TYPES 2N4998, 2N5000, 2N5148, 2N5150 N-P-N SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS HIGH-FREQUENCY POWER TRANSISTORS WITH COMPUTER-DESIGNED ISOTHERMAL GEOMETRY e For Complementary Use With 2N4999, 2N5001, 2N5147, and 2N5149 6 mJ Reverse Energy Rating with Ic =5 A and 4 V Reverse Bias *mechanical data 2N4998, 2N5000 ALL TERMINALS ARE INSULATED FROM THE CASE surnannt repos oo wax oa EIN nou 20 ove , COLLECTOR ALL JEDEC TO-59 DIMENSIONS AND NOTES ARE APPLICABLE NOTES: A. Within this dimension, case diameter may vary. B. Position of terminals with respect to hexagon is not controlled, C, The case temperature may be measured anywhere on the seating plane within 0.125 inch of the stud, D, All dimensions are in Inches unless otherwise specified. 2N5148, 2N5150 THE COLLECTOR IS iN ELECTRICAL CONTACT WITH THE CASE og an, CASE TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT POINT 2379 6 459 TH 2% orn ee oA y oo Sah ates a BH oa TASESLPSTHB Paes ALL JEDEC TO-39 DIMENSIONS AND NOTES ARE APPLICABLE ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. absolute maximum ratings at 25C case temperature (unless otherwise noted) 2N4998 2N5148 2N5000 2N5150 Collector-Base Voltage . Collector-Emitter Voltage (See Note y Emitter-Base Voltage . woe Continuous Collector Current . Peak Collector Current (See Note 2) Continuous Base Current Safe Operating Areas Continuous Device Dissipation at 50 c Case Temperature (See Note 3) Continuous Device Dissipation at 100C Case Temperature (See Note 3) . Continuous Device Dissipation at (or below) 25C Free-Air Temperature (See Note 4) Unclamped Inductive Load Energy (See Note 5) Operating Collector Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range. . Lead or Terminal Temperature 1/8 inch from Case for 60 Seconds NOTES: . This value applies when the base-emitter diode is open-circuited. ~ This value applies for ty, < 8.3 ms, auty cycle 1%, + 100 V*> 80v*> 6 V*> 2A* 2A" 5A* 5A" 1A* 1A* See Figures 7* and 8 30 w* 6W* 20W 4w 2W 1w* a 6rnJ 65C to 200C* 65C to 200C* 300C*_ 1 2. 3. For operation above for below) 50C case temperature, refer to Dissipation Oerating Curves Figures 9 and 10. 4. Derate linearly to 200C tree-air temperature at the rate of 11.4 mW/C for 2N4998 and 2N5000, 5,7 mw/c for 2N5148 and 2N65160. 5. This rating is based on the capability of the transistors to operate safely in the unclamped inductive load circuit of Section 3.2 of the forthcoming JEDEC publication Suggested Standards on Power Transistorst. L = 0.48 mH, Rag, =20 8, Reg = 100 &, Vee17 10 V, Vap2 =4V, RL = 0.1 8, Voc = 10 V, low =5 A. Energy I2L/2, "JEDEC registered data. This data sheet contains ali applicable ragistared data in effect at tha time of publication. t This circuit appears on page 5-1 of this data book. