EngineerZone AnalogDialogue Log In Wiki Resources and Tools Education Content Wiki Help Wiki Tools search wiki The most recent version of this page is a draft. This version (06 Mar 2018 14:42) was approved by AdrianC. The Previously approved version (28 Jun 2017 13:59) is available. This is an old revision of the document! AD-FMCADC5-EBZ FMC Board Table of Contents Introduction The AD-FMCADC5-EBZ is a high speed single channel data acquisition board featuring two AD9625 ADCs. The board is provisioned to sample the single input at an effective sampling rate of 5GSPS, with both the ADCs running at 2.5GHz and sampling at both edges (the clocks are 180 out of phase to each other). The board is a variant of AD-FMCADC5-EBZ FMC Board Introduction Hardware Devices Clocking Analog Front End Running No-OS Application & Achieving Interleaving at 5GSPS FSF-AD15000A from Fidus Systems Inc. Although this board does meet most of the FMC specifications, it is not meant as a commercial off the shelf (COTS) board. If a commercial, ready to go integrate product is required, please refer to one of the many FMC manufacturers. ADI also provides reference designs (HDL and software) for this board to work with commonly available Altera and Xilinx development boards. Hardware The AD-FMCADC5-EBZ is a double FMC wide board and requires two fully populated (transceivers mainly) FMC connectors on the carrier (such as VC707). The board's primary purpose is to demonstrate the capabilities of the devices on board quickly and easily by providing a seamless interface to an FMC carrier platform and running the reference design on the carrier FPGA. The board is designed to self power and self clock when connected to the FMC carrier. The analog signal is connected to J18. Building & Running the NoOS Application Interleaving (HDL) Interleaving (SW) Making & Breaking Modifications Downloads (Hardware) Downloads (HDL) FMCADC5 Help & Support No-OS Software Source Downloads (Linux) Devices The FMC board includes the following products by Analog Devices: AD9625 12-bit single channel ADC with sampling speeds of up to 2500 MSPS, with a JESD204B digital interface. Clocking The AD-FMCADC5-EBZ uses a 2.5GHz crystal. The two AD9625 devices are clocked from the same clock source, but 180 degrees out of phase. Analog Front End Running No-OS Application & Achieving Interleaving at 5GSPS Building & Running the No-OS Application The HDL reference design is built around a processor as in an embedded system. You may use either Linux or No-OS software to demonstrate the design (details in the downloads section). In order to run the HDL with the No-OS application, one need to build the HDL bit file and software elf file. The HDL user guide contains the instructions to build the bit file. Please make sure you use the latest release branch (checkout right after cloning). Once the bit file is ready, follow these instructions to build the elf file. This assumes you are following our directory structures. If you are not, just get the idea from here and port it to your environment. However you have to figure out things on your own. 1. Clone No-OS repository 2. Checkout the latest release branch (git checkout 2018_R1) 3. Change the directory to ad-fmcadc5-ebz/vc707. 4. Make the elf file by running make HDF-FILE= /projects/fmcadc5/vc707/fmcadc5_vc707.sdk/system_top.hdf The make will build the default 'hello-world', but we only need the bsp and I am no fan of eclipse, hence this method. If you are more comfortable with the GUI, import all the files (or folders) that the make uses. A typical run looks like this: [~/github/noos/adfmcadc5ebz/vc707]> make HDFFILE=~/github/hdl/projects/fmcadc5/vc707/fmcadc5_vc707.sdk/system_top.hdf xsct s ../../scripts/xilinx_xsct.tcl ~/github/hdl/projects/fmcadc5/vc707/fmcadc5_vc707.sdk/system_top.hdf >> xilinx_xsct.log 2 >&1 mbgcc Wall mlittleendian mxlsoftmul mcpu=v9.2 mxlsoftmul DXILINX Ibsp/sys_mb/include I.. I../../common_drivers/x ilinx_platform_drivers I../../common_drivers/jesd204b_gt I../../common_drivers/jesd204b_v51 I../../common_drivers/adc_core I../../drivers/ad9625 Os ffunctionsections fdatasections o vc707.elf sw/src/platform.c ../ad_fmcadc5_ebz.c ../../common_d rivers/xilinx_platform_drivers/platform_drivers.c ../../common_drivers/jesd204b_gt/jesd204b_gt.c ../../common_drivers/jesd204b_ v51/jesd204b_v51.c ../../common_drivers/adc_core/adc_core.c ../../drivers/ad9625/ad9625.c Lbsp/sys_mb/lib/ Tsw/src/lscript.ld Wl,startgroup,lxil,lgcc,lc,endgroup Start an UART terminal. [USB0] port = /dev/ttyUSB0 speed = 115200 bits = 8 stopbits = 1 parity = none crlfauto = True ## if not set, expect nonaligned text [~/github/noos/adfmcadc5ebz/vc707]> gtkterm c USB0 & The folder contains a vc707.tcl file that you can launch with xmd. You can also run it using Vivado or SDK - up to you. [~/github/noos/adfmcadc5ebz/vc707]> xmd tcl vc707.tcl rlwrap: warning: your $TERM is 'xterm' but rlwrap couldn't find it in the terminfo database. Expect some problems. Xilinx Microprocessor Debugger (XMD) Engine XMD v2015.2 (64bit) SW Build 1266856 on Fri Jun 26 16:35:25 MDT 2015 ** Copyright 19862015 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Executing user script : vc707.tcl Configuring Device 1 (xc7vx485t) with Bitstream hw/system_top.bit ..............................10..............................20..............................30............................... .......................10..............................20..............................30...................................... ................10..............................20..............................30............................................. .........10..............................20..............................30.................................................... ..10..............................20..............................30..............................40........................... ...50..............................60..............................70..............................................10.......... ....................20..............................30..............................40..............................50......... .....................60..............................70..............................................10........................ ......20..............................30..............................40..............................50....................... .......60..............................70..............................80..............................90...................... ........Done Successfully downloaded bit file. JTAG chain configuration Device ID Code IR Length Part Name 1 23687093 6 xc7vx485t JTAG chain configuration Device ID Code IR Length Part Name 1 23687093 6 xc7vx485t MicroBlaze Processor Configuration : Version............................9.5 Optimization.......................Performance Interconnect.......................AXILE MMU Type...........................Full_MMU No of PC Breakpoints...............1 No of Read Addr/Data Watchpoints...0 No of Write Addr/Data Watchpoints..0 Instruction Cache Support..........on Instruction Cache Base Address.....0x80000000 Instruction Cache High Address.....0xbfffffff Data Cache Support.................on Data Cache Base Address............0x80000000 Data Cache High Address............0xbfffffff Exceptions Support................on FPU Hard Divider Support...............on Hard Multiplier Support............on (Mul64) Barrel Shifter Support.............on MSR clr/set Instruction Support....on Compare Instruction Support........on PVR Supported......................on PVR Configuration Type.............Full Data Cache Writeback Fault Tolerance Stack Protection Connected to "mb" target. id = 0 Starting GDB server for "mb" target (id = 0) at TCP port no 1234 Processor stopped System Reset .... DONE Downloading Program vc707.elf section, .vectors.reset: 0x000000000x00000007 section, .vectors.sw_exception: 0x000000080x0000000f section, .vectors.interrupt: 0x000000100x00000017 section, .vectors.hw_exception: 0x000000200x00000027 section, .text: 0x800000000x800069fb section, .init: 0x800069fc0x80006a2f section, .fini: 0x80006a300x80006a4b section, .ctors: 0x80006a4c0x80006a53 section, .dtors: 0x80006a540x80006a5b section, .rodata: 0x80006a5c0x8000723f section, .data: 0x800072400x8000746f section, .eh_frame: 0x800074700x800074fb section, .jcr: 0x800074fc0x800074ff section, .bss: 0x800075000x8000762b section, .heap: 0x8000762c0x80007a2f section, .stack: 0x80007a300x80007e2f Download Progress.. Setting PC with