DC/DC Converter PV40-27Bxx Series 40W isolated DC-DC Converter with ultra-wide, ultra-high 200-1200V DC Input for Renewable Energy FEATURES 6:1 ultra-wide input voltage range 200 - 1200VDC High I/O isolation test voltage of 4000VDC Conversion efficiency up to 84% Input reverse polarity and undervoltage protection, output over-voltage and short circuit protection Mounting options available for PCB mounting, chassis mounting and DIN-Rail mounting RoHS PV40-27Bxx series are regulated DC-DC converters with an ultra-high DC input of 200-1200VDC. The products feature high efficiency, high reliability, high insulation and a high level of safety protection. This type of power supply is widely used in renewable energy industries such as photovoltaic, power generation, energy storage, inverters and high-voltage DC conversions. The converters provide multiple protection features and guarantee stable and safe operating environments even under abnormal working conditions. For extremely harsh EMC environment, we recommend using the application circuit show in Design Reference of this datasheet. Selection Guide Model* Output Power Nominal Output Voltage and Current (Vo/Io) Efficiency at 200VDC (%) Typ. Capacitive Load (uF) Max. 12V/3.33A 83 1200 15V/2.67A 84 1000 24V/1.67A 84 680 PV40-27B12 PV40-27B15 40W PV40-27B24 Note: * Use suffix "A5" for chassis mounting and suffix "A6" for DIN-Rail mounting . Input Specifications Item Operating Conditions Input Voltage Range Input Current Inrush Current Min. Typ. Max. Unit VDC 200 -- 1200 200VDC -- -- 320 600VDC -- -- 100 1200VDC -- -- 55 600VDC -- 60 -- mA A Lockout activation range: 175 - 185V Lockout deactivation range: 185 - 195V Input Undervoltage Protection 3.15A, slow-blow, required External Input Fuse Hot Plug Unavailable Output Specifications Item Operating Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit Output Voltage Accuracy -- 1 2 Linear Regulation -- 0.5 1 Load Regulation -- 0.5 1 Output Ripple & Noise* -- 100 200 mV -- 0.02 -- %/C 20MHz bandwidth (peak-to-peak value) Temperature Coefficient Short Circuit Protection Continuous, self-recovery Over-current Protection 110%Io self-recovery Over-voltage Protection (Feedback-clamp) Voltage limited Minimum Load Hold-up Time at Power-off % 600VDC input 0 -- -- % -- 5 -- ms Note: * The "parallel cable" method is used for ripple and noise test, please refer to AC-DC Converter Application Notes for specific information. 2019.04.19-A/3 Page 1 of 5 MORNSUN Guangzhou Science & Technology Co., Ltd. reserves the copyright and right of final interpretation DC/DC Converter PV40-27Bxx Series General Specifications Item Operating Conditions Min. Electric Strength Test for 1min. 4000 -- -- Operating Temperature -25 -- +70 Storage Temperature -25 -- +85 -- -- 95 Isolation Test Input-output Storage Humidity Wave-soldering Soldering Temperature Max. Unit VDC %RH 2605; time:5~10s Manual-welding 36010; time:3~5s Switching Frequency Power Derating Typ. +50 ~ +70 -- 65 -- kHz 3 -- -- %/ MIL-HDBK-217F@25C > 300,000h MTBF Mechanical Specifications Black plastic, flame-retardant and heat-resistant (UL94-V0) Case Material Package Dimensions Weight Horizontal package 89.0 x 63.5 x 25.0 mm A5 chassis Package 135.0 x 70.0 x 33.5 mm A6 DIN-Rail Package 137.0 x 70.0 x 39.0 mm Horizontal package/A5 chassis package/A6 DIN-Rai package 210g/295g/365g (Typ.) Cooling method Free air convection Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Emissions Immunity CE CISPR32/EN55032 CLASS A (Recommended Circuit Refer to Figure2) RE CISPR32/EN55032 CLASS A (Recommended Circuit Refer to Figure2) ESD IEC/EN61000-4-2 6KV/8KV Perf. Criteria B RS IEC/EN61000-4-3 10V/m perf. Criteria A EFT IEC/EN61000-4-4 4KV (Recommended Circuit Refer to Figure2) perf. Criteria B Surge IEC/EN61000-4-5 2KV (Recommended Circuit Refer to Figure2) perf. Criteria B CS IEC/EN61000-4-6 10 Vr.m.s perf. Criteria A PFM IEC/EN61000-4-8 10A/m perf. Criteria A Immunities of voltage dip, drop and short interruption IEC/EN61000-4-11 0%, 70% perf. Criteria B Product Characteristic Curve Note: With an Input voltage between 1000-1200VDC, the output power must be derated as per temperature derating curves; This product is suitable for applications using natural air cooling; for applications in closed environment please consult factory or one of our FAE. 2019.04.19-A/3 Page 2 of 5 MORNSUN