© 2003 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation DS005352 www.fairchildsemi.com
Februa ry 198 4
Revised October 2003
MM74HC4046 CMOS Phase Lock Loop
CMOS Phase Lock Loop
General Description
The MM74HC4046 is a low power phase lo ck loop utilizing
advanced silicon-gate CMOS technology to obtain high fre-
quency ope ration both in the phase comparator and VCO
sections. This device contains a low power linear voltage
controlled oscillator (VCO), a source follower, and three
phase comparators. The three phase comparators have a
common signal input and a common comparator input. The
signal input has a self bi asing amplifie r allowing signals to
be either capacitively coupled to the phase comparators
with a small signal or directly coupled with standard input
logic levels. This device is similar to the CD4046 except
that the Zener diode of the metal gate CMOS device has
been replaced with a third phase comparator.
Phase Comparator I is an exclusive OR (XOR) gate. It pro-
vides a digital err or signal that maintains a 90 phase shift
between the VCO’s center frequency and the input signal
(50% duty cycle input waveforms). This phase detector is
more susceptible to locking onto harmonics of the input fre-
quency than ph ase comp arator I, but provide s bet ter noise
Phase com par ato r III is an S R fl ip -flop gate. It can b e us ed
to provid e t he p ha se co mp arator fun cti on s an d is similar to
the first comparator in performance.
Phase com parator II is an edge se nsitive digital seque ntial
network. Two signal outputs are provided, a comparator
output and a phase pulse output. The comparator output is
a 3-ST ATE output that provides a signal that locks the VCO
output sign al to th e i n pu t sign al w ith 0 ph ase sh if t b etwe en
them. This comparator is more suscep tible to noise throw-
ing the loop out of lock, but is less likely to lock onto har-
monics than the other two comparators.
In a typical application any one of the three comparators
feed an extern al fi lt er network whic h in tur n f eeds the VCO
input. This input is a very high impedance CMOS input
which also drives the source follower. The VCO’s operating
frequency is set by three external components connected
to the C1A, C1B, R1 and R2 pins. An inhibit pin is provided
to disable the VCO and the source follower, providing a
method of putt ing the IC in a low power state.
The source follower is a MOS transistor whose gate is con-
nected to the VCO input and whose drain connects the
Demod ulator output. This output normally i s used by tying
a resi stor from pin 10 to grou nd, and provides a means of
looking at the VCO input without loading down modifying
the characteristics of the PLL filter.
Low dynamic pow er c onsu mp tion : (VCC = 4.5V)
Maximu m VCO ope ra ting fre que ncy:
12 MHz (VCC = 4.5V)
Fast comparator response time (VCC = 4.5V)
Compa rat or I: 25 ns
Compa rat or II: 30 ns
Comparat or III: 25 ns
VCO has high linearity and high temperature stability
Ordering Code:
Devices also available in Tape and R eel. Speci fy by appending the s uffix let t er X to the ordering code.
Order Num ber Package Number Package Description
MM74HC4046M M16A 16-Lead Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC), JEDEC MS-012, 0.150" Narrow
MM74HC4046SJ M16D 16-Lead Small Outline Package (SOP), EIAJ TYPE II, 5.3mm Wide
MM74HC4046MTC MTC16 16-Lead Thin Shrink Small Outline Package (TSSOP), JEDEC MO-153, 4.4mm Wide
MM74HC4046N N16E 16-Lead Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300" Wide
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Connection Diagram
Pin Assignments for DIP, SOIC, SOP and TSSOP
Block Diagram
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Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note 1)
(Note 2) Recommended Operating
Note 1: Maximu m Ratings are those v alues beyo nd which damage to t he
device may occur.
Note 2: Unless otherwise specified all voltages are referenced to ground.
Note 3: Power Dis sipation te mperature d erating plas tic N package:
12 mW/°C from 65°C to 85°C.
DC Electrical Characteristics (Note 4)
Note 4: For a power supply of 5V ±10% the worst case output voltages (VOH, and VOL) occ ur for HC at 4.5V. Thus the 4. 5V valu es shou ld be u sed when
designi ng with t his s upply. Wors t c as e VIH and VIL occur at VCC = 5.5V and 4.5V respectively. (The VIH value at 5.5V is 3.85V.) The worst case leakage cur-
rent (IIN, ICC, and IOZ) occu r fo r C M OS at the h igher vol ta ge and so the 6. 0V values s hould be used.
