NO05 1.40 Vv Ves = 10 V; Ip = 10 A; FMP18N05 Te = 100C As Forward Transconductance 5 S$ (5) Vpg=10 V, Ip=10 A Dynamic Characteristics Ciss Input Capacitance 850 pF Vps = 25 V, Veg = 0 V Coss Output Capacitance 400 pF f= 1.0 MHz Crs Reverse Transfer Capacitance 150 pF Switching Characteristics (Tc = 25C, Figures 9, 10) tu(on) Turn-On Delay Time 50 ns Vpop = 40 V, Ip=10 A t Rise Time 90 ns Ros i 4 Reen = 50 2 tot Turn-Off Delay Time 60 ns tf Fall Time 76 ns Qg Total Gate Charge 20 nc Vas=10 V, Ip=25 A Vpp = 40 V Symbol Characteristic Typ Max Unit Test Conditions Source-Drain Diode Characteristics Vsp Diode Forward Voltage 1.5 Vv Is = 20 A; Vag=0 V ter Reverse Recovery Time 60 ns Ig = 20 A; dig/dt =50 A/pS Notes 1. Fy = 425C to + 150C 2. Pulse test: Pulse width <80 ps, Duly cycle <1% 2-44 SEMICONDUCTOR 84 DE ff a469L74 ooz7eai 9 Of | ann ee,U - ay pe Ws4u5674 0027892 oO Tt Figure 2 Static Drain to Source Resistance Figure 1 Output Characteristics vs Drain Current -_ 3469674 FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR ~~ 84D 27832 D FMP20N05 FMP18N05 1-39-11 : | Typical Performance Curves 0.2% vs 9 J Ta25C 800 PULSE TEST 6.18 Ws2src : i 2 3 seen ty~DRAIN CURRENTA RosjoSTATIC DRAIN TO SOURCE RESISTANCEQ fv eine 0 +F+ 2 8 4 o 5S WW 1 2 2&8 30 35 t : VosDRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGEV 1)DRAIN CURRENTA . PCw4icr POLMZ0F Figure 4 Temperature Variation of Gate to Figure 3 Transfer Characteristics Source Threshold Voltage 28 1.3 w g 24 5 1.2 8 t 2 dt z & = Zn # 3 58 g a a z So z o 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 50 0 50 100 180 VosGATE TO SOURCE VOLTAGEV T.JUNCTION TEMPERATUREC PCIE PORS IF Figure 6 Gate to Source Voltage vs Figure 5 Capacitance vs Drain to Source Voltage Total Gate Charge 103 24 : 7 20 w 2 no i. gs g rf Zz 9 < tot 512 oS oO < n oa < o Oo . r 8 J # 2 3 Tor 2 ' oO 2 * 408 5 10 15 20 25 30 Vps-ORAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGEV Q,TOTAL GATE CHARGEnc PCI A40F PCINasOF 2-45~ vemrmercecnct cms ALY pe BP sycan74 00274633 2 i 3469674 FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR 84D 27833 D | FMP20N05 | FMP18N05 T-39-11 Typical Performance Curves (Cont.) Figure 7 Forward Biased Safe Operating Area Figure & Transient Thermal Resistance vs Time 10 z i Be a F 4 & BS B 10 wes Pe z 26 = 8 0. = aos 4 he b 4 1! 2 Duty Feetor, D = + or honing pees Taman = Te + Pa x Ze 108 to-1 10 z : 10 2 10 10-1 4 108 * tot 10 103 VisORAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGEV tTIMEms PCIL460F POIaTor Typical Electrical Characteristics Figure 9 Switching Test Circuit Figure 10 Switching Waveforms Vin Voo ton) RL PULSE GENERATOR Your OUTPUT, Vour i INVERTED out INPUT, Vin 10% cROLESOF PULSE wore tt} WFOO600F 2-46 |