Guangzhou Science & Technology Co., Ltd. reserves the copyright and right of final interpretation DC/DC Converter PV40-27Bxx Series Design Reference 1. Typical application +I N PUT FUSE N TC +V in +Vo C5 C6 T VS RL + MOV - IN PUT - Vi n -Vo Model PV40-27B12 PV40-27B15 PV40-27B24 FUSE MOV NTC C5(F) 3.15A, slow-blow , required S20K1000 10D-20 1 C6(F) TVS 220 SMBJ20A 120 SMBJ30A Fig. 1: Typical application circuit Note on filter components: We recommend using an electrolytic capacitor with high frequency and low ESR rating for C6 (refer to manufacture's datasheet). Choose a capacitor voltage rating with at least 20% margin, in other words not exceeding 80%. C5 is a 1uF ceramic capacitor, used to filter high-frequency noise. TVS is a recommended suppressor diode to protect the application in case of a converter failure. 2. EMC compliance recommended circuit +INPU T FU SE NT C LC M + + M OV + + C1 R1 C2 R2 C3 R3 C4 R4 -INPU T +Vin +Vo -Vin -Vo C5 C6 TVS RL Fig 2 Element model MOV C1, C2, C3, C4 R1, R2, R3, R4 NTC LCM FUSE Recommended value S20K1000 47F/450V 1M/2W 10D-20 10mH, recommended to use MORNSUN's FL2D-Z5-103 3.15A/250V, slow fusing, necessary 3. For additional information please refer to application notes on www.mornsun-power.com 2019.04.19-A/3 Page 3 of 5 MORNSUN Guangzhou Science & Technology Co., Ltd. reserves the copyright and right of final interpretation DC/DC Converter PV40-27Bxx Series Dimensions and Recommended Layout THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION 1.70 [0.067] 3 1 25.00 [0.984] Front view 4 5 O1.20 [0.047] 6.00 [0.236] 6 89.00 [3.504] 81.30 [3.201] 2 2 5 4 1 Pin-Out 55.88 [2.200] Bottom view 25.40 [1.000] 63.50 [2.500] NoteGrid 2.54*2.54mm 7 6 7 3 Note: Unit :mm[inch] Pin diameter tolerances :0.10[0.004] General tolerances:0.50[0.020] Pin 1 Function 2 +Vin 3 +Vo 4 No Pin 5 -Vo 6 No Pin -Vin 7 NC 1104003302-A0 A5 Chassis Package Dimensions THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION 135.00 [5.315] 120.00 [4.724] 33.50 [1.319] 1 2 3 Top View 3.300.20 [ 0.1300.008] Front View 4 5 6 7 8 52.00 [2.047] 70.00 [2.756] Pin-Out Pin Function 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -Vin NC +Vin +Vo NC -Vo NC NC Note: Unit:mm[inch] Wire range:24~12 AWG General tolerances:1.00[0.040] 1104006604-B0 2019.04.19-A/3 Page 4 of 5 MORNSUN Guangzhou Science & Technology Co., Ltd. reserves the copyright and right of final interpretation DC/DC Converter PV40-27Bxx Series A6 DIN-Rail Package Dimensions THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION 135.00 [5.315] 120.00 [4.724] Top View 4 5 6 7 8 52.00 [2.047] 1 2 3 137.00 [5.394] Front View 4.50 [0.177] 34.50 [1.358] 70.00 [2.756] Pin-Out Pin Function 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -Vin NC +Vin +Vo NC -Vo NC NC Note: Unit:mm[inch] Installed on DIN RAIL TS35 Wire range:24~12 AWG General tolerances:1.00[0.040] 1104006603-B0 Note: 1. For additional information on Product Packaging please refer to www.mornsun-power.com. Packaging bag number: 58220021 (Horizontal package), 58220031 (A5/A6 package); 2. Unless otherwise specified, parameters in this datasheet were measured under the conditions of Ta=25, humidity<75% with nominal 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. input voltage and rated output load; All index testing methods in this data sheet are based on our company corporate standards; The above are the performance indicators of the product models listed in this datasheet. Some indicators of non-standard models will exceed the above requirements. For details, please contact our technical staff. We can provide product customization service; Specifications of this product are subject to changes without prior notice; Products are related to laws and regulations: see "Features" and "EMC"; Our products shall be classified according to ISO14001 and related environmental laws and regulations, and shall be handled by qualified units. Mornsun Guangzhou Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Address: No. 5, Kehui St. 1, Kehui Development Center, Science Ave., Guangzhou Science City, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, P. R. China Tel: 86-20-38601850 Fax: 86-20-38601272 E-mail: info@mornsun.cn www.mornsun-power.com 2019.04.19-A/3 Page 5 of 5 MORNSUN Guangzhou Science & Technology Co., Ltd. reserves the copyright and right of final interpretation