Altera Corporation 23
MAX 9000 Pr o grammabl e Log i c Dev ic e Fam ily D ata Sh eet
with External
MAX 9000 devices can be programmed on Windows-based PCs with an
Altera Logic Programmer card , th e Master Programmin g U nit (MPU),
and the appropr iate devi ce ad apt er . Th e MPU pe rfo r ms continuity
checking to ensure ade qua te el ectrical conta ct be tween the adapter and
the device.
fFor more informati on, see the Altera Programming Hardware Data Sheet.
The MAX+PLUS II software can u se text- or waveform-format test vectors
created with the MAX+PLUS II Text Editor or Waveform Editor to test a
program m ed device. For added desi gn verification, designers c an
perform functional testing to compare the functional behavior of a
MAX 9000 device with the results of simulation.
Data I/O, BP Microsystems, and other programming hardware
manufacturers also provi de pro gra mmi n g support for Altera devices.
fFor more informati on, see Programmi n g Hardware M anufactu rers.
1149.1 (JTAG)
MAX 9000 devices suppor t JTAG BST circuitry as sp ec ified by IE EE S td.
1149.1-1990. Table 10 describes the JTAG instructions supported by the
MAX 9000 family. The pin-out tables starting on page 38 show the
location of the JTAG control pins for each device. If the JTAG interface is
not required, the JTAG pins are available as user I/O pins.
Table 10. M AX 9000 JTAG Instructions
JTAG Instructio n Description
SAMPLE/PRELOAD Allows a snapshot of signals at the device pins to be captured and examined during
normal devic e operation, and permits an init ial dat a pat te rn out put at the dev ic e pins .
EXTEST Allows the external circuitry and board-level interconnections to be tested by forcing a test
pattern at the out put pins and c apt uring test resu lts at the inp ut pin s.
BYPASS Places the 1-bit bypass register between the TDI and TDO pins, which allows the BST
data to pass synchronously through a selected device to adjacent devices during normal
device operation.
IDC OD E Select s the IDC OD E register and plac es it betw een TDI and TDO, allo wi ng th e IDC OD E
to be shifted out of TDO. Sup port ed by th e EPM9320A, EPM 9400, EPM 9480, and
EPM956 0A dev ic es only.
UE SC OD E Selects the us er elec t ronic s ignat ure (UESC OD E) regis t er and allows the U ESC OD E t o
be shifted ou t of TDO se rially . This ins tr uc tion is supported by MAX 9000A de vices only .
ISP Instructions These instructions are used when programming MAX 9000 devices via the JTAG ports
with the BitBlas t er or By te Blas t erM V dow nload cable, or us ing a Ja m File (.jam), Jam
Byte-Co de Fi le (.jbc), or Serial Vector Format (.svf) File via an embedded processor or
test equipment.