Program Start Address 0x00000000 Processor started. Type "stop" to stop processor RUNNING> Disconnected from Target 0 [~/github/noos/adfmcadc5ebz/vc707]> The following messages should appear on the terminal. AD9625 successfully initialized. AD9625 successfully initialized. JESD204B successfully initialized. JESD204B successfully initialized. SYSREF Calibration Successful[4] ADC Core Initialized (157 MHz). ADC Core Initialized (157 MHz). Initialization done. Capture done. And should be seeing this on the ILA. Let's dissect all this. Interleaving (HDL) A brief introduction to interleaving, everyone knows this but we will start with it anyway. We have two AD9625 devices running at 2.5Gbps, but the clocks to the devices are 180 degrees out of phase. In other words, the input signal is sampled by the first ADC at the rising edges of the 2.5GHz clock. The same signal is sampled by the second ADC at the falling edges of the "conceptually same" clock. That is an effective sampling rate of 5GSPS. All the user needs to do is interleave these two samples. That sounds easy, but there are some challenges. A word of caution (or disclaimer), this interleaving inherently has some performance factors outside of what we are discussing here. There are two major factors, first the jitter on the sampling clocks. Second, the gain and phase variations at the input. The devices itself may also have encoding skew. Some of these may be filtered or compensated by post processing the samples. I can not go into the details here, just keep in mind that we are not talking about these things. Here our focus is in understanding the FPGA design and how to achieve interleaving - not the performance effects. If we look at the data path of the devices independently (see block diagram above), we can see that alignment and deskew happens at various stages. The transceivers perform deskew and alignment of bits (comma character alignment and 10B to 8B conversion), the JESD-IP then aligns individual lanes and outputs data with a fixed latency using SYSREF. The SYSREF resets the LMFC, thus the receiver knows from the time it receives the SYSREF pulse to the first received ILA data the latency of the system. After this the samples hit the AD9625 core. The cores receives two samples from each of the devices. Now it needs to know which samples goes first (in time) and which one follows it. That is, the samples are to be interleaved in the same order they were sampled in absolute time. Ideally being a JESD204B subclass-1 devices using SYSREF should have been sufficient to do this. The SYSREF is the "absolute" reference for all the concerned transmit and receive devices. However, for practical reasons, SYSREF is seldom used as a clock but as data and is sampled by the concerned parties at their own clock. A robust method is to identify, at the receiving device, the exact sample at which (or immediately after) the device sampled SYSREF. So the AD9625 supports a mode in which a time stamp is attached to the samples. The details of which are in the data sheet. The FPGA design simply uses this time stamp and knows the exact sample at which the devices sampled SYSREF. The design implements this by aligning samples across the 16-sample data per device per clock. After which, data is written to a small FIFO with the write pointer reset by the SYSREF time stamp. A common read pointer is then used to read the samples. The FIFO supports deskewing of upto 8 samples. The ADC pack simply interleaves these samples assuming device-0 is first in order. The software need to make sure that device-0 always samples SYSREF half a clock ahead of device-1. This is done with a calibration routine. The AD9625 supports time stamp insertion at the LSB of the sample (and is the ONLY option in certain lane configurations). This changes the devices to 11-bit converters. The HDL design does NOT support this. It supports time stamp insertion in the CS bits ONLY. The converter resolution remain as 12-bit. If you would prefer the LSB option, you need to change both HDL and software. Interleaving (SW) The software programs both the devices and the GPIO, transceivers and IP cores in FPGA. The default transceiver setup only supports singlechip, single-link configuration. It also does not take into account