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 2-331TYPES 2N4998, 25000, 2N5148, 2N5150 N-P-N SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS electrical characteristics at 25C case temperature (unless otherwise noted) 2N4998 2NS000 PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS 2N5148 2N5150 = |UNIT MIN MAX |MIN MAX Coliector-E mitter VIBRICEO Breakdown Voltage Ic=100mA, Ig =0, See Note 6| 80 80 Vv IcEO Coliector Cutoff Current Vce = 40V, Ig =0 50 50, nA Ices Collector Cutoff Current ve we - . ; ; A IcEV Collector Cutoff Current Voce = 60V, Vee =-2V, Tc = 150C 500 500; vA leBo Emitter Cutoff Current oe -- 7 is - 3 ; : ~ Vce=5V, I=50mA 20 50 . Vce=5V, ig= 4A 30 +~90/ 70 200 hee Static Forward Current Vee =5V, 1e= 2A See Notes 15 30 Transfer Ratio 6 and 7 Vce=5V, Ic=3A 5 15 VcE=5V, Ic=TA, To=-55C 18 36 Ip=100mA, Ic=1A 1.2 1.2 v Bose-Emitter Vol ig=200mA, Ic=2A See Notes 15 1s] BE ase-E mutter Voltage VcE=5V, ic=2A 6 and 7 75 15 Vce=5V, Ic=3A 3 3 Collector-E mitter Ig = 100 mA tos tA See Notes 046 0.46 VCE (sat) Saturation Voltage Ip = 200 mA, Io= 2A 6 and 7 0.88 0.85] Vv ig =600mA, ICO=3A S Ss Small-Signal Common-E mitter h vi =5V, tc =0.1A, f= 1kHz 20 50 fe Forward Current ce c Transfer Ratio Smah-Signal Cc n-E mitter hfe ommon emir VceE=5V, Ig =O2A, = 20MHz 25 3 Forward Current Transfer Ratio | Common-Base [ Cobo Open-Circuit Vcp=10, le =0, f= 1 MHz 70 70} pF Output Capacitance NOTES: 6. These parameters must be measured using pulse techniques. ty, ~ 300 us, duty cycle < 1%, 7. These parameters are measured with valtage-sensing contacts separate from the current-carrying contacts and Jocated within 0,125 inch from the device body. JEDEC registered data thermal characteristics 2N4998 2N5148 PARAMETER 2N5000 2NS150_ JUNIT MAX MAX Roc Junction-to-Case Thermal Resistance 5 25 CHW Rasa Junction-to-Free-Air Thermal Resistance 87.5 175 switching characteristics at 25C case temperature ALL TYPES PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONST TYP UNIT ton Turn-On Time Ic=2A, Ig(1} = 200 mA, 1g (2) = 200 mA, 0.1 s lott Turn-Off Time Veetoff} =-37V, RL = 182, See Figure 1 V4 a | 7 Voitage and current values shown are nominal; exact values vary slightly with transistor parameters, 2-332 TExasS INSTRUMENTSTYPES 2N4998, 2N5000, 2N5148, 2N5150 N-P-N SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION INPUT aNO14 D monitor Lad OUTPUT Lard MONITOR Fesi= 1N914 1N914, oon haylaytaet) TUT sen CYNON 2NS385 1NO14 +t Ape" RL = 150 270 oF 252 wa 1 uF LI) Moen Ves ~43V0 ADJUST FOR = Von = AV.3V AT + INPUT MONITOR TEST CIRCUIT VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS NOTES: A, Vgen is 8 30-V pulse (from 0 V) into a 50-92 termination, 8. The Vgen waveform is supplied by a generator with the following characteristics: ty < 15 ns, te < 15 ns, Zou, = 50 2, ty = 20 us, duty cycle < 2%, c. ms are itored on an with the f D, Resistors must be noninductive types. E. The d-c power supplies may require additional bypassing in order to minimize ringing. characteristics: ty < 15 ns, Rip 2 10 MQ, Cin < 11,5 pF. FIGURE 1 2Nages, 2N5148 2N5000, 