AFBR-1624Z/1629Z and AFBR-2624Z/2529Z DC, 50 MBd Versatile Link Fiber Optic Transmitter and Receiver for 1 mm POF and 200 m PCS Data Sheet Description Features The AFBR-1624Z/1629Z transmitter utilizes a 650 nm LED source with integrated optics and driver IC for efficient coupling into 1 mm Plastic Optical Fiber (POF). The AFBR2624Z/2529Z receiver consists of an IC with an integrated photodiode to produce a logic compatible output. The transmitter input and receiver output are compatible with TTL logic families. The pair operates any type of signal from DC up to 50 MBd at distances up to 50 m with 1 mm POF, up to 200 m at 10 MBd and 120 m at 50 MBd with 200 m Plastic-Clad Silica (PCS), respectively. * RoHS-compliant The transmitter is a 3-pin and the receiver is a 4-pin device, packed in Versatile Link housing. Versatile Link components can be interlocked (N-plexed together) to minimize space and to provide dual connections with the duplex connectors. Various simplex and duplex connectors, as well as POF cables are available for Versatile Link components. For details, contact Avago Technologies or visit our company website at AFBR-xx24Z are delivering non inverted output signals while AFBR-xx29Z deliver inverted output signals. * Data transmission at signal rates from DC up to 50 MBd * Transmitter: integrated 650 nm LED and driver IC with TTL input logic * Receiver: integrated PIN diode and digitalizing IC with TTL output logic * Up to 50 m distance with 1 mm Plastic Optical Fiber (POF) over operating temperature range * Up to 200 m (10 MBd) distance and 120 m (50 MBd) distance with 200 m Plastic-Clad Silica (PCS) over operating temperature range * Operating temperature range of -40 C to +85 C * Compatible with Avago's Versatile Link family of connectors, for easy termination of fiber Applications Optical Transmitter and Receiver for 50 MBd systems and below: * Industrial control and factory automation * Extension of RS-232 and RS-485 * High voltage isolation * Elimination of ground loops * Reduces voltage transient susceptibility Package and Handling Information Interlocked (Stacked) Assemblies (refer to Figure 1) The Versatile Link package is made of a flame retardant VALOX UL 94 V-0 material (UL file # E121562) and uses the same pad layout as a standard, eight pin dual-in-line package. These Versatile Link packages are stackable and are enclosed to provide a dust resistant seal. Snap action simplex, simplex latching, duplex, and duplex latching connectors are offered with simplex or duplex cables. Horizontal packages may be stacked by placing units with pins facing upward. Initially engage the inter-locking mechanism by sliding the L bracket body from above into the L slot body of the lower package. Use a straight edge, such as a ruler, to bring all stacked units into uniform alignment. This technique prevents potential harm that could occur to fingers and hands of assemblers from the package pins. Stacked horizontal packages can be disengaged if necessary. Repeated stacking and unstacking causes no damage to individual units. Package Housing Color Versatile Link components and simplex connectors are color coded to eliminate confusion when making connections. Receivers are black and transmitters are grey. Handling Versatile Link components are auto-insertable. When wave soldering is performed with Versatile Link components, the optical port plug should be left in to prevent contamination of the port. Do not use reflow solder processes (i.e., infrared reflow or vapor-phase reflow). Non-halogenated water soluble fluxes (i.e., 0% chloride), not rosin based fluxes, are recommended for use with Versatile Link components. Versatile Link components are moisture sensitive devices and are shipped in a moisture sealed bag. If the components are exposed to air for an extended period of time, they may require a baking step before the soldering process. Refer to the special labeling on the shipping tube for details. 2 VALOX is a registered trademark of the General Electric Company. Figure 1. Interlocked (stacked) horizontal packages Mechanical Dimensions Printed Circuit Board Layout Dimension 2.03 (0.080) 6.86 (0.270) 5.08 (0.200) 18.8 (0.74) 0.64 (0.025) 4.19 (0.165) 7.62 (0.30) 3.81 (0.150) MAX. 3.56 (0.140) MIN. 7.62 (0.300) 7.62 (0.300) 2.54 (0.100) 10.16 (0.400) TOP VIEW 1.01 (0.040) DIA. 4 3 2 1 5 0.51 (0.020) PCB EDGE 8 1.85 MIN. (0.073) 1.27 (0.050) 2.54 (0.100) 0.64 (0.025) DIA. 7.62 (0.300) DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES). 