Communication and Control Cable
Letter ÒQÓ In Stock Number Indicates Direct Factory Shipment To You ALLIED
Multipair, Foil Shield Low Cap. Cable
Stranded tinned copper conductors, aluminum/polyester foil
shield. Drain wire is stranded tinned copper. Gray PVC jacket.
Insulation: Color coded polyethylene. Operating Temperature:
Ð20¡C to 80¡C. 300 V-CM. UL Listed Type CM, UL AWM Style
2919, CSA PCC FT1.
24 AWG 7/32
Mfr.Õs No. of Jacket Nom.
Type Pairs Thickness O.D.
100' 500' 1000'
No. EACH Stock
No. EACH Stock
6301 6 0.035" 0.342" Ñ Ñ 708Q5279 264.12 708Q5280 480.20
6304 12
0.035" 0.445" 708-5281 105.12 708Q5282 459.88 708Q5283 836.16
6316 2 0.045" 0.343" 708-2446 57.79 708Q2447 287.35 708Q2448 522.44
6317 3 0.045" 0.356" 708-2449 74.95 708Q2450 374.75 708Q2451 681.36
6318 4 0.045" 0.388" 708-2452 91.98 708Q2453 459.88 708Q2454 836.16
6319 5 0.045" 0.413" 708-2455 117.34 708Q2456 586.70 708Q2457 1066.72
6320 6 0.045" 0.446" 708-2458 138.54 708Q2459 692.72 708Q2460 1259.50
6321 7 0.045" 0.446" Ñ Ñ 708Q2462 798.11 708Q2463 1451.11
6322 8 0.045" 0.479" 708Q2464 180.81 Ñ Ñ 708Q2466 821.84
6323 10 0.045" 0.584" 708Q2467 201.90 708Q2468 1009.53 708Q2469 1835.50
6324 15 0.060" 0.665" 708Q2470 328.73 708Q2471 1643.67 708Q2472 2988.49
6325 18 0.060" 0.686" 708Q2473 540.23 708Q2474 2701.16 708Q2475 4911.21
6326 25 0.060" 0.862" 708Q2476 645.88 708Q2477 3229.38 708Q2478 5871.62
Multipair, Individually Foil Shielded
Power Limited Tray Cable
Stranded tinned copper conductors. Individually foil shielded
pairs. Drain wire is stranded tinned copper. Gray PVC jacket.
Insulation: Color coded PVC. Operating Temperature: Ð20¡C to
105¡C. 300 V. UL Type CM/PLTC, CSA PCC FT4.
22 AWG 7/30
Mfr.Õs No. of Jacket Nom.
Type Pairs Thickness O.D.
500' 1000'
No. EACH Stock
6434 2 0.043" 0.315" 708Q2379 179.83 708Q2380 326.88
6435 3 0.043" 0.331" 708Q2382 228.34 708Q2383 415.16
6436 4 0.043" 0.360" 708Q2385 292.60 708Q2386 531.99
6437 6 0.053" 0.437" 708Q2388 453.68 708Q2389 824.86
6438 9 0.053" 0.500" 708Q2391 686.62 708Q2392 1248.41
6439 11 0.053" 0.551" 708Q2394 805.92 708Q2395 1465.39
6440 19 0.063" 0.686" 708Q2397 1313.47 708Q2398 2388.14
6441 51 0.075" 1.050" 708Q2400 3283.58 708Q2401 6567.17
18 AWG 19/30
6442 2 0.043" 0.380" 708Q2402 354.14 708Q2403 7258.86
6443 3 0.053" 0.423" 708Q2405 449.29 708Q2406 816.89
6444 4 0.053" 0.486" 708Q2408 585.83 708Q2409 1065.16
6445 6 0.053" 0.538" 708Q2411 894.07 708Q2412 1625.58
6446 9 0.063" 0.650" 708Q2414 1267.96 708Q2415 2305.37
6447 11 0.063" 0.727" 708Q2417 1477.65 708Q2418 2686.66
6448 15 0.063" 0.806" 708Q2420 2145.53 708Q2421 3900.98
Stranded tinned copper conductors. Individually foil shielded pairs. Drain wire is 22 AWG stranded
tinned copper. Gray PVC jacket. Insulation: Color coded SR-PVC. Operating Temperature: Ð20¡C to
80¡C. 300 V. UL Type CM, UL AWM Style 2464, CSA PCC FT4.
20 AWG 7/28
6416 2 0.041" 0.301" 708Q2423 204.92 708Q2424 438.71
Stranded tinned copper conductors. Individually foil shielded pairs. Drain wire is stranded tinned copper.
Black high-density polyethylene jacket. Insulation: Color coded polypropylene. Voltage Rating: 350 V.
20 AWG 7/28
6314 3 0.040" 0.340" 708Q2426 401.94 708Q2427 730.82
6315 6 0.045" 0.455" 708Q2429 885.87 708Q2430 1691.20
Stranded tinned copper conductors. Individually foil shielded pairs. Drain wire is stranded tinned copper.
Insulation: Color coded polyethylene. Gray PVC jacket. Operating Temperature: Ð20¡C to 80¡C. 300 V-
CM 30 V-AWM. UL Type CM, UL AWM Style 2919 CSA PCC FT1.
24 AWG 7/32
Mfr.Õs No. of Jacket Nom.
Type Pairs Thickness O.D.
