an MPCE may be one of several control types, including a wide variety of contactors and electromechanical valves. If your machine
documentation leaves any doubt about the proper connection points for the Interface Module output contacts, do not make any connec-
tions. Contact the machine builder for clarification regarding connection to the MPCEs.
Two-Channel Control: Two-channel control allows the Primary Safety Device to detect an unsafe failure of the control wires. Two-chan-
nel control should be used whenever unsafe failure of the control wires cannot be eliminated.
The outputs of the primary safety device must at minimum, comply with the requirements described on page 5. These outputs must be
monitored for failure by the primary safety device. In addition, a single output failure cannot prevent normal stopping action, and a suc-
cessive cycle cannot be initiated until the failure has been corrected.
NOTE: NOTICE regarding MPCEs To achieve control reliability, two Machine Primary Control Elements
(MPCEs) are required to control each machine hazard. Each MPCE must be capable of immediately stopping
the dangerous machine motion, irrespective of the state of the other. Some machines offer only one primary
control element. For such machines, it is necessary to duplicate the circuit of the single MPCE to add a sec-
ond MPCE.
MPCEs must offer at least one forced-guided auxiliary contact which is wired to the monitoring contact feed-
back input of the primary safety device (see hookup diagrams).
WARNING: Interfacing MPCEs.
NEVER wire any intermediate device(s) (e.g., PLC, PES, PC), between the Interface Module outputs and
the Machine Primary Control Elements (MPCE1 to MPCE3) it switches, in such a manner that in the event
of a failure there is the loss of the safety stop command, OR in such a manner that the safety function can
be suspended, overridden, or defeated, unless accomplished with the same or greater degree of safety.
Whenever forced-guided, mechanically linked relays are added as intermediate switching devices, a nor-
mally closed forced-guided monitor contact from each relay must be added to the series feedback loop
between Interface Module terminals Y1, Y2, Y3, and Y4.
Initial and Periodic Checkout Procedure
The Interface Module can be used safely only when its operation is controlled via an appropriate primary safety device, connected to the
Interface according to the wiring diagrams shown in the wiring diagrams.
CAUTION: Disconnect Power Prior to Checkout
Before performing the initial checkout procedure, make certain all power is disconnected from the
machine to be controlled.
Dangerous voltages may be present along the Safety Module wiring barriers whenever power to the ma-
chine control elements is ON. Exercise extreme caution whenever machine control power is or may
be present. Always disconnect power to the machine control elements before opening the enclo-
sure housing of the Safety Module.
The functioning of the Safety Module and the device(s) connected to it must be verified at initial installation and on a regular periodic
basis to ensure proper operation (see also the machine manufacturer's recommendations).
1. Remove the power controlling (and switched by) the machine control elements (see Caution).
2. Verify the primary safety device that will be controlling the Interface Module is operating correctly, according to its product documen-
tation and manufacturer’s recommendations.
3. Confirm proper connection of the Interface Module to the controlling primary safety device according to the wiring diagram.
4. Verify all Interface Module output contacts follow exactly the operation of the safety output contacts of the controlling primary safety
device, when the primary safety device is operated according to its product documentation and manufacturer’s recommendations.
IM-T-9A and IM-T-11A Interface Modules
8 - tel: 763-544-3164 P/N 062822 Rev. D