1.85 (0.073) 2.77 (0.109) TX RX 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 Pin Description Transmitter Fiber port facing front, pins downward, 1 = Rightmost pin to 4 = Leftmost pin Pin Name Function/Description 1 VCCT Transmitter Power 3.3 V 5% or 5 V 5% Notes 2 No Pin No physical pin is available 3 VEET Transmitter Ground 4 Data In Transmitter Data Input 1, 2 5 NC Not Connected, physical pin is available, recommended to Ground 3 8 NC Not Connected, physical pin is available, recommended to Ground 3 Pin Description Receiver Fiber port facing front, pins downward, 1 = Rightmost pin to 4 = Leftmost pin Pin Name Function/Description Notes 1 Data Out Receiver Data Output 2 2 VEER Receiver Ground 3 VCCR Receiver Power 3.3 V 5% or 5 V 5% 4 NC Not Connected, physical pin is available, recommended to Ground 4 5 NC Not Connected, physical pin is available, recommended to Ground 3, 4 8 NC Not Connected, physical pin is available, recommended to Ground 3, 4 3 Regulatory Compliance Feature Test Method Performance Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) to the Electrical Pins Human Body Model MIL-STD-883 Method 3015 Min 2000 V Eye Safety IEC 60825-1, 2, Class 1 Specified Link Performance, TA = -40 C to +85 C, 50 MBd Parameter Min Max Unit Condition Note Link Distance with Standard POF cable 0.1 50 meters -40 C to +85 C 5 Link distance with 200 m PCS (10 MBd) 0.1 200 meters -40 C to +85 C 6 Link distance with 200 m PCS (50 MBd) 0.1 120 meters -40 C to +85 C 6 Notes: 1. Logic 1 input will turn the light on and the logic 0 will turn the light off for AFBR-1624Z. Logic 1 input will turn the light off and the logic 0 will turn the light on for AFBR-1629Z. 2. TTL compatible data input and output. 3. Pin 5 and 8 are for mounting and retaining purposes, and should be electrically connected to PCB ground. 4. It is recommended to connect this pin to ground. 5. POF is HFBR-R/EXXYYYZ plastic (1 mm) optical fiber. Worst-case attenuation used (0.27 dB/m for standard loss POF cable from -40 C to +85 C at 660 nm). 6. PCS, worst-case attenuation (12 dB/km from -40 C to +85 C at 650 nm). Gnd 5 GND Gnd TX Data In VEE NC VCC 4 TTL Input 3 2 1 L1 GND 1 H 8 Pull down resistor 4.7 kOhm GND GND C3 100 nF GND C1 10 F GND VEE Data Out GND L2 4 VCC 1 H 3 C4 100 nF 2 1 GND GND TTL Output Figure 2. Recommended Transmitter and Receiver Application Circuit 4 C5 10 F GND 5 Gnd 8 Gnd RX NC VCC VCC C2 10 F GND C6 10 F GND Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min Storage Temperature Ts Ambient Temperature Tc Relative Humidity Max Unit Notes -40 85 C 7 -40 85 C 7 RH 0 85 % 7 Supply Voltage VCCT /VCCR -0.5 6 V 7 Data Input Voltage VIN -0.5 Vcc+0.5 V 7 Data Output Current IO 10 mA 7 50 MBd Data Rate Typical DC Notes: 7. Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur if these limits are exceeded for other than a short period of time. Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Symbol Min Typical Max Unit Notes Ambient Temp TA -40 25 85 C 8 Supply Voltage VCCT/VCCR 3.135 3.3 3.465 V 8 4.75 5 5.25 V 8 Notes: 8. Recommended operating conditions are those values outside of which functional performance is not intended, device reliability is not implied, and damage to the device may occur over an extended period of time. See Reliability Data Sheet for specific reliability performance. Process Compatibility Parameter Symbol Solder Environment Max Unit Notes TSOLD 260 C 9, 11, 12 tSOLD 10 sec 10, 11, 12 Notes: 9. Maximum temperature refers to peak temperature. 10. Maximum time refers to time spent at peak temperature. 11. Solder surface to be at least 1mm below lead frame stops. 12. Product is moisture sensitive level 3. 