POWEREX INC o2 ve Wf zeqyean oona07 3 esas2r y | -e YOWEREX FT1000BV | Powerex, Inc, Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvanla 15697 (412) 925-7272 Phase Control SCR ) Powerex Europe, S.A., 428 Ave. G. Durand, BP107, 72003 LeMans, France (43) 72.75.15 1000 Amperes Avg 3000-4000 Volts Description Powerex Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCR) are designed for phase contro! applications. These are all-diffused, Press-Pak (Pow-R-Dise) devices employing the field-proven amplifying (di/namic) gate. Features: (0 Low On-State Voltage FT1000BV 1 High di/at Phase Control SCR 4000 Amperes/3000-4000 Volts 11 High dv/dt CO Hermetic Packaging (CO Excellent Surge and [t Ratings FT1000BV Applications: Outline Drawing ( Power Supplies Dimensions Inches Matric oO boty Chargers ) A 11.81 + .40 300 + 10 (1 Motor Con $B 4.016 102 (0 Light Dimmers $C 2.362 60 (1 VAR Generators 63 + .02 21+0.5 30 = 7.5 Ordering Information M5 M5 X 08 Example; Select the complete ten digit G 169 43 part number you desire from the table - 015 Min 0.4 Min i.e. FTIQOOBV-75 is a 3500 Volt, 1000 Ampere Phase Contro} SCR. Cre iam o Type Voltage Current Von Vas Coke | tr (eve) FT1Q00BV | 3000 -60 1000 3500 -75 4000 -80 oe 231coz pe Bvesueen 0003077 5 > =35-5;--- POWEREX INC POWEREX Powerex, Inc., Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennaytvania 15697 (412) 925-7272 Powerex Europe, S.A., 428 Ave. Q. Durand, BP107, 72009 LeMans, France (43) 72.75.15 FTI000BV Phase Control SCR 1000 Amperes Avg/3000-4000 Volts Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol FTigORY Unite RMS On-State Current a hevgy 1570 Amperes Average On-State Current Ire 1000 Amperes Peak One-Cycle Surge (Non Repetitive) On-State Current (60Hz) Ireu 20,000 Amperes Peak One-Cycle Surge (Non-Repetitive) On-State Current (50Hz) trex 18,250 Amperes Critical Rate-of-Rise of On-State Current (Non-Repatitive) di/dt 500 Ampores/is Critical Rate-of-Rise of On-State Current (Repetitive) di/dt 200 Ampers/us "t (for Fusing), One Cycle at 60Hz rt 1.7 X 108 Asec Peak Gate Power Dissipation Pou 10 Watts Average Gato Power Dissipation Paty 3 Watts Storage Temperature Tsta 40 to 150 Cc Operating Temperature T 40 to 126 Cc Mounting Force 5800 to 7300 Ib. Mounting Force 2700 to 3300 kg Consult recommended mounting procedures, 232POWEREX INC VOIMEREX o2 ve reqyee. oooz078 7 | it Powerex, Inc., Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 (412) 925-7272 Powerex Europe, $.A., 428 Ave. G. Durand, BP107, 72003 LeMans, France (43) 72.76.18 FT1000BV Phase Control SCR 1000 Amperes Avg/3000-4000 Volts Electrical and Thermal Characteristics Characteristics Symbol Test Conditions FTIQ00BY Units VoltageBlocking State Maximums Forward Leakage, Peak loans Ty = 125C, Voaw applied 120 mA Reverse Leakage, Peak lari Ty == 125G, Vany applied 120 mA Current--Conducting State Maximums Peak On-State Voltage Vim lt == 3200A, T, = 125C 2.80 Volts Switching Min. Critical dv/dt exponential to Vor dv/dt Ty = 425C, Vo = Vonu 1000 V/psec Thermal Maximum Thermal Resistance, double sided cooling Junction to Sink Reis 017 *C/Watt GateMaximum Parameters Gate Current to Trigger lar Vo = 6V, T, = 25C, R, = 20 250 mA Gate Voltage to Trigger Vor Vp = 6V, Ty = 25C, Ri = 20 2.5 Volts Non-Triggering Gate Voltage Vaom Ty = 125C, Vp = Von .20 