HN27C256HG Series 32768-word x 8-bit CMOS UV Erasable and Programmable ROM The Hitachi HN27C256HG is a 256-kbit ultraviolet erasable and electrically programmable ROM, featuring sub-100-ns access times. Ordering Information Type No. Access time Package ----------------------------------------- The HN27C256HG realizes access time of 70 ns and 85 ns, employing the advanced fine process and high speed circuitry technique. The timing conditions such as access time or output hold time are designed as same as our bytewide SRAMs', allowing to use with SRAMs on the same memory board by the same read timings. So its board design in 16-bit microprocessor systems is easy. HN27C256HG-70 70 ns 600-mil 28-pin --------------------------- cerdip HN27C256HG-85 85 ns (DG-28) ----------------------------------------- Pin Arrangement VPP 1 28 VCC Also, the HN27C256HG realizes faster programming time than our conventional 256-kbit EPROM by Hitachi's Fast High-Reliability Programming Algorithm. A12 2 27 A14 A7 3 26 A13 A6 4 25 A8 A5 5 24 A9 Pin arrangement, pin configuration and programming voltage are compatible with our 256kbit EPROM series, therefore existing programmers can be used with the HN27C256HG. A4 6 23 A11 A3 7 22 OE A2 8 21 A10 A1 9 20 CE A0 10 19 I/O7 I/O0 11 18 I/O6 I/O1 12 17 I/O5 I/O2 13 16 I/O4 VSS 14 15 I/O3 Features * High speed: Access time 70/85 ns (max) * Low power dissipation Active mode: 30 mW (typ) (f = 1 MHz) * High reliability and fast programming Programming voltage: +12.5 V DC Fast High-Reliability Programming Algorithm available * Device identifier mode Manufacturer code and device code (Top View) 1 HN27C256HG Series HN27C256HG Series Pin Description Pin name Function Pin name Function ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- A0 - A14 VCC Address Power supply ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- I/O0 - I/O7 VPP Input/output Programming power supply ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- CE VSS Chip enable ----------------------------------------- OE Ground ----------------------------------------- Output enable ----------------------------------------- X-Decoder Block Diagram A4 - A9 A12 - A14 512 x 512 Memory Matrix Address Input Data Control I/O0 I/O7 Y-Gating Y-Decoder CE A0 - A3 A10, A11 OE VCC VPP VSS 2 H H : High Threshold Inverter HN27C256HG Series HN27C256HG Series Mode Selection CE OE A9 VPP VCC I/O ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mode (20) (22) (24) (1) (28) (11 - 13, 15 - 19) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read VIL VIL VCC VCC Dout -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Output disable VIL VIH VCC VCC High-Z -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standby VIH VCC VCC High-Z -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program VIL VIH VPP VCC Din -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program verify VIH VIL VPP VCC Dout -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optional verify VIL VIL VPP VCC Dout -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program inhibit VIH VIH VPP VCC High-Z -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Identifier VIL VH*2 VIL VCC VCC Code -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: 1. : Don't care. 2. VH : 12.0 V 0.5 V. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Value Unit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All input and output voltage*1 Vin, Vout -0.6*2 to +7.0 V -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A9 input voltage*1 VID -0.6*2 to +13.5 V -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VPP voltage*1 VPP -0.6 to +13.5 V -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VCC voltage*1 VCC -0.6 to +7.0 V -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating temperature range Topr 0 to +70 C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Storage temperature range Tstg -65 to +125 C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Storage temperature range under bias Tbias -10 to +80 C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: 1. Relative to VSS. 2. Vin, Vout, VID min = -1.0 V for pulse width 50 ns. 3 HN27C256HG Series HN27C256HG Series Capacitance (Ta = 25C, f = 1 MHz) Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test conditions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Input capacitance Cin -- 4 8 pF Vin = 0 V -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Output capacitance Cout -- 8 12 pF Vout = 0 V -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read Operation DC Characteristics (Ta = 0 to +70C, VCC = 5 V 10%, VPP = VCC) Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test conditions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Input leakage current ILI -- -- 2 A Vin = 0 V to VCC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Output leakage current ILO -- -- 2 A Vout = 0 V to VCC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VPP current IPP1 -- 1 100 A VPP = 5.5 V -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standby VCC current ISB -- -- 15 mA CE = VIH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating VCC current ICC1 -- -- 30 mA CE = VIL, Iout = 0 mA ---------------------------------------------------------------- ICC2 -- -- 50 mA f = 15 MHz, Iout = 0 mA ---------------------------------------------------------------- ICC3 -- 5 15 mA f = 1 MHz, Iout = 0 mA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Input low voltage*3 VIL -0.3*1 -- 0.8 V -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Input high voltage*3 VIH 2.2 -- VCC + 1.0*2 V -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Output low voltage VOL -- -- 0.45 V IOL = 2.1 mA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Output high voltage VOH1 2.4 -- -- V IOH = -1.0 mA ---------------------------------------------------------------- VOH2 VCC - 0.7 -- -- V IOH = -100 A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: 1. VIL min = -1.0 V for pulse width 50 ns. 2. VIH max = VCC + 1.5 V for pulse width 20 ns. If VIH is over the specified maximum value, read operation cannot be guaranteed. 3. Only defined for DC function test. VIL max = 0.45 V, VIH min = 2.4 V for AC function test. 4 HN27C256HG Series HN27C256HG Series AC Characteristics (Ta = 0 to +70C, VCC = 5 V 10%, VPP = VCC) Test Conditions * * * * Input pulse levels: 0.45 V to 2.4 V Input rise and fall times: 10 ns Output load: 1TTL gate + 100 pF Reference levels for measuring timing: Inputs; 1.5 V Outputs; 1.5 V HN27C256HG-70 HN27C256HG-85 --------------- --------------- Parameter Symbol Min Max Min Max Unit Test conditions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address to output delay tACC -- 70 -- 85 ns CE = OE = VIL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CE to output delay tCE -- 70 -- 85 ns OE = VIL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OE to output delay tOE -- 40 -- 45 ns CE = VIL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OE high to output float tDF 0 30 0 30 ns CE = VIL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address to output hold tOH 5 -- 5 -- ns CE = OE = VIL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: tDF is defined as the time at which the output achieves the open circuit condition and data is no longer driven. Read Timing Waveform Address CE Standby Mode Active Mode Standby Mode tCE OE tOE tACC Data Out tDF tOH Data Out Valid 5 HN27C256HG Series HN27C256HG Series retension. A theoretical programming time (except brank checking and verifying time) is one-tenth of conventional high performance programming algorithm's. Regarding the model and software version of the programmers available this algorithm, please contact programmer maker. Fast High-Reliability Programming This device can be applied the Fast HighReliability Programming Algorithm shown in following flowchart. This algorithm offers both faster programming time and high reliability data START SET PROG./VERIFY MODE VPP = 12.5 0.5 V, VCC = 6.0 0.25 V Address = 0 n=0 n+1 n Program tPW = 0.2 ms 5% Address + 1 VERIFY Address NOGO GO Program tOPW = 0.2n ms n = 25 YES NO LAST Address? YES SET READ MODE VCC = 5.0 V 0.5 V, VPP = VCC READ All Address NOGO GO END 6 FAIL NO HN27C256HG Series HN27C256HG Series DC Characteristics (Ta = 25C 5C, VCC = 6 V 0.25 V, VPP = 12.5 V 0.5 V) Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test conditions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Input leakage current ILI -- -- 2 A Vin = 0 V to VCC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VPP supply current IPP -- -- 30 mA CE = VIL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating VCC current ICC -- -- 30 mA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Input low level VIL -0.1*5 -- 0.8 V -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Input high level VIH 2.2 -- VCC + 0.5*6 V -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Output low voltage during verify VOL -- -- 0.45 V IOL = 2.1 mA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Output high voltage during verify VOH 2.4 -- -- V IOH = -400 A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: 1. VCC must be applied simultaneously or before VPP and removed simultaneously or after VPP. 2. VPP must not exceed 13.5 V including overshoot. 