2NS150 STATIC FORWARD CURMENT TRANSFER RATIO STATIC FORWARD CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO wi COLLECTOR CURRENT COLLECTOR CURRENT g Voce = 5 V 9 Vop + 5 V Te - 28C Te = 28C z See Notes 6 and 7 3 See Notes 6 and 7 z 2 : & i 5 3 z y g i 20 y 0 z 2 $ 40 w w 2 = 2 001 004 08 OF Of 1 2 4 0.01 004 of 02 o4 1 2 4 Ig-Collector CurrantA IeCallector Currant -A FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 COMMON-BASE OPEN-CIRCUIT BASE-EMITTER VOLTAGE COLLECTOR-EMITTER SATURATION VOLTAGE OUTPUT CAPACITANCE COLLECTOR CURRENT COLLECTOR CURRENT COLLECTOA-BASE VOLTAGE Te - 25C See Notes 6 and 7 le=o t+ MHz To 25C Vpefiese-Emirter VoitageV CoboOutput CapacitanespF VCE feat) Collector-Emuttar Saturation Voitege-V 0 0.01 004 01 02 04 1 2 4 0.01 004 01 02 04 , 2 4 1 2 4 7 10 2 40 IgCotlector CurrentA. IgCollector CurrentA Vep~Coltector-duse VottageV FIGURE 4 FIGURE 5 FIGURE 6 NOTES: 6. These parameters must be measured using pulse techniques. ty, = 300 us, duty cycle < 1%, 7. These par are with voltag ing separate from the current-carrying contacts and located within 0.125 inch from the device body. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 2-333TYPES 2N4998, 2N5000, 2N5148, 2N5150 N-P-N SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS MAXIMUM SAFE OPERATING AREAS MAXIMUM COLLECTOR CURRENT vs MAXIMUM COLLECTOR CURRENT vs COLLECTOR-EMITTER VOLTAGE UNCLAMPED INDUCTIVE LOAD 10 - 7 D-C Operation Vec = 10 Vv < To < 258C Rep2 = 1002 t 4 cs To= 25C = 2 5 See Note 9 a 0.7 8 Vep2=0 2 04 3s 8 8 E 02 C 3 3 % 60.1 E S 0.07 3 & 0.04 2N4998, 2N5000 15 0.02 2N5148, 2N5150 ~ 0.01 1 2 4 710 20 40 70100 04 071 2 4 710 2 40 VcECollector-Emitter VoltageV LUnclamped Inductive LoadmH FIGURE 7 FIGURE 8 NOTES: 8. Above these points the safe operating araas have not been defined. 9. These curves are based on the capability of the transistors to operate safely in the unclamped inductive load circuit of Section 3.2 of the forthcoming JEDEC publication Suggested Standards on Power Transistors.1| Rag, = 10Veei/ic. Vga1= 10V, Ry = 0.1 Q Energy = iG 2/2. T This circuit appears on page 5-1 of this data book, THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS 2N4998, 2N5000 2N5148, 2N5150 DISSIPATION DERATING CURVE DISSIPATION DERATING CURVE P7Maximum Continuous Device DissipationW PrMaximum Continuous Device DissipationW 0 25 50 75 106 125 #150 #175 200 0 25 50 75 100 (125 150 175 200 ToCase TemperatureC TcoCase TemperatureC FIGURE 9 FIGURE 10 Hi cannot assume any tesponssbility for any cercuts thown 2.334 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS eee ee ae ca tee TEXAS INSTRUMENTS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES AT ANY TIME IN ORDER TO IMPROVE DESIGN AND TO SUPPLY THE BEST PRODUCT POSSIBLE3-6 Prot @ Typ To = 25 9C VCEO \cp hFE @ Ic type (100 C) min max min max NPN PNP Ww A A TIP 35B TIP 368 30 80 25 25 100 1,5 TIP 35 C TIP 36 90 7100 25 25 100 15 TIP 