5 Min Typical AFBR-1624Z/1629Z Transmitter The AFBR-1624Z/1629Z transmitter incorporates a 650 nm LED and integrated driver IC in a light gray, nonconductive plastic Versatile Link housing. Its input data is compatible with TTL logic level. This transmitter can operate from DC to 50 MBd with any kind of data pattern using 1 mm plastic optical fiber (POF). Within the specified ranges AFBR-1624Z and AFBR-1629Z devices will support a BER < 10E-9. Transmitter Electrical Characteristics (TA = -40 C to +85 C, VCCT = 3.3 V 5% or 5 V 5%) Parameter Symbol Supply Current (Optical Power ON) ICCT Input Voltage - Low VIL Input Voltage - High VIH Data Input Capacitance CIN Data Input Resistance RIN Propagation Delay tTD Min Typical Max Unit Notes 21 31 mA 1 -0.3 0.8 V 2 2.0 Vcc+0.3 V 2 7 pF 2 kW 30 ns Transmitter Optical Characteristics (TA = -40 C to +85 C, VCCT = 3.3 V 5% or 5 V 5%) Parameter Symbol Min Typical Max Unit Notes Output Optical Power (peak), 1 mm POF PN -5.5 -2 +2 dBm 3 Output Optical Power (peak), PCS (200 m) PN -16.5 -13 -9 dBm Output Optical Power (Average), OFF PS -50 dBm Extinction Ratio ER 10 Peak Wavelength c 630 Rise Time (20%-80%) Fall Time (20%-80%) Pulse Width Distortion PWD Pulse Width Distortion of first pulse PWD dB 685 nm tRT 5 ns tFT 5 ns -3 +3 ns 4, 5 -5 +3 ns 5, 6 Notes: 1. For any type of data between DC and 50 Mbaud. Typical value 21 mA for PRBS-7 pattern at 25 C at 5 V and 50 Mbaud. 2. Standard TTL compatible input. 3. Measured after 1 meter 0.5 NA 1 mm POF or 200 m PCS with polished connector end face. 4. Pulse width is measured at 50% threshold using a rising edge trigger tested with PRBS-7 pattern 5. Electrical input pulse width is determined at 1.5 V and dU/dt between 1 V and 2 V shall not be less than 1 V/ns. 6. The first pulse is shorter as the LED is completely discharged. This helps to mitigate the increase of pulse width of the first pulse of the Receiver 6 AFBR-2624Z/2529Z Receiver The AFBR-2624Z/2529Z receiver consists of a digitalizing IC with integrated photodiode to produce an output level that is compatible with TTL logic. The integrated photodiode and the following amplifier uses a fully differential approach with an active and a passive area for an improved EMI performance. Within the specified ranges AFBR-2529Z and AFBR2624Z devices will support a BER <10E-9. Receiver Electrical Characteristics (TA = -40 C to +85 C, VCCT = 3.3 V 5% or 5 V 5%) Parameter Symbol Supply Current ICCR Min Typical Max Unit 20 30 mA Data Output Voltage - Low VOL Data Output Voltage - High VOH Rise Time (10%-90%) tRR Fall Time (10%-90%) tFR Pulse Width Distortion PWD -4 Pulse Width Distortion 1st to 3rd pulse PWDinit -5 Propagation Delay tRD Notes -0.3 0.4 V 1 2.5 VCCR+0.3 V 1 5 ns 2, 3 5 ns 2, 3 +4 ns 6, 7, 8, 11 +8 ns 8, 9, 11 30 ns Max Unit +2 dBm Receiver Optical Characteristics (TA = -40 C to +85 C, VCCT = 3.3 V 5% or 5 V 5%) Parameter Symbol Min Input Optical Power (Peak), 1 mm POF PIN -22 Input Optical Power Off-State, 1 mm POF PIN_Off -40 Input Optical Power, PCS (200 m) PIN -25 Input Optical Power Off-State, PCS (200 m) PIN_Off -44 Optical Spectrum Range 630 Typical dBm -1 Notes 10 dBm dBm 685 nm Notes: 1. Standard TTL output. 2. Measured with RL = 50 kW and CL = 15 pF 3. Optical Power generated by a standard Avago Technologies Transmitter, with ideal alignment to the photodiode using a 1 mm POF (NA = 0.5). 6. Optical input of 50 MBd PRBS-7 pattern and 50% duty cycle. 7. Pulse width is measured at 50% threshold using a rising edge trigger and PRBS-7 pattern. 8. If data rate is below 1MBd the pulse width distortion would be equal to the pulse width distortion of the 1st to 3rd pulses for higher datarates. 9. The threshold of the 1st pulse of a data sequence is difficult to adjust and therefore the pulse width distortion up to the 3rd pulse is higher than for all other pulses (worst case for the 1st pulse). This strongly depends on the quality of the rising and falling edge of the optical input. The faster the edges the smaller the pulse width variation. Furthermore lower data rates would result in the same issue as all the pulse become 1st pulses. 10. Output low for AFBR-2624Z and Output high for AFBR-2529Z. 11. Because of optical pulse width spreading, the PWD limits have to be increased by 0.1 ns for each 10 m fiber length. For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site: Avago, Avago Technologies, and the A logo are trademarks of Avago Technologies in the United States and other countries. Data subject to change. Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Avago Technologies. All rights reserved. AV02-3407EN - Feb 19, 2013