100' 500' 1000'
No. EACH Stock
No. EACH Stock
6385 3 0.035" 0.255" 708-2431 38.11 708Q2432 190.54 708Q2433 346.41
6386 6 0.035" 0.330" 708-2434 67.65 708Q2435 338.21 708Q2436 614.95
6387 9 0.035" 0.383" 708-2437 99.39 708Q2438 496.94 708Q2439 903.53
6388 12 0.035" 0.428" 708-2440 137.39 708Q2441 750.07 708Q2442 1248.98
6389 25 0.035" 0.636" 708Q2443 422.89 708Q2444 2114.48 708Q2445 3844.51
Multipair, Individually Shielded with Overall Foil/Braid Shield
Low Capacitance Cable
Fire Alarm Cable, Unshielded
Solid bare copper conductors. Color coded PVC insulated, red
PVC jacket. Operating Temperature: Ð20¡C to 60¡C. Rated:
300 V. UL Type: FPLR. Riser rated. California State Fire Marshal
Approved. Applications: Addressable and analog fire alarm
systems, smoke detector daisy chaining, voice EVAC systems and
power limited control systems.
Stock Mfr.Õs AWG No. of Jacket Nom.
No. Type Size Cond. Thickness O.D.
1000' COIL
708-2700 8901R 18 2 0.015" 0.14" 70.10 64.26
708-2702 8902R 18 4 0.015" 0.17" 118.78 108.89
708-2704 8903R 16 2 0.015" 0.19" 93.47 85.68
708Q2706 8904R 16 4 0.015" 0.22" 183.04 167.79
708-2708 8905R 14 2 0.018" 0.21" 147.99 135.66
708Q2710 8907R 12 2 0.018" 0.24" 206.41 189.21
Fire Alarm Cable, Foil Shielded
Solid bare copper conductors. Color coded PVC insulated, red
PVC jacket. Aluminum polyester (100%) shielded with drain
wire. Operating Temperature: Ð20¡C to 60¡C. Rated: 300 V.
UL Type: FPLR. Riser rated. California State Fire Marshal
Approved. Applications: Addressable and analog fire alarm
systems, smoke detector daisy chaining, voice EVAC systems
and power limited control systems.
708-2712 8908R 18 2 0.02" 0.17" 93.47 85.68
708-2714 8910R 18 4 0.02" 0.20" 146.05 133.88
708-2716 8911R 16 2 0.02" 0.19" 120.73 110.67
708Q2718 8912R 16 4 0.02" 0.22" 200.57 183.86
708-2720 8913R 14 2 0.02" 0.23" 173.31 158.87
Fire Alarm Cable, Plenum-Rated, Unshielded
Solid bare copper conductors. Color coded plenum-rated PVC
insulation, plenum-rated red PVC jacket. Operating Temperature: Ð20¡C
to 60¡C. Rated: 300 V. UL Type: FPLP. California State Fire Marshal
Approved. Applications: Addressable and analog fire alarm systems,
smoke detector daisy chaining, voice EVAC systems and power limited
control systems.
Fire Alarm Cable, Plenum-Rated, Foil Shielded
Solid bare copper conductors. Aluminum polyester
(100%) shield. Color coded plenum-rated insulation,
plenum-rated red PVC jacket. Operating Temperature:
Ð20¡C to 60¡C. Rated: 300 V. UL Type: FPLP. California
Fire Marshal Approved. Application: Addressable and
analog fire alarm systems, smoke detector daisy chaining,
voice EVAC systems and power limited control systems.
708-2734 8908P 18 2 0.014" 0.14" 132.41 121.38
708Q2736 8910P 18 4 0.014" 0.16" 202.52 185.64
708Q2738 8911P 16 2 0.014" 0.16" 179.15 164.22
708Q2740 8912P 16 4 0.014" 0.19" 284.30 260.61
708Q2742 8913P 14 2 0.014" 0.19" 234.60 215.05
24 AWG 7/32
Mfr.Õs No. of Jacket Nom.
Type Pairs Thickness O.D.
100' 500' 1000'
No. EACH Stock
No. EACH Stock
Stranded tinned copper conductors. Individually foil shielded pairs with overall foil/65% coverage tinned
copper braid. Drain wire is stranded tinned copper. Gray PVC jacket. Insulation: Color-coded foam
polyethylene. Operating Temperature: Ð20¡C to 60¡C. 300 V (UL Type CM) UL AWM Style 2493 Ñ not
specified. CSA PCC FT1.
Stock Mfr.Õs AWG No. of Jacket Nom.
No. Type Size Cond. Thickness O.D.
1000' COIL
708-2722 8901P 18 2 0.014" 0.14" 109.05 99.96
708Q2724 8902P 18 4 0.014" 0.16" 184.99 169.58
708-2726 8903P 16 2 0.014" 0.16" 153.83 141.01
708Q2728 8904P 16 4 0.014" 0.19" 253.15 232.05
708Q2730 8905P 14 2 0.014" 0.19" 200.57 183.86
708Q2732 8907P 12 2 0.014" 0.22" 274.57 251.69
Stock Mfr.Õs AWG No. of Jacket Nom.
No. Type Size Cond. Thickness O.D.
1000' COIL
Stock Mfr.Õs AWG No. of Jacket Nom.
No. Type Size Cond. Thickness O.D.
1000' COIL