Intel® Xeon Processor with 533 MHz
Front Side Bus at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz
Product Features
Available at 2, 2.40, 2.66, 2.80, and 3.06 GHz
Dual processing server/workstation support
Binary compatible with applications running on
previous members of Intel’s IA32
microprocessor line
Intel® NetBurst™ micro-architecture
Hyper-Threading Technology
Hardware support for multithreaded
533 MHz Front Side Bus
Bandwidth up to 4.3 GB/second
Rapid Execution Engine: Arithmetic Logic
Units (ALUs) run at twice the processor core
Hyper Pipelined Technology
Advance Dynamic Execution
Very deep out-of-order execution
Enhanced branch prediction
Level 1 Execution Trace Cache stores 12 K
micro-ops and removes decoder latency from
main execution loops
Includes 8 KB Level 1 data cache
512 KB Advanced Transfer L2 Cache (on-die,
full speed Level 2 cache) with 8-way
associativity and Error Correcting Code (ECC)
Enables system support of up to 64 GB of
physical memory
Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2)
144 new instructions for double-precision
floating point operations, media/video
streaming, and secure transactions
Enhanced floating point and multimedia unit for
enhanced video, audio, encryption, and 3D
Power Management capabilities
System Management mode
Multiple low-power states
Advanced System Management Features
Thermal Monitor
Machine Check Architecture (MCA)
Document Num ber: 252135-003
March 2003
The Intel Xeon processo r with 533 MHz Front
Side Bus d elivers compute power at unpa ralleled
value and flexibility for powerful workstations,
intern et inf rastructure, and departm e ntal server
applicat ions. The Intel® NetBurst™ micro-
archite cture and Hyper-Threading Technol ogy
deli ve r out standi ng performa nc e a nd headroom
for peak internet server workloads, res ulting in
fast er resp onse time s, suppor t for more users, a nd
improved scalability.
The Intel® Xeon™ Process or wit h 533 MHz F ront Side Bus is des igned for high-perform a nc e
dual-processor workstation and server applications. Based on the Intel® Ne tBurst™ micro-
archite cture and the new Hyper -Threading Technol ogy, it is binary compatible with previous
Inte l Arch itec tur e (I A- 32) pr oces sor s. The Int el Xe on pr oce ssor wi th 53 3 MHz Front Sid e Bus
scalab le to two proces s ors in a multiprocess or system providing exceptional perfo rm ance for
applic a tion s running on adva nc e d oper a ting sys t ems suc h a s Windows XP*, Windows* 2000,
Linux*, and UNIX*.
2Intel® Xeon™ Proc essor w i th 533 MHz Front Side B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz
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Copyrigh t © Intel Corpor ation , 2002-2003
Intel® Xeon™ Processor wi th 533 MH z Front Si de Bus at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 3
1.0 Introduction.........................................................................................................................7
1.1 Terminology...........................................................................................................8
1.1. 1 Pro ce sso r Packa gin g Termin olo gy..... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... .8
1.2 State of Data .........................................................................................................9
1.3 References..........................................................................................................10
2.0 Electrical Specificati o ns. .... ...... .... ...... .... ............. ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ..11
2.1 Front Side Bus and GTLREF ..............................................................................11
2.2 Power and Ground Pins......................................................................................11
2.3 Decoupl in g Guidel in es ...... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... .............. ... ....... ... ..11
2.3.1 VCC Decoupling.....................................................................................12
2.3. 2 Front Si de Bus AGTL+ Dec oup li ng....... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ............. ..12
2.4 Front Side Bus Clock (BCLK[1:0]) and Processor Clocking................................12
2.4. 1 Bus Clock.................... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ............. .... ...... .... ...... .... .....13
2.5 PLL Filter.............................................................................................................13
2.5.1 Mixing Processors..................................................................................15
2.6 Voltage Identification..........................................................................................15
2.6.1 Mixing Processors of Different Voltages ................................................16
2.7 Reserved Or Unused Pins...................................................................................17
2.8 Front Side Bus Signal Groups.............................................................................17
2.9 Asynchronous GTL+ Signals ...............................................................................19
2.10 Maximum Ratin gs. ............. ... .............. ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ............. .... ...... .... .....19
2.11 Processor DC Specifications...............................................................................19
2.12 AGTL+ Front Side Bus Speci fica tio n s.......... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ..26
3.0 Mechanical Specifications................................................................................................29
3.1 Mechanical Specifications...................................................................................30
3.2 Processor Package Load Specifications.............................................................35
3.3 Insertion Specifications .......................................................................................36
3.4 Mass Specifications.............................................................................................36
3.5 Materials..............................................................................................................36
3.6 Markings..............................................................................................................37
3.7 Pin-Out Diagram..................................................................................................38
4.0 Pin Listing and Signal Definitions.....................................................................................41
4.1 Processor Pin Assignments ................................................................................41
4.1.1 Pin Listing by Pin Name .........................................................................41
4.1.2 Pin Listing by Pin Number......................................................................50
4.2 Signal Definitions.................................................................................................60
5.0 Thermal Specifications.....................................................................................................69
5.1 Thermal Specifications........................................................................................70
5.2 Measurements for Thermal Specifications.........................................................72
5.2.1 Processor Case Temperature Measurement .........................................72
6.0 Features...........................................................................................................................73
6.1 Power-On Configuration Options ........................................................................73
6.2 Clock Control and Low Power States..................................................................73
4Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz
6.2.1 Normal State—State 1...........................................................................73
6.2.2 AutoHALT Pow erd ow n State—State 2 .............. .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ..74
6.2.3 Stop-Grant State—State 3 .....................................................................74
6.2.4 HALT/Grant Snoop State—State 4........................................................7 5
6.2.5 Sleep State—State 5..............................................................................7 5
6.2 .6 Bus Response Durin g Low Power Stat es.... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... .........76
6.3 Thermal Monito r................... ... ....... ... .............. ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ............. .... ..76
6.3.1 Thermal Diode........................................................................................7 7
7.0 Boxed Processor Specifications.......................................................................................79
7.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................79
7.2 Mechanical Specifications...................................................................................80
7.2.1 Boxed Processor Heatsink Dimensions.................................................8 0
7.2.2 Boxed Processor Heatsink Weight.........................................................80
7.2.3 Boxed Proce sso r Rete nt ion Mechan ism and Heat sin k Sup port s...........80
7.3 Boxed Process or Requirements ................. .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ..84
7.3.1 Intel ® Xeon™ Proce sso r with 533 MHz Front Side Bus........ .... ...... .... ..84
7.3.2 1U Rack Mount Server Solution.............................................................88
7.4 Thermal Speci fi cati o ns................... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... .............. ... ....... ... ....... ..90
7.4.1 Boxed Processor Cooling Requirements...............................................90
8.0 Debug Tools Specifications..............................................................................................91
8.1 Logic Analyzer Interface (LAI).............................................................................9 1
8.1 .1 Mechanical Co nsi der at i ons................ ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ..91
8.1.2 Electrical Considerations........................................................................91
1 Typica l VCCI OPL L, VCCA and VSSA Power Distr ib ut ion.. ...... .... ............. ... ......14
2 Pha se Lock Loop (PLL) Fil ter Requ ire ments............ ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ..14
3 Intel® Xeon™ processor with 533 MHz Fr ont Side Bus V ol t age-
Current Projections (VID 1.5V)............................................................................2 2
4 In t el Xeon proce ssor with 53 3 M Hz Front Side B us Vol tage- Curr ent
Pro jec tio ns (VI D 1.52 5V)............. ... ....... ... ....... ... ............. .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ..23
5 Electrical Test Ci rcuit .... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ......27
6 THERMTRIP# to VCC Timing.............................................................................27
7 FC-mPGA2 Processor Package Assembly Drawing ...........................................29
8 FC-mPGA Processor Package Top View: Component Placement Detail...........30
9 Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus in the
FC-mPGA2 Package Drawing ............................................................................31
10 FC-mPGA2 Processor Package Top View: Component Height Keep-in............32
11 FC-mPGA2 Processor Package Cross Section View: Pin Side
Compone nt Ke ep-in................ .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ............. ... ....... ... ......33
12 FC-mPGA2 Processor Package: Pin Detail........................................................34
13 IHS Flatness and Tilt Drawing.............................................................................3 5
14 Pro cesso r Top -S ide Mark ing s..... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ............. ... ....... ... ....... ... ......37
15 Pro cesso r Bot to m-Sid e Marking s.......... ... ....... ... ............. .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ..37
16 Pro cesso r Pin Out Dia gra m: Top View .... ............. .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ............38
17 Pro cesso r Pin Out Diagr a m: Botto m View.. .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ............. ... ......39
18 Processor with Thermal and Mechanical Components - Exploded View............69
19 Proc essor T herm al Design Power vs Electri cal Pr oj ecti ons for VID = 1.500V...70
Intel® Xeon™ Processor wi th 533 MH z Front Si de Bus at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 5
20 Processo r T hermal Design Power vs Electrical Pro j ectio ns for VID = 1 .525V....71
21 Thermal Measurement Point for Processor TCASE............................................72
22 Sto p Clo ck Sta te Machine.... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ... ....... ..74
23 Mechanical Representation of the Boxed Processor Passive Heatsink..............79
24 Boxed Processor Retention Mechanism and Clip...............................................81
25 Boxed Processor Retention Mechanism that Ships with the Processor..............82
26 Multiple View Space Requirements for the Boxed Processor.............................83
27 Fan Connector Electrical Pin Sequence.............................................................85
28 Processor Wind Tunnel General Dimensions .....................................................86
29 Processor Wind Tunnel Detailed Dimensions.....................................................87
30 Exploded View of the 1U Thermal Solution.........................................................88
31 Assembled View of the 1U Thermal Solution......................................................89
1 Front Side Bus-to-Core Frequency Ratio............................................................13
2 Front Side Bus Clock Frequency Select Truth Table for BSEL[1:0]....................13
3 Voltage Identification Definition...........................................................................16
4 Front Side Bus Signal Groups.............................................................................18
5 Pro ce ss or Absolu te Maxi mum Ratin gs ........ ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ............. ... ....... ..19
6 Voltage and Current Specifications.....................................................................21
7 Front Side Bus Differential BCLK Specifications.................................................23
8 AGTL+ Signal Group DC Specifications .............................................................24
9 TAP and PWRGOOD Signal Group DC Specifications.......................................24
10 Asynchronous GTL+ Signal Group DC Specifications........................................25
11 BSEL[1:0] and VID[4:0] DC Specifications..........................................................25
12 AGTL+ Bus Voltage Definitions...........................................................................26
13 Miscellaneous Signals + Specifications ..............................................................27
14 Di m ensio ns for th e In tel® X eon™ Process or wit h 533 MHz F ront
Side Bus in the FC-mPGA2 Package..................................................................32
15 Package Dynamic and Static Load Specifications..............................................35
16 Processor Mass...................................................................................................36
17 Processor Material Properties.............................................................................36
38 Pin Listing by Pin Name......................................................................................41
39 Pin Listing by Pin Number...................................................................................50
41 Signal Definitions.................................................................................................60
42 Processor Thermal Design Power.......................................................................70
43 Power-On Configuration Option Pins..................................................................73
44 Thermal Diode Parameters.................................................................................77
45 Thermal Diode Interface......................................................................................78
46 F an Cable Conn e cto r Requirements..... ....... ... ............. .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... .....85
47 Fan Power and Signal Specifications..................................................................85
6Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz
Revision History
Date of Release Revision
No. Description
November 2002 -001 Initial Release
February 2003 -002
Added 3.06 GHz information.
Edited definitions with current terminology.
Added two TDP loadline figures in chapter 6.
Edited figures 18 and 19.
Added notes to signal definition tables for symmetric agents.
Edited Chapter 8.0 Boxed Processor Specifications.
March 2003 -003 Deleted Chapter 3 and Removed Section 2.13, 2.14
Added Table 13
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 7
1.0 Introduction
The Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus is based on the Intel® NetBurst™
micro-architecture, which operates at significantly higher clock speeds and delivers performance
levels that are significantly higher than previous generations of IA-32 processors. While based on
the Intel NetBurst micro-architecture, it maintains the tradition of compatibility with IA-32
The Intel NetBurst micro-architecture features begin with innovative techniques that enhance
processor execution such as Hyper Pipelined Technology, a Rapid Execution Engine, Advanced
Dynamic Execution, enhanced Floating Point and Multimedia unit, and Streaming SIMD
Ex te nsions 2 (SSE2). T he Hype r Pipe lined Technology doubles the pi pe line depth in th e processor,
allow ing the processor to reach much hig her cor e fr equencies. The Rapid Execution Engine allows
the two integer ALUs in the processor to run at twice the core frequency, which allows many
integ er instr uctions to execute in one half of the inter nal core cl ock period. The Advanced D ynamic
Execution improves speculative execution and branch prediction internal to the processor. The
floating poin t and multi-media unit s have been improve d by maki ng the registers 128 bits w i de and
adding a separate register for data movement. Finally, SSE2 adds 144 new instructions for double-
precision floating point, SIMD integer, and memory management for improvements in video/
multimedia processing, secure transactions, and visual internet applications.
Also part of the Intel NetBurst micro-architecture, the front side bus and caches on the Intel Xeon
pro ces sor w ith 533 MHz Fr ont Side Bus pr ovide trem endo us thr ou ghp ut for server and works tat ion
workloads. The 533 MHz Front Side Bus provides a high-bandwidth pipeline to the system
memory and I/O. It is a quad-pumped bus running off a 133 MHz Front Side Bus clock making
4.3 Gigabyt e s per sec ond (4,300 Megabytes per seco nd) da ta tran sfer rates possible. The Ex e c ution
Trace Cache is a level 1 cache that stores approximately twelve thousand decoded micro-
operations, which removes the decoder latency from the main execution path and increases
performance. The Advanced Transfer Cache is a 512 KB on-die level 2 cache running at the speed
of the processor core providing increased bandwidth over previous micro-architectures.
In addition to the Intel NetBurst micro-architecture, the Intel Xeon processor with 533 MHz Front
Side Bus includes a groundbreaking new technology called Hyper-Threading technology, which
enabl es multi- thread ed software to execut e tasks in p arallel w ithin th e process or resulting in a more
efficient, simultaneous use of processor resources. Server applications can realize increased
perfor mance from Hyp er-Threading technology today, while work st ation applications are exp ected
to benefit from Hyper-Threading technology in the future through software and processor
evolution. The combination of Intel NetBurst micro-architecture and Hyper-Threading technology
delivers outstanding performance, throughput, and headroom for peak software workloads
resulting in fa ster res ponse t imes and im proved scalability.
The Intel Xeon pr ocessor wi th 533 MHz Front S ide Bus i s intende d for high performa nc e worksta-
tion and server s ys tems wit h up to two processors on a s ingle bu s. The processor supports both uni-
and dual-processor de signs. The Intel Xeon with 5 33 MHz Front Side Bus processors do not i nc or-
porate system managment devices (PIROM, OEM Scratchpad EEPROM, and thermal sensor), but
offer direct access to the pins of an on-die thermal diode. These output pins can interface with a
thermal sensor device that is placed on the baseboard. The Intel Xeon processor with 533 MHz
Front Side Bus is packaged in a 604-pin flip chip micro-PGA2 (FC-mPGA2) package, and utilizes
a surface mount ZIF socket wit h 604 pins.
The FC-mPGA2 package contains an extra pin (located at location AE30) compared to the INT-
mPGA package. This additional pin serves as a keying mechanism to prevent the FC-mPGA2
packag e fr om being instal led in the 603-p in socket since processors in the FC-mPGA2 package are
8Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
only s upported in the 604-pin s ocket. S ince the additional contact for pin AE30 is electrically inert,
the 604-pin so cket will not have a solder ball at this location.
Mechanical components used for attaching thermal solutions to the baseboard should have a high
deg ree of commonalit y with the thermal so lution components enabled for the Intel Xeon pr oc e ssor
Heatsinks and retention mechanisms have been designed with manufacturability as a high priority.
Hence, mechanical assembly can be comp leted from the top of the baseboard.
The Intel Xeon processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus uses a scalable front side bus protocol
referred to as the “Front Side Bus” in this document. The processor front side bus utilizes a split-
transaction, deferred reply protocol similar to that introduced by the Pentium® Pro processor Front
Side Bus, but is not compatible with the Pentium Pro processor front side bus. The Intel Xeon
processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus is compatible with the Intel Xeon processor Front Side
Bus. The front side bus uses Source-Synchronous Transfer (SST) of address and data to improve
performance, an d transfers d a ta four times per bus clock (4X data transfer rate). Along with the 4X
data bus, the address bus can deliver addresses two times per bus clock and is referred to as a
‘double-clocked’ or 2X address bus. In addition, the Request Phase completes in one clock cycle.
Working together, the 4X data bus and 2X address bus provide a data bus bandwidth of up to 4.3
Gigabytes per second. Finally, the front side bus also introduces transactions that are used to
del i ve r inte rrupts.
Signals on the front side bus use Assisted GTL+ (AGTL+) level voltages which are fully described
in the a ppropriate platform des i gn gui de (ref e r to Se c ti o n 1.3).
1.1 Terminology
A ‘#’ sym bol after a signal name r efers to an active low signal, indicating a s ignal is in the assert ed
state when driven to a low level. For example, when RESET# is low, a reset has been requested.
Conversely, when NMI is high, a nonmaskable interrupt has occurred. In the case of signals where
the name does not imply an active state but describes part of a binary sequence (such as address or
data), the ‘#’ symbol implies that the signal is inverted. For example, D[3:0] = ‘HLHL refers to a
hex ‘A’, and D[3:0]# = ‘LHLH’ also refers to a hex ‘A (H= High logic level, L= Low logic level).
Front Side Bus (FSB): The electrical interface that connects the processor to the chipset. Also
referred to as the processor system bus or the system bus. All memory and I/O transactions as well
as interrupt messages pass be tween th e process or and chipset ov e r the FSB.
1.1.1 Processor Packaging Terminology
Com m only use d t erms are ex pl ained here for clarific ation:
604-pin socket - The 604-pin socket contains an additional contact to accept the additional
keying pin on the Intel Xeon processor in the FC-mPGA2 packages at pin location AE30. The
604-pin socket will also accept processors with the INT-mPGA package. Since the additional
contact for pin AE30 is electrically inert, the 604-pin socket will not have a solder ball at this
location. Therefore, the additional keying pin will not require a baseboard via nor a surface-
mount pad. See the mPGA604 Socket Design Guidelines for details regarding this sock et.
Ce ntral Agen t - The central agent is the ho st bridg e to the p rocess or and is typicall y known as
the chipset.
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 9
F li p Chip B a ll Gr id A r ray (F C-BGA) - Microprocessor packaging using “flip chip” design,
where the processor is attached to the substrate face-down for better signal integrity, more
eff icient heat removal and lower ind uctance.
FC-mPGA2 - Packaging technology with the processor die mounted directly to a micro-Pin
Grid Array substrate with an integrated heat spreader (IHS).
Fr o nt Si de B us - Front Side Bus (FSB) is the electrica l inte rface tha t connects the proc esso r to
the ch ipset . A lso ref erred t o a s t h e p roce sso r system b u s o r th e sy st em bu s. All m e mory an d
I/O transactions as well as interrupt messages pass between the processor and chipset over the
Intel® Xeon™ processor with 512 KB L2 cache - The entire processor in its INT-mPGA
package, including processor core in its FC-BGA p ackage, integrated heat spreader (IHS), and
Intel® Xeon™ processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus - The entire processor in its FC-
mPGA2 package, including processor core in its FC-BGA package, integrated heat spreader
(IHS), a n d interposer.
Integrated Heat Spreader (IHS) - The surface used to attach a heatsink or other thermal
solution to the processor.
Interposer - The structure on whi ch the processor core package and I/O pin s are mount ed.
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer.
Processor core - The processors execution engine. All AC timing and signal integrity
specifications are to the pads of the pr ocess or core.
Retention mechanism - The support components that are mounted through the baseboard to
the chassis to pro vide mechanical ret ention for the processor and heatsink as sembly.
Symmetric Agent - A symmetric agent is a processor which shares the same I/O subsystem
and memory array, and runs the same operating system as another processor in a system.
Systems using symmetric agents are known as Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) systems.
Intel® Xeon™ (DP - Dual Processor) processors should only be used in SMP systems which
have tw o or fewe r symme tric agents.
