90 tycao CHAMP Interconnection System Electronics CHAMP IDC Connector Specifications Plug Style PSPlug, Screw Lock (Thick Flange)! [4.88] Max. 4-40 UNC-2B {2 Holes} | | __ C Min. __ nd a 6 (058 | A Ret Receptacle Style RSReceptacle, Screw or Bail Lock (Thick Flange)1 495... +2014 oes B [zoe] al fr oe, Centers 4-40 UNC-2B (2 Holes) IThick flange connectors are typically for cable-to-cable screw lock applications. Style PBPlug, Bail Lock E (ie. 28) 690 (17.53) Max. Style RPReceptacle, Panel Mount, Screw or Bail Lock (Thin Flange)2 192, [4.88] Dia. Holes) Ret F Max. 2Thin flange connectors are typically for panel mount applications. No. of Dimensions Positions A B Cc D E F G H 14 1.750 1.416 1.001 1.526 1.196 1.000 644 401 44.45 35.97 25.43 38.76 30.38 25.40 16.36 10.19 2A 2.175 4.842 1.426 1.951 1.621 1.425 646 825 55.25 46.79 36.22 49.56 41.17 36.20 16.41 20.96 26 2.685 2.352 1.936 2.462 2.132 1.935 1.118 854 68.20 59.74 49.17 62.53 54.15 49.15 28.40 21.69 50 3.280 2.946 2.531 3.056 2.726 2.530 1.123 1.461 83.31 74.83 64.29 77.62 69.24 64.26 28.52 37.11 64 3.875 3.542 3.126 3.651 3.321 3.125 1.608 1.562 98.43 89.97 79.40 92.74 84,35 79.38 40.84 39.67 Note: These dimensions apply to all mating faces of all types of CHAMP Connectors. No. of Wire Size Housing Contact Part Numbers Positions Solid 7 Strand Color Dot Letter Plug Receptacle AWG mm AWG mm2 Des. Code Style PS Style PB Style RS Style RP 14 552300-1 = = 24 552301-1 552317-1 552305-1 2-552322-1 36 22 0.65 22 0.40 Green Cc 552318-1 50 552173+1 552319-1 552064-1 2-552324-1 64 552303-1 552320-1 552307-1 = 14 552262-1 552270-1 552312-1 2-552271-1 24 552283-1 5522721 552313+1 2-552273-1 36 24-26 ooo 24 0.20 Blue B 552284-1 552274-1 552314-1 2-552275-1 50 229974-1 552032-1 229975-1 2-552001-1 64 552285-1 552276-1 552315-1 2-552277-1 24 552443-1 552469-1 2-552474-1 36 0.14, 0.10, 552444-1 552470-1 2-552475-1 50 _ 26-27-28 9.09 Yellow E 5523901 552471-1 552301-1 = 64 552488-1 _ _ Notes: 1. A panel mount 50-position plug connector is available in thin flange with .187 [4.75] diameter mounting hole, Part Number 552686-1, which has B slot contacts. 2. Style RP is not compatible with integral locking latch receptacle. For thin flange panel mount plug connectors all standard mounting hardware may be utilized with the exception of bail lock mounting hardware. 3. Acceptable conductor insulations are polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene, irradiated polyethylene, polypropylene and TEFLON. Maximum insu- lation diameter .045 [1.14] for tools that mass terminate conductors on one side at a time. For tools that insert one conductor per side at a time, .043 [1.09] insulation diameter is the maximum. As a rule, harder insulations require smaller conductor insulation diameters. TEFLON is a trademark of E. |. du Pont de Nemours and Company. Catalog 1-1773441-4 Issued 10-05 Dimensions are in inches and millimeters unless otherwise specified. Values in brackets are metric equivalents. www.tycoelectronics.com to change. Dimensions are shown for reference purposes only. Specifications subject South America: 55-11-3611-1514 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 UK: 44-141-810-8967 USA: 1-800-522-6752 Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 C. America: 52-55-5-729-0425