Voits Peak Forward Gate Current lon 4 Amperes Peak Reverse Gate Voltage Verm 10 Volts ) Consult recommended mounting procedures, 233POWEREX INC Oa ve vequen 00030749 4 T -~-25-2, PIMEREX Powerex, Inc., Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 (412) 925-7272 Powerex Europe, S.A,, 428 Ave. G. Durand, BP107, 72003 LeMans, France (43) 72.75.15 FT1000BV Phase Control SCR 1000 Amperes Avg/3000-4000 Volts TRANSIENT THERMAL IMPEDANCE MAXIMUM ON-STATE CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS (JUNCTION TO SINK) 4,2 4 1 0.020 0,018 0.01 o 8 & wp oD _ st ~~ = Q INSTANTANEOUS ON-STATE VOLTAGE, Vy. (VOLTS) S TRANSIENT THERMAL IMPEDANCE, Za, (C/WATT) o 10? 103 104 INSTANTANEOUS ON-STATE CURRENT, In, (AMPERES) TIME, (SECONDS) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SINK TEMPERATURE MAXIMUM ON-STATE POWER DISSIPATION (SINUSOIDAL WAVEFORM) (SINUSOIDAL WAVEFORM) 1 B 1 ; . = uy ard j & 2 1750 e E S 1250 c 8 1000 5 750 : ; 5 g & LOAD 5 INDUCTIVE LO = = 250 V 24 AVERAGE ON-STATE CURRENT, brew (AMPERES) AVERAGE ON-STATE CURRENT, trea (AMPERES) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SINK TEMPERATURE MAXIMUM ON-STATE POWER DISSIPATION (RECTANGULAR WAVEFORM) (RECTANGULAR WAVEFORM) 130 g 4000 & 120 g ff ty 110 j 3000 c a g 100 Z 2500 wi E = 90 fo B 8 40 fc 1500 ao 3 70 : 1 3 3 = 60 = 500 50 3 0 0 0 234 AVERAGE ON-STATE CURRENT, Ines, (AMPERES) AVERAGE ON-STATE CURRENT, lrg, (AMPERES)POWEREX INC POOWMEREX Powerex, Inc., Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 (412) 925-7272 G2 bef 7294421 coo3080 5 5 {> Pra 2 Powerex Europe, S.A., 428 Ave. G. Durand, BP107, 72003 LeMans, France (43) 72.76.15 FTi000BV Phase Control SCR 1000 Amperes Avg/3000-4000 Volts MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SURGE ON-STATE CURRENT (NON-REPETITIVE) HALF SINE ON-STATE CURRENT, lreax, (AMPERES) CYCLES AT 60 HZ TURN-OFF TIME VS, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (TYPICAL) 800 t = di/dt= Va=100V dv/dt=20V/us 500 TURN-OFF TIME, toa, (4890) JUNCTION TEMPERATURE, T,, (C) HOLDING CURRENT (TYPICAL) 400 Vo=6V 350 ANCE 300 250 200 150 100 HOLDING CURRENT, I, (mA) 50 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE, T,, (C) LATCHING CURRENT, 1, (mA) TURN-OFF TIME, tow (u3e) BREAKOVER VOLTAGE, Ven, (VOLTS) LATCHING CURRENT (TYPICAL) 320 120 0 o 20 1 1 1 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE, T,, (C) TURN-OFF TIME VS. RATE-OF-RISE 1600 Itw == 1400}-di/dt= S5A/ua Va100V : 1200} Vo = 2000V Ty=125T 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1 1 1 RATE-OF-RISE OF OFF-STATE VOLTAGE, (V/usec) 10? BREAKOVER VOLTAGE vs. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (TYPICAL) -80 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE, Tx ('C) 235POWEREX INC 02 DEM ?204b21 goo30a1 ? T3252 PIMEREX Powerex, Inc., Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 (412) 925-7272 Powerex Europe, $.A., 428 Ave. G. Durand, BP107, 72003 LeMans, France (43) 72.75.15 FT1000BV Phase Control SCR 1000 Amperes Avg/3000-4000 Volts GATE TRIGGER CURRENT AND VOLTAGE (TYPICAL) GATE CHARACTERISTICS = t60 a 4 Vo=6 E 40 =20 3 2 w : 10 2 120 a) 3 yi 100 2 3 z g ? 80 i 10 a 3 g 4 40 Z 2pere 9 z = 20 gy B 2 j 20 0 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE, T,, (C) : INSTANTANEOUS GATE CURRENT, lor, (AMPERES) 236