Supply Voltage (VCC)0.5 to + 7.0V
DC Input Voltage (VIN)1.5 to VCC +1.5V
DC Output Voltage (VOUT)0.5 to VCC + 0.5V
Clamp Diode Current (IIK, IOK)±20 mA
DC Output Current per pin (IOUT)±25 mA
DC VCC or GND Current, per pin (ICC)±50 mA
Stora ge Temper atu re R ang e (TSTG)65°C +150°C
Power Di ssipa ti on (PD)
(Note 3) 600 mW
S.O. Package only 500 mW
Lead Temperature (TL)
(Soldering 10 seco nds) 260°C
Min Max Units
Supply Voltage (VCC)26V
DC Input or Output Voltage
Operati ng Temper atu re Range (TA)40 +85 °C
Input Rise or Fall Times
(tr, tf) VCC = 2.0V 1000 ns
VCC = 4.5V 500 ns
VCC = 6.0V 400 ns
Symbol Parameter Conditions VCC TA = 25°CT
A = 40 to 85°CT
A = 55 to 125°CUnits
Typ Guaranteed Limits
VIH Minimum HIGH Level 2.0V 1.5 1.5 1.5 V
Input Voltage 4.5V 3.15 3.15 3.15 V
6.0V 4.2 4.2 4.2 V
VIL Maximum LOW Level 2.0V 0.5 0.5 0.5 V
Input Voltage 4.5V 1.35 1.35 1.35 V
6.0V 1.8 1.8 1.8 V
VOH Minimum HIGH Level VIN = VIH or VIL
Output Voltage |IOUT| 20 µA 2.0V 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.9 V
4.5V 4.5 4.4 4.4 4.4 V
6.0V 6.0 5.9 5.9 5.9 V
|IOUT| 4.0 mA 4.5V 4.2 3.98 3.84 3.7 V
|IOUT| 5.2 mA 6.0V 5.7 5.48 5.34 5.2 V
VOL Maximum Low Level VIN = VIHor VIL
Output Voltage |IOUT| 20 µA 2.0V 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 V
4.5V 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 V
6.0V 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 V
|IOUT| 4.0 mA 4.5V 0.2 0.26 0.33 0.4 V
|IOUT| 5.2 mA 6.0V 0.2 0.26 0.33 0.4 V
IIN Maximum Input Current (Pins 3,5,9) VIN = VCCor GND 6.0V ±0.1 ±1.0 ±1.0 µA
IIN Maximum Input Current (Pin 14) VIN = VCC or GND 6.0V 20 50 80 100 µA
IOZ Maxim um 3-STATE Output VOUT = VCC or GND 6.0V ±0.5 ±5.0 ±10 µA
Leakage Current (Pin 13)
ICC Maximum Quiescent VIN = VCC or GND 6.0V 30 80 130 160 µA
Supply Current IOUT = 0 µA
VIN = VCC or GND 6.0V 600 1500 2400 3000 µA
Pin 14 Open
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AC Electrical Characteristics VCC = 2.0 to 6.0V, CL = 50 pF, tr = tr = 6 ns (u nless otherwise specified.)
