SFH 4545
10 Version 1.5 | 2018-08-10
The evaluation of eye safety occurs according to the standard IEC 62471:2006 (photo biological safety of
data sheet falls into the class exempt group (exposure time 10000 s). Under real circumstances (for expo-
sure time, conditions of the eye pupils, observation distance), it is assumed that no endangerment to the
eye exists from these devices. As a matter of principle, however, it should be mentioned that intense light
sources (e.g. headlights), temporary reduction in visual acuity and afterimages can occur, leading to irrita-
tion, annoyance, visual impairment, and even accidents, depending on the situation.
fore, we recommend that customers minimize device exposure to aggressive substances during storage,
production, and use. Devices that showed visible discoloration when tested using the described tests above
did show no performance deviations within failure limits during the stated test duration. Respective failure
limits are described in the IEC60810.
Packing information is available on the internet (online product catalog).
For further application related informations please visit www.osram-os.com/appnotes