The RC5000 serves many performance critical
embedded applications, such as high-end internet-
working systems, color printers, and graphics terminals.
The RC5000 is optimized for high-perfor mance ap pli-
cations, with special emphasis on system bandwidth and
floating point operations, through integration of high-
performan ce c omp uta tio nal un its a nd a h igh -p erfor man ce
memor y hierarchy. For this clas s of applicatio n, the result
is a relatively low-cost CPU capable of approximately 330
Dhrystone MIPS.
IDT’s objectives in offering the RC5000 include:
• Offering a high performance upgrade path to existing
embedded customers in the internetworking, office
automation and visualization markets.
• Providing a significant improvement in the floating-
point performance currently available in a moderately
priced MIPS CPU.
• Providing improvements in the memory hierarchy of
desktop systems by using large primary caches and
integrating a secondary cache controller.
• Enabling improvements in performance through the
use of the MIPS-IV ISA.
Instruction Issue Mechanism
The RC5000 recognizes two general classes of
instructions for multi-issue:
• Floating-point ALU
• All others
These instruction classes are pre-decoded by the
RC5000, as they are brought on-chip. The pre-decoded
information is stored in the instruction cache.
Assuming that there are no pending resource
conflic ts, the RC5000 can i ssue one ins tructio n per class
per pipeline clock cycle. Note that this broad separation of
classes insures that there are no data dependencies to
restrict multi-issue.
However, long-latency resources in either the floating-
point ALU (e.g. DIV or SQRT instr uctions) or instructions
in the integer unit (such as multiply) can restrict the issue
of instructions. Note that the R5000 does not perform out-
of-order or speculative execution; instead, the pipeline
slips until the required resource becomes available.
There are no alignment restrictions on dual-issue
instruction pairs. The RC5000 fetches two instructions
from the cache per cycle. Thus, for optimal performan ce,
compilers should attempt to align branch targets to allow
dual-issue on the first target cycle, since the instruction
cache only performs aligned fetches.
Instruction Set Architecture
The RC5000 implements the MIPS-IV 64-bit ISA,
including CP1 and CP1X functional units (and their
instr u cti on set).
Integer Pipeline
The RC5000 is a limited dual-issue machine that
utilizes a traditional 5-stage integer pipeline. This basic
integer pipeline of the RC5000 is illustrated in Figure 1.
The integer instruction execution speed is tabulated
(in number of pipeline clocks) as follows:
The RC5000’s short pipeline keeps the load and
branch latencies very low. The caches contain special
logic that allows any combination of loads and stores to
execute in back-to-back cycles without requiring pipeline
slips or stalls. (Thi s presu mes, of cours e, that the opera-
tion does not miss in the cache.)
Operation Latency Repeat
Load 2 1
Store 2 1
DIV/DIVU 36 36
Other Integer ALU 1 1
Branch 2 2
Jump 2 2