Symbol Parameters Conditions VCC TA=25C TA = 40 to 85°CT
A = 55 to 125°CUnits
Typ Guar ant eed Lim its
AC Coupled C (series) = 100 pF 2.0V 25 100 150 200 mV
Input Sensitivity, fIN = 500 kHz 4.5V 50 150 200 250 mV
Signal In 6.0V 135 250 300 350 mV
tr, tfMaximum Output 2.0V 30 75 95 110 ns
Rise and Fall Time 4.5V 9 15 19 22 ns
6.0V 8 12 15 19 ns
CIN Maximum Input Capacitance 7 pF
Phase Comparator I
tPHL, tPLH Maximum 2.0V 65 200 250 300 ns
Propagation Delay 4.5V 25 40 50 60 ns
6.0V 20 34 43 51 ns
Phase Comparator II
tPZL Maximum 3-STATE 2.0V 75 225 280 340 ns
Enable Time 4.5V 25 45 56 68 ns
6.0V 22 38 48 57 ns
tPZH, tPHZ Maximum 3-STATE 2.0V 88 240 300 360 ns
Enable Time 4.5V 30 48 60 72 ns
6.0V 25 41 51 61 ns
tPLZ Maximum 3-STATE 2.0V 90 240 300 360 ns
Disable Time 4.5V 32 48 60 72 ns
6.0V 28 41 51 61 ns
tPHL, tPLH Maximum 2.0V 100 250 310 380 ns
Propagation Delay 4.5V 34 50 63 75 ns
HIGH-to-LOW to Phase Pulses 6.0V 27 43 53 64 ns
Phase Comparator III
tPHL, tPLH Maximum 2.0V 75 200 250 300 ns
Propagation Delay 4.5V 25 40 50 60 ns
6.0V 22 34 43 51 ns
CPD Maximum Power All Comparators 130 pF
Dissipation Capacitance VIN = VCC and GND
Voltage Controlled Oscillator (Specified to operate from VCC= 3.0V to 6.0V)
fMAX Maximum C1 = 50 pF
Operating R1 = 1004.5V 7 4.5 MHz
Frequency R2 = 6.0V 11 7 MHz
C1 = 0 pF 4.5V 12 MHz
R1 = 1006.0 14 MHz
Duty Cycle 50 %
Demodulator Output
Offset Voltage Rs = 20 k4.5V 0.75 1.3 1.5 1.6 V
Offset Rs = 20 k4.5V
Variation VCOin = 1.75V 0.65 V
2.25V 0.1
2.75V 0.75
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Typical Performance Characteristics
Ty pi cal C en ter Fr eq uen cy
vs R1, C1 VCC = 4.5V Typical Center Frequency
vs R1, C1 VCC = 6V
Typica l Offset Frequency
vs R2, C1 VCC = 4.5V Typical Offset Frequency
vs R2, C1 VCC = 6V
Typical VCO Power Dissipation
@ Center Frequency vs R1 Typical VCO Power
Dissipation @ fMIN vs R2
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Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued)
VCOin vs fout VCC = 4.5V VCOin vs fout VCC = 4.5V
VCOout vs
Temperature VCC = 4.5V VCOout vs
Temperature VCC = 6V
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Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued)
HC4046 Typica l Source Follower
Power Dissi pa tio n vs RS Typical fMAX/fMIN vs R2/R1
VCC = 4.5V & 6V fMAX/fMIN
Typical VCO Linaearity vs R1 & C1 Typical VCO Linearity vs R1 & C1
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Detailed Circuit Description
The VCO requires two or three external components to
operate. These are R1, R2, C1. Resistor R1 and capacitor
C1 are selected to determine the center frequency of the
VCO. R1 controls the lock range. As R1s resistance
decreases the range of fMIN to fMAX increases. Thus the
VCOs gain increases. As C1 is changed the offset (if used)
of R2, and the center frequency is changed. (See typical
performance curves) R2 can be used to set the offset fre-
quency with 0V at VCO input. If R2 is omitted the VCO
range is from 0Hz. As R2 is decreased the offset frequency
is incr eased. The e ffect of R 2 is s hown in the des ign in for-
mation table and typical performance curves. By increasing
the value of R2 the lock range of the PLL is offset above
0Hz and the gain (Hz/Volt) does not change. In general,
when offset is desired, R2 and C1 should be ch osen first,
and then R 1 should be chosen to ob tain the proper center
Internally the resistors set a current in a current mirror as
shown in Figur e 1. T he m irrored curre nt drives o ne side of
the capacit or once the capaci tor charges u p to the t hresh-
old of the schmitt trigger the oscillator logic flips the capaci-
tor over and cause s th e mir ror t o cha rge t he op posi te side
of the capacitor. The output from the internal logic is then
taken to pin 4.
Comparator I Comparator II & III
R2= R2≠∞ R2= R2≠∞
Given: f0Given: f0 and fLGiven: fMAX Given: fMIN and fMAX
Use f0 with curve titled Calculate fMIN from the Calculate f0 from the Use fMIN with curve titled
center frequency vs R1, C equation fMIN = fo fLequation fo = fMAX/2 offset frequency vs R2,
to determine R1 and C1 Use fMIN with curve titled Use f0 with curve titled C to determine R2 and C1
offset frequency vs R2, C center frequency vs R1, C Calculate fMAX/fMIN
to determine R2 and C1 to determine R1 and C1 Use fMAX/fMIN with curve
Calculate fMAX/fMIN from titled fMAX/fMIN vs R2/R1
the equation fMAX/fMIN =to determine ratio R2/R1
fo + fL/fo fLto obtain R1
Use fMAX/fMIN with curve
titled fMAX/fMIN vs R2/R1
to determine ratio R2/R1
to obtain R1
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Detailed Circuit Description (Continued)
FIGURE 2. Logic Diagram for VCO
The input to the VCO is a very high impedance CMOS
input and so it will not load down the loop filter, easing the
filters design. In order to make signals at the VCO input
accessible without degrading the loop performance a
source follower transistor is provided. This transistor can
be used by connecting a resistor to ground and its drain
output will follow the VCO input signal.
