CRYSTAL UNITS MILITARY GRADE CRYSTALS PDI offers crystals conforming to Mil-C-3098 military crystal requirements. These crystals are designed to withstand tough environmental demands and the test specifications required by all branches of the military. PDI can supply full qualification data with these crystals including Shock, Vibration, Temperature Cycling, Humidity, Solderability, Temperature Curves, and Terminal Strength. These crystals are offered in Cold Weld, Solder Seal, and Resistance Weld packages. Typical Mil-C-3098 Crystal Characteristics CR-10/U thru CR-157/U or 800 KHz to 150 MHz Frequency Range @ 25C : Equivalent Resistance : Capacitance, Shunt (Co) : Drive Level : Frequency Stability : Operating Temp Range : Operable Temp Range : Unwanted Modes: Solderability : Vibration : Thermal Shock : Seal : Aging : Terminal Strength : Specified per CR # or customer request Specified per CR # or customer request Per Mil-Std-202 Method 305 Specified per CR # or customer request Specified per CR # or customer request Specified per CR # or customer request -55c to +105c Must exceed 2 x the main mode resistance Per Mil-Std-202 Method 208 Per Mil-Std-202 Method 208 Per Mil-Std-202 Method 107 Test Condition B Per Mil-Std-202 Method 112 Test Condition C +105c 3c for 168 hours ( 5ppm Max change) Per Mil-Std-202 Method 211 Test Condition A Package # HT/T0-5 Package # CRY-15 ( HC-49U Res Weld or Solder Seal) (TO-5 Res Weld or Cold Weld) ( HC-43U Cold Weld) 13.6 max 8.26 Max 6.73 Max 4.88 0.2 11.3 max 4.88 0.2 11.3 max 12.0 min 4.9 max 0.43o 4.88 0.2 36 3 10.41 Max 2 1 2.54 Solder 15.0 min 2.54 5.08 PIN # FUNCTION CRYSTAL 1 2 CRYSTAL 3 GROUND 4 GROUND 0.45 4 13.6 max 15.0 min 0.45 13.6 max Solder 4.9 max 0.43o 0.46o 0.5 0.43o 12.0 min 25.4 Max 4.9 max 4.9 max 12.0 min 12.0 min 13.6 max Package # HA 0.43o 4.88 0.2 CRYSTAL UNITS MILITARY GRADE CRYSTALS STANDARD MILITARY GRADE CRYSTAL FREQUENCIES STANDARD MILITARY GRADE CRYSTAL FREQUENCIES Nominal Frequency (MHz) 20.0000 16.0000 12.0000 8.0000 20.0000 66.6667 80.0000 82.5000 90.0000 92.5000 73.3533 3.2000 1.0000 11.5250 46.8500 46.9500 47.0500 47.1500 47.2500 47.3500 47.4500 47.5500 47.6500 47.7500 5.6000 5.6500 Reference CR# or Military Part Number CR-76A/U CR-64A/U CR-64A/U CR-60A/U CR-60A/U CR-59A/U CR-59A/U CR-59A/U CR-59A/U CR-59A/U CR-80A/U CR-124A/U SM-C-413570 SM-B-414184 SM-C-414968-1 SM-C-414968-2 SM-C-414968-3 SM-C-414968-4 SM-C-414968-5 SM-C-414968-6 SM-C-414968-7 SM-C-414968-8 SM-C-414968-9 SM-C-414968-10 SM-B-374951-1 SM-B-374951-2 PDI Available Package 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Part Number 34140-001 35900-001 36090-001 37100-001 37130-001 11660-001 11700-001 11770-001 11730-001 11800-001 35740-001 39200-001 11950-001 10360-001 12720-001 12730-001 12740-001 12750-001 12760-001 12770-001 12780-001 12790-001 12800-001 12810-001 11200-001 11220-001 Other Frequencies available upon request (See PDI Crystal Order Form) 37