3. An influence may be had upon device reliability if the device is installed or removed while VPP = 12. 5V. 4. Do not alter VPP either VIL to 12.5 V or 12.5 V to VIL when CE = Low. 5. VIL min = -0.6 V for pulse width 20 ns. 6. If VIH is over the specified maximum value, programming operation cannot be guaranteed. 7 HN27C256HG Series HN27C256HG Series AC Characteristics (Ta = 25C 5C, VCC = 6 V 0.25 V, VPP = 12.5 V 0.5 V) Test Conditions * Input pulse levels: 0.45 V to 2.4 V * Input rise and fall times: 20 ns * Reference levels for measuring timing: Inputs; 0.8 V and 2.0 V Outputs; 0.8 V and 2.0 V Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test conditions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address setup time tAS 2 -- -- s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OE setup time tOES 2 -- -- s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data setup time tDS 2 -- -- s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address hold time tAH 0 -- -- s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data hold time tDH 2 -- -- s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VPP setup time tVPS 2 -- -- s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VCC setup time tVCS 2 -- -- s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CE initial programming pulse width tPW 0.19 0.20 0.21 ms -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CE over programming pulse width tOPW*1 0.19 -- 5.25 ms -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data valid from OE tOE 0 -- 150 ns -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OE to output float delay tDF*2 -- -- 130 ns -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: 1. Refer to the Fast High-Reliability Programming Flowchart for tOPW. 2. tDF is defined as the time at which the output achieves the open circuit condition and data is no longer driven. 8 HN27C256HG Series HN27C256HG Series Fast High-Reliability Programming Timing Waveform Program Program Verify Address tAH tAS Data In Stable Data tDH tDS VPP VCC Data Out Valid tDF VPP VCC tVPS VCC + 1 VCC tVCS CE tPW tOES tOE OE 9 HN27C256HG Series HN27C256HG Series kbit EPROM series, so existing programmers can be used with this device. This algorithm allows to obtain faster programming time without any voltage stress to the device nor deterioration in reliability of programmed data. High Performance Programming This device can be applied the high performance programming algorithm shown in following flowchart. This algorithm is as same as our 256- START SET PROG./VERIFY MODE VPP = 12.5 0.5 V, VCC = 6.0 0.25 V Address = 0 n=0 n+1 n Program tPW = 1.0 ms 5% Address + 1 VERIFY Address NOGO GO Program tOPW = 3n ms n = 25 YES NO LAST Address? YES SET READ MODE VCC = 5.0 V 0.5 V, VPP = VCC READ All Address NOGO GO END 10 FAIL NO HN27C256HG Series HN27C256HG Series DC Characteristics (Ta = 25C 5C, VCC = 6 V 0.25 V, VPP = 12.5 V 0.5 V) Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test conditions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Input leakage current ILI -- -- 2 A Vin = 0 V to VCC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VPP supply current IPP -- -- 30 mA CE = VIL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating VCC current ICC -- -- 30 mA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Input low level VIL -0.1*5 -- 0.8 V -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Input high level VIH 2.2 -- VCC + 0.5*6 V -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Output low voltage during verify VOL -- -- 0.45 V IOL = 2.1 mA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Output high voltage during verify VOH 2.4 -- -- V IOH = -400 A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: 1. VCC must be applied simultaneously or before VPP and removed simultaneously or after VPP. 2. VPP must not exceed 13.5 V including overshoot. 3. An influence may be had upon device reliability if the device is installed or removed while VPP = 12. 5V. 4. Do not alter VPP either VIL to 12.5 V or 12.5 V to VIL when CE = Low. 5. VIL min = -0.6 V for pulse width 20 ns. 6. If VIH is over the specified maximum value, programming operation cannot be guaranteed. 