An inhibit signal is provided to allow disabling of the VCO
and the source follower. This is useful if the internal VCO is
not being used. A logic high on inhibit disables the VCO
and source follower.
The output of the VCO is a standard high speed CMOS
output with an equivalent LSTTL fanout of 10. The VCO
output is approximately a square wave. This output can
either dire ctly f eed the com pa rat or i n pu t of t he pha se co m-
parators or feed external prescalers (counters) to enable
frequency synthesis.
All three phase comparators share two inputs, Signal In
and Comparator In. The Signal In has a special DC bias
network that enables AC coupling of input signals. If the
signals are not AC coupled then this input requires logic
levels the sam e as standard 74HC . The Comparat or input
is a standar d digital input . Both input stru ctures are s hown
in Figure 3.
The out puts of the se com parato rs are essent ially sta ndard
74HC voltage outputs. (Comparator II is 3-STATE.)
FIGURE 3. Logic Diagram for Phase Comparator I and the common input circuit for all three comparators
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Detailed Circuit Description (Continued)
FIGURE 4. Typical Phase Comparator I. Waveforms
Thus in normal operation VCC and ground voltage levels
are fed to the loop filter. This differs from some phase
detectors which supply a current output to the loop filter
and this should be considered in the design. (The CD4046
also provides a voltage.)
Figure 5 shows the state tables for all three comparators.
This comparator is a simple XOR gate similar to the
74HC86, and its operation is similar to an overdriven bal-
anced modulator. To maximize lock range the input fre-
quencies must have a 50% duty cycle. Typical input and
output w a vefo rm s ar e sh own i n Fig ure 4. T he out put of the
phase detector feeds the loop filter which averages the out-
put voltage. The frequency range upon which the PLL will
lock onto if initially out of lock is defined as the capture
range. The capture range for phase detector I is dependent
on the loop filter employed. The capture range can be as
large as the lock range which is equal to the VCO fre-
quency range.
To see how the detecto r operates r efer to Figur e 4. When
two sq uare wave inputs are applied to this com parator, an
output waveform whose duty cycle is dependent on the
phase difference between the two signals results. As the
phase d ifference i ncr eas es th e o utpu t du ty cyc l e incr ea ses
and the voltage after the loop filter increases. Thus in order
to achieve lock, when the PLL input frequency increases
the V CO in put volta ge mu st incre ase and th e phas e differ-
ence between co mparator in and signal in will increase. At
an input frequency equal fMIN, the VC O input is at 0V and
this re quir es the pha se de tector outpu t to be gro und hen ce
the two input signals must be in phase. When the input fre-
quency is fMAX then the VCO input must be VCC and the
phase detector inputs must be 180° out of phase.
The XO R is m ore sus cept ible to l ocking onto h armon ics of
the sign al input than th e digital p hase detecto r II. Thi s can
be seen by noticing that a signal 2 times the VCO fre-
quency results in the same output duty cycle as a signal
equal t he VCO freque ncy. The differen ce is t hat the out put
frequency of the 2f example is twice that of the other exam-
ple. The lo op filte r and the VCO range shou ld be designed
to prevent locking on to harmonics.
This detector is a digital memory network. It consists of four
flip-flop s and s ome gating logi c, a th ree sta te outp ut an d a
phase pul se ou tput a s show n in Fig ure 6. Th is compa rator
acts on ly on the po sitive edges of the inpu t signals an d is
thus independent of signal duty cycle.
Phase comparator II operates in such a way as to force the
PLL into lock with 0 phase difference between the VCO
output and the signal input positive waveform edges. Fig-
ure 7 shows some typical loop waveforms. First assume
that the si g nal i n put pha se is lead i ng t he c om par ato r i np ut.