41 TIP 42 65 40 6 15 75 3 TIP41A TIP 424 65 60 6 15 75 3 TIP 41B TIP 42B 65 80 6 15 75 3 TIP 416 TIP 42C 65 100 6 15 75 3 TIP 3055 TIP 5530 90 70 15 20 4 BD 633 BD 634 30 45 2 25 1 BD 635 BD 636 30 60 2 25 1 BD 637 BD 638 30 80 2 25 1 BD 733 BD 734 40 32 4 50 2 BD 735 BD 736 40 32 4 50 2 BD 737 BD738 40 45 4 40 2 TIP 110 TIP 115 50 60 2 1000 1 TIP 1141 TIP 116 50 80 2 1000 1 TIP 112 TIP 117 50 100 2 1000 1 TIP 120 TIP 125 65 60 5 1000 3 TIP 121 TIP 126 65 80 5 1000 3 TIP 122 TIP 127 65 100 5 1000 3 TIP 140 TIP 145 125 60 10 1000 5 TIP 141 TIP 146 125 80 10 1000 5 TIP 142 TIP 147 125 100 10 1000 5 Prot @ Typ Ta = 25C To = 25 9C VCEO Icb hee @ le type (100 C} (100 C} min max min max Ww Ww Vv A A 2N 4915 4 87,5 80 5 25 100 2,5 2N 4998 2 (20) 80 2 30 90 1 2N 5000 2 (20) 80 2 70 200 1 2N 5002 (33,3) 80 5 30 90 2,5 2N 5004 (33,3) 80 5 70 200 2,5 2N 5038 5 140 90 20 20 100 12 2N 5039 5 140 76 20 20 100 10 2N 6148 1 (4) 80 2 30 30 1 2N 5150 1 (4) 80 2 70 200 1 2N 5152 (6,7) 80 2 30 90 2,5 2N 5154 (6,7) 80 2 70 200 25 2N 5301 5 200 40 20 40 60 1 2N 5302 5 200 60 20 40 60 1 2N 5303 5 200 80 20 40 60 1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTSfT Ices @ VcE Gehause Anwendungen min (IcEQ) package applications, remarks MHz BA Vv 3 700 80 TO-3P Verstarker, Schalter, komplementar zu TIP 36 B amplifier, switch, complementary to TIP 36 B 3 700 100 TO-66P Verstarker, Schalter, komplementar zu TIP 36 C amplifier, switch, complementary to TIP 36 C 3 400 40 TO-66P Verstarker, Schalter, komplementar zu TIP 42 amplifier, switch, complementary to TIP 42 3 400 60 TO-66P Verstarker, Schalter, komplementar zu TIP 42 A amplifier, switch, complementary to TIP 42 A 3 400 80 TO-66P Verstarker, Schalter, komplementar zu TIP 42 B amplifier, switch, complementary to TIP 42 B 3 400 100 TO-66P Verstarker, Schalter, komplementar zu TIP 42 C amplifier, switch, complementary to TIP 42 C TO-3P TO-66 Kompiementar TO-66 Endstufen TO-66 for complementary output stages TO-66 TO-66 TO-66 TO-66P TO-66P Darlington TO-66P TO-66P Verstarker, Schalter . TO-66P amplifier, switch Darlington TO-66P TO-3P TO-3P Darlington TO-3P fT ICES @ VE Gehause Anwendungen, Bemerkungen min (IcEO) package applications, remarks MHz HA v 4 (1000) 80 TO-3 Verstarker, Schalter amplifier, switch 50 (0,05) 40 TO-59 Fir Computeranwendung 60 (0,05) 40 TO-59 komplementar zu 2N 4999, 2N 5001, 2N 5003, 2N 5005 60 (0,05) 40 TO-59 computer application 70 (0,05) 40 TO-59 complementary to 2N 4999, 2N 5001, 2N 5003, 2N 5005 60 50 140 TO-3 Verstarker und schnelle Schalter 60 50 110 TO-3 amplifier and high-speed switch 50 (0,05) 40 TO-39 Fur Computeranwendung 60 (0,05) 40 TO-39 komplementar zu 2N 5147, 2N 5149, 2N 5151, 2N 5153 60 (0,05) 40 TO-39 computer application 70 (0,05) 40 TO-39 complementary to 2N 5147, 2N 5149, 2N 5151, 2N 5153 4 (5) 40 TO-3 Verstarker, Schalter 4 (5) 60 TO-3 amplifier, switch 4 (5) 80 TO-3 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 37