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Functional Description
HDV26 supports two memory ports with independent control, address, and I/O pins that enable simultaneous, asynchronous
access to any location in memory.
Busy Logic
When both ports attempt to access the same memory location at the same time, data corruption can potentially occur. In
the single-device or MASTER configuration (i.e. when the M/ S
pin is tied HIGH), the on-chip Busy Logic arbitrates
simultaneous accesses to the same memory location, and determines the “winner” between the two ports. If Busy Logic considers
the right port lost in the arbitration, then the right port BUSY
pin is set active (LOW) to signal the system that this memory
location is “busy” being accessed by the other port. Furthermore, the Busy Logic prevents the right port from writing to the same
memory location for as long as the right port BUSY
signal stays active (LOW). Once the left port finishes access to this memory
location, the dual-port SRAM signals the system by setting the right port BUSY
pin back to inactive (HIGH), so that the system
can resume its normal access from the right port. Note that only the write operation from the losing port is inhibited; the read
operation is nondestructive and can thus continue regardless of the arbitration result.
pins are output pins in the single-device or MASTER mode, but become input pins instead when the device
is configured in SLAVE mode (this is accomplished by tying M/ S
pin LOW). In SLAVE mode the on-chip arbitration logic is
disabled, and the device relies on the input BUS Y
signals for the results of arbitration when simultaneous access to the same
memory location occurs. Specifically, when a BUSY
pin is set to HIGH, normal operation can be performed from this port, but
when a BUSY
pin is set to LOW, write operations will be inhibited from this port. If width expansion with multiple HBA
HDV26 devices is used, it is recommended that only one of them be configured in MASTER mode, and the rest of them in
SLAVE mode. The BUSY
(output) signal from the master device should be connected to the respective BUSY
(input) pins of
the slave devices. This means that only one device (the master) is performing the Busy Logic arbitration, and all the other devices
(the slaves) will follow this arbitration accordingly. This can prevent the conflicts caused by the potential inconsistent arbitration
results from different dual-port SRAM devices. Note that if the user does not wish the write operation to be inhibited by the Busy
Logic, the user can disable this feature by configuring the device in SLAVE mode and tying the BUSY
input pins to HIGH.
The Busy arbitration logic is triggered whenever the two ports simultaneously attempt to access the same memory
location, where data accesses are determined by the timings and values of the Address and Chip Enable signals only, not by the
value of the R/ W
signal. This means that both read and write operations can trigger the Busy Logic, even though only the write
operation is inhibited from the losing port. Note that in a master/slave configuration, an additional timing constraint concerning
the R/ W
signal needs to be met in order to prevent data corruption in the slave device: the write operation in the slave device
cannot start before the BUSY
signal – which originates from the output BUSY
pin – is received by the slave device to ensure
write inhibition. In other words, the R/ W
signal needs to stay high from the time the Busy Logic on the master device is
triggered (through the changing of the Address and Chip Enable signals) till the BUSY
signal is received by the slave device.
A semaphore can be considered as a special one-bit dual-port memory cell that can be “owned” by (or granted to) only
one port at any given time. Typically a semaphore is used as an arbiter for the exclusive ownership (or access privilege) of any
shared resource in a system. A semaphore ownership can be requested by writing a zero “0” to the semaphore; a semaphore
ownership can be relinquished by writing a one “1” to the semaphore; and a semaphore ownership can be tested by reading from
the semaphore – a readout of zero “0” means that the semaphore is owned by this port, while a readout of one “1” means that
either the semaphore is owned by the other port, or there is no owner at all. A token-passing system can be used to conceptualize
the semaphore mechanism: requesting for the semaphore ownership is equivalent to requesting for the token, and relinquishing
the semaphore ownership is equivalent to releasing the token. HBA HDV26 device provides eight addressable semaphores in
addition to the regular 64Kx16 dual-port memory space.
A typical sequence of accessing a semaphore is as follows: first a port attempts to request for the token by writing a
zero “0” to the semaphore. The result of the request is then tested by reading from the semaphore: if the readout is zero “0”, then
the token request has succeeded; but if the readout is one “1”, then the token request has failed. The requester should then try to
repeatedly read from the semaphore until the readout becomes zero “0”, upon which time the requester becomes the new
possessor of the token, and can be granted exclusive access privilege to the shared resource the semaphore represents. In the case
when both ports request for the token at the same time, the semaphore logic ensures that only one port is granted the token. In
other words, at most one of the two semaphore readout ports can assume the value of zero “0”. When the token is not owned by