This me an s th at th e VCOs frequency must be increased to
bring its leading edge into proper phase alignment. Thus
the phase detecto r II output is set high. This will ca use the
loop filter to charge up th e VCO input increa sing the VCO
frequency. Once the lea ding edge of t he comparato r input
is detected the output goes 3-STATE holding the VCO
input at the loop filter voltage. If th e VCO still lags the sig-
nal then the phase detector will again charge up to VCO
input for the ti m e be twee n the le adin g edg es of both wa ve-
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Detailed Circuit Description (Continued)
Phase Comparator State Diagrams
FIGURE 5. PLL State T ables
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Detailed Circuit Description (Continued)
FIGURE 6. Logic Diagram for Phase Comparator II
FIGURE 7. Typical Phase Comparator II Output Waveforms
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Detailed Circuit Description (Continued)
If the VCO le ads the signal then when the lea ding edge of
the VCO i s seen the ou tput of the ph ase compar ator goes
LOW. This discharges the loo p filter unti l the lead ing edge
of the sign al is detecte d at which tim e the output 3-STATE
itself again. This has the effect of slowing down the VCO to
again make the rising edges of both waveform coincident.
When the PLL is out of lock the VCO will be running either
slower or fa ster tha n the sign al inpu t. If it is runn ing slow er
the phase detector will see more signal rising edges and so
the output of the phase comparator will be HIGH a majority
of the time, ra ising the VC Os frequency. Conve rsely, if the
VCO is running faster than the signal the output of the
detector will be LOW most o f the time a nd the VCOs out-
put frequency will be decreased.
As one can see when the PLL is locked the output of phase
comparator II will be almost always 3-STATE except for
minor corrections at the leading edge of the waveforms.
When the detector is 3-STATE the phase pulse output is
HIGH. This ou tput can be used to det erm i ne when th e P LL
is in the locked condition.
This detector has several interesting characteristics. Over
the entire VCO frequency range there is no phase differ-
ence between the comparator input and the signal input.
The lock range of the PLL is the same as the capture
range. Minimal power is consumed in the loop filter since in
lock the detector output is a high impedance. Also when no
signal is present the detector will see only VCO leading
edges, and so the comparator outp ut will stay LOW forcing
the VCO to fMIN operating frequency.
Phase comparato r II is m ore susceptible to noise causing
the phase lock loop to unlo ck. If a noise pulse is seen on
the signal input, the comparator treats it as another positive
edge of the signal and will cause the output to go HIGH
until the V CO leading edge is seen, pote ntially for a whol e
signal input period. This would cause the VCO to speed up
during that time. When using the phase comparator I the
output of that phase detector would be disturbed for only
the shor t dura tion of the noise sp ike and wou ld c ause les s
This comparator is a simple S-R Flip-Flop which can func-
tion as a phase comparator Figure 8. It has some similar
characteristics to the edge sensitive comparator. To see
how this detector works assume input pulses are applied to
the signal and comparator inputs as shown in Figure 9.
When the signal input leads the comparator input the flop is
set. This will charge up the loop filter and cause the VCO to
speed up , bri nging th e comp arato r into p hase w ith the sig-
nal input. When using short pulses as input this comparator
behaves very similar to the second comparator. But one
can see that if the signal input is a long pulse, the output of
the comparator will be forced to a one no matter how many
comparator input pulses are received. Also if the VCO input
is a square wave (as it is) and the signal input is pulse then
the VCO will force the comparator output LOW much of the
time. The refore it i s ideal to condi tion the signa l and com-
parator input to short pulses. This is most easily done by
using a series capacitor.
FIGURE 8. Phase Comparator III Logic Diagram
FIGURE 9. Typical W aveforms for Phase Comparator III
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Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted
16-Lead Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC), JEDEC MS-012, 0.150" Narrow
Package Number M16A
15 www.fairchildsemi.com
Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted (Continued)
16-Lead Small Outline Package (SOP), EIAJ TYPE II, 5.3mm Wide
Package Number M16D
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Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted (Continued)
16-Lead Thin Shrink Small Outline Package (TSSOP), JEDEC MO-153, 4.4mm Wide
Package Number MTC16
17 www.fairchildsemi.com
MM74HC4046 CMOS Phase Lock Loop
Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted (Continued)
16-Lead Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300" Wide
Package Number N16E
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