11 HN27C256HG Series HN27C256HG Series AC Characteristics (Ta = 25C 5C, VCC = 6 V 0.25 V, VPP = 12.5 V 0.5 V) Test Conditions * Input pulse levels: 0.45 V to 2.4 V * Input rise and fall times: 20 ns * Reference levels for measuring timing: Inputs; 1.5 V Outputs; 1.5 V Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test conditions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address setup time tAS 2 -- -- s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OE setup time tOES 2 -- -- s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data setup time tDS 2 -- -- s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address hold time tAH 0 -- -- s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data hold time tDH 2 -- -- s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VPP setup time tVPS 2 -- -- s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VCC setup time tVCS 2 -- -- s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CE initial programming pulse width tPW 0.95 1.0 1.05 ms -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CE over programming pulse width tOPW*1 2.85 -- 78.75 ms -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data valid from OE tOE 0 -- 150 ns -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OE to output float delay tDF*2 -- -- 130 ns -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: 1. Refer to the high performance programming flowchart for tOPW. 2. tDF is defined as the time at which the output achieves the open circuit condition and data is no longer driven. 12 HN27C256HG Series HN27C256HG Series High Performance Programming Timing Waveform Program Program Verify Address tAH tAS Data In Stable Data Data Out Valid tDH tDS tDF VPP VCC VPP tVPS VCC + 1 VCC VCC tVCS CE tPW tOES tOE OE 13 HN27C256HG Series HN27C256HG Series Erase Mode Description Erasure of HN27C256HG is performed by exposure to ultraviolet light of 2537 A and all the output data are changed to "1" after this erasure procedure. The minimum integrated dose (i.e. UV intensity x exposure time) for erasure is 15 W*sec/cm2. Device Identifier Mode Programming condition of EPROM is various according to EPROM manufacturers and device types. It may cause miss operation. To countermeasure it, some EPROMs provide maker identifier code. Users can write EPROM by reading out write condition coded before shipped. Some commercial programmers can set write condition by recognizing this code. This function enables effective program. Regarding commercial programmers that can recognize this device's identifier code, please contact programmer maker. HN27C256HG Series Identifier Code A0 I/O7 I/O6 I/O5 I/O4 I/O3 I/O2 I/O1 I/O0 -------------------------------------------------------------- Hex Identifier (10) (19) (18) (17) (16) (15) (13) (12) (11) data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manufacturer code VIL 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 07 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Device code VIH 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: 1. A9 = 12.0 V 0.5 V. 2. A1 - A8, A10 - A14, CE, OE = VIL. 14 HN27C256HG Series HN27C256HG Series Electrical Characteristics Curves Ta = 25C f = 15 MHz 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 4 Supply Current vs. Ambient Temperatrure Supply Current ICC2 (Normalized) Supply Current ICC2 (Normalized) Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage VCC = 5 V f = 15 MHz 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 5 6 Supply Voltage VCC (V) 20 60 0 40 80 Ambient Temperature Ta (C) Supply Current - Frequency 2.0 Access Time tOE (Normalized) Supply Current ICC2 (Normalized) Access Time - Supply Voltage Ta = 25C VCC = 5 V 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 10 5 Frequency f (MHz) 15 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 4 5 6 Supply Voltage VCC (V) 15 HN27C256HG Series HN27C256HG Series Electrical Characteristics Curves (Cont) Ta = 25C 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 4 Access Time - Ambient Temperature Access Time tACC (Normalized) Access Time tACC (Normalized) Access Time - Supply Voltage VCC = 5 V 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 5 6 Supply Voltage VCC (V) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 16 Ta = 25C VCC = 5 V 0 1 3 2 4 Output Current IOH (mA) Output Voltage vs. Output Current Output Voltage VOH (Normalized) Output Voltage VOL (Normalized) Output Voltage vs. Ooutput Current 20 60 0 40 80 Ambient Temperature Ta (C) Ta = 25C VCC = 5 V 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 Output Current IOH (mA) HN27C256HG Series HN27C256HG Series Electrical Characteristics Curves (Cont) Ta = 25C 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 4 5 6 Supply Voltage VCC (V) Standby Current vs. Ambient Temperature Standby Current ISB (Normalized) Standby Current ISB (Normalized) Standby Current vs. Supply Voltage VCC = 5 V 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 0 20 40 60 80 Ambient Temperature Ta (C) 17