IRM052U6 2.4 GHz ISM Power Amplifier Under Development Ready to Production IRM052U6 2.4GHz ISM Power Amplifier MMIC #1 pin Indicator 0.750.05 Absolute Maximum Ratings ( Tc_opr = 25 C ) Parameters Symbol Rating Unit DC Supply Voltage Vcc 6 V Control Voltage Vbb 3 V Input RF Power Pin 6 dBm Peak Supply Current Icc 0.4 A Total DC Power Dissipation Pt 1.0 W Storage Temperature Operating Temperature -35~+120 Tc_opr -25 ~ +85 Tstg C (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Vbb1 RFin GND GND N.C. N.C. (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.50(typ) 0.230.05 1.50 0.50(typ) 52U YMX SB 0.400.1 3.000.15 3.000.15 0.200.05 Small Package ( 3.0 x 3.0 x 0.75 mm, HQFN16P0303) Fully Integrated Matching Circuit High Linearity High Gain > 28 dB 18dBm Output Power for 802.11 g Very Low Current Consumption Power Detector embedded Not designed or rated as radiation hardened #1 pin Indicator unit : mm N.C. N.C. GND GND RFout Vcc2 (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) Vdet Vdd Vbb2 Vcc1 GND N.C. : Not used Recommended to be connected to GND pin C Electrical Characteristics ( Target Specification ) Test condition is Vcc = 3.3 V, Vbb = 2.8 V, Vdd = 2.8 V and Tc_opr = 25 C. In the case of other condition, it is indicated. Parameter Symbol Frequency Leak Current Freq Icc_leak Idle Current Icc_idle Output Power Gain Collector Current Control Current Gain Icc Ibb Adjacent Channel Power Rejection ACPR1 Alt. Adjacent Channel Power Rejection ACPR2 Error Vector Magnitude* EVM 2nd Harmonics 3rd Harmonics Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit 0.02 2.5 0.5 GHz A 65 95 mA 30 120 3.5 32 150 5.0 dB mA mA 2.4 Vcc = 6 V, Vbb = 0 V, No RF Input Vcc = 3.3 V, Vbb = 2.8 V, No RF Input 28 Vcc = 3.3 V, Vbb = 2.8 V, Vdd = 2.8 V - 38 dBc - 56 dBc 3.0 % 2fo - 44 dBc 3fo - 37 dBc Pout = 18 dBm IEEE802.11g Input (OFDM 64QAM 54Mbps) Freq = 2.4 ~ 2.5 GHz * Excluding non-linearity of SG. * The performance is obtained only with the test jig specified by Sharp Corporation. Ver.3.6 05/05/20 IRM052U6 2.4 GHz ISM Power Amplifier Example of Evaluation Circuits Schematic of Evaluation Circuits Vdet T1 IRM052U6 RFin C6 Vbb1 C5 C1 C2 R1 Vbb2 C8 C7 C4 Vcc1 C3 Vdd Vcc2 RFout Parts List of Evaluation Circuits Symbol Value Vendor Parts Number C1, C2 1000 pF Murata GRM155B31H102K C3, C5 20 pF KYOCERA CM05CH200J50A C4, C7, C8 0.1 F KYOCERA GRM155F11C104Z C6 1 F KYOCERA GRM155F11C105Z R1 10000 ROHM MCR MZSJ 103 T1 54 ~ 73 micro strip line length = 6.5 mm R1, C7, C8 : no need if not use detector Ver.3.6 05/05/20 SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Suggested applications (if any) are for standard use; See Important Restrictions for limitations on special applications. See Limited Warranty for SHARP's product warranty. The Limited Warranty is in lieu, and exclusive of, all other warranties, express or implied. ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR USE AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED. In no event will SHARP be liable, or in any way responsible, for any incidental or consequential economic or property damage. NORTH AMERICA EUROPE JAPAN SHARP Microelectronics of the Americas 5700 NW Pacific Rim Blvd. Camas, WA 98607, U.S.A. Phone: (1) 360-834-2500 Fax: (1) 360-834-8903 Fast Info: (1) 800-833-9437 SHARP Microelectronics Europe Division of Sharp Electronics (Europe) GmbH Sonninstrasse 3 20097 Hamburg, Germany Phone: (49) 40-2376-2286 Fax: (49) 40-2376-2232 SHARP Corporation Electronic Components & Devices 22-22 Nagaike-cho, Abeno-Ku Osaka 545-8522, Japan Phone: (81) 6-6621-1221 Fax: (81) 6117-725300/6117-725301 TAIWAN SINGAPORE KOREA SHARP Electronic Components (Taiwan) Corporation 8F-A, No. 16, Sec. 4, Nanking E. Rd. Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China Phone: (886) 2-2577-7341 Fax: (886) 2-2577-7326/2-2577-7328 SHARP Electronics (Singapore) PTE., Ltd. 438A, Alexandra Road, #05-01/02 Alexandra Technopark, Singapore 119967 Phone: (65) 271-3566 Fax: (65) 271-3855 SHARP Electronic Components (Korea) Corporation RM 501 Geosung B/D, 541 Dohwa-dong, Mapo-ku Seoul 121-701, Korea Phone: (82) 2-711-5813 ~ 8 Fax: (82) 2-711-5819 CHINA HONG KONG SHARP Microelectronics of China (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 28 Xin Jin Qiao Road King Tower 16F Pudong Shanghai, 201206 P.R. China Phone: (86) 21-5854-7710/21-5834-6056 Fax: (86) 21-5854-4340/21-5834-6057 Head Office: No. 360, Bashen Road, Xin Development Bldg. 22 Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Shanghai 200131 P.R. China Email: SHARP-ROXY (Hong Kong) Ltd. 3rd Business Division, 17/F, Admiralty Centre, Tower 1 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong Phone: (852) 28229311 Fax: (852) 28660779 Shenzhen Representative Office: Room 13B1, Tower C, Electronics Science & Technology Building Shen Nan Zhong Road Shenzhen, P.R. China Phone: (86) 755-3273731 Fax: (86) 755-3273735