that a single SYSREF controls both the devices and transceivers. The default routine is therefore modified to leave the transceivers up and running but the data path is held under reset. This is required, because the AD9625 does NOT always wait for SYSREF to start the ILA phase after CGS. The second SYSREF may reset the LMFC, but in its absence ILA phase is initiated. This is the section of the code where the initial setup is done. The setup and calibration of interleaving follows this. if (adc5_gpio_ctl(GPIO_DEVICE_ID)) return 1; ad9625_setup(XPAR_SPI_0_DEVICE_ID, 0); ad9625_setup(XPAR_SPI_0_DEVICE_ID, 1); jesd204b_gt_initialize(XPAR_AXI_FMCADC5_0_GT_BASEADDR, 8); jesd204b_setup(XPAR_AXI_AD9625_0_JESD_BASEADDR, jesd204b_st); jesd204b_gt_setup_modified(jesd204b_gt_link); jesd204b_gt_initialize(XPAR_AXI_FMCADC5_1_GT_BASEADDR, 8); jesd204b_setup(XPAR_AXI_AD9625_1_JESD_BASEADDR, jesd204b_st); jesd204b_gt_setup_modified(jesd204b_gt_link); The devices need to be re-programmed to support interleaving. The sequence below enables the SYSREF time stamping in the CS bits it also programs the monitoring of SYSREF signals for setup/hold violations at the 2.5GHz clock. This is required to ensure that the sampling order is correct. This is only the programming sequence, nothing happened in the hardware yet. ad9625_spi_write(0, ad9625_spi_write(0, ad9625_spi_write(0, ad9625_spi_write(1, ad9625_spi_write(1, ad9625_spi_write(1, 0x072, 0x03a, 0x0ff, 0x072, 0x03a, 0x0ff, 0x8b); 0x02); 0x01); 0x8b); 0x02); 0x01); If starting from reset, the devices are in CGS at this time. The AD9625 may initiate a ILA as soon as it sees SYNC deasserted regardless of SYSREF. So we need to make sure that the link is down and the data path is in reset before synchronization. This does NOT mean a complete shut down. The clocks are still running and PLLs remain locked. The routines below may be used to bring the data path down and up again. They also monitor the status of the transceiver lanes so that they remain active. The following routine resets the data path and keeps SYNC asserted. The SYSREF is NOT active. gtlink_control(0); if (gtlink_sysref(0, 0xffff) != 0) { xil_printf("[%05d]: Interleaving Synchronization Failed, Exiting!!\n", LINE); return(1); } The following routine brings the data path out of reset and deasserts SYNC. The SYSREF is set and status is checked for all data lanes to be active and in SYNC. gtlink_control(1); if (gtlink_sysref(1, 0x1ffff) != 0) { xil_printf("[%05d]: Interleaving Synchronization Failed, Exiting!!\n", LINE); return(1); } The software calibration essentially moves in and out of these two routines each time making sure that SYSREF is sampled by the devices in order. The device-0 samples SYSREF at its rising edge (the rising edge of the "conceptual clock"), device-1 samples SYSREF at its rising edge after that (the falling edge of the "conceptual clock"). The software moves the SYSREF until it sees a violation on the signal by device-0 but NOT device-1. The setup window is set such that this still does NOT cause an actual violation so that device-0 samples the signal correctly. The routine only needs to look at setup violations. There may be hold violations, but this can be ignored. The SYSREF is generated at 156.25MHz clock and is sampled at 2.5GHz, which means a SYSREF pulse remains asserted for 16 cycles of its sampling clock. In other words, setup and hold can NOT be violated in the same sampling edge. ad9625_sysref_sw_calibrate(); After calibration, the software brings the cores out of reset. As a measure of the link status, it monitors the PRBS sequences and makes sure that they were synchronized between the devices and the cores. adc_setup(ad9625_0, 1); adc_setup(ad9625_1, 1); ad9625_spi_write(0, AD9625_REG_TEST_CNTRL, 0x5); ad9625_spi_write(0, AD9625_REG_OUTPUT_MODE, 0x0); ad9625_spi_write(0, AD9625_REG_TRANSFER, 0x1); ad9625_spi_write(1, AD9625_REG_TEST_CNTRL, 0x5); ad9625_spi_write(1, AD9625_REG_OUTPUT_MODE, 0x0); ad9625_spi_write(1, AD9625_REG_TRANSFER, 0x1); if (adc_pn_mon(ad9625_0, 1, ADC_PN23A) != 0) return(1); if (adc_pn_mon(ad9625_1, 1, ADC_PN23A) != 0) return(1); The devices are set to disable the test patterns and data format is set to 2's complement with sign extension. The ILA core is 16bits samples and