1.2 State of Data
The data contained in this d ocument is s ubject to change. I t is the best information that Intel is able
to provide a t the publicat ion date of this document.
10 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
1.3 References
The reader of this specification should also be familiar with material and concepts presented in the
following docume nts:.
1. Contact your Intel representative for the latest revision of documents without order numbers.
Document Intel Order Number1
AP-485, Intel® Processor Identification and the CPUID Instruction 241618
IA-32 Intel ® Architecture Software Developer's Manual
Volume I: Basic Architecture
Volume II: Instruction Set Reference
Volume III: System Programm ing Guide
Intel ® XeonTMProcessor with 512-KB L2 Cache and Intel® E7505 Chipset
Platform Design Guide
Intel® Xeon™ Processor Thermal Design Guidelines 298348
603 -Pin Socket Design Guidelines 249672
mPGA604 Socket Design Guidelines 11299
Intel® Xeon™ Processor Specification Update 249678
CK00 Clock Synthesizer/Driver Design Guidelines 249206
VRM 9.0 DC-DC Converter Design Guidelines 249205
VRM 9.1 DC-DC Converter Design Guidelines 298646
Dual Intel® XeonTM Processor Voltage Regulator Down (VRD) Design
Guidelines 298644
ITP700 Debug Port Design Guide 249679
Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus System Compatibility
Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus Signal Integrity
Intel® Xe on™ Proc essor with 533 M Hz Fro nt Side Bus Mecha nical Models in
ProE* Format
IIntel® Xeon™ Processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus Mechanical Models
in IGES* Format
Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 512-KB L2 Cache Front Side Bus Thermal
Models (FloTherm* and ICEPAK* format)
Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus Core Boundary Scan
Descriptor Language (BSDL) Model
Wired for Management 2.0 Design Guide
Boxed Integr ation Notes
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 11
2.0 Electrical Specifications
2.1 Front Side Bus and GTLREF
Most Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 533MHz Front Side Bus signals use Assisted Gunning
Transceiver Logic (AGTL+) signaling technology. This signaling technology provides improved
noise margins and reduced ringing through low voltage swings and controlled edge rates. The
pro cessor term inat ion volt age leve l is VCC, the operating voltage of the processor core. Th e use of a
termination voltage that is determined by the processor core allows better voltage scaling on the
processor front side bus. Because of the speed improvements to data and address busses, signal
integrity and platform design methods become more critical than with previous processor families.
Front side bus design guidelines are detailed in the appropriate platform design guide (refer to
Sec tion 1.3).
The AGTL+ inputs require a reference voltage (GTLREF) which is used by the receivers to
deter mi ne if a signal is a logical 0 or a logical 1. GTLREF must be generate d on the bas eboard (See
Ta b le 1 2 for GTLREF specifications). Termination resistors are provided on the processor silicon
and are terminated to its core voltage (VCC). The on-die termination resistors are a selectable
featu re and can be enabled or disabled via the ODTEN pin. For end bus agents , on-die termination
can be enabled to control reflections on the transmission line. For middle bus agents, on-die
termination must be disabled. Intel chipsets will also provide on-die termination, thus eliminating
the need to terminate the bus on the baseboard for most AGTL+ signals. Refer to S ecti on 2.12 for
details on ODTEN resistor termination requirements.
Note: Some AGTL+ signals do not include on-die termination and must be terminated on the baseboard.
See Table 4 for details re garding these signals.
The AGTL+ signals depend on incident wave switching. Therefore timing calculations for AGTL+
signals are based on flight tim e a s opposed to ca pacitive der atings. Analog signal simulation of the
front side bus, including trace lengths, is highly recommended when designing a system. Please
ref e r to to obtain the Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 533 MHZ Front Side
Bu s Signal Integrity Mode ls.
2.2 Power and Ground Pins
For clean on-chip power distribution, the Intel X eon pr oc ess or wit h 5 3 3 M Hz Fr ont Sid e B us ha s
190 VCC (p owe r) and 189 VSS (gr ound) input s. All VCC pins m ust be connect e d to the system power
plane, while all VSS pins must be connected to the system ground plane. The processor VCC pins
must be supplied the voltage determined by the proces s or VID (Voltage ID) pins.
2.3 Decou p ling Gui delin es
Due to its large number of transistors and high internal clock speeds, the processor is capable of
generating large average current swings between low and full power states. This may cause
voltages on power planes to sag below their minimum values if bulk decoupling is not adequate.
Larger bulk storage (CBULK), such as electrolytic capacitors, supply current during longer lasting
changes in current demand by the component, such as coming out of an idle condition. Similarly,
they act as a storage well for current when entering an idle condition from a running condition.
12 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
Care must be taken in the baseboard design to ensure that the voltage provided to the processor
remains within the specifications listed in Table 6. Failur e to do so can result in timin g violat ion s or
reduced lifetime of the component. For further information and guidelines, refer to the appropriate
pla tform de sign guidelines.
2.3.1 VCC Decoupling
Regulato r solutions need to provide bulk capacitance with a low Eff ective Series Resistance (ESR)
and the baseboard designer must ensure a low interconnect resistance from the regulator (or VRM
pins) to the 604-pin socket. Bulk decoupling may be provided on the voltage regulation module
(VRM) to meet help meet the large current swing requirements. The remaining decoupling is
provided on the baseboard. The power delivery path must be capable of delivering enough current
while maintaining the required tolerances (defined in Ta b le 6 ). For further information regarding
power delivery, decoupling, and layout guidelines, refer to the appropriate platform design
2.3.2 Front Side Bus AGTL+ Decoupling
The Intel® Xe on™ processo r with 533MHz Front Side B us integrates signa l ter minati on on the die
as well as part of the required high frequency decoupling capacitance on the processor package.
However, additional high frequency capacitance must be added to the baseboard to properly
deco uple the re turn c urrents from the front side bus. Bul k de c oupli ng must als o be provi de d by the
baseb oar d fo r prop er AGTL+ bu s opera tion. Decou pli ng g uid elin es are de scr ibe d in th e a ppr opria t e
pla tform de sign guidelines.
2.4 Front Side Bus Clock (BCLK[1:0]) and Processor Clocking
BCLK[1:0] directly controls the front side bus interface speed as well as the core frequency of the
processor. As in previous generation processors, the processor core frequency is a multiple of the
BCLK[1:0] frequency. The maximum processor bus ratio multiplier will be set during
manufactu ring. T he de fault setting will equal the maximu m spe e d for the proce ssor.
The BCLK[1:0] inputs directly control the operating speed of the front side bus interface. The
processor core frequency is configured during reset by using values stored internally during
manufacturing. The stored value sets the highest bus fraction at which the particular processor can
Clock mu ltiply ing within the process or is provided by the internal PLL, which requires a cons tant
frequency BCLK[1:0] input with exceptions for spread spectrum clocking. Processor DC and AC
specifications for the BCLK[1:0] inp uts are provid ed in Table 7 and Table 13, respectively. These
specifications must be met while also meeting signal integrity requirements as outlined in Chapter
3.0. The proces s or utilizes a differential clock. Details regarding BCLK[1:0] driver speci fications
are provided in the CK408 Clock Synthesizer/Driver Design Guidelines.. Table 1 contains the sup-
ported b us frac tion r a tios an d their corre sponding cor e frequenci e s.
Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 533 MH z Front Side Bus
Datasheet 13
Ta b le 1. Front Side Bus-to-Core Frequency Ratio
2.4.1 Bus Clock
The front side bus frequency is set to the maximum supported by the individual processor.
BSEL[1:0] are outputs used to select the front side bus frequency. Table 2 defines the possible
combinations of the signals and the frequency associated with each combination. The frequency is
determined by the processor(s), chipset, and clock synthesizer. All front side bus agents must
operate at the same frequency. Individual processors will only operate at their specified front side
bus clock frequency, (100 MHz for pre sent ge neration p rocessors) .
The Intel® Xeon TM processor with a 533 MHz Front Side Bus is designed to run on a baseboard
with a 133 MHz bus clock.. On these baseboards, BSEL[0:1] are considered ‘reserved’ at the
proces so r sock et. .
Table 2. Front Side Bus Clock Freq uenc y Select Truth Table for BSEL[ 1:0 ]
2.5 PLL Filter
VCCA and VCCIOPLL are power sources required by the processor PLL clock generator. This
requirement is identical to that of the Intel Xeon processor with 512-KB L2 cache. Since these
PLLs are analog in nature, they require quiet power supplies for minimum jitter. Jitter is
detrimental to the system: it degrades external I/O timings as well as internal core timings (i.e.
maximum frequency). To prevent this degradation, these supplies must be low pass filtered from
VCC. A typical fi lter topology is shown in Figure 1.
The AC low-pass requirements, with input at VCC and output measured across the capacitor (CA or
CIO in Figure 1), is as follows:
< 0.2 dB gain in pass band
< 0.5 dB at t e nu a ti on in pa s s ba n d < 1 Hz (s e e DC dr o p in ne xt s et of req ui reme nt s )
> 34 dB att e nuatio n from 1 MHz to 66MHz
> 28 dB attenuation fr om 66 MHz to co re frequency
Front Side Bus-to-Core
Frequency Ratio Core Frequency
1/15 2 GHz
1/18 2.40 GHz
1/20 2.66 GHz
1/21 2.80 GHz
1/23 3.06 GHz
BSEL1 BSEL0 Bus Cloc k Frequency
L L 100 MHz
L H 133 MHz
14 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
The filter requirements are illustrated in Figure 2. For recommendations on implem enting the filter
re fe r to th e appropriate platform design guidelines.
Figure 1. Typical VCCIOPLL, VCCA and VSSA Power Distribution
Processor interposer "pin"
Baseboard via that connect s
filter to VCC plane
< 0.02
Socket pin
Figure 2. Phase Lock Loop (PLL) Filter Requirements
0 dB
-28 dB
-34 dB
0.2 dB
-0.5 dB
1 MHz 66 MHz
1 HzDC
passband high fre q ue n c y
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 15
1. Diagram not to scale.
2. No specifications for frequencies beyond fcore (core frequency).
3. fpeak, if existent, should be less than 0.05 MHz.
2.5.1 Mixing Processors
Intel only supports those processor combinations operating with the same front side bus frequency,
core frequency, VID settings, and cache sizes. Not all operating systems can support multiple
processors with mixed frequencies. Intel does not support or validate operation of processors with
different cache sizes. Mixing processors of different steppings but the same model (as per CPUID
instruction) is supported, and is outlined in the Intel® Xeon™ Processor Specification Update.
Additional details are provided in AP-485, the Intel Processor Identification and the CPUID
Instruction application note.
The Intel Xeon processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus does not sample the pins IGNNE#,
LI NT[0] / INTR, LINT[1]/NMI, and A20M# to establish the core to front side bus rat i o. Rather, the
processor runs at its tested frequency at initial power-on. If the processor needs to run at a lower
core fr equency, as must be done when a h igher speed processor is add ed to a system that contains a
lower f requenc y processor, the syste m BIOS is able to ef fec t the chang e in the cor e to f ront side bus
2.6 Voltage Iden tif ica tion
The VID specification for the processor is defined in this datasheet, and is supported by power
delivery solutions designed according to the Dual Intel® Xeon TM Processor Voltage Regulator
Down (VRD) Design Guidelines, VRM 9.0 DC-DC Converter Design Guidelines, and VRM 9.1
DC-DC Converter Design Guidelines. The minimum voltage is provided in Table 6, and varies
with processor frequency. This allows processors running at a higher frequency to have a relaxed
minimum voltage specification. The specifications have been set such that one voltage regulator
de sign can work with all supported proces sor frequ e nc ies.
Note that the VID pins will drive valid and correct logic levels when the Intel® Xeon™ processor
with 533 MHz Front Side Bus is provided with a valid voltage applied to the SM_VCC pins.
VID_VCC must be correct and stable prior to enabling the output o f the VRM that supplies
VCC. Similarly, the output of the VRM must be disabled before VID_VCC becomes invalid.
Refer to Figure 17 for det ail s .
The processor uses five voltage identification pins, VID[4:0], to support automatic selection of
processor voltages. Table 3 specifies the voltage level corresponding to the state o f VID[4:0]. A ‘1’
in this table refers to a high voltage and a ‘0’ refers to low voltage level. If the processor socket is
empt y (V ID [4:0] = 1 11 1 1) , or the VR D or VR M canno t suppl y the vo lta ge that is reque st ed, it must
disable its voltage output. For further details, see the Dual Intel® XeonTM Processor Voltage
Regulator Down (VRD) Design Guidelines, or VRM 9.0 DC-DC Converter Design Guidelines or
the VRM 9.1 DC-DC Conv e rter Des i gn Guide l ines.
16 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
2.6.1 Mixing Processors of Different Voltages
Mixing proc e ssors operating with differe nt VID setti ngs (vo lta ges) is not supported and will not be
val ida ted by I ntel.
Table 3. Voltage Identification Definition
Processor Pins
1 1 1 1 1 VRM output off
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 17
2.7 Reserved Or Unused Pins
All Reserved pins must remain unconnected on the system baseboard. Connection of these pins to
VCC, VSS, or to any other signal (including one another) can result in component malfunction or
incom patibility with future processors. See Chapter 5.0 for a pin listing of the processor and for the
location of all Reserved pins.
For reliable operation, unused inputs or bidirectional signals should always be connected to an
appropriate signal level. In a system-level design, on-die termination has been included on the
processor to allow signal termination to be accomplished by the processor silicon. Most unused
AGTL+ inputs should be left as no connects, as AGTL+ termination is provided on the processor
silicon. However, see Table 4 for details on AGTL+ signals that do not include on-die termination.
Unus e d active high inputs should be connect e d through a re sistor to grou nd (VSS). Unused outputs
can be left unconnected, however this may interfere with some TAP functions, complicate debug
probing, and prevent boundary scan testing. A resistor must be used when tying bidirectional
signals to power or ground. When tying any signal to power or ground, a resistor will also allow for
system testability. For unused AGTL+ input or I/O signals, use pull-up resistors of the same value
for the on-die termination resistors (RTT). See Table 12.
TAP, Asynchronous GTL+ inputs, and Asynchronous GTL+ outputs do not include on-die
te rmination. Inputs and all used outputs must be ter minat e d on the base board . Unused outputs may
be te rminated o n the baseboard or left unconnect e d. Note that le a ving unused out puts unterminated
may interfere with some TAP functions, complicate debug probing, and prevent boundary scan
testing. Signal termination for these signal types is discussed in the ITP700 Debug Port Design
All TESTHI[6:0] pins should be individually connected to VCC via a pull-up resistor which
matches the trace impedance within ±10 . TESTHI[3:0] and TESTHI[6:5] may all be tied
together and pulled up to VCC with a single resistor if desired. However, utilization of boundary
scan test will not be functional if these pins are connected together. TESTHI4 must always be
pulled up independently from the other TESTHI pins. For optimum noise margin, all pull-up
resistor values used for TESTHI[6:0] pins should have a resistance value within 20 percent of the
impedance of the baseboard transmission line traces. For example, if the trace impedance is 50 ,
then a pull-up resistor value between 40 and 60 should be used. The TESTHI[6:0] termination
recommendations provided in the Intel® XeonTM Processor Datasheet are also suitable for the
Intel® Xeon™ processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus. However, Intel recommends new designs
or designs undergoing design updates follow the trace impedance matching termination guidelines
outlined in this section.
2.8 Front Side Bus Signal Group s
In order to simplify the following discussion, the front side bus signals have been combined into
groups by buffer type. AGTL+ input signals have differential input buffers, which use GTLREF as
a reference level. In this document, the term “AGTL+ Input” refers to the AGTL+ input group as
well as the AGTL+ I/O group when receiving. Similarly, “AGTL+ Output” refers to the AGTL+
output group as well as the AGTL+ I/O group when driving.
With the implementation of a source synchronous data bus comes the need to specify two sets of
tim ing paramet ers. One set is fo r common clock sig nals whos e timings are specifi ed with respect to
rising edge of BCLK0 (ADS#, HIT#, HITM#, etc.) and the second set is for the source
synchronous signals which are relative to their respective strobe lines (data and address) as well as
18 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
rising edge of BCLK0. Asynchronous signals are still present (A20M#, IGNNE#, etc.) and can
become active at any time during the clock cycle. Tab le 4 identifies which signals are common
clock, source synchronous and asynchronous.
1. Refer to Section 5.2 for signal descriptions.
2. T hese signal groups are not terminated by the processor. Refer the ITP700 Debug Port Design Guide and
corresponding Design Guide for termination requirements and further details.
3. The Intel® Xeon™ process or with 533MHz Front Side Bus utili zes only BR0# and BR1#. BR2# and BR3# are
not driven by the processor but must be terminated to VCC. For additional details regarding the BR[3:0]#
signals, see Section 5.2 and Section 7.1 and the appropriate Platform Design Guidelines.
4. These signals do not have on-die termination. Refer to corresponding Platform Design Guidelines for
termination requirements.
5. Note that Reset initialization function of these pins is now a software function on the Intel® Xeon
processor with 533MHz Front Side Bus.
6. T he value of these pins during the active-to-inactive edge of RESET# to determine processor configuration
options. See Section 7.1 for details.
7. These signals may be driven simultaneously by multiple agents (wired-or).
8. VID_Vcc is required for correct VID logic operation of the Intel® Xeon™ processor with 533 MHz Front Side
Bus. Refer to Figure 17 for details.
Table 4. Front Side Bus Signal Groups
Signal Group Ty pe Signals 1
AGTL+ Common Clock Input Synchronous to BCLK[1:0] BPRI#, BR [3:1]#3,4, DEFER#, RESET#4,
RS[2:0]#, RSP#, TRDY#
AGTL+ Common Clock I/O Synchronous to BCLK[1:0] ADS#, AP[1:0]#, BINIT#7, BNR#7,
BPM[5:0]#2, BR0#2, DBSY#, DP[3:0]#,
AGTL+ Source Synchronous
I/O Synchronous to assoc.
AGTL+ Strobes Synchronous to BCLK[1:0] ADSTB[1:0]#, DSTBP[3:0]#, DSTBN[3:0]#
Asynchronous GTL+ Input 4Asynchronous A20M#5, IGNNE#5, INIT#6, LINT0/INTR5,
Asynchronous GTL+ Output 4Asynchronous FERR#, IERR#, THERM TRIP#, PROCHOT#
Front Side Bus Clock Clock BCLK1, BCLK0
TAP Input 2Synchronous to TCK TCK, TDI, TMS, TRST#
TAP Output 2Synchronous to TCK TDO
Power/Other Power/Other BSEL[1:0], COMP[1:0], GTLREF, ODTEN,
Reserved, SKTOCC#, TESTHI[6:0],VID[4:0],
Signals Associated Strobe
D[1 5:0 ]# , DBI0# DSTBP0 #, DSTBN0#
D[31:16]#, DBI1# DSTBP1#, DSTBN1#
D[47:32]#, DBI2# DSTBP2#, DSTBN2#
D[63:48]#, DBI3# DSTBP3#, DSTBN3#
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 19
2.9 Asynchronous GTL+ Signals
The Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus does not utilize CMOS voltage levels
on any signals that connect to the processor silicon. As a result, legacy input signals such as
A20M#, IGNNE#, INIT#, LINT0/INTR, LINT1/NMI, SLP#, and STPCLK# utilize GTL+ input
buffers. Legacy output FERR#/PBE# and other non-AGTL+ signals IERR#, THERMTRIP# and
PROCHOT# utilize GTL+ output bu ffers. A ll of these a synchronous GTL+ signals follow the sa me
DC re quirements as AGTL+ signals, howe ver the outputs are not drive n high (during the logical 0-
to-1 transition) by the processor (the major difference between GTL+ and AGTL+). Asynchronous
GTL+ signals do not have setup or hold time specifications in relation to BCLK[1:0]. However, all
of the asynchronous GTL+ s ignals are required to be asserted for at least two BCLKs in order for
the processor to recognize them. See Table 10 for the DC specifications for the asynchronous
GTL+ signal gr oups.
2.10 Maximum Ratings
Table 5 lists the processor’s maximum environmental stress ratings. Functional operation at the
absolute maximum and minimum is neither implied nor guaranteed. The processor should not
receive a clock while subjected to these conditions. Functional operating parameters are listed in
the AC and DC tables. Extended exposure to the maximum ratings may affect device reliability.
