MODEL SERIES 7280 7/8 Diameter 10-Turn Wirewound Precision Potentiometer 7281 1/8 Shaft, 1/4 Bushing 7283 1/8 Shaft, Servo 1284 6mm Shaft, 3/8 Bushing 7286 1/4 Shaft, 3/8 Bushing Peuecrmicay Resistance Range, Ohms 100 to 100K Standard Resistance Tolerance +5% Minimum Practical Resistance Tolerance +1% Independent Linearity +0.25% Minimum Practical Independent Linearity +0.15%, < 300 Ohms +0.075%, > 300 Ohms Power Rating, Watts 2.0 at 70C derating to 0 at 125C Dielectric Strength 1,000V rms Insulation Resistance, Minimum 1,000 Megohms Noise, Maximum 100 Ohms Actual Electrical Travel 3600 + 10~0, > 100 Ohms 3600 + 10- 5, < 100 Ohms Tap Tolerance +3 End Voltage, Maximum 0.25% of input voltage Specifications subject to change without notice. D OF MP 135356610 0003343 734 551 technologies 2-93 model Series 7280 CORPORATION aENVIRONMENTAL (MIL-R-12534) Operating Temperature Range Static: -55C to +425C Dynamic: ~40C to +125C Temperature Cycling Shock, 6ms Sawtooth 5 cycles, -55C to +125C (5% AR) 100Gs (0.1ms discontinuity max. Vibration 15Gs, 10 to 2,000 Hz (5% AR, 0.1ms discontinuity max. Moisture Resistance High Temperature Exposure 1,000 hours at 125C (5% AR ) ) Five 24 hour cycles (3% AR) ) ) Rotational Load Life 1 mil. shaft rev. + 900 hrs. at rated wattage at 70C (5% AR Total Mechanical Travel 3600 + 15 0 Number of Gangs, Maximum 2 Weight, Nominal (single gang) 0.75 02. Backlash, Maximum 1 7281, 7284, 7286 7283 Static Stop Strength 60 0z.-in. 36 0z.-in. Panel Nut Tightening Torque, Maximum 25 Ib.-in. N/A Shaft End Play, Maximum .010 005 Shaft Runout, T.!.R., Maximum .003 .002 Pilot Diameter Runout, T.I.R., Maximum .004 .002 Lateral Runout, T.1.R., Maximum .005 004 Shaft Radial Play, Maximum .003 .002 Start/Run Torque, Maximum (per gang} 0.8 0z.-in. 0.6 oz.-in. STANDARD RESISTANCE VALUES, OHMS Theoretical Total Resolution Tempco Resistance (% Nominal) of Wire 100 0.059 +20 ppm/C 200 0.037 +20 ppm/C 500 0.030 +20 ppm/C 1K 0.024 +20 ppm/C 2K 0.020 +20 ppm/C oK 0.018 +20 ppm/C 10K 0.017 +20 ppm/C 20K 0.016 +20 ppm/C 50K 0.010 +20 ppm/C 100K 0.008 +20 ppm/C Pp D OeF MB 1336610 0003384 670 551 technologies 2-94 Model Series 7280 CORPORATION:MODEL 7281, 7284 & 7286 (BUSHING MOUNT WITH SLEEVE BEARING) DIM 7281 7284 7286 A 688 + .031 812 + 031 812 + 031 17,475 0,787 30,625 + 0,787 30,625 = 0.787 +0.0000 40.0000 +0.0000 B 1248 6.0003 Dia 2362 9.0005 bia 2500 -o.0005 bia +0,0000 73 +0,0000 2 20,0000 7 3.1699 oa 0076 6.0000 b 0127 $,3500 9.0127 40.000 +0.000 +0.000 81 o.002 408 poo 406 yoo c 0,000 0,000 PO | ooo De 7,137 t% 10,312 10,312 7 -0,051 0,051 0,051 D 1/4- 32 UNEF Thread | 3/8-32UNEF Thread | 3/8 - 32 UNEF Thread 031 lo MOUNTING SURFACE ~ ~pIMA| a) 750+.018 1204 | i 128 MIN DIMB SUBER . 75 625 ccw RMAX cw i 15,8 t _. yt Cea ! SLO G0 19017 OE 080 +. + F032 0.0 8 ffi] YY Ve j (NOT ON REAR SHAET MODELS) +000 875+ 016 S200 No TOO.) MAX Xast wren 1,58 7 8.00 oD | 2s N16 OPTIONAL TERMINAL CONFIGURATION 40 C VIEW B 110 2.794 SLIDER 625 R MAX 15.9 R MAX 060 + .003 7 ( . Dia. 1.524 + .076 ON OP 062 + 003 1.524 + .076 Use Special Feature Code FT to order. J Enlarged View B OeF MM 1336610 00033545 So? Si technologies 2-95 Model Series 7280 CORPORATIONMODEL 7283 (SERVO MOUNT WITH BALL BEARING) MOUNTING SURFACE sO + awe 375 +034 Sep | 875.016 22,220, 781 DIA MAX 250 19,8 -_ cew |: tzag +8000 MIN _ =:0003_ pia SLIDER ow 3, 1699 * 20000 | TOL _ 00076 | a5 + -000 Y }-625 p01 DIA { j I C... 15,875 + 2-000 +0 13 DIA j 0,025 . t { 25 os 080.001 DIA _ | | | CHAMFER H3=0n 257 MIN _ | Z .016/0,406 MAX X 45 CLAMP 922 DIA MAX 53.4 HOUSING DIA L_ .06? + .005 WOrV, 062.005 ||. + OPTIONAL TERMINAL CONFIGURATION 110 2.794 105 MAX 060 + .003 7 f \ Dia. ry 1524+ .076 + 062 + .003 YY 1.524 + .076 SLIDER 625 BMAX 15.9 R MAX Enlarged View B Use Special Feature Code FT to order. 1 in. 25,4mm 1 oz.-in. 0,007 N-m 1 02. 28.4gm 1 Ib-in. 0,113 N-m Pp Dd OcF MM 1336610 0003346 443 Si technologies 2-96 Model Series 7280SPECIAL FEATURE CODES Center Tap CT Linearity Tape LT Rear Shaft Extension (7283, 7286 single cup only) RS Flatted Shaft FS Slotted Shaft (Standard on single cup 7286 without RS) $s Shaft Lock (7281, 7286 only) SL High Torque, 2-6 oz.-in. (7286 only) HT Additional Gangs 2G Gold Plated Solder Lug Terminals (See Optional Terminal Configuration) FT ORDERING INFORMATION 7286 R 10K T2 L.25 XX Model Series id | LL Optional Special Resistance Prefix Feature Code Resistance Value Linearity - Optional Non-Standard Tolerance PME cee Dee tem ey 7281: RBJ, 2601, 2644 7286: 2606, 2607, 2626, 2627, 2646, 2647, 2157, 2126, 2167, 2606S, 2607S, 2646S, 2647S, RB Metric equivalents, based on 1 inch = 25.4mm ara rounded to (8) the same number of significant figures as in the ariginal DIMENSIONS English units and are provided for generat information only. <_i (CCW) (CW) Tolerances unless atharwise specified: -- ~E4- Linear = + .01 inches (.25mm) THIRD ANGLE Angular = + 2 degrees PROJECTION Pp _ D O2F MH 1336610 0003387 346T @ 535i technologies 2.97 Model Series 7280 CORPORATION C2... aaa