© KEMET Electronics Corporation • P.O. Box 5928 • Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 • www.kemet.com C1031_KPS_SMPS_49470_STACKS • 8/10/2011 1818
Surface Mount & Through-Hole Multilayer Ceramic Chip Stacked Capacitors –KPS MIL Series, SMPS Stacked Capacitors
Commercial/Non-Standard – Customer Specic Unencapsulated, Horizontally Stacked
KEMET P/N 1Cap (μF) Case Code Height A inch
(mm) Cap Tolerance Lead Cong.
L1W(1)50B124(2)(3)12 0.12 5 0.120 (3.05) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)50B154(2)(3)12 0.15 5 0.120 (3.05) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)50B184(2)(3)24 0.18 5 0.240 (6.10) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)30B224(2)(3)12 0.22 3 0.120 (3.05) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)40B224(2)(3)12 0.22 4 0.120 (3.05) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)50B224(2)(3)24 0.22 5 0.240 (6.10) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)50B274(2)(3)24 0.27 5 0.240 (6.10) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)30B334(2)(3)12 0.33 3 0.120 (3.05) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)50B334(2)(3)36 0.33 5 0.360 (9.14) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)40B394(2)(3)12 0.39 4 0.120 (3.05) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)50B394(2)(3)36 0.39 5 0.360 (9.14) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)30B474(2)(3)12 0.47 3 0.120 (3.05) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)40B474(2)(3)24 0.47 4 0.240 (6.10) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)50B474(2)(3)36 0.47 5 0.360 (9.14) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)50B564(2)(3)48 0.56 5 0.480 (12.19) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)30B684(2)(3)12 0.68 3 0.120 (3.05) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)40B684(2)(3)24 0.68 4 0.240 (6.10) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)50B684(2)(3)65 0.68 5 0.650 (16.51) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)50B754(2)(3)65 0.75 5 0.650 (16.51) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)40B824(2)(3)24 0.82 4 0.240 (6.10) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)30B105(2)(3)12 1 3 0.120 (3.05) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)40B105(2)(3)36 1 4 0.360 (9.14) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)30B125(2)(3)12 1.2 3 0.120 (3.05) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)40B125(2)(3)36 1.2 4 0.360 (9.14) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)30B155(2)(3)12 1.5 3 0.120 (3.05) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)40B155(2)(3)48 1.5 4 0.480 (12.19) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)40B185(2)(3)48 1.8 4 0.480 (12.19) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)30B225(2)(3)24 2.2 3 0.240 (6.10) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)40B225(2)(3)65 2.2 4 0.650 (16.51) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)30B245(2)(3)24 2.4 3 0.240 (6.10) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)30B275(2)(3)24 2.7 3 0.240 (6.10) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)30B335(2)(3)36 3.3 3 0.360 (9.14) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)30B365(2)(3)36 3.6 3 0.360 (9.14) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)30B395(2)(3)36 3.9 3 0.360 (9.14) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)30B475(2)(3)36 4.7 3 0.360 (9.14) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)30B565(2)(3)48 5.6 3 0.480 (12.19) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)30B605(2)(3)65 6 3 0.650 (16.51) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)30B685(2)(3)65 6.8 3 0.650 (16.51) K, M N, L, M, J, K
1000VDC - X7R Dielectric
L1W(1)50D473(2)(3)12 0.047 5 0.120 (3.05) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)50D683(2)(3)12 0.068 5 0.120 (3.05) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)30D104(2)(3)12 0.1 3 0.120 (3.05) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)40D104(2)(3)12 0.1 4 0.120 (3.05) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)50D104(2)(3)24 0.1 5 0.240 (6.10) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)50D124(2)(3)24 0.12 5 0.240 (6.10) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)50D154(2)(3)36 0.15 5 0.360 (9.14) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)50D184(2)(3)36 0.18 5 0.360 (9.14) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)30D224(2)(3)12 0.22 3 0.120 (3.05) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)40D224(2)(3)12 0.22 4 0.120 (3.05) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)50D224(2)(3)36 0.22 5 0.360 (9.14) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)50D274(2)(3)48 0.27 5 0.480 (12.19) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)30D334(2)(3)12 0.33 3 0.120 (3.05) K, M N, L, M, J, K
L1W(1)50D334(2)(3)65 0.33 5 0.650 (16.51) K, M N, L, M, J, K
KEMET P/N 1Cap (μF) Case Code Height A inch (mm) Cap Tolerance Lead Cong.
Table 1C – Commercial/Non-Standard – Product Selection 630VDC-1000VDC con't.
1 Complete part number requires additional characters in the numbered positions provided in order to indicate product level (B level or T level), capacitance
tolerance and lead conguration. For each numbered position, available options are as follows:
(1) Test Level character "S" for Commercial, or "X" for non-standard (customer specic)
(2) Capacitance tolerance character " K" or " M"
(3) Lead style character " N", "L", "M", "J" or "K"