(Continued) ig (AMPS) 60 80 150 250 @ Tc (C) 750 150 150 150 tgaq (AMPS) 900 1500 3000 5000 | | | * * ! CASE DO-5 DO-8 VRRM (VOLTS) 100 CR60-010 CR80-010 CR150-010 (CR250-010 200 CR60-020 CR80-020 CR150-020 CR250-020 400 CR60-040 CR80-040 CR150-040 (R250-040 600 CR60-060 CR80-060 CR150-060 (R250-060 800 CR60-080 CR80-080 CR150-080 CR250-080 1000 CR60-100 CR80-100 CR150-100 (CR250-100 1200 CR60-120 CR80-120 CR150-120 CR250-120 VF MAX @ IF =l0 1.4V 1.2V 1.1V 1.1V In MAX @ VARM 100nA 100nA 1.0mA 2.0mA * Standard polarity is cathode to case. For reverse polarity add "R" suffix to part number. 163 Central Semiconductor Corp.