the format must be signed decimal to display analog signal correctly. ad9625_spi_write(0, ad9625_spi_write(0, ad9625_spi_write(0, adc_write(ad9625_0, AD9625_REG_TEST_CNTRL, 0x0); AD9625_REG_OUTPUT_MODE, 0x1); AD9625_REG_TRANSFER, 0x1); ADC_REG_CHAN_CNTRL(0), 0x51); ad9625_spi_write(1, ad9625_spi_write(1, ad9625_spi_write(1, adc_write(ad9625_1, AD9625_REG_TEST_CNTRL, 0x0); AD9625_REG_OUTPUT_MODE, 0x1); AD9625_REG_TRANSFER, 0x1); ADC_REG_CHAN_CNTRL(0), 0x51); Making & Breaking The design instantiates an ILA core that rolls out the interleaved 512 samples per clock to just 1 sample per clock. This helps us to understand the interleaving order issues, if any. The plots below are when things work as expected. 1. The ILA waveform as it is. 2. The sine wave zoomed in between -1 to 1. 3. The same above with values zoomed in, notice that all the samples are in increasing order. 4. At the zero crossing with values zoomed in, again samples are in increasing order. In order to better understand the interleaving order issues, we could break the system. The calibrate function may be replaced or immediately followed by the following routine to cause a violation. while (1) { gtlink_control(0); if (gtlink_sysref(0, 0xffff) != 0) { xil_printf("[%05d]: Interleaving Synchronization Failed, Exiting!!\n", LINE); return(1); } gtlink_control(1); if (gtlink_sysref(1, 0x1ffff) != 0) { xil_printf("[%05d]: Interleaving Synchronization Failed, Exiting!!\n", LINE); return(1); } if (ad9625_sysref_status() != 0) break; } If it failed, the plots will show samples out of order. 1. The ILA waveform as it is. 2. The sine wave zoomed in between -1 to 1, notice the "saw-tooth" created by out of order samples. 3. The same above with values zoomed in, notice that the alternative samples are swapped, but within themselves they maintain the increasing order. 4. At the zero crossing with values zoomed in, again alternative samples are out of order. And higher frequencies1. Around 900+ MHz. 2. Around 66+ MHz. If interleaving is in correct order, it may still appear to be out of order. This is due to the differences in the offset and gain parameters. It should be less visible when the input gradient is high but at the peaks must be clearly visible. Here is the plot with interleaving in-order. 1. Interleaved signal 2. Zoom in the window below- 3. The samples are in order. 4. Zoom in the window at the peak below- 5. The samples are in order, but appear to be out of order. Modifications An alternative to software calibration is to use a calibration signal (connector J15) and let the HDL make the decision. This is in the works and I will update this section shortly. Downloads (Hardware) Downloads (HDL) FMCADC5 Hardware Project AD-FMCADC5-EBZ fmcadc5 Carriers Library Cores vc707 axi_ad9625 axi_adxcvr axi_dmac axi_fmcadc5_sync axi_jesd204_common axi_jesd204_rx jesd204_common jesd204_rx util_adcfifo util_adxcvr util_axis_fifo util_cdc Help & Support The carriers (abbrevations can be found here) are commonly available FPGA evaluation boards. The HDL user guide contains all the documentation, build instructions and register map tables. The following quick links allows you to browse the github repository for a list of current components, and branches, library projects. Questions? We can help with FPGA questions, Linux driver questions, No-OS Drivers questions. No-OS Software Source AD-FMCADC5-EBZ No- OS - Downloads (Linux) /srv/ * Last modified: 20 Mar 2018 17:03 by AdrianC Ahead of What's Possible 15,000 4,700+ 125,000 50+ Problem Solvers Patents Customers Years ADI enables our customers to interpret the world around us by intelligently bridging the physical and digital with unmatched technologies that sense, measure and connect. We collaborate with our customers to accelerate the pace of innovation and create breakthrough solutions that are ahead of what's possible. See the Innovations Analog Devices. Dedicated to solving the toughest engineering challenges. SOCIAL QUICK LINKS LANGUAGES NEWSLETTER Interested in the latest news and articles about ADI products, design tools, training and events? Choose from one of our 12 newsletters that match your product area of interest, delivered monthly or quarterly to your inbox. 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