Furthermore, although the processor contains protective circuitry to resist damage from static
electric discharge, one should always take precautions to avoid high static voltages or electric
1. This rating applies to any pin of the processor.
2. Contact Intel for storage requirements in excess of one year.
2.11 Processor DC Specifications
The processor DC specifications in this section are defined at the processor core (pads) unless
noted otherwise. See Section 5.1 for the processor pin listings and Section 5.2 for the signal
definitions. The voltage and current specifications for all versions of the processor are detailed in
Ta b le 6. For platform planning refer to Figure 3. Notice that the graphs include Thermal Design
Power (TDP) associated with the maximum current levels. The DC specifications for the AGTL+
signals are listed in Table 8.
Table 5. Processor Absolute Maximum Ratings
Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit Notes
TSTORAGE Processor storage temperature -40 85 °C 2
VCC Any processor supply voltage with
respect to VSS -0.3 1.75 V 1
VinAGTL+ AGTL+ buffer DC input voltage with
respect to VSS -0.1 1.75 V
VinGTL+ Async GTL+ bu ffer DC i nput volt age
with respect to Vss -0.1 1.75 V
IVID Max VID pin current 5 mA
20 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
Table 6 through Table 11 list the processor DC specifications and are valid only while meeting
specifications for case temperature (TCASE as specified in Chapter 6. 0), clo c k frequency, an d input
volta ges. Care shoul d be ta ken to re a d al l note s as sociat ed with each parameter.
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 21
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all processors.
2. These voltages are targets only. A variable voltage source should exist on systems in the event that a
different voltage is required. See Section 2.6 and Table 3 for more information.
3. The voltage specification requirements are measured across vias on the platform for the VCC_SENSE and
VSS_SENSE pins close to the socket with a 100 MHz bandwidth oscilloscope, 1.5 pF maximum probe
capacitance, and 1 milliohm minimum impedance. The maximum length of ground wire on the probe should
be less than 5 mm. Ensure external noise from the system is not coupled in the scope probe.
4. The processor should not be subje cted to an y st atic Vc c lev el that ex ceeds the volt age v s curr ent l oad-line for
any given current loading (as shown in figure 3 for VID=1.500V and figure 4 for VID=1.525V). Moreover, Vcc
should never exceed Vcc_VID. Failure to adhere to this specification can shorten the processor lifetime.
5. Vcc_max and Vcc_min are defined at a load of Icc_max. Icc_max is defined at Vcc_max
6. The current specified is also for AutoHALT State.
7. The maximum instantaneous current the processor will draw while the thermal control circuit is active as
indicated by the assertion of PROCHOT#.
8. VID_VCC is required for correct operation of the processor VID logic. Refer to Figure 17 for details.
9. This specification applies to the PLL power pins VCCA and VCCIOPLL. See Section 2.5 for details. This
parameter is based on design characterization and is not tested
10.This specification applies to each GTLREF pin.
11.The loadlines specify voltage limits at the die measured at VCC_SENSE and VSS_SENSE pins. Voltage
regulation feedback for voltage regulator circuits must be taken from processor VCC and VSS pins.
12.Adherence to this loadline specification is required to ensure reliable processor operation.
Table 6. Voltage and Current Specifications
Symbol Parameter Core Freq M in Typ Max VID Unit Notes1
VCC VCC for Intel Xeon
processor with 533
MHz Front Side Bus
2 GHz
2.40 GHz
2.66 GHz
2.80 GHz
3.06 GHz
Refer to
Figure 3
2, 3, 4, 5,11, 12
2, 3, 4, 5,11, 12
2, 3, 4, 5,11, 12
2, 3, 4, 5,11, 12
2, 3, 4, 5,11, 12
SM_VCC SMBus supply
voltage All freq. 3.135 3.30 3.465 V 8
ICC ICC for Intel Xeon
processor with 533
MHz Front Side Bus
2 GHz
2.40 GHz
2.66 GHz
2.80 GHz
3.06 GHz
4, 5
4, 5
4, 5
4, 5
4, 5
ICC_PLL ICC for PLL power
pins All freq 60 mA 9
ICC_GTLREF ICC for GTLREF pins All freq 15 µA 10
ISGnt/ISLP ICC Stop-Grant/Sleep All freq 25 A 6
ITCC ICC TCC active All freq 18.6 A 7
22 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
Figure 3. Intel® Xeon™ processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus Voltage-Current
Projections (VID 1.5V)
0 10203040506070
Proce sso r Current ( A)
Maximum Processor
Voltage (VDC)
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 23
Figure 4. Intel Xeon processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus Voltage-Current
Projections (VID 1.525V)
Table 7. Front Side Bus Differential BCLK Specifications
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Figure Notes
VLInput Low
Voltage -.150 0.000 N/A V 7
VHInput High
Voltage 0.660 0.710 0.850 V 7
VCROSS(abs) Absolute
Crossing Point 0.250 N/A 0.550 V 7, 7 2,8
VCROSS(rel) Relative
Crossing Point 0.250 +
0.5(VHavg - 0.710) N/A 0.550 +
0.5(VHavg - 0.710) V7, 7 2,3,8,9
VCROSS Range of
Crossing Points N/A N/A 0.140 V 7, 7 2,10
VOV Overshoot N/A N/A VH + 0.3 V 74
VUS Undershoot -0.300 N/A N/A V 75
VRBM Ringback Margin 0.200 N/A N/A V 6
VTM Threshold Margin Vcross - 0.100 N/A Vcross + 0.100 V 6
24 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all processor frequencies.
2. Crossing voltage is defined as the instantaneous voltage value when the rising edge of BCLK0 equals the
falling edge of BCLK1.
3. VHavg is the statistical average of the VH measured by the oscilloscope.
4. Overshoot is defined as the absolute value of the maximum voltage.
5. Undershoot is defined as the absolute value of the minimum voltage.
6. Ringback Margin is defined as the absolute voltage difference between the maximum Rising Edge Ringback
and the maximum Falling Edge Ringback.
7. Threshold Region is defined as a region entered around the crossing point voltage in which the differential
receiver switches. It includes input threshold hysteresis.
8. The crossing point must meet the absolute and relative crossing point specifications simultaneously.
9. VHavg can be measured directly using "Vtop" on Agilent* scopes and "High" on Tektronix* scopes.
10.VCROSS is defined as the total variation of all crossing voltages as defined in note 2.
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all processor frequencies and cache sizes.
2. VIH is defined as the minimum voltage level at a receiving agent that will be interpreted as a logical high
3. VIL is defined as the maxi mum vol tage l evel a t a r eceiv ing agent tha t wil l be interpreted as a logi cal l ow value.
4. VIH and VON may experience excursions above VCC. However, input signal drivers must comply with the
signal quality specifications in Chapter 3.0.
5. Refer to the Intel®Xeon™ Processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus Signal Integrity Models for I/V
6. The VCC referred to in these specifications refers to instantaneous VCC.
7. VOL_MAX of 0.450 V is guaranteed when driving into a test load as indicated in Figure 5, with RTT enabled.
8. Leakage to VCC with pin held at 300 mV.
9. Leakage to VSS with pin held at VCC.
Table 9. TAP and PWRGOOD Signal Group DC Specifications
Table 8. AGTL+ Signal Group DC Specifications
Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit Notes
VIH Input High Voltage 1.10 * GTLREF VCC V2, 4, 6
VIL Input Low Voltage 0.0 0.90 * GTLREF V 3, 6
VOH Output High Voltage N/A VCC V4, 6
IOL Output Low Current N/A VCC /
(0.50 * RTT_min + RON_min)
= 50 mA 6
IHI Pin Leakage High N/A 100 µA 9
ILO Pin Leakage Low N/A 500 µA 8
RON Buffer On Resistance 7 11 5, 7
Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit Notes 1, 2
VHYS TAP Input Hysteresis 200 300 8
VT+ TAP input low to high
threshold voltage 0.5 * (VCC + VHYS_MIN) 0.5 * (VCC + VHYS_MAX)5
VT- TAP input high to low
threshold voltage 0.5 * (VCC - VHYS_MAX) 0.5 * (VCC - VHYS_MIN)5
VOH Output High Voltage N/A VCC V3, 5
IOL Output Low Current 40 mA 6, 7
IHI Pin Leakage High N/A 100 µA 10
ILO Pin Leakage Low N/A 500 µA 9
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 25
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all processor frequencies and cache sizes.
2. All outputs are open drain
3. TAP signal group must meet the system signal quality specification in Chapter 3.0.
4. Refer to the Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus Signal Integrity Models for I/V
5. The VCC referred to in these specifications refers to instantaneous VCC.
6. The maximum output current is based on maximum current handling capability of the buffer and is not
specified into the test load.
7. VOL_MAX of 0.300V is guaranteed when driving a test load.
8. VHYS represents the amount of hysteresis, nominally centered about 0.5*VCC, for all TAP inputs.
9. Leakage to VCC with Pin held at 300 mV.
10.Leakage to VSS with pin held at VCC.
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all processor frequencies and cache sizes.
2. All outputs are open drain
3. VIH is defined as the minimum voltage level at a receiving agent that will be interpreted as a logical high
4. VIL is defi ned as the m aximum voltage lev el at a rece iving a gent that w ill be inter preted as a logic al low value .
5. VIH and VOH may experience excursions above VCC. However, input signal drivers must comply with the
signal quality specifications in Chapter 3.0.
6. Refer to the Intel®Xeon™Processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus Signal Integrity Models for I/V
7. The VCC referred to in these specifications refers to instantaneous VCC.
8. The maximum output current is based on maximum current handling capability of the buffer and is not
specified into the test load.
9. VOL_MAX of 0.450 V is guaranteed when driving into a test load as indicated in Figure 5, with RTT enabled.
10. Leakage to VCC with Pin held at 300 mV.
11 .Leakage to VSS with pin held at VCC.
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all processor frequencies and cache sizes.
2. These parameters are based on design characterization and are not tested.
Table 11 . BSEL[1:0] and VID[4:0] DC Specifications
RON Buffer On Resistance 8.75 13.75 4
Table 10. Asynchronous GTL+ Signal Group DC Specifications
Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit Notes1, 7
VIH Input High Voltage 1.10 * GTLREF VCC V 3, 5, 7
VIL Input Low Voltage 0.0 0.90 * GTLREF V 4, 6
VOH Output High Voltage N/A VCC V 2, 5, 7
IOL Output Low Current 50 mA 8,9
IHI Pin Leakage High N/A 100 µA 11
ILO Pin Leakage Low N/A 500 µ A 10
RON Buffer On Resistance 7 11 6
Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit Notes1
Ron (BSEL) Buffer On
Resistance 9.2 14.3 2
(VID) Buffer On
Resistance 7.8 12.8 2
IHI Pin Leakage Hi N/A 100 µA 3
26 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all processor frequencies.
2. These parameters are not tested and are based on design simulations.
3. Leakage to Vss with pin held at 2.50V.
2.12 AGTL+ Front Side Bus Specifications
Routing topologies are dependent on the number of processors supported and the chipset used in
the design. Please refer to the appropriate platform design guidelines. In most cases, termination
resistors are not required as these are integrated into the processor. See Table 4 for details on which
AGTL+ signals do not in c lude on-die te rminat ion.The te rmination resist ors are enabled or disabl e d
through the ODTEN pin. To enable termination, this pin should be pulled up to VCC through a
resistor and to disable termination, this pin should be pulled down to VSS through a resistor. For
optimum noise margin, all pull-up and pull-down resistor values used for the ODTEN pin should
have a resistance value within 20 percent of the impedance of the baseboard transmission line
traces. For example, if the trace impedance is 50 , then a value between 40 and 60 should be
used. The processor’s on-die termination must be enabled for the end agent only. Please refer to
Ta bl e 1 2 for termination resistor values. For more details on platform design see the appropriate
pla tform de sign guidelines.
Valid high and low levels are determined by the input buffers via comparing with a reference
voltage called GTLREF.
Table 12 lists the GTLREF specifications. The AGTL+ reference voltage (GTLREF) should be
generated on the baseboard using high precision voltage divider circuits. It is important that the
baseboard impedance is held to the specified tolerance, and that the intrinsic trace capacitance for
the AGTL+ signal group traces is known and well-controlled. For more details on platform design
see the appropr iate platform de si gn guidelines .
1. Unless otherwise noted, all specifications in this table apply to all processor frequencies.
2. T he tolerances for this specification have been stated generically to enable system designer to calculate the
minimum values across the range of VCC.
3. GTLREF is generated from VCC on the baseboard by a voltage divider of 1 percent resistors. Refer to the
appropriate platform design guidelines for implementation details.
4. RTT is the on-die termination resistance measured from VCC to 1/3 V CC at the AGTL+ output driver. Refer to
the Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 533MHz Front Side Bus Signal Integrity Models for I/V characteristics.
5. COMP resistors are pull downs to VSS provided on the baseboard with 1% tolerance. See the appropriate
platform design guidelines for implementation details.
6. The VCC referred to in these specifications refers to instantaneous VCC.
7. The COMP resistance value varies by platform. Refer to the appropriate platform design guideline for the
recommended COMP resistance value.
Table 12. AGTL+ Bus Voltage Definitions
Symbol Parameter Min Typ M ax Units Notes 1
GTLREF Bus Reference Voltage 2/3 * VCC - 2% 2/3 * VCC 2/3 * VCC + 2% V 2, 3, 6
New Design Bus Reference Voltage 0.63*VCC - 2% 0.63*VCC 0.63*VCC + 2% V 2, 3, 6,
RTT Termination Resistance 36 41 46 4
Design Termination Resistance 45 50 55 4, 9
COMP[1:0] COMP Resistance 42.77 43.2 43.63 5, 8
Design COMP Resistance 49.55 50 50.45 5, 8, 9
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 27
8. The values for RTT and COMP noted as ‘New Designs’ apply to designs that are optimized for the Intel®
Xeon™ processor with 533MHz Front Side Bus. Refer to the appropriate platform design guideline for the
recommended COMP resistance value.
9. This specification applies to the Intel® Xeon™processor with 533MHz Front Side Bus when implemented in
platforms that do not include forward compatibility with future processors.
Table 13. Miscellaneous Signals + Specifications
Figure 6. THERMTRIP# to VCC Timing
T# Parameter Min Max Unit Figure Notes
T39: THERMTRIP# to Vcc Removal 0.5 S 6
Figure 5. Electrical Test Circuit
Vtt Vtt
Rload = 50 ohms
C = 1.2 pF
L = 2.4nH
AC Timings
specified at pad.
Zo = 50 ohms, d=420mils, So=169ps/in
THERMTRIP# Power Down Sequence
T39 < 0.5 seconds
Note: THERMTRIP# is undefined when RESET is active
28 Int el ® Xeon™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz
This page intentionally left blank.
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 29
3.0 Mechanical Specifications
The Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus uses the Flip Chip Micro-Pin Grid
Array (FC-mPGA) package containing the processor die covered by an integrated heat spreader
(IHS) Mechanical specifications for the processor are given in this section. See Section 1.1 for
terminology definitions. Figure 7 provides a basic assembly drawing and includes the components
which mak e up th e entire processor. Package dimensions are provided in Table 14.
Th e Intel® Xeon™ proce ssor w ith 533 MHz Front Side Bus utili z e s a sur face m ount 60 4-pin z e ro-
insertion force (ZIF) socket for installation into the baseboard. See the 604-Pin Socket Design
Guidelines for furth e r details on the processor socket.
For Figure 9 through Figu re 13, the following notes apply:
1. Unless otherwise spe cified, the foll owing dra wings are dimensione d in millimet e rs.
2. All dimensions are not tes ted, but are guaranteed by design characterization.
3. Figures and drawings labelled as “Reference Dimensions” are provided for informational
purposes only. Reference Dimensions are extracted from the mechanical design database and
are nominal dimensions with no tolerance information applied. Reference Dimensions are
NOT checked as part of the processor manufacturing process. Unless noted as such,
dimens ions in parent he ses without toleranc e s are Re fe rence Dimensions.
4. Drawings are not to scale.
Note: applies t o Intel Xeon processor in the FC-mPG A2 package.
1. Integr ated Heat Spreader (IHS )
2. Processor die
3. FC-mPGA2 package
4. Land side Capacitors
5. Package Pin
Figu r e 7. FC-mPGA 2 P r o cess o r P ackage Ass embl y Drawi n g
30 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
3.1 Mechanical Specifications
Figure 8. FC-mPGA Proce sso r Packa ge Top View: Component Placement Detail
Pin A1
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 31
Fig ur e 9. In tel ® X eo n™ Processor with 533 MHz Fro nt Sid e Bus in the FC-mPGA2 Pack age
32 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
Figure 10 details the keep-in zone for components mounted to the top side of the processor
interposer. The components inclu de the EEPROM, thermal sensor, resistors and capacitors.
Table 14. Dimensions for the Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 533 MHz Front Side
Bus in the F C-m PGA2 Pack ag e
Symbol Notes
Min Nominal Max
A 42.40 42.50 42.60
B 30.90 31.00 31.10
E 3.42 3.60 3.78
F 1.95 2.03 2.11
G 18.80 19.05 19.30
H 37.85 38.10 38.35
J 6. 35 Nomi nal Component K eepi n
K 12. 70 Nom inal Com ponent K eepi n
L 14.99 15.24 15.49
M 30.23 30.48 30.73
N 6. 35 Nomi nal Component K eepi n
R 1.27 Nominal
P 0.26 0.31 0.36 Pin Diameter
P in Tp 0. 25
Figure 10. FC-mPGA 2 Proc essor P ackage Top View: Component Height Keep- i n
15.5 7.5
7.5 1.61
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 33
Figure 11 details the ke e p-i n specif ic ation for pin-side co mponents. The processor may conta i n pin
side capacitors mounted to the processor package. These capacitors will be exposed within the
opening of the interposer cavity.
Figure 11. FC-mPGA2 Processor Package C ross Section View: Pin Side Compon ent Keep-in
12.7 mm
Component Keepin
1.5 mm
34 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
Fig ur e 12. FC -mPGA2 Pr o cess o r P ackage: Pin Detail
1. Kovar pin with plating of 0.2 micrometers Au over 2.0 micrometer Ni.
2. 0.254 Diametric true position, pin to pin.
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 35
Figur e 13 details the flatness and tilt specification s for the IHS of the Int el Xeon proces s or with
533 MHz Fron t Side Bus , r e s pectiv ely. T ilt is measured w ith the reference datum set to the bottom
of the processor interposer.
3.2 Proces sor Packa ge Load Specifi catio ns
Table 15 provides dynamic and static load specifications for the processor IHS. These mechanical
load limits should not be exceeded during heat sink assembly, mechanical stress testing, or
standard drop and shipping conditions. The heat sink attach solutions must not induce continuous
stress onto the processor with the exception of a uniform load to maintain the heat sink-to-
proces sor thermal in terface. It is not recommende d to use any porti on of the processor interpo ser as
a mechanical reference or load b earing surface for ther m al solutions .
1. This specification applies to a uniform compressed load.
2. This is the maximum static force that can be applied by the heatsink and clip to maintain the heatsink and
processor interface.
3. These parameters are based on design characterization and not tested.
4. Dynamic loading specifications are defined assuming a maximum duration of 11ms.
5. The heatsink weight i s assumed to be one pound. Shock input to the sys tem during shoc k testing is assume d
to be 50 G’s. AF is the amplification factor.
Figure 13. IHS Flatne ss and Tilt Drawing
Ta b le 15 . Pack ag e Dynamic and Static L o ad Speci fi cati o ns
Parameter Max Unit Unit
Static 50 lbf 1, 2, 3
Dynamic 50 + 1 lb * 50G input * 1.8 (AF)
= 140 lbf 1, 2, 4, 5
36 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
3.3 Insertion Specifications
The processor can be inserted and removed 15 times from a 604-pin socket meeting the mPGA604
Socket Design Guidelines document. Note that this specification is based on design
characterization and is not tested.
3.4 Mass Specifications
Table 16 specifies the processors mass. This includes all components which make up the entire
proce ssor produ c t.
3.5 Materials
The processor is assembled from several components. The basic material properties are described
in Table 17.
Table 16. Processo r Mass
Processor Mass (grams)
Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 533 MHz Front Side
Bus 25
Ta b l e 17. P r ocess o r M aterial Pro perties
Component Material
Integrated Heat Spreader Nickel plated copper
Interposer FR4
Interposer pins Kovar with Gold over nickel
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 37
3.6 Markings
The following section details the processor top-side laser markings. It is provided to aid in the
ident ification of the pro ces so r.
1. Character size for laser markings is: height 0.050" (1.27mm), width 0.032" (0.81mm).
2. All characters will be in upper case.
Figure 15. P roce sso r Bot tom-Side Markings
Figure 14. Proces sor Top-Side Marki ngs
Group A Line1
Group A Li ne 2
Group B Line1
Group B Line2
Pin A1
Dynamic Laser
Mark Area with 2D Matrix
2D Ma trix en co d es ATP O
number and Serial number
Group A Line1
Group A Li ne 2
Group B Line1
Group B Line2
Group A Line1
Group A Li ne 2
Group B Line1
Group B Line2
Pin A1Pin A1
Dynamic Laser
Mark Area with 2D Matrix
2D Ma trix en co d es ATP O
number and Serial number
38 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
3.7 Pin-Out Diagr am
This section provides two view of the processor pin grid. Figure 16 and Figure 17 detail
the coordinate s of the proces sor pins.
Figure 16. Proces sor Pi n Out D iagram: Top View
Async /
= Signal
= Po w e r
= Ground = Reserved
3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 311
= SM _V CC
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
= M e chanical
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 39
Figure 17. P roce ssor Pin Out Diagram : Bottom View
= Signal
= Power
= Ground = Reserved
Async /
35791113151719212325272931 1
= Mechanical
40 Int el ® Xeon™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz
This page intentionally left blank.
Intel® Xeon™ P roce ss or with 53 3MH z Front Side Bus
Datasheet 41
Table 38. Pin Listing by Pin Name
Pin Nam e Pin No. Signal
Buffe r Type Direction
A3# A22 Source Sync Input/Output
A4# A20 Source Sync Input/Output
A5# B18 Source Sync Input/Output
A6# C18 Source Sync Input/Output
A7# A19 Source Sync Input/Output
A8# C17 Source Sync Input/Output
A9# D17 Source Sync Input/Output
A10# A13 Source Sync Input/Output
A11# B16 Source Sync Input/Output
A12# B14 Source Sync Input/Output
A13# B13 Source Sync Input/Output
A14# A12 Source Sync Input/Output
A15# C15 Source Sync Input/Output
A16# C14 Source Sync Input/Output
A17# D16 Source Sync Input/Output
A18# D15 Source Sync Input/Output
A19# F15 Source Sync Input/Output
A20# A10 Source Sync Input/Output
A21# B10 Source Sync Input/Output
A22# B11 Source Sync Input/Output
A23# C12 Source Sync Input/Output
A24# E14 Source Sync Input/Output
A25# D13 Source Sync Input/Output
A26# A9 Source Sync Input/Output
A27# B8 Source Sync Input/Output
A28# E13 Source Sync Input/Output
A29# D12 Source Sy nc Input/Output
A30# C11 S our ce Sync Input/Output
A31# B7 Sour ce Sync Input/Output
A32# A6 Sour ce Sync Input/Output
A33# A7 Sour ce Sync Input/Output
A34# C9 Source Sy nc Input/Output
A35# C8 Source Sy nc Input/Output
A20M# F27 As ync GTL+ Input
ADS# D19 Common Clk Input/Output
ADSTB0# F17 Source Sy nc Input/Output
ADSTB1# F14 Source Sy nc Input/Output
AP0# E10 Common Clk Input/Output
AP1# D9 Commo n Clk Input/Output
BCLK0 Y4 Sys Bus Clk Input
BCLK1 W5 Sys Bus Clk Input
BINIT# F11 Co mm o n Clk Input/Output
BNR# F20 Comm on Clk Input/Output
BPM0# F6 Common Clk Input/Output
BPM1# F8 Common Clk Input/Output
BPM2# E7 Common Clk Input/Output
BPM3# F5 Common Clk Input/Output
BPM4# E8 Common Clk Input/Output
BPM5# E4 Common Clk Input/Output
BPRI# D23 Common Clk Input
BR0# D20 Comm o n Clk Input/Output
Table 38. Pin Li sting by Pin Name
Pin Name Pin No. Signal
Buffer Type Direction
4.0 Pin Listing and Signal Definitions
4.1 Processor Pin Assignment s
Sec tion 2.8 c ontains the fro nt side bus signal gro ups in Table 4 fo r t he In tel ® Xeon™ Processor with
533 MHz Front Side Bus. This se c tion p rovides a sor te d pi n list in Table 38 and Table 39. Table 38 is
a li sting of all pro cess or pi ns or der ed alph abet ica lly by pin na me. Table 39 is a lis ting of al l proces sor
pins ordered by pin number.
4.1.1 P in Listing by Pin Name
Intel ® Xeon™ Processor with 53 3MH z Front Side Bus
42 Datasheet
BR1# F12 Common Clk Input
BR2# 1E11 Common Clk Input
BR3# 1D10 Common Clk Input
BSEL0 AA3 Power/Other Output2
BSEL1 AB3 Power/Other Output2
COMP0 AD16 Power/Other Input
COMP1 E16 Power/Other Input
D0# Y26 Source Sync Input/Output
D1# AA27 Source Sync Input/Output
D2# Y24 Source Sync Input/Output
D3# AA25 Source Sync Input/Output
D4# AD27 Source Sync Input/Output
D5# Y23 Source Sync Input/Output
D6# AA24 Source Sync Input/Output
D7# AB26 Source Sync Input/Output
D8# AB25 Source Sync Input/Output
D9# AB23 Source Sync Input/Output
D10# AA22 Source Sync Input/Output
D11# AA21 Source Sync Input/Output
D12# AB20 Source Sync Input/Output
D13# AB22 Source Sync Input/Output
D14# AB19 Source Sync Input/Output
D15# AA19 Source Sync Input/Output
D16# AE26 Source Sync Input/Output
D17# AC26 Source Sync Input/Output
D18# AD25 Source Sync Input/Output
D19# AE25 Source Sync Input/Output
D20# AC24 Source Sync Input/Output
D21# AD24 Source Sync Input/Output
D22# AE23 Source Sync Input/Output
D23# AC23 Source Sync Input/Output
D24# AA18 Source Sync Input/Output
D25# AC20 Source Sync Input/Output
D26# AC21 Source Sync Input/Output
D27# AE22 Source Sync Input/Output
D28# AE20 Source Sync Input/Output
D29# AD21 Source Sync Input/Output
D30# AD19 Source Sync Input/Output
D31# AB17 Source Sync Input/Output
Table 38. Pin Listing by Pin Name
Pin Nam e Pin No. Signal
Buffe r Type Direction
D32# AB16 Source Sync Input/Output
D33# AA16 Source Sync Input/Output
D34# AC17 Source Sync Input/Output
D35# AE13 Source Sync Input/Output
D36# AD18 Source Sync Input/Output
D37# AB15 Source Sync Input/Output
D38# AD13 Source Sync Input/Output
D39# AD14 Source Sync Input/Output
D40# AD11 Source Sync Input/Output
D41# AC12 Source Sync Input/Output
D42# AE10 Source Sync Input/Output
D43# AC11 Source Sync Input/Output
D44# AE9 Source Sync Input/Output
D45# AD10 Source Sync Input/Output
D46# AD8 Source Sync Input/Output
D47# AC9 Source Sync Input/Output
D48# AA13 Source Sync Input/Output
D49# AA14 Source Sync Input/Output
D50# AC14 Source Sync Input/Output
D51# AB12 Source Sync Input/Output
D52# AB13 Source Sync Input/Output
D53# AA11 S our ce Sync Input/Output
D54# AA10 Source Sync Input/Output
D55# AB10 Source Sync Input/Output
D56# AC8 Source Sync Input/Output
D57# AD7 Source Sync Input/Output
D58# AE7 Source Sync Input/Output
D59# AC6 Source Sync Input/Output
D60# AC5 Source Sync Input/Output
D61# AA8 Source Sync Input/Output
D62# Y9 Source Sync Input/Output
D63# AB6 Source Sync Input/Output
DBSY# F18 Common Clk Input/Output
DEFER# C23 Commo n Clk Input
DBI0# AC27 Source Sync Input/Output
DBI1# AD22 Source Sync Input/Output
DBI2# AE12 Source Sync Input/Output
DBI3# AB9 Source Sync Input/Output
DP0# AC18 Commo n Clk Input/Output
Table 38. Pin Li sting by Pin Name
Pin Name Pin No. Signal
Buffer Type Direction
Intel® X eon™ Processor with 5 33MHz Front Side Bus
Datasheet 43
DP1# AE19 Common Clk Input/Output
DP2# AC15 Common Clk Input/Output
DP3# AE17 Common Clk Input/Output
DRDY# E18 Common Clk Input/Output
DSTBN0# Y21 Source Sync Input/Output
DSTBN1# Y18 Source Sync Input/Output
DSTBN2# Y15 Source Sync Input/Output
DSTBN3# Y12 Source Sync Input/Output
DSTBP0# Y20 Source Sync Input/Output
DSTBP1# Y17 Source Sync Input/Output
DSTBP2# Y14 Source Sync Input/Output
DSTBP3# Y11 Source Sync Input/Output
FERR# E27 Async GTL+ Output
GTLREF W23 Power/Other Input
GTLREF W9 Power/Other Input
GTLREF F23 Power/Other Input
GTLREF F9 Power/Other Input
HIT# E22 Common Clk Input/Output
HITM# A23 Common Clk Input/Output
IERR# E5 Async GTL+ Output
IGNNE# C26 Asy nc GTL+ Input
INIT# D6 Async GTL+ Input
LINT0 B24 Async GTL+ Input
LINT1 G23 Async GTL+ Input
LOCK# A17 Common Clk Input/Output
MCERR# D7 Common Clk Input/Output
ODTEN B5 Power/Other Input
PROCHOT# B25 Async GTL+ Output
PWRGOOD AB7 Async GTL+ Input
REQ0# B19 Source Sync Input/Output
REQ1# B21 Source Sync Input/Output
REQ2# C21 Source Sync Input/Output
REQ3# C20 Source Sync Input/Output
REQ4# B22 Source Sync Input/Output
Reserved A1 Reserved Reserved
Reserved A4 Reserved Reserved
Reserved A15 Reserved Reserved
Reserved A16 Reserved Reserved
Reserved A26 Reserved Reserved
Table 38. Pin Listing by Pin Name
Pin Nam e Pin No. Signal
Buffe r Type Direction
Reserved B1 Reserved Reserved
Reserved C5 Reserved Reserved
Reserved D25 Reserved Reserved
Reserved W3 Reserved Reserved
Reserved Y3 Reserved Reserved
THERMDA Y27 Anode Pin Output
THERMDC Y28 Cathode Pin Output
Reserved AC1 Reserved Reserved
Reserved AD1 Reserved Reserved
Reserved AE15 Reserved Reserved
Reserved AE16 Reserved Reserved
RESET# Y8 Co mm o n Clk Input
RS0# E21 Common Clk Input
RS1# D22 Comm o n Clk Input
RS2# F21 Common Clk Input
RSP# C6 Commo n Clk Input
SKTOCC# A3 Power/Other Output
SLP# AE6 As ync GTL+ Input
NC AD28 Reserved
NC AC28 Reserved
NC AC29 Reserved
NC AA29 Reserved
NC AB29 Reserved
NC AB28 Reserved
NC AA28 Reserved
NC Y29 Reserved
NC AE28 Reserved
NC AE29 Reserved
NC AD29 Reserved
SMI# C27 Async GTL+ Input
STPCLK# D4 Async GTL+ Input
TCK E24 TAP Input
TDI C24 TAP Input
TDO E25 TAP Output
TESTHI0 W6 Power/Other Input
TESTHI1 W7 Power/Other Input
TESTHI2 W8 Power/Other Input
TESTHI3 Y6 Power/Other Input
Table 38. Pin Li sting by Pin Name
Pin Name Pin No. Signal
Buffer Type Direction
Intel ® Xeon™ Processor with 53 3MH z Front Side Bus
44 Datasheet
TESTHI4 AA7 Power/Other Input
TESTHI5 AD5 Power/Other Input
TESTHI6 AE5 Power/Other Input
THERMTRIP# F26 Async GTL+ Output
TMS A25 TAP Input
TRDY# E19 Common Clk Input
TRST# F24 TAP Input
VCC A2 Power/Other
VCC A8 Power/Other
VCC A14 Power/Other
VCC A18 Power/Other
VCC A24 Power/Other
VCC A28 Power/Other
VCC A30 Power/Other
VCC B4 Power/Other
VCC B6 Power/Other
VCC B12 Power/Other
VCC B20 Power/Other
VCC B26 Power/Other
VCC B29 Power/Other
VCC B31 Power/Other
VCC C2 Power/Other
VCC C4 Power/Other
VCC C10 Power/Other
VCC C16 Power/Other
VCC C22 Power/Other
VCC C28 Power/Other
VCC C30 Power/Other
VCC D1 Power/Other
VCC D8 Power/Other
VCC D14 Power/Other
VCC D18 Power/Other
VCC D24 Power/Other
VCC D29 Power/Other
VCC D31 Power/Other
VCC E2 Power/Other
VCC E6 Power/Other
VCC E12 Power/Other
VCC E20 Power/Other
Table 38. Pin Listing by Pin Name
Pin Nam e Pin No. Signal
Buffe r Type Direction
VCC E26 Power/Other
VCC E28 Power/Other
VCC E30 Power/Other
VCC F1 Power/Other
VCC F4 Power/Other
VCC F10 Power/Other
VCC F16 Power/Other
VCC F22 Power/Other
VCC F29 Power/Other
VCC F31 Power/Other
VCC G2 Power/Other
VCC G4 Power/Other
VCC G6 Power/Other
VCC G8 Power/Other
VCC G24 Power/Other
VCC G26 Power/Other
VCC G28 Power/Other
VCC G30 Power/Other
VCC H1 Power/Other
VCC H3 Power/Other
VCC H5 Power/Other
VCC H7 Power/Other
VCC H9 Power/Other
VCC H23 Power/Other
VCC H25 Power/Other
VCC H27 Power/Other
VCC H29 Power/Other
VCC H31 Power/Other
VCC J2 Power/Other
VCC J4 Power/Other
VCC J6 Power/Other
VCC J8 Power/Other
VCC J24 Power/Other
VCC J26 Power/Other
VCC J28 Power/Other
VCC J30 Power/Other
VCC K1 Power/Other
VCC K3 Power/Other
VCC K5 Power/Other
Table 38. Pin Li sting by Pin Name
Pin Name Pin No. Signal
Buffer Type Direction
Intel® X eon™ Processor with 5 33MHz Front Side Bus
Datasheet 45
VCC K7 Power/Other
VCC K9 Power/Other
VCC K23 Power/Other
VCC K25 Power/Other
VCC K27 Power/Other
VCC K29 Power/Other
VCC K31 Power/Other
VCC L2 Power/Other
VCC L4 Power/Other
VCC L6 Power/Other
VCC L8 Power/Other
VCC L24 Power/Other
VCC L26 Power/Other
VCC L28 Power/Other
VCC L30 Power/Other
VCC M1 Power/Other
VCC M3 Power/Other
VCC M5 Power/Other
VCC M7 Power/Other
VCC M9 Power/Other
VCC M23 Power/Other
VCC M25 Power/Other
VCC M27 Power/Other
VCC M29 Power/Other
VCC M31 Power/Other
VCC N1 Power/Other
VCC N3 Power/Other
VCC N5 Power/Other
VCC N7 Power/Other
VCC N9 Power/Other
VCC N23 Power/Other
VCC N25 Power/Other
VCC N27 Power/Other
VCC N29 Power/Other
VCC N31 Power/Other
VCC P2 Power/Other
VCC P4 Power/Other
VCC P6 Power/Other
VCC P8 Power/Other
Table 38. Pin Listing by Pin Name
Pin Nam e Pin No. Signal
Buffe r Type Direction
VCC P24 Power/Other
VCC P26 Power/Other
VCC P28 Power/Other
VCC P30 Power/Other
VCC R1 Power/Other
VCC R3 Power/Other
VCC R5 Power/Other
VCC R7 Power/Other
VCC R9 Power/Other
VCC R23 Power/Other
VCC R25 Power/Other
VCC R27 Power/Other
VCC R29 Power/Other
VCC R31 Power/Other
VCC T2 Power/Other
VCC T4 Power/Other
VCC T6 Power/Other
VCC T8 Power/Other
VCC T24 Power/Other
VCC T26 Power/Other
VCC T28 Power/Other
VCC T30 Power/Other
VCC U1 Power/Other
VCC U3 Power/Other
VCC U5 Power/Other
VCC U7 Power/Other
VCC U9 Power/Other
VCC U23 Power/Other
VCC U25 Power/Other
VCC U27 Power/Other
VCC U29 Power/Other
VCC U31 Power/Other
VCC V2 Power/Other
VCC V4 Power/Other
VCC V6 Power/Other
VCC V8 Power/Other
VCC V24 Power/Other
VCC V26 Power/Other
VCC V28 Power/Other
Table 38. Pin Li sting by Pin Name
Pin Name Pin No. Signal
Buffer Type Direction
Intel ® Xeon™ Processor with 53 3MH z Front Side Bus
46 Datasheet
VCC V30 Power/Other
VCC W1 Power/Other
VCC W25 Power/Other
VCC W27 Power/Other
VCC W29 Power/Other
VCC W31 Power/Other
VCC Y10 Power/Other
VCC Y16 Power/Other
VCC Y2 Power/Other
VCC Y22 Power/Other
VCC Y30 Power/Other
VCC AA1 Power/Other
VCC AA4 Power/Other
VCC AA6 Power/Other
VCC AA12 Power/Other
VCC AA20 Power/Other
VCC AA26 Power/Other
VCC AA31 Power/Other
VCC AB2 Power/Other
VCC AB8 Power/Other
VCC AB14 Power/Other
VCC AB18 Power/Other
VCC AB24 Power/Other
VCC AB30 Power/Other
VCC AC3 Power/Other
VCC AC4 Power/Other
VCC AC10 Power/Other
VCC AC16 Power/Other
VCC AC22 Power/Other
VCC AC31 Power/Other
VCC AD2 Power/Other
VCC AD6 Power/Other
VCC AD12 Power/Other
VCC AD20 Power/Other
VCC AD26 Power/Other
VCC AD30 Power/Other
VCC AE3 Power/Other
VCC AE8 Power/Other
VCC AE14 Power/Other
Table 38. Pin Listing by Pin Name
Pin Nam e Pin No. Signal
Buffe r Type Direction
VCC AE18 Power/Other
VCC AE24 Power/Other
VCCA AB4 Power/Other Input
VCCIOPLL AD4 Power/Other Input
VCCSENSE B27 Power/Other Output
VID0 F3 Power/Other Output
VID1 E3 Power/Other Output
VID2 D3 Power/Other Output
VID3 C3 Power/Other Output
VID4 B3 Power/Other Output
VSS A5 Power/Other
VSS A11 Power/Other
VSS A21 Power/Other
VSS A27 Power/Other
VSS A29 Power/Other
VSS A31 Power/Other
VSS B2 Power/Other
VSS B9 Power/Other
VSS B15 Power/Other
VSS B17 Power/Other
VSS B23 Power/Other
VSS B28 Power/Other
VSS B30 Power/Other
VSS C1 Power/Other
VSS C7 Power/Other
VSS C13 Power/Other
VSS C19 Power/Other
VSS C25 Power/Other
VSS C29 Power/Other
VSS C31 Power/Other
VSS D2 Power/Other
VSS D5 Power/Other
VSS D11 Power/Other
VSS D21 Power/Other
VSS D27 Power/Other
VSS D28 Power/Other
VSS D30 Power/Other
VSS E1 Power/Other
VSS E9 Power/Other
Table 38. Pin Li sting by Pin Name
Pin Name Pin No. Signal
Buffer Type Direction
Intel® X eon™ Processor with 5 33MHz Front Side Bus
Datasheet 47
VSS E15 Power/Other
VSS E17 Power/Other
VSS E23 Power/Other
VSS E29 Power/Other
VSS E31 Power/Other
VSS F2 Power/Other
VSS F7 Power/Other
VSS F13 Power/Other
VSS F19 Power/Other
VSS F25 Power/Other
VSS F28 Power/Other
VSS F30 Power/Other
VSS G1 Power/Other
VSS G3 Power/Other
VSS G5 Power/Other
VSS G7 Power/Other
VSS G9 Power/Other
VSS G25 Power/Other
VSS G27 Power/Other
VSS G29 Power/Other
VSS G31 Power/Other
VSS H2 Power/Other
VSS H4 Power/Other
VSS H6 Power/Other
VSS H8 Power/Other
VSS H24 Power/Other
VSS H26 Power/Other
VSS H28 Power/Other
VSS H30 Power/Other
VSS J1 Power/Other
VSS J3 Power/Other
VSS J5 Power/Other
VSS J7 Power/Other
VSS J9 Power/Other
VSS J23 Power/Other
VSS J25 Power/Other
VSS J27 Power/Other
VSS J29 Power/Other
VSS J31 Power/Other
Table 38. Pin Listing by Pin Name
Pin Nam e Pin No. Signal
Buffe r Type Direction
VSS K2 Power/Other
VSS K4 Power/Other
VSS K6 Power/Other
VSS K8 Power/Other
VSS K24 Power/Other
VSS K26 Power/Other
VSS K28 Power/Other
VSS K30 Power/Other
VSS L1 Power/Other
VSS L3 Power/Other
VSS L5 Power/Other
VSS L7 Power/Other
VSS L9 Power/Other
VSS L23 Power/Other
VSS L25 Power/Other
VSS L27 Power/Other
VSS L29 Power/Other
VSS L31 Power/Other
VSS M2 Power/Other
VSS M4 Power/Other
VSS M6 Power/Other
VSS M8 Power/Other
VSS M24 Power/Other
VSS M26 Power/Other
VSS M28 Power/Other
VSS M30 Power/Other
VSS N2 Power/Other
VSS N4 Power/Other
VSS N6 Power/Other
VSS N8 Power/Other
VSS N24 Power/Other
VSS N26 Power/Other
VSS N28 Power/Other
VSS N30 Power/Other
VSS P1 Power/Other
VSS P3 Power/Other
VSS P5 Power/Other
VSS P7 Power/Other
VSS P9 Power/Other
Table 38. Pin Li sting by Pin Name
Pin Name Pin No. Signal
Buffer Type Direction
Intel ® Xeon™ Processor with 53 3MH z Front Side Bus
48 Datasheet
VSS P23 Power/Other
VSS P25 Power/Other
VSS P27 Power/Other
VSS P29 Power/Other
VSS P31 Power/Other
VSS R2 Power/Other
VSS R4 Power/Other
VSS R6 Power/Other
VSS R8 Power/Other
VSS R24 Power/Other
VSS R26 Power/Other
VSS R28 Power/Other
VSS R30 Power/Other
VSS T1 Power/Other
VSS T3 Power/Other
VSS T5 Power/Other
VSS T7 Power/Other
VSS T9 Power/Other
VSS T23 Power/Other
VSS T25 Power/Other
VSS T27 Power/Other
VSS T29 Power/Other
VSS T31 Power/Other
VSS U2 Power/Other
VSS U4 Power/Other
VSS U6 Power/Other
VSS U8 Power/Other
VSS U24 Power/Other
VSS U26 Power/Other
VSS U28 Power/Other
VSS U30 Power/Other
VSS V1 Power/Other
VSS V3 Power/Other
VSS V5 Power/Other
VSS V7 Power/Other
VSS V9 Power/Other
VSS V23 Power/Other
VSS V25 Power/Other
VSS V27 Power/Other
Table 38. Pin Listing by Pin Name
Pin Nam e Pin No. Signal
Buffe r Type Direction
VSS V29 Power/Other
VSS V31 Power/Other
VSS W2 Power/Other
VSS W4 Power/Other
VSS W24 Power/Other
VSS W26 Power/Other
VSS W28 Power/Other
VSS W30 Power/Other
VSS Y1 Power/Other
VSS Y5 Power/Other
VSS Y7 Power/Other
VSS Y13 Power/Other
VSS Y19 Power/Other
VSS Y25 Power/Other
VSS Y31 Power/Other
VSS AA2 Power/Other
VSS AA9 Power/Other
VSS AA15 Power/Other
VSS AA17 Power/Other
VSS AA23 Power/Other
VSS AA30 Power/Other
VSS AB1 Power/Other
VSS AB5 Power/Other
VSS AB11 Power/Other
VSS AB21 Power/Other
VSS AB27 Power/Other
VSS AB31 Power/Other
VSS AC2 Power/Other
VSS AC7 Power/Other
VSS AC13 Power/Other
VSS AC19 Power/Other
VSS AC25 Power/Other
VSS AC30 Power/Other
VSS AD3 Power/Other
VSS AD9 Power/Other
VSS AD15 Power/Other
VSS AD17 Power/Other
VSS AD23 Power/Other
VSS AD31 Power/Other
Table 38. Pin Li sting by Pin Name
Pin Name Pin No. Signal
Buffer Type Direction
Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 5 33MH z Front Si de Bus
Datasheet 49
1. In systems utilizing the Intel Xeon processor, the system
designer must pull-up these signals to the processor VCC
2. Baseboard treating AA3 and AB3 as Reserved will operate
correctly with a bus clock of 133 MHz.
VSS AE2 Power/Other
VSS AE11 Power/Other
VSS AE21 Power/Other
VSS AE27 Power/Other
VSSA AA5 Power/Other Input
Table 38. Pin Listing by Pin Name
Pin Nam e Pin No. Signal
Buffe r Type Direction
VSSSENSE D26 Power/Other Output
Table 38. Pin Li sting by Pin Name
Pin Name Pin No. Signal
Buffer Type Direction
Intel ® Xeon™ Processor with 53 3MH z Front Side Bus
50 Datasheet
4.1.2 Pin Listing by Pin Number
Table 39. Pin Listing by Pin Number
Pin No. Pin Name Signal
Buff er Type Direction
A1 Reserved Reserved Reserved
A2 VCC Power/Other
A3 SKTOCC# Power/Other Output
A4 Reserved Reserved Reserved
A5 VSS Power/Other
A6 A32# Source Sync Input/Output
A7 A33# Source Sync Input/Output
A8 VCC Power/Other
A9 A26# Source Sync Input/Output
A10 A20# Source Sync Input/Output
A11 VSS Power/Other
A12 A14# Source Sync Input/Output
A13 A10# Source Sync Input/Output
A14 VCC Power/Other
A15 Reserved Reserved Reserved
A16 Reserved Reserved Reserved
A17 LOCK# Com m on Clk Input/Output
A18 VCC Power/Other
A19 A7# Source Sync Input/Output
A20 A4# Source Sync Input/Output
A21 VSS Power/Other
A22 A3# Source Sync Input/Output
A23 HITM# Common Clk Input/Output
A24 VCC Power/Other
A25 TMS TAP Input
A26 Reserved Reserved Reserved
A27 VSS Power/Other
A28 VCC Power/Other
A29 VSS Power/Other
A30 VCC Power/Other
A31 VSS Power/Other
B1 Reserved Reserved Reserved
B2 VSS Power/Other
B3 VID4 Power/Other Output
B4 VCC Power/Other
B5 OTDEN Power/Other Input
B6 VCC Power/Other
B7 A31# Source Sync Input/Output
B8 A27# Source Sync Input/Output
B9 VSS Power/Other
B10 A21# Source Sync Input/Output
B11 A22# Source Sync Input/Output
B12 VCC Power/Other
B13 A13# Source Sync Input/Output
B14 A12# Source Sync Input/Output
B15 VSS Power/Other
B16 A11# Source Sync Input/Output
B17 VSS Power/Other
B18 A5# S ource Sync Input/Output
B19 REQ0# Common Clk Input/Output
B20 VCC Power/Other
B21 REQ1# Common Clk Input/Output
B22 REQ4# Common Clk Input/Output
B23 VSS Power/Other
B24 LINT0 Async GTL+ Input
B25 PROCHOT# Power/Other Output
B26 VCC Power/Other
B27 VCCSENSE Power/Other Output
B28 VSS Power/Other
B29 VCC Power/Other
B30 VSS Power/Other
B31 VCC Power/Other
C1 VSS Power/Other
C2 VCC Power/Other
C3 VID3 Power/Other Output
Table 39. Pin Listing by Pin Number
Pin No. Pin Name Signal
Buffer Type Direction
Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 5 33MH z Front Si de Bus
Datasheet 51
C4 VCC Power/Other
C5 Reserved Reserved Reserved
C6 RSP# Common Clk Input
C7 VSS Power/Other
C8 A35# Source Sync Input/Output
C9 A34# Source Sync Input/Output
C10 VCC Power/Other
C11 A30# Source Sync Input/Output
C12 A23# Source Sync Input/Output
C13 VSS Power/Other
C14 A16# Source Sync Input/Output
C15 A15# Source Sync Input/Output
C16 VCC Power/Other
C17 A8# Source Sync Input/Output
C18 A6# Source Sync Input/Output
C19 VSS Power/Other
C20 REQ3# Comm on Clk Input/Output
C21 REQ2# Comm on Clk Input/Output
C22 VCC Power/Other
C23 DEFER# Com m on Clk Input
C24 TDI TAP Input
C25 VSS Power/Other Input
C26 IGNNE# Async GTL+ Input
C27 SMI# Async GTL+ Input
C28 VCC Power/Other
C29 VSS Power/Other
C30 VCC Power/Other
C31 VSS Power/Other
D1 VCC Power/Other
D2 VSS Power/Other
D3 VID2 Power/Other Output
D4 STPCLK# Async GTL+ Input
D5 VSS Power/Other
D6 INIT# Async GTL+ Input
D7 MCERR# Comm on Clk Input/Output
D8 VCC Power/Other
D9 AP1# Comm on Clk Input/Output
D10 BR3# 1Comm on Clk Input
D11 VSS Power/Other
Table 39. Pin Listing by Pin Number
Pin No. Pin Name Signal
Buff er Type Direction
D12 A29# Source Sync Input/Output
D13 A25# Source Sync Input/Output
D14 VCC Power/Other
D15 A18# Source Sync Input/Output
D16 A17# Source Sync Input/Output
D17 A9# Source Sync Input/Output
D18 VCC Power/Other
D19 ADS# Common
Clk Input/Output
D20 BR0# Common
Clk Input/Output
D21 VSS Power/Other
D22 RS1# Common Clk Input
D23 BPRI# Common Clk Input
D24 VCC Power/Other
D25 Reserved Reserved Reserved
D26 VSSSENSE Power/Other Output
D27 VSS Power/Other
D28 VSS Power/Other
D29 VCC Power/Other
D30 VSS Power/Other
D31 VCC Power/Other
E1 VSS Power/Other
E2 VCC Power/Other
E3 VID1 Power/Other Output
E4 BPM5# Common Clk Input/Output
E5 IERR# Common Clk Output
E6 VCC Power/Other
E7 BPM2# Common Clk Input/Output
E8 BPM4# Common Clk Input/Output
E9 VSS Power/Other
E10 AP0# Common Clk Input/Output
E11 BR2# 1Common Clk Input
E12 VCC Power/Other
E13 A28# Source Sync Input/Output
E14 A24# Source Sync Input/Output
E15 VSS Power/Other
E16 COMP1 Power/Other Input
E17 VSS Power/Other
E18 DRDY# Common Clk Input/Output
Table 39. Pin Listing by Pin Number
Pin No. Pin Name Signal
Buffer Type Direction
Intel ® Xeon™ Processor with 53 3MH z Front Side Bus
52 Datasheet
E19 TRDY# Com m on Clk Input
E20 VCC Power/Other
E21 RS0# Com m on Clk Input
E22 HIT# Comm on Clk Input/Output
E23 VSS Power/Other
E24 TCK TAP Input
E25 TDO TAP Output
E26 VCC Power/Other
E27 FERR# Async GTL+ Output
E28 VCC Power/Other
E29 VSS Power/Other
E30 VCC Power/Other
E31 VSS Power/Other
F1 VCC Power/Other
F2 VSS Power/Other
F3 VID0 Power/Other Output
F4 VCC Power/Other
F5 BPM3# Com m on Clk Input/Output
F6 BPM0# Com m on Clk Input/Output
F7 VSS Power/Other
F8 BPM1# Com m on Clk Input/Output
F9 GTLREF Power/Other Input
F10 VCC Power/Other
F11 BINIT# Comm on Clk Input/Output
F12 BR1# Comm on Clk Input
F13 VSS Power/Other
F14 ADSTB1# Source Sync Input/Output
F15 A19# Source Sync Input/Output
F16 VCC Power/Other
F17 ADSTB0# Source Sync Input/Output
F18 DBSY# Comm on Clk Input/Output
F19 VSS Power/Other
F20 BNR# Comm on Clk Input/Output
F21 RS2# Comm on Clk Input
F22 VCC Power/Other
F23 GTLREF Power/Other Input
F24 TRST# TAP Input
F25 VSS Power/Other
#Async GTL+ Output
Table 39. Pin Listing by Pin Number
Pin No. Pin Name Signal
Buff er Type Direction
F27 A20M# Async GTL+ Input
F28 VSS Power/Other
F29 VCC Power/Other
F30 VSS Power/Other
F31 VCC Power/Other
G1 VSS Power/Other
G2 VCC Power/Other
G3 VSS Power/Other
G4 VCC Power/Other
G5 VSS Power/Other
G6 VCC Power/Other
G7 VSS Power/Other
G8 VCC Power/Other
G9 VSS Power/Other
G23 LINT1 Async GTL+ Input
G24 VCC Power/Other
G25 VSS Power/Other
G26 VCC Power/Other
G27 VSS Power/Other
G28 VCC Power/Other
G29 VSS Power/Other
G30 VCC Power/Other
G31 VSS Power/Other
H1 VCC Power/Other
H2 VSS Power/Other
H3 VCC Power/Other
H4 VSS Power/Other
H5 VCC Power/Other
H6 VSS Power/Other
H7 VCC Power/Other
H8 VSS Power/Other
H9 VCC Power/Other
H23 VCC Power/Other
H24 VSS Power/Other
H25 VCC Power/Other
H26 VSS Power/Other
H27 VCC Power/Other
H28 VSS Power/Other
H29 VCC Power/Other
Table 39. Pin Listing by Pin Number
Pin No. Pin Name Signal
Buffer Type Direction
Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 5 33MH z Front Si de Bus
Datasheet 53
H30 VSS Power/Other
H31 VCC Power/Other
J1 VSS Power/Other
J2 VCC Power/Other
J3 VSS Power/Other
J4 VCC Power/Other
J5 VSS Power/Other
J6 VCC Power/Other
J7 VSS Power/Other
J8 VCC Power/Other
J9 VSS Power/Other
J23 VSS Power/Other
J24 VCC Power/Other
J25 VSS Power/Other
J26 VCC Power/Other
J27 VSS Power/Other
J28 VCC Power/Other
J29 VSS Power/Other
J30 VCC Power/Other
J31 VSS Power/Other
K1 VCC Power/Other
K2 VSS Power/Other
K3 VCC Power/Other
K4 VSS Power/Other
K5 VCC Power/Other
K6 VSS Power/Other
K7 VCC Power/Other
K8 VSS Power/Other
K9 VCC Power/Other
K23 VCC Power/Other
K24 VSS Power/Other
K25 VCC Power/Other
K26 VSS Power/Other
K27 VCC Power/Other
K28 VSS Power/Other
K29 VCC Power/Other
K30 VSS Power/Other
K31 VCC Power/Other
L1 VSS Power/Other
Table 39. Pin Listing by Pin Number
Pin No. Pin Name Signal
Buff er Type Direction
L2 VCC Power/Other
L3 VSS Power/Other
L4 VCC Power/Other
L5 VSS Power/Other
L6 VCC Power/Other
L7 VSS Power/Other
L8 VCC Power/Other
L9 VSS Power/Other
L23 VSS Power/Other
L24 VCC Power/Other
L25 VSS Power/Other
L26 VCC Power/Other
L27 VSS Power/Other
L28 VCC Power/Other
L29 VSS Power/Other
L30 VCC Power/Other
L31 VSS Power/Other
M1 VCC Power/Other
M2 VSS Power/Other
M3 VCC Power/Other
M4 VSS Power/Other
M5 VCC Power/Other
M6 VSS Power/Other
M7 VCC Power/Other
M8 VSS Power/Other
M9 VCC Power/Other
M23 VCC Power/Other
M24 VSS Power/Other
M25 VCC Power/Other
M26 VSS Power/Other
M27 VCC Power/Other
M28 VSS Power/Other
M29 VCC Power/Other
M30 VSS Power/Other
M31 VCC Power/Other
N1 VCC Power/Other
N2 VSS Power/Other
N3 VCC Power/Other
N4 VSS Power/Other
Table 39. Pin Listing by Pin Number
Pin No. Pin Name Signal
Buffer Type Direction
Intel ® Xeon™ Processor with 53 3MH z Front Side Bus
54 Datasheet
N5 VCC Power/Other
N6 VSS Power/Other
N7 VCC Power/Other
N8 VSS Power/Other
N9 VCC Power/Other
N23 VCC Power/Other
N24 VSS Power/Other
N25 VCC Power/Other
N26 VSS Power/Other
N27 VCC Power/Other
N28 VSS Power/Other
N29 VCC Power/Other
N30 VSS Power/Other
N31 VCC Power/Other
P1 VSS Power/Other
P2 VCC Power/Other
P3 VSS Power/Other
P4 VCC Power/Other
P5 VSS Power/Other
P6 VCC Power/Other
P7 VSS Power/Other
P8 VCC Power/Other
P9 VSS Power/Other
P23 VSS Power/Other
P24 VCC Power/Other
P25 VSS Power/Other
P26 VCC Power/Other
P27 VSS Power/Other
P28 VCC Power/Other
P29 VSS Power/Other
P30 VCC Power/Other
P31 VSS Power/Other
R1 VCC Power/Other
R2 VSS Power/Other
R3 VCC Power/Other
R4 VSS Power/Other
R5 VCC Power/Other
R6 VSS Power/Other
R7 VCC Power/Other
Table 39. Pin Listing by Pin Number
Pin No. Pin Name Signal
Buff er Type Direction
R8 VSS Power/Other
R9 VCC Power/Other
R23 VCC Power/Other
R24 VSS Power/Other
R25 VCC Power/Other
R26 VSS Power/Other
R27 VCC Power/Other
R28 VSS Power/Other
R29 VCC Power/Other
R30 VSS Power/Other
R31 VCC Power/Other
T1 VSS Power/Other
T2 VCC Power/Other
T3 VSS Power/Other
T4 VCC Power/Other
T5 VSS Power/Other
T6 VCC Power/Other
T7 VSS Power/Other
T8 VCC Power/Other
T9 VSS Power/Other
T23 VSS Power/Other
T24 VCC Power/Other
T25 VSS Power/Other
T26 VCC Power/Other
T27 VSS Power/Other
T28 VCC Power/Other
T29 VSS Power/Other
T30 VCC Power/Other
T31 VSS Power/Other
U1 VCC Power/Other
U2 VSS Power/Other
U3 VCC Power/Other
U4 VSS Power/Other
U5 VCC Power/Other
U6 VSS Power/Other
U7 VCC Power/Other
U8 VSS Power/Other
U9 VCC Power/Other
U23 VCC Power/Other
Table 39. Pin Listing by Pin Number
Pin No. Pin Name Signal
Buffer Type Direction
Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 5 33MH z Front Si de Bus
Datasheet 55
U24 VSS Power/Other
U25 VCC Power/Other
U26 VSS Power/Other
U27 VCC Power/Other
U28 VSS Power/Other
U29 VCC Power/Other
U30 VSS Power/Other
U31 VCC Power/Other
V1 VSS Power/Other
V2 VCC Power/Other
V3 VSS Power/Other
V4 VCC Power/Other
V5 VSS Power/Other
V6 VCC Power/Other
V7 VSS Power/Other
V8 VCC Power/Other
V9 VSS Power/Other
V23 VSS Power/Other
V24 VCC Power/Other
V25 VSS Power/Other
V26 VCC Power/Other
V27 VSS Power/Other
V28 VCC Power/Other
V29 VSS Power/Other
V30 VCC Power/Other
V31 VSS Power/Other
W1 VCC Power/Other
W2 VSS Power/Other
W3 Reserved Reserved Reserved
W4 VSS Power/Other
W5 BCLK1 Sys Bus Clk Input
W6 TESTHI0 Power/Other Input
W7 TESTHI1 Power/Other Input
W8 TESTHI2 Power/Other Input
W9 GTLREF Power/Other Input
W23 GTLREF Power/Other Input
W24 VSS Power/Other
W25 VCC Power/Other
W26 VSS Power/Other
Table 39. Pin Listing by Pin Number
Pin No. Pin Name Signal
Buff er Type Direction
W27 VCC Power/Other
W28 VSS Power/Other
W29 VCC Power/Other
W30 VSS Power/Other
W31 VCC Power/Other
Y1 VSS Power/Other
Y2 VCC Power/Other
Y3 Reserved Reserved Reserved
Y4 BCLK0 Sys Bus Clk Input
Y5 VSS Power/Other
Y6 TESTHI3 Power/Other Input
Y7 VSS Power/Other
Y8 RESET# Common Clk Input
Y9 D62# Source Sync Input/Output
Y10 VCC Power/Other
Y11 DSTBP3# Source Sync Input/Output
Y12 DSTBN3# Source Sync Input/Output
Y13 VSS Power/Other
Y14 DSTBP2# Source Sync Input/Output
Y15 DSTBN2# Source Sync Input/Output
Y16 VCC Power/Other
Y17 DSTBP1# Source Sync Input/Output
Y18 DSTBN1# Source Sync Input/Output
Y19 VSS Power/Other
Y20 DSTBP0# Source Sync Input/Output
Y21 DSTBN0# Source Sync Input/Output
Y22 VCC Power/Other
Y23 D5# Source Sync Input/Output
Y24 D2# Source Sync Input/Output
Y25 VSS Power/Other
Y26 D0# Source Sync Input/Output
Y27 THERMDA Anode Pin Output
Y28 THERMDC Cathode Pin Output
Y29 NC Reserved
Y30 VCC Power/Other
Y31 VSS Power/Other
AA1 VCC Power/Other
AA2 VSS Power/Other
AA3 BSEL0 Power/Other Output2
Table 39. Pin Listing by Pin Number
Pin No. Pin Name Signal
Buffer Type Direction
Intel ® Xeon™ Processor with 53 3MH z Front Side Bus
56 Datasheet
AA4 VCC Power/Other
AA5 VSSA Power/Other Input
AA6 VCC Power/Other
AA7 TESTHI4 Power/Other Input
AA8 D61# Source Sync Input/Output
AA9 VSS Power/Other
AA10 D54# Source Sync Input/Output
AA11 D53# Source Sync Input/Output
AA12 VCC Power/Other
AA13 D48# Source Sync Input/Output
AA14 D49# Source Sync Input/Output
AA15 VSS Power/Other
AA16 D33# Source Sync Input/Output
AA17 VSS Power/Other
AA18 D24# Source Sync Input/Output
AA19 D15# Source Sync Input/Output
AA20 VCC Power/Other
AA21 D 11# Source Sync Input/Output
AA22 D10# Source Sync Input/Output
AA23 VSS Power/Other
AA24 D6# Source Sync Input/Output
AA25 D3# Source Sync Input/Output
AA26 VCC Power/Other
AA27 D1# Source Sync Input/Output
AA28 NC Reserved
AA29 NC Reserved
AA30 VSS Power/Other
AA31 VCC Power/Other
AB1 VSS Power/Other
AB2 VCC Power/Other
AB3 BSEL1 Power/Other Output2
AB4 VCCA Power/Other Input
AB5 VSS Power/Other
AB6 D63# Source Sync
AB7 PWRGOOD Power/Other Input
AB8 VCC Power/Other
AB9 DBI3# Source Sync Input/Output
AB10 D55# Source Sync Input/Output
AB11 VSS Power/Other
Table 39. Pin Listing by Pin Number
Pin No. Pin Name Signal
Buff er Type Direction
AB12 D51# Source Sync Input/Output
AB13 D52# Source Sync Input/Output
AB14 VCC Power/Other
AB15 D37# Source Sync Input/Output
AB16 D32# Source Sync Input/Output
AB17 D31# Source Sync Input/Output
AB18 VCC Power/Other
AB19 D14# Source Sync Input/Output
AB20 D12# Source Sync Input/Output
AB21 VSS Power/Other
AB22 D13# Source Sync Input/Output
AB23 D9# Source Sync Input/Output
AB24 VCC Power/Other
AB25 D8# Source Sync Input/Output
AB26 D7# Source Sync Input/Output
AB27 VSS Power/Other
AB28 NC Reserved
AB29 NC Reserved
AB30 VCC Power/Other
AB31 VSS Power/Other
AC1 Reserved Reserved Reserved
AC2 VSS Power/Other
AC3 VCC Power/Other
AC4 VCC Power/Other
AC5 D60# Source Sync Input/Output
AC6 D59# Source Sync Input/Output
AC7 VSS Power/Other
AC8 D56# Source Sync Input/Output
AC9 D47# Source Sync Input/Output
AC10 VCC Power/Other
AC11 D43# S ource Sync Input/Output
AC12 D41# Source Sync Input/Output
AC13 VSS Power/Other
AC14 D50# Source Sync Input/Output
AC15 DP2# Common Clk Input/Output
AC16 VCC Power/Other
AC17 D34# Source Sync Input/Output
AC18 DP0# Common Clk Input/Output
AC19 VSS Power/Other
Table 39. Pin Listing by Pin Number
Pin No. Pin Name Signal
Buffer Type Direction
Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 5 33MH z Front Si de Bus
Datasheet 57
1. In systems utilizing the Intel Xeon processor, the system
designer must pull-up these signals to the processor VCC.
2. Baseboards treating AA3 and AB3 as Reserved will operate
correctly with a bus clock of 133 MHz.
AC20 D25# Source Sync Input/Output
AC21 D26# Source Sync Input/Output
AC22 VCC Power/Other
AC23 D23# Source Sync Input/Output
AC24 D20# Source Sync Input/Output
AC25 VSS Power/Other
AC26 D17# Source Sync Input/Output
AC27 DBI0# Source Sync Input/Output
AC28 NC Reserved
AC29 NC Reserved
AC30 VSS Power/Other
AC31 VCC Power/Other
AD1 Reserved Reserved Reserved
AD2 VCC Power/Other
AD3 VSS Power/Other
AD4 VCCIOPLL Power/Other Input
AD5 TESTHI5 Power/Other Input
AD6 VCC Power/Other
AD7 D57# Source Sync Input/Output
AD8 D46# Source Sync Input/Output
AD9 VSS Power/Other
AD10 D45# Source Sync Input/Output
AD11 D40# Source Sync Input/Output
AD12 VCC Power/Other
AD13 D38# Source Sync Input/Output
AD14 D39# Source Sync Input/Output
AD15 VSS Power/Other
AD16 COMP0 Power/Other Input
AD17 VSS Power/Other
AD18 D36# Source Sync Input/Output
AD19 D30# Source Sync Input/Output
AD20 VCC Power/Other
AD21 D29# Source Sync Input/Output
AD22 DBI1# Source Sync Input/Output
AD23 VSS Power/Other
AD24 D21# Source Sync Input/Output
AD25 D18# Source Sync Input/Output
AD26 VCC Power/Other
Table 39. Pin Listing by Pin Number
Pin No. Pin Name Signal
Buff er Type Direction
AD27 D4# Source Sync Input/Output
AD28 NC Reserved
AD29 NC Reserved
AD30 VCC Power/Other
AD31 VSS Power/Other
AE2 VSS Power/Other
AE3 VCC Power/Other
AE4 SMD_PRT Ground Output
AE5 TESTHI6 Power/Other Input
AE6 SLP# Async GTL+ Input
AE7 D58# Source Sync Input/Output
AE8 VCC Power/Other
AE9 D44# Source Sync Input/Output
AE10 D42# Source Sync Input/Output
AE11 VSS Power/Other
AE12 DBI2# Source Sync Input/Output
AE13 D35# Source Sync Input/Output
AE14 VCC Power/Other
AE15 Reserved Reserved Reserved
AE16 Reserved Reserved Reserved
AE17 DP3# Common Clk Input/Output
AE18 VCC Power/Other
AE19 DP1# Common Clk Input/Output
AE20 D28# Source Sync Input/Output
AE21 VSS Power/Other
AE22 D27# Source Sync Input/Output
AE23 D22# Source Sync Input/Output
AE24 VCC Power/Other
AE25 D19# Source Sync Input/Output
AE26 D16# Source Sync Input/Output
AE27 VSS Power/Other
AE28 VID_VCC Power/Other
AE29 VID_VCC Power/Other
AE30 Mechanical
Table 39. Pin Listing by Pin Number
Pin No. Pin Name Signal
Buffer Type Direction
58 Int el ® Xeon™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz
This page intentionally left blank.
Int el ® Xeon™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Fr ont Side B us at 2 GH z t o 3.06 GHz 59
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60 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
4.2 Signal Definition s
Table 41. Signal Definitions (Sheet 1 of 9)
Name Type Description Notes
A[35:3]# I/O
A[35:3]# (Addr ess) defi ne a 236 byte physical m emory addr ess spa ce. In sub-phas e
1 of the address phase, these pins transmit the address of a transaction. In sub-
phase 2, these pins transmit transaction type information. These signals must
connect the appropriate pins of all agents on the front side bus. A[35:3]# are
protected by parity signals AP[1:0]#. A[35:3]# are source synchronous signals and
are latched into the receiving buffers by ADSTB[1:0]#.
On the active-to-inactive transition of RESET#, the processors sample a subset of
the A[35:3]# pins to determine their power-on configuration. See Section 6.1.
A20M# I
If A20M# (Address-20 Mask) is asserted, the processor masks physical address bit
20 (A20#) before looking up a line in any internal cache and before driving a read/
write transaction on the bus. Asserting A20M# emulates the 8086 processor’s
address wrap-around at the 1 MByte boundary. Assertion of A20M# is only
supported in real mode.
A20M# is an asynchronous signal. However, to ensure recognition of this signal
following an I/O write instruction, it must be valid along with the TRDY# assertion of
the corresponding I/O write bus transaction.
ADS# (Address Strobe) is asserted to indicate the validity of the transaction
address on the A[35:3]# pins. All bus agents observe the ADS# activation to begin
parity checking, protocol checking, address decode, internal snoop, or deferred
reply ID match operations associated with the new transaction. This signal must
connect the appropriate pins on all front side bus agents.
ADSTB[1:0]# I/O Address strobes are used to latch A[35:3]# and REQ[4:0]# on their ri sing and falli ng
edge. 4
AP[1:0]# I/O
AP[1:0]# (Address Parity) are driven by the request initiator along with ADS#,
A[35:3]#, and the transaction type on the REQ[4:0]# pins. A correct parity signal is
high if an even number of covered signals are low and low if an odd number of
covered signals are low. This allows parity to be high when all the covered signals
are high. AP[1:0]# should connect the appropriate pins of all front side bus agents.
The following table defines the coverage model of these signals.
BCLK[1:0] I
The differential pair BCLK (Bus Clock) determines the bus frequency. All processor
front side bus agents must receive these signals to drive their outputs and latch
their inputs.
All external timing parameters are specified with respect to the rising edge of
BCLK0 crossing the falling edge of BCLK1.
Request Signals Subphase 1 Subphase 2
A[35:24]# AP0# AP1#
A[23:3]# AP1# AP0#
REQ[4:0]# AP1# AP0#
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 61
BINIT# (Bus Initialization) may be observed and driven by all processor front side
bus agents and if used, must connect the appropriate pins of all such agents. If the
BINIT# driver is enabled during po wer on confi gur ation, BINIT# i s asserted to s ignal
any bus condition that prevents reliable future information.
If BINIT# observation is enabled during power-on configuration (see Section 6.1)
and BINIT# is sampled asserted, symmetric agents reset their bus LOCK# activity
and bus request arbitration state machines. The bus agents do not reset their IOQ
and transaction tracking state machines upon observation of BINIT# assertion.
Once the BINIT# assertion has been observed, the bus agents will re-arbitrate for
the front side bus and attempt completion of their bus queue and IOQ entries.
If BINIT# observation is disabled during power-on configuration, a central agent
may handle an assertion of BINIT# as appropriate to the error handling architecture
of the system.
BNR# (Block Next Request) is used to assert a bus stall by any bus agent who is
unable to accept new bus transactions. During a bus stall, the current bus owner
cannot issue any new transactions.
Since multiple agents might need to request a bus stall at the same time, BNR# is a
wire-OR signal which must connect the appropriate pins of all processor front side
bus agents. In order to avoid wire-OR glitches associated with simultaneous edge
transitio ns driven by multi ple driver s , BNR# is activated on speci fic clock edges and
sampled on specific clock edges.
BPM[5:0]# I/O
BPM[5:0]# (Breakpoint Monitor) are breakpoint and performance monitor signals.
They are outputs from the processor which indicate the status of breakpoints and
programmable counters used for monitoring processor performance. BPM[5:0]#
should connect the appropriate pins of all front side bus agents.
BPM4# provides PRDY# (Probe Ready) functionality for the TAP port. PRDY# is a
processor output used by debug tools to determine processor debug readiness.
BPM5# provides PREQ# (Probe Request) functionality for the TAP port. PREQ# is
used by debug tools to request debug operation of the processors.
BPM[5:4]# must be bussed to all bus agents.
These signals do not have on-die termination and must be t erminated at the
end agent. See the appropriate platform design guidelines for additional
BPRI# (Bus Priority Request) is used to arbitrate for ownership of the processor
front side bus. It must connect the appropriate pins of all processor front side bus
agents. Observing BPRI# active (as asserted by the priority agent) causes all other
agents to stop issuing new requests, unless such requests are part of an ongoing
locked operation. The priority agent keeps BPRI# asserted until all of its requests
are completed, then releases the bus by deasserting BPRI#.
Ta b le 41 . Signal Defin itions (Sheet 2 of 9)
Name Type Description Notes
62 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
BR[3:0]# (Bus Request) drive the BREQ[3:0]# signals in the system. The
BREQ[3:0]# signals are interconnected in a rotating manner to individual processor
pins. BR2# and BR3# must not be utilized in a dual processor platform design. The
table below gives the rotating interconnect between the processor and bus signals
for dual processor systems.
During power-on configuration, the central agent must assert the BR0# bus signal.
All symmetric agents sample their BR[3:0]# pins on the active-to-inactive transition
of RESET#. The pin which the agent samples asserted determines it’s agent ID.
These signals do not have o n-die termination and must be terminated at the
end agent. See the appropriate platform design guidelines for additional
BSEL[1:0] O
These output signals are used to select the front side bus frequency. A BSEL[1:0] =
“00” will select a 100 MHz bus clock frequency. The frequency is determined by the
processor(s), chipset, and frequency synthesizer capabilities. All front side bus
agents must operate at the same frequency. Individual processors will only operate
at their specified front side bus (FSB) frequency.
On baseboards which support operation only at 100 MH z bus clocks these signals
can be ignored. On baseboards employing the use of these signals, a 1 Kpull-up
resistor be used.
See Table 2 “Front Side Bus Clock Frequency Select Truth Table for BSEL[1:0]” on
page 13 for output values.
COMP[1:0] I COMP[1:0] must be terminated to VSS on the baseboard using precision resistors.
These inputs configur e the AGTL+ drivers of the process or. Refer to the appropri ate
platform design guidelines and Table 12 for implementation details.
Table 41. Signal Definitions (Sheet 3 of 9)
Name Type Description Notes
BR[1:0]# Signals Rotating Interconnect, dual processor system
During power-up configuration, the central agent must assert the BR0# bus signa
All symmetric agents sample their BR[1:0]# pins on active-to-inactive transition o
RESET#. The pin on which the agent samples an active level determines its age
ID. All agents then configure their pins to match the appropriate bus signal proto
as shown below.
Bus Signal Agent 0 Pins Agent 1 Pins
BREQ0# BR0# BR1#
BREQ1# BR1# BR0#
BR[1:0 ]# Signal Ag e n t IDs
BR[1:0]# Signals Rotating
Interconnect, dual processor system Agent ID
BR0# 0
BR1# 1
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 63
D[63:0]# I/O
D[63:0]# (Data) are the data signals. These signals provide a 64-bit data path
between the processor front side bus agents, and must connect the appropriate
pins on all such agents. The data driver asserts DRDY# to indicate a valid data
D[63:0]# are quad-pumped signals, and will thus be driven four times in a common
clock period. D[63:0]# are latched off the falling edge of both DSTBP[3:0]# and
DSTBN[3:0]#. Each group of 16 data signals correspond to a pair of one DSTBP#
and one DSTBN#. The follo wing table shows the grouping of dat a si gnals to strobes
and DBI#.
Furthermore, the DBI# pins determine the polarity of the data signals. Each group
of 16 data signals corresponds to one DBI# signal. When the DBI# signal is active,
the corresponding data group is inverted and therefore sampled active high.
DBI[3:0]# I/O
DBI[3:0]# are source synchronous and indicate the polarity of the D[63:0]# signals.
The DBI[3:0]# signals are activated when the data on the data bus is inverted. The
bus agent will invert the data bus signals if more than half the bits, within a 16-bit
group, change logic level in the next cycle.
DBSY# (Data Bus Bus y) is as ser ted by the agent respons ible for dri ving data on the
processor front side bus to indicate that the data bus is in use. The data bus is
released after DB SY# is deasserted. This signal must connect the appropriate pins
on all processor front side bus agents.
DEFER# is asserted by an agent to indicate that a transaction cannot be
guaranteed in-order completion. Assertion of DEFER# is normally the responsibility
of the addressed memory or I/O agent. This signal must connect the appropriate
pins of all processor front side bus agents.
DP[3:0]# I/O DP[3:0]# (Data Parity) provide parity protection for the D[63:0]# signals. They are
driven by the agent responsible for driving D[63:0]#, and must connect the
appropriate pins of all processor front side bus agents. 4
DRDY# (Data Ready) is asserted by the data driver on each data transfer,
indicating val id data on the dat a bus . In a multi -common clock data tr ans fer, D RDY#
may be deasserted to insert idle clocks. This signal must connect the appropriate
pins of all processor front side bus agents. 4
DSTBN[3:0]# I/O Data strobe used to latch in D[63:0]#. 4
DSTBP[3:0]# I/O Data strobe used to latch in D[63:0]#. 4
Ta b le 41 . Signal Defin itions (Sheet 4 of 9)
Name Type Description Notes
Data Gr oup DSTBN/
D[15:0]# 0 0
D[31:16]# 1 1
D[47:32]# 2 2
D[63:48]# 3 3
DBI[3:0] Assignment To Data Bus
Bus Signal Data Bus Signals
DBI0# D[15:0]#
DBI1# D[31:16]#
DBI2# D[47:32]#
DBI3# D[63:48]#
64 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
FERR#/PBE# (floating point error/pending break event) is a multiplexed signal and
its meaning is qualified by STPCLK#. When STPCLK# is not asserted, FERR#/
PBE# indicates a floating-point error and will be asserted when the processor
detects an unmasked floating-point error. When STPCLK# is not asserted, FERR#/
PBE# is similar to the ERROR# signal on the Intel 387 coproces sor, and is inclu ded
for compatibility with systems using MS-DOS*-type floating-point error reporting.
When STPCLK# is asserted, an assertion of FERR#/PBE# indicates that the
processor has a pending break event waiting for service. The assertion of FERR#/
PBE# indicates that the processor should be returned to the Normal state. For
additional information on the pending break event functionality, including the
identification of support of the feature and enable/disable information, refer to
volume 3 of the Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual and the Intel
Processor Identification and the CPUID Instruction application note.
This signal does not have on-die termination and must be terminated at the
end agent. See the appropriate Platform Design Guideline for additional
GTLREF I GTLREF determines the signal reference level for AGTL+ input pins. GTLREF
should be set at 2/3Vcc. GTLREF is used by the AGTL+ receivers to determine if a
signal is a logical 0 or a logical 1.
HIT# (Snoop Hit) and HITM# (Hit Modified) convey transaction snoop operation
results. Any front side bus agent may assert both HIT# and HITM# together to
indicate that it requires a snoop stall, which can be continued by reasserting HIT#
and HITM# together.
Since multiple agents may deliver snoop results at the same time, HIT# and HITM#
are wire-OR signals which must connect the appropriate pins of all processor front
side bus agents. In order to avoid wire-OR glitches associated with simultaneous
edge transitions driven by multiple drivers, HIT# and HITM# are activated on
specific clock edges and sampled on specific clock edges.
IERR# (Internal Error) is asserted by a processor as the result of an internal error.
Assertion of IERR# is usually accompanied by a SHUTDOWN transaction on the
processor front side bus. This transaction may optionally be converted to an
external error signal (e.g., NMI) by system core logic. The processor will keep
IERR# asserted until the assertion of RESET#, BINIT#, or INIT#.
This signal does not have on-die termination and must be terminated at the
end agent. See the appropriate Platform Design Guideline for additional
IGNNE# (Ignore Numeric Error) is asserted to force the processor to ignore a
numeric error and continue to execute noncontrol floating-point instructions. If
IGNNE# is deasserted, the processor generates an exception on a noncontrol
floating-point instruction if a previous floating-point instruction caused an error.
IGNNE# has no effect when the NE bit in control register 0 (CR0) is set.
IGNNE# is an asynchronous signal. However, to ensure recognition of this signal
following an I/O write instruction, it must be valid along with the TRDY# assertion of
the corresponding I/O write bus transaction.
INIT# (Initialization), when asserted, resets integer registers inside all processors
without affecting their internal caches or floating-point registers. Each processor
then begins execution at the power-on Reset vector configured during power-on
configuration. The processor continues to handle snoop requests during INIT#
assertion. INIT# is an asynchronous signal and must connect the appropriate pins
of all processor front side bus agents.
If INIT# is sampled active on the active to inactive transition of RESET#, then the
processor executes its Built-in Self-Test (BIST).
Table 41. Signal Definitions (Sheet 5 of 9)
Name Type Description Notes
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 65
LINT[1:0] I
LINT[1:0] (Local APIC Interrupt) must connect the appropriate pins of all front side
bus agents. When the APIC functionality is disabled, the LINT0 signal becomes
INTR, a maskable interrupt request signal, and LINT1 becomes NMI, a
nonmaskable interrupt. INTR and NMI are backward compatible with the signals of
those names on the Pentium processor. Both signals are asynchronous.
Both of these signals must be software configured via BIOS programming of the
APIC register space to be used either as NMI/INTR or LINT[1:0]. Because the APIC
is enabled by default after Re set, operation of these pins as LINT[1:0] is the default
LOCK# indicates to the system that a transaction must occur atomically. This signal
must connect the appropriate pins of all processor front side bus agents. For a
locked sequence of transactions, LOCK# is asserted from the beginning of the first
transaction to the end of the last transaction.
When the priority agent asserts BPRI# to arbitrate for ownership of the processor
front side bus, it will wait until it observes LOCK# deasserted. This enables
symmetric agent s to r et ain owner ship of the pr ocess or front side bus thr oughout the
bus locked operation and ensure the atomicity of lock.
Key Inert Mechanical Key to prevent compatibility with 603-pin socket.
MCERR# (Machine Check Error) is asserted to indicate an unrecoverable error
without a bus protocol violation. It may be driven by all processor front side bus
MCERR# assertion conditions are configurable at a system level. Assertion options
are defined by the following options:
Enabled or disabled.
Asserted, if configured, for internal errors along with IERR#.
Asserted, if configured, by the request initiator of a bus transaction after it
observes an error.
Asserted by any bus agent when it observes an error in a bus transaction.
For more details regarding machine check architecture, refer to the IA-32 Software
Developer ’s Manual, Volume 3: System Programming Guide.
Since multiple agents m ay drive this si gnal at the same tim e, MCERR# i s a wire-OR
signal which must connect the appropriate pins of all processor front side bus
agents. In order to avoid wire-OR glitches associated with simultaneous edge
transitions driven by multiple drivers, MCERR# is activated on specific clock edges
and sampled on specific clock edges.
ODTEN I ODTEN (On-die termination enable) should be connected to VCC to enable on-die
termination for end bus agents. For middle bus agents, pull this signal down via a
resistor to ground to disable on-die termination. Whenever ODTEN is high, on-die
termination will be active, regardless of other states of the bus.
PROCHOT# (processor hot) indicates that the processor Thermal Control Circuit
(TCC) has been activated. Under most conditions, PROCHOT# will go active when
the processor’s thermal sensor detects that the processor has reached its
maximum safe operating temperature. See Section 6.3 for more details.
These signals do not have on-die termination and must be t erminated at the
end agent. See the appropriate Platform Design Guideline for additional
Ta b le 41 . Signal Defin itions (Sheet 6 of 9)
Name Type Description Notes
66 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
PWRGOOD (Power Good) is an input. The processor requires this signal to be a
clean indication that all processor clocks and power supplies are stable and within
their specifications. “Clean” implies that the signal will remain low (capable of
sinking leakage current), without glitches, from the time that the power supplies are
turned on until they come within specification. The signal must then transition
monotonically to a high state. Figure 6 illustrates the relationship of PWRGOOD to
the RESET# signal. PWRGOOD can be driven inactive at any time, but clocks and
power must again be stable before a subsequent rising edge of PWRGOOD. It
must also meet the minimum pulse width specification in Table 13, and be followed
by a 1 mS RESET# pulse.
The PWRGOOD signal must be supplied to the processor; it is used to protect
internal circuits against voltage sequencing issues. It should be driven high
throughout boundary scan operation.
REQ[4:0]# I/O
REQ[4:0]# (Request Command) must connect the appropriate pins of all processor
front side bus agents. They are asserted by the current bus owner to define the
currently active transaction type. These signals are source synchronous to
ADSTB[1:0]#. Refer to the AP[1:0]# signal description for details on parity checking
of these signals.
Asserting the RESET# signal resets all processors to known states and invalidates
their internal caches without writing back any of their contents. For a power-on
Reset, RESET# must stay active for at least one millisecond after VCC and BCLK
have reached their proper specifications. On observing active RESET#, all front
side bus agents will deassert their outputs within two clocks. RESET# must not be
kept asserted for more than 10ms.
A number of bus signals are sampled at the active-to-inactive transition of RESET#
for power-on configuration. These configuration options are described in the
Secti on 6.1.
This signal does not have on-die termination and must be terminated at the
end agent. See the appropriate Platform Design Guideline for additional
RS[2:0]# I RS[2:0]# (Response Status) are driven by the response agent (the agent
responsible for completion of the current transaction), and must connect the
appropriate pins of all processor front side bus agents. 4
RSP# (Response Parity) is driven by the response agent (the agent responsible for
completion of the current transaction) during assertion of RS[2:0]#, the signals for
which RSP# provides parity protection. It must connect to the appropriate pins of all
processor front side bus agents.
A correct parity signal is high if an even number of covered signals are low and low
if an odd number of covered signals are low. While RS[2:0]# = 000, RSP# is also
high, since this indicates it is not being driven by any agent guaranteeing correct
SKTOCC# O SKTOCC# (Socket occupied) will be pulled to ground by the processor to indicate
that the processor is present.
SLP# (Sleep), when asserted in Stop-Grant state, causes processors to enter the
Sleep st ate. During Sleep st ate, t he processor stop s providi ng inter nal cloc k signal s
to all units, leaving only the Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) still operating. Processors in
this state will not recognize snoops or interrupts. The processor will recognize only
assertion of the RESET# signal, deassertion of SLP#, and removal of the BCLK
input while in Sleep state. If SLP# is deasserted, the processor exits Sleep state
and returns to Stop-Grant state, restarting its internal clock signals to the bus and
processor core units.
SMB_PRT I Pin is grounded on processor packages that do not contain SMBUS components
(PIROM, Scratch EEPROM , and thermal sensor). It is floating on processor
packages that contain the SMBus components.
Table 41. Signal Definitions (Sheet 7 of 9)
Name Type Description Notes
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 67
SMI# (System Management Interrupt) is asserted asynchronously by system logic.
On accepting a System Management Interrupt, processors save the current state
and enter System Management Mode (SMM). An SMI Acknowledge transaction is
issued, and the processor begins program execution from the SMM handler.
If SMI# is asserted during the deassertion of RESET# the processor will tri-state its
STPCLK# (Stop Clock), when asserted, causes processors to enter a low power
S top-G rant state. The process or i ssues a Stop-G rant Acknow ledge transac tion, and
stops providing internal clock signals to all processor core units except the front
side bus and APIC units. The processor continues to snoop bus transactions and
service interrupts while in Stop-Grant state. When STPCLK# is deasserted, the
processor restarts its internal clock to all units and resumes execution. The
assertion of STPCLK# has no effect on the bus clock; STPCLK# is an
asynchronous input.
TCK I TCK (Test Clock) provides the clock input for the processor Test Bus (also known
as the Test Access Port).
TDI I TDI (Test Data In) transfers serial test data into the processor. TDI provides the
serial input needed for JTAG specification support.
TDO O T DO (Test D ata Out) transfers serial test data out of the processor. TDO provides
the serial output needed for JTAG specification support.
All TESTHI[6:0] pins should be individually connected to VCC via a pull-up resistor
which matches the trace impedance within a range of ±10 ohms. TESTHI[3:0] and
TESTHI[6:5] may all be tied together and pulled up to VCC with a single resistor if
desired. However, utilization of boundary scan test will not be functional if these
pins are connected together. TESTHI4 must always be pulled up independently
from the other TESTHI pins. For optimum noise margin, all pull-up resistor values
used for TESTHI[6:0] pins should have a resistance value within ±20 percent of the
impedance of the baseboard transmission line traces. For example, if the trace
impedance is 50 , then a value between 40 and 60 should be used. The
TESTHI[6:0] termination recommendations provided in the Intel® XeonTM
processor d atas heet are stil l suitable for the Intel® X eonTM proc essor w ith 533 M Hz
Front Side Bus. However, Intel recommends new designs or designs undergoing
design updates follow the trace impedance matching termination guidelines given
in this section.
Activation of THERMTRIP# (Thermal Trip) indicates the processor junction
temperature has reached a level beyond which permanent silicon damage may
occur. Measurement of the temperature is accomplished through an internal
thermal sensor which is configured to trip at approximately 135 °C. To properly
protect the processor, power must be removed upon THERMTRIP# becoming
active. See Figure 6 for the appropriate power down sequence and timing
requirement. In parallel, the processor will attempt to reduce its temperature by
shutting off internal clocks and stopping all program execution. Once activated,
THERMTRIP# remains latched and the processor will be stopped until RESET# is
asserted. A RESET# pulse will reset the processor and execution will begin at the
boot vector. If the temperature has not dropped below the trip level, the processor
will assert THERMTR IP# and return to the shutdown state. The processor releases
THERMTRIP# when RESET# is activated even if the processor is still too hot.
This signal do not have on-die termination and must be terminated at the end
agent. See the appropriate platform design guidelines for additional
THERMDA O Thermal Diode Anode.
THERMDC O Thermal Diode Cathode.
Ta b le 41 . Signal Defin itions (Sheet 8 of 9)
Name Type Description Notes
68 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
1. Intel Xeon processors onl y support B R0# and BR1#. However, the Intel Xeon processors must terminate B R2# and BR3# to the
processor VCC.
2. For this pin on Intel® Xeon™ processors, the maximum number of symmetric agents is one. Maximum number of Central
Agents is zero.
3. For this pin on Intel® Xeon™ processors, the maximum number of symmetric agents is two. Maximum number of Central
Agents is zero.
4. For this pin on Intel® Xeon™ processors, the maximum number of symmetric agents is two. Maximum number of Central
Agents is one.
TMS (Test Mode Select) is a JTAG specification support signal used by debug
This signal does not have on-die termination and must be terminated at the
end agent.See the appropriate platform design guidelines for additional
TRDY# I TRDY # (Target Ready) is asser ted by the target to indicate that it is read y to r eceiv e
a write or implic it writeba ck dat a tr ansfer. TRDY# must conne ct the appropr iate pin s
of all front side bus agents.
TRST# I TRST# (Test Reset) resets the Test Access Port (TAP) logic. TRST# must be driven
low during power on Reset. See the appropriate Platform Design Guideline for
additional information.
VCCA provides isolated power for the analog portion of the internal PLL’s. Use a
discrete RLC filter to provide clean power. Use the filter defined in Section 2.5 to
provide clean power to the PLL. The tolerance and total ESR for the filter is
important. Refer to the appropriate platform design guidelines for complete
implementation details.
VCCIOPLL IVCCIOPLL provides isolated power for digital portion of the internal PLL’s. Follow the
guidelines for VCCA (Section 2.5), and refer to the appropriate platform design
guidelines for complete implementation details.
The Vccsense and Vsssense pins are the points for which processor minimum and
maximum voltage requirements are specified. Uniprocessor designs may utilize
these pins for voltage sensing for the processor's voltage regulator. How ever, multi-
processor designs must not connect these pins to sense logic, but rather utilize
them for power delivery validation.
VID[4:0] O
VID[4:0] (Voltage ID) pins can be used to support automatic selection of power
supply voltages (VCC). Unlike previous processor generations, these pins are
driven by processor logic. Hence the voltage supply for these pins (SM_VCC) must
be valid before the VRM supplying Vcc to the processor is enabled. Conversely, the
VRM output must be disabled prior to the voltage supply for these pins becomes
invalid. The VID pins are needed to support processor voltage specification
variations. See Table 3 for definitions of these pins. The power supply must supply
the voltage that is requested by these pins, or disable itself.
VID_VCC . I Voltage for VID and BSEL logic
VSSA IVSSA provides an isolated, internal ground for internal PLL’s. Do not connect
directly to ground. This pin is to be connected to VCCA and VCCIOPLL through a
discrete filter circuit.
Table 41. Signal Definitions (Sheet 9 of 9)
Name Type Description Notes
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 69
5.0 Thermal Specifications
This chapter provides the thermal specifications necessary for designing a thermal solution for the
Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus. Thermal solutions should include
heatsinks that attach to the integrated heat spreader (IHS). The IHS provides a common interface
intended to be compatible with many heatsink designs. Thermal specifications are based on the
temperature of the IHS top, referred to as the case temperature, or TCASE. Thermal solutions should
be designed to maintain the processor within TCASE specifications. For information on performing
TCASE measurem ents, refe r to the Intel® Xeon™ Processor Thermal Design Guidelines. See Figure
18 for an explo ded vi ew of the processor package and thermal solu tion assembly.
Note: The processor is either shipped alone or with a heatsink (boxed processor only). All other
compone nts shown in Figure 18 mu st be purchased separately.
Note: This is a graphical representation. For specifications, see each component’s respective
documentation li st ed in Section 1.3.
Figure 18. Processor with Thermal and Mechanical Component s - Exploded View
604 Pin
70 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
5.1 Thermal Specifications
Tab le 42 specifies the thermal design power dissipation envelope for the Intel® Xeon™ processor
with 533 MHz Front Side Bus. The processor power listed in Table 42 is described in thermal
design power. Analysis indicates that real applications are unlikely to cause the processor to
consume the maximum possible power consumption. Intel recommends that system thermal
designs utilize the Thermal Design Power indicated in Table 42. Thermal Design Power
recommendations are chosen through characterization of server and workstation applications on
the processor.
The Thermal Monitor feature is intended to protect the processor from overheating on any high
power code that exceeds the recommendations in this table. For more details on the Thermal
Moni t or feature, re fer to Sectio n 6.3. In all cases, the Thermal Monitor feature must be enabled for
the processor to be operating within specification. Ta b le 42 also lists the minimum and maximum
processor TCASE temperature specifications. A thermal solution should be designed to ensure the
temperature of the processo r nev er exceeds these spec ifications.
1. Intel recommends that the rmal solutions be designed utiliz ing t he Thermal Des ign Pow er valu es. R efer to the
Intel® Xeon™ Processor Thermal Design Guidelines.
2. TDP values are specified at the point on Vcc_max loadline corresponding to Icc_TDP.
3. Systems must be designed to ensure that the processor is not subjected to any static Vcc and Icc
combination wherein Vcc exceeds Vcc_max at specified Icc. Please refer to the loadline specifications in
Chapter 2.0.
Figure 19. Pro ces s or Thermal Design Power vs Electrical Projections for VID = 1.500V
Table 42. Processor Thermal Design Power
Core Frequency Thermal Design
Maximum Power
(W) Minimum TCASE
(°C) Maximum TCASE
(°C) Notes
2GHz 58 66 5 70 2,3
2.40 GHz 65 75 5 74 2,3
2.66 GHz 72 83 5 74 2,3
2.80 GHz 74 86 5 75 2,3
3.06 GHz 85 101 5 73 2,3
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 71
Figure 20. Proces sor Thermal Design Power vs Electrical Projections for VID = 1.525V
72 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
5.2 Measurement s for Thermal Specifications
5.2.1 Processor Case Temperature Measurement
The minimum and maximum case temperatures (TCASE) for processors are specified in Table 42 of
the previous section. These temperature specifications are meant to ensure correct and reliable
operation of the processor. Figure 21 illustrates the thermal measurement point for TCASE. This
point is at th e geometric center of th e integrated heat spreader (IHS).
Figure 21. Thermal Measurement Point for Process or TCASE
Note: Figure is not to scale, and is for reference only
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 73
6.0 Features
6.1 Power-On Configuration Options
The Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus has several configuration options that
are determined by the state of specific processor pins at the active-to-inactive transition of the
proces sor RESET# signal. These configur ation options cannot be changed except by another reset.
Both power on a nd softwar e induced resets re c onfigure t he processor(s).
1. Asserting this signal during active-to-inactive edge of RESET# will selects the corresponding option.
2. The Intel® Xeon™ processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus does not support this feature, therefore platforms
utilizing this processor should not use these configuration pins.
3. Intel Xeon processor with 533 MH z Front S ide Bus util ize onl y B R0# and BR1# signal s. 2- way plat for ms mus t
not utilize BR2# and BR3# signals.
6.2 Clock Control and Low Power States
The processor allows the use of AutoHALT, Stop-Grant and Sleep states to reduce power
consumption by stopping the clock to internal sections of the processor, depending on each
particular state. See Figure 22 f or a vis ual r epresentation of the processor low power states.
Due to the inability of processors to recognize bus transactions during the Sleep state,
multiprocessor systems are not allow ed to simultaneously have one processor in Sleep state and the
other processor in th e Normal or Stop-Grant state.
6.2.1 Normal State—State 1
This is the nor m al operating state for the processor.
Tabl e 43. Power-On Configuration Opt io n Pins
Configuration Option Pin1Notes
Output tri state SMI#
Execute BIST (Built-In Self Test) INIT#
In Order Queue de-pipelining (set IOQ depth to 1) A7#
Disable MCERR# observation A9#
Disable BINIT# observation A10#
APIC cluster ID (0-3) A[12:11]# 2
Disable bus parking A15#
Disable Hyper-Threading Technology A31#
Symmetric agent arbitration ID BR[3:0]# 3
74 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
6.2.2 AutoHALT Powerdown State—St ate 2
AutoHALT is a low power state entered when the processor executes the HALT instruction. The
processor will transition to the Normal state upon the occurrence of BINIT#, INIT#, LINT[1:0]
(NMI, INTR), or an interr upt delivered over the front side bus. RESE T# will caus e the processor to
immediately initialize its e lf.
The system can generate a STPCLK# while the processor is in the AutoHALT Power Down state.
When the system deasserts the STPCLK# interrupt, the processor will return execution to the
HALT state.
6.2.3 Stop-Grant State—State 3
When the STPCLK# pin is asserted, the Stop-Grant state of the processor is entered 20 bus clocks
after the response phase of the processor-issued Stop Grant Acknowledge special bus cycle. Once
the STPCLK# pin has been asserted, it may only be deasserted once the processor is in the Stop
Grant state. Both logical processors of the Intel® Xeon™ processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus
must be in the Stop Grant state before the deassertion of STPC LK#.
Figure 22. Stop Clock State Machine
2. Auto HALT Power Down
BCLK running
Snoops and interrupts allow ed
1. Normal State
Normal execution
4. HALT/Grant S noo p S ta te
BCLK running
Service snoops to caches
3. Stop Grant State
BCLK running
Snoops and interrupts allowed
5. Sleep State
BCLK running
No snoops or interrupts
HALT Instruction and
HALT Bus Cycle Generated
Asserted STPCLK#
STPCLK# Asserted
STPCLK# De-asserted
Asserted SLP#
Snoop Event Occurs
Snoop Event Serviced
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 75
Since the AGTL+ signal pins receive power from the front side bus, these pins should not be driven
(allowing the level to return to VCC) for minimum power drawn by the termination resistors in this
state. In addition, all other input pins on the front side bus should be driv en to the inac tive state.
BINIT# will be recognized while the processor is in Stop-Grant state. If STPCLK# is still asserted
at the com ple tion of the BINI T# bus initi aliza tion , the pr ocess or wil l remain in S top- Gr ant mo de. If
the STPCLK# is not asserted at the completion of the BINIT# bus initialization, the processor will
return to Normal state.
RESET# will cause the processor to immediately initialize itself, but the processor will stay in
Stop-Grant state. A transition back to the Normal state will occur with the deassertion of the
STPCLK# signal. When re-entering the Stop-Grant state from the sleep state, STPCLK# should
onl y be de a s se rte d one or mo re bu s clock s aft er the de a ss e r ti on of SL P # .
A transition to the HALT/Grant Snoop state will occur when the processor detects a snoop on the
front side bus (see Se c tion 6.2.4). A transition to the Sleep state (see Section 6.2.5) will occur with
the assertion of the SLP# signal.
While in the Stop-Grant state, INIT#, BINIT# and LINT[1:0] will be latched by the processor, and
only serviced when the processor returns to the Normal state. Only one occurrence of each event
will be recognized upon retur n to the Normal state.
6.2.4 HALT/Grant Snoop State—State 4
The processor will respond to snoop transactions on the front side bus while in Stop-Grant state or
in AutoHA LT Power Down s tate. Durin g a snoop trans action, the pr ocesso r enters th e HALT/Grant
Snoop state. The processor will stay in this state until the snoop on the front side bus has been
serviced (whether by the processor or another agent on the front side bus). After the snoop is
serviced, the processor will return to the Stop-Grant state or AutoHALT Power Down state, as
6.2.5 Sleep S tate—State 5
The Sleep state is a very low power state in which each processor maintains its context, maintains
the phase-locked loop (PLL), and has stopped most of internal clocks. The Sleep state can only be
entered from Stop-Grant state. Once in the Stop-Grant state, the SLP# pin can be asserted, causing
the processor to enter the Sleep state. The SLP# pin is not recognized in the Normal or AutoHALT
Snoop events that occur while in Sleep state or during a transition into or out of Sleep state will
cause unpredic t a ble behavior.
In the Sleep state, the processor is incapable of responding to snoop transactions or latching
interrupt signals. No transitions or assertions of signals (with the exception of SLP# or RESET#)
are allowed on the front side bus while the processor is in Sleep state. Any transition on an input
signal before the processor has returned to Stop-Grant state will result in unpredictable behavior.
If RESET# is driven active while the processor is in the Sleep state, and held active as specified in
the RESET# pin specification, then the processor will reset itself, ignoring the transition through
Stop-Grant state. If RESET# is dr iven active while the processor is in the Sleep s tate, th e SLP# and
STPCLK# signals should be deasserted immediately after RESET# is asserted to ensure the
processor correctl y execu tes the reset sequence.
76 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
Once in the Sleep state, the SLP# pin can be deasserted if another asynchronous front side bus
event occurs. The SLP# pin should only be asserted when the processor (and all logical processors
within the physical processor) is in the Stop-Grant state. SLP# assertions while the processors are
not in the S top-Gra nt sta te is out of specification and may result in ille ga l oper a tion.
6.2.6 Bus Response During Low Power States
While in Aut oHALT Power Down and S top -Grant stat es, th e processor will process a front s ide bus
When the processor is in Sleep state, the processor will not process interrupts or snoop
6.3 Thermal Monitor
Thermal Monitor is a feature of the processor that allows system designers to lower the cost of
thermal solutions, without compromising system integrity or reliability. By using a factory-tuned,
precision on-die temperature sensor, and a fast acting thermal control circuit (TCC), the processor,
without the aid of an y a dditi ona l software or ha rdware, can control the processors’ die tempera ture
within factory specifications under typical real-world operating conditions. Thermal Monitor thus
allows the processor and system thermal solutions to be designed much closer to the power
envelopes of real applications, instead of being designed to the much higher maximum processor
power envelopes.
Thermal Monitor controls the processor temperature by modulating (starting and stopping) the
internal processor core clocks. The processor clocks are modulated when the thermal control
circuit (TCC) is activated. Thermal Monitor uses two modes to activate the TCC: Automatic mode
and On-Demand mode. Auto matic m ode m ust be e nabl ed vi a BIO S, whic h is requ ired for t he
processor to operate within specifications. Once automatic mode is enabled, the TCC will
activate only when th e internal die temperature is very near the temperatu re limits of the processor.
When the TCC is enabled, and a high temperature situation exists (i.e. TCC is active), the clocks
will be modulated by maintaining a duty cycle wi thin a r a nge of 30% - 50%. Cl oc ks will not be off
or on more than 3.0 ms when the TCC is active. Cycle times are processor speed dependent and
will decrease as processor core frequencies increase. A small amount of hysteresis has been
included to prevent rapid active/inactive transitions of the TCC when the processor temperature is
near the trip point. Once the temperature has returned to a non-critical level, and the hysteresis
timer has expired, modulation ceases and the TCC goes inactive. Processor performance will be
decreased by ~50% when the TCC is active (assuming a duty cycle that varies from 30%-50%),
however, with a properly designed and characterized thermal solution the TCC most likely will
only be activated briefly during the most power intensive applications while at maximum chassis
ambient tem per ature.
For automatic mode, the duty cycle is factory configured and cannot be modified. Also, automatic
mode does not requi re a ny additional hardware, s oftw a re drive rs or int e rrupt ha ndlin g routi ne s.
The TCC may also be activated via On-Demand mode. If bit 4 of the ACPI Thermal Monitor
Control Register is written to a “1” the TCC will be activated immediately, independent of the
processor temperature. When using On-Demand mode to activate the TCC, the duty cycle of the
clock modulation is programmable via bits 3:1 of the same ACPI Thermal Monitor Control
Register. In automatic mode, the duty cycle is fixed anywhere within a range of 30% to 50%;
however in On-Demand mode, the duty cycle can be programmed from 12.5% on/ 87.5% off, to
87.5% on/12.5% off in 12.5% increments. On-Demand mode may be used at the same time
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 77
Automatic mode is enabled, however, if TCC is enabled via On-Demand mode at the same time
automatic mode is enabled AND a high temperature condition exists, the fixed duty cycle of the
automatic mode will overr ide the duty cycle selected by the On-Demand mode.
An exter nal signal , PR OCHOT# (processor hot) is asse rted at any time the TCC is active (either in
Automatic or On-Demand mode). Bus snooping and interrupt latching are also active while the
TCC is active. The temperature at which the thermal control circuit activates is not user
configurable and is not software visible. In an MP system, Thermal Monitor must be configured
ident ically for each proces s or within the sys tem .
Besides the thermal sensor and thermal control circuit, the Thermal Monitor feature also includes
one ACPI regi ster , on e performance co unter regist er , three model specific registe rs (MSR), an d one
I/O pin (PROCHOT#). All are available to monitor and control the state of the Thermal Monitor
feature. Thermal Monitor can be configured to generate an interrupt upon the assertion or de-
assertion of PROCHOT# (i.e. upon the activation/deactivation of TCC). Refer to Volume 3 of the
IA32 Intel Architecture Software Developers f or spec ific registe r and pr ogramming de ta ils.
If automatic mode is disabled the processor will be operating out of specification and cannot be
guaranteed to provide reliable results. Regardless of enabling of the automatic or On-Demand
modes, in the event of a catastrophic cooling failure, the processor will automatically shut down
when the silicon has reached a temperature of approximately 135 °C. At this point the front side
bus signal THERMTRIP# will go active and stay active until the processor has cooled down and
RESET# has been initiated. THERMTRIP# activation is independent of processor activity and
does not generate any bus cycles.If THERMTRIP# is asserted, processor core voltage (VCC) mus t
be rem oved wit hin the timeframe defin e d in Fi g ur e 6.
6.3.1 Thermal Diode
The processor incorporates an on-die thermal diode. A thermal sensor located on the baseboard
may be used to monitor the die temper ature o f the pro cessor for ther mal manag ement/l ong ter m die
te mpera ture change pur poses. Table 44 and Table 45 provide the diode par a meter and inter face
specifica tions.Thi s thermal diode i s se parate from t he Thermal Monitor’s thermal sensor a nd
ca nnot be used to predic t the behavior of the Ther mal Monitor.
Ta b l e 44. T herma l D iode P arameters
1. Intel does not support or recommend operation of the thermal diode under reverse bias.
2. Characterized at 75°C.
3. Not 100% tested. Specified by design characterization.
4. The ideality factor, n, represents the deviation from ideal diode behavior as exemplified by the diode
IFW=Is *(e(qVD/nkT) -1)
Where IS = saturation cu rrent, q = electr onic cha rge, VD = voltage across the diod e, k = Boltzmann Constant,
and T = absolute temperature (Kelvin).
5. The series resistance, RT, is provided to allow for a more accurate measurement of the diode junction
temperature. RT as defined includes the pins of the processor but does not include any socket resistance or
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Notes
IFW Forwar d Bias
Current 5 300 uA 1
nDiode Ideality
Factor 1.0011 1.0021 1.0030 2,3,4
Resistance 3.64 W 2,3,5
78 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
board trace resis tanc e between the socket and the ex ternal r emote diod e thermal sensor. RT can be used by
remote diode thermal sensors with automatic series resistance cancellation to calibrate out this error term.
Another application is that a temperature offset can be manually calculated and programmed into an offset
register in the remote diode thermal sensors as exemplified by the equation: Terror = [RT*(N-1)*IFWmin]/[(nk/
q)*ln N]
Where Terror = sensor temperature error, N = sensor current ration, k = Boltzmann Constant, q = electronic
Ta b l e 45. Therm al Diod e I n ter fa c e
Pin Nam e Pin Numbe r Pin Description
THERMDA Y27 diode anode
THERMDC Y28 diode cathode
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 79
7.0 Boxed Processor Specification s
7.1 Introduction
The Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus is also offered as an Intel boxed
processor. Intel boxed processors are intended for system integrators who build systems from
components available through distribution channels. The boxed processor is supplied with an
unattached passive heatsink. It will also contain an optional active duct solution, called Processor
Wind Tunnel (PWT), to provide adequate airflow across the heatsink. If the chassis or baseboard
used contains an alternate cooling solution that has been thermally validated, the PWT may be
discarded. This chapter documents baseboard and platform requirements for the cooling solution
that is supplied with the boxed processor. This chapter is particularly important for OEM's that
manufacture baseboards and chassis for integrators. Figure 23 shows a mechanical representation
of a boxed processor heatsink.
Note: Drawing s in this section ref lect only the specifications on the Intel boxed processor pro duct. These
dimensions should not be used as a generic keep-out zone for all cooling solutions. It is the system
designer's responsibility to consider their proprietary cooling solution when designing to the
required keep-out zone on th eir system platfor m an d chassis .
Figure 23. Mechanical Representation of the Boxed Processor Passive Heatsink
80 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
7.2 Mechanical Specifications
This section documents the mechanical specifications of the boxed processor passive heatsink and
the PWT.
Proper clearance is required around the heatsink to ensure proper installation of the processor and
unimpeded airflow fo r prop e r cooling.
7.2.1 Boxed Processor Heat si nk Dimensions
The boxed processor is shipped with an unattached passive heatsink. Clearance is required around
the heatsink to ensure unimpeded airflow for proper cooling. The physical space requirements and
dimensions for the boxed processor with assembled heatsink are shown in Figure 26 (Multiple
Views). The airflow requirements for the boxed processor heatsink must also be taken into
consideration when designing new baseboards and chassis. The airflow requirements are detailed
in the Thermal Specifications, Se c ti o n 7.4.
7.2.2 Boxed Processor Heatsink Weight
The boxed proc essor heatsink weighs no more than 45 0 grams. See Chapte r 3.0 and Chapte r 5. 0 of
this document along with the Intel® XeonTM Processor Family Thermal Design Guidelines for
det a ils on the processor weight and he a tsink requirements.
7.2.3 Boxed Processor Retention Mechanism and Heatsink Support s
The boxed proc essor re quires proces sor retention solution to secu re the process or, the basebo a rd,
and the chassis. The retention solution contains one retention mechanism s and tw o retention clips
per processor. The boxed pr ocessor s hips with retention mechanis m, cooling so lution retention
clips, and dir ect chassis attach screws.Baseboards and chassis designed for use by system integra-
tors should includ e hole s that a re in prope r alig nment with each other to support the box e d proces-
sor. Refer to the Server System Infrast ructure Specification (SSI-EEB) at http://www.ssif
for deta ils on the ho le location s . P lease refer to the “Boxed integration notes ” at http://su p- for retention mechanism instal lation instruct ions. Retention
mechanis m clips must int erface with the boxed proce ssor heatsi nk area shown in Detail A in Figure
The retention mechanism that ships with the boxed process or is different than the reference solu-
tion from Intel. Please refer to Figure 24 bel ow, which contai ns the di mensions for t he reference
solution. Please refer to Figure 25 for the rete ntion mechanism that ships with the boxed pro ces s or.
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 81
Figure 24. Boxed Processor Retention Mechanism and Clip
82 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
Figure 25. Boxed Processor Retention Mechanism that Ships with the Processor
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 83
Figure 26. Multiple View Space Requirements for the Boxed Processor
84 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
7.3 Boxed Processor Requirements
7.3.1 Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus Processor Wind Tunnel
The boxed processor ships with an active duct cooling solution called the Processor Win d Tunnel,
or PWT. This is an optional cooling solution that is designed to meet the thermal requirements of a
diverse combination of baseboards and chassis. It ships with the processor in order to reduce the
burden on the chassis manufacturer to provide adequate airflow across the processor heatsink.
Manufa cturers may e le ct to us e their own cooling solution.
Note: Although Intel will be testing a select number of baseboard and chassis combinations for thermal
compliance, this is in no way a comprehensive test. It is ultimately the system integrators
responsibility to test that their solution meets all of the requirements specified in this document.
The PWT is meant t o assis t in pro cess or cool ing , but add iti onal coo lin g tech niques may be r equir ed
in order to ensure that the entire sys tem meets the thermal re quirements.
See Figur e 28 and Figure 29 for the Processor Wind Tunnel dimensions. Fan Power Supply
The Processor Wind Tunnel includes a fan, which requires a constant +12V power supply. A fan
power cable is shipped with the boxed processor to draw power from a power header on the
baseboard. The power cable connector and pinouts are shown in Figure 27 and the fan cable
connector requirements are detailed in Ta b l e 4 6 . Platforms must provide a matched power header
to s u ppo rt t h e box e d proc e s sor. Ta bl e 47 contains specifications for the input and output signals at
the fa n heatsi nk con nec tor. The fan hea t sink ou tpu ts a SENSE si gna l, an op en-c olle cto r outpu t, th at
pulses at a rate of two pulses per fan revolution. A baseboard pull-up resistor provides VOH to
match the baseboard-mounted fan speed monitor requirements, if applicable. Use of the SENSE
signal is optional. If the SENSE signal is not us e d, pin 3 of the con ne c tor should be tie d to GND.
The power header on the baseboard must be positioned to allow the fan heatsink power cable to
reach it. The power header identification and location should be documented in the platform
documentation, or on the baseboard itself. The baseboard power header should be positioned
within 7 inch es from th e centr e of the proces s or socket.
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 85
1. Baseboard should pull this pin up to VCC w ith a resistor.
Figure 27. Fan Connector Electrical Pin Sequence
Table 46. Fan Cable Connector Requirements
Table 47. Fan Power and Signal Specifications
Description Min Typ Max Unit Notes
+12V: 12 Vot Fan Power Supply 6.0 12.0 13.2 V
IC: Fan Current Draw 1.5 A
SENSE Frequency 2 Pulses per fan
revolution 1
Item Specification
Connector Type
Fa n c o nnector must be a str a i ght squ are pin, 3-pin t e rmi na l
housing wi t h pol arizi ng ribs and fri ction lo ck i n g ramp.
M atch with a straight pin, fric tion lock header on th e
M anuf acturer and part number or e quivalent:
o AMP: Fan conn ect or: 643815- 3, he ader : 640 456-3
o Walden / Molex: Fan connector: 22-01-3037,
header: 22-23-2031
Pin O ut
(See Figure
Pin 1: Ground; black wire.
Pin 2: Power, +12 V; yellow wire.
Pin 3: Signal, Open collec tor tachomete r output s i gna l
requirement: 2 pulses per revolution; green wire.
Fa n c a bl e length
Th e fan cable con nector mus t rea ch a matin g mainboard
conn ector at any poi n t wit hi n a ra di us of 110 mm (4.33”)
m easu red f rom the central da tu m plan es of the enabled
assem bly (datum planes A, B & C on Drawing AXXXXX).
Fa n c a bl e
Fan po wer cab l e must be rout ed in su ch a w ay to prevent it from
cont acti ng t he fan i mpellor and it mus t be positione d i n a
consistent location from unit to unit.
86 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
Figure 28. Processor Wind Tunnel General Dimensions
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 87
Figure 29. Processor Wind Tunnel Detailed Dimensions
88 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz Fan
The Pr oc essor Wi nd Tunnel includ e s a 25mm fan for use with proces sors < = 2.8 GHz , or a 38mm
fan for use with processor s running at 3 GHz a nd a bove. T he 38mm fan provides the high
performanc e requir ed to meet the demand ing ther mal requi rement s of processors running at 3 GHz
and above. The 38mm fan prov ide s local fan speed control. There is a tempera ture diode on the fan
that meas ures the inlet temperatu re to the fan and adjusts th e s peed accordingly. The benefit is that
system manufacturers can pass acoustical requirements while still being able to pass thermal
requirem ents at maximum ambient tem per ature.
7.3.2 1U Rack Mount Server Solution
The 1U solution c ontains a pas sive heatsink an d a foam pa d, in addi tion to th e re tention solu tion
includ ed with the ot her op tions . Becau se of th e sm all fo rm facto r , the 1U heats ink is not as ef fi cient
at diss ipating heat as the g eneral- purp ose heats ink. In o rder to en sure max imum the rmal ef ficien cy,
the foam pad must be attac hed to the top of the 1U heatsink, blo cking airfl ow between the heat sink
and the chassis cover. This will force air through the heatsink fi ns instead of allowing it to by pas s
ove r the top. Se e Fig ur e 30 and Figu re 31 for more detail on ins tallation.
Figure 30. Exploded View of the 1U Thermal Solution
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 89
Figure 31. Assembled View of the 1U Thermal Solution
90 Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3. 06 GHz
7.4 Thermal Specifications
This section describes the cooling requirements of the heatsink solution utilized by the boxed
7.4.1 Boxed Processor Cooling Requirements
The boxed processor will be directly cooled with a passive heatsink. For the passive heatsink to
effectively cool the boxed processor, it is critical that sufficient, unimpeded, cool air flow over the
heatsink of every processor in the system. Meeting the processor’s temperature specification is a
function of the thermal design of the entire system, and ultimately the responsibility of the system
integrator. The processor temperature specification is found in Chapter 5.0. It is important that
system integrators perform thermal tests to verify that the boxed processor is kept below its
maximum temper ature specific ation in a specific baseboar d and chassis.
At an absolute minimum, the boxed processor heatsink will require 500 Linear Feet per Minute
(LFM) of cool air flowing over the heatsink. The airflow must be directed from the outside of the
chassis directly over the processor heatsinks in a direction passing from one retention mechanism
to the other. It also should flow from the front to the back of the chassis. Directing air over the
passive heatsink of the boxed Intel® Xeon™ Processor with 533 MHz Front Side Bus can be done
with auxiliary chassis fans, fan ducts, or other techniques.
It is also recommended that the ambient air temperature outside of the chassis be kept at or below
35 °C. The air pas sing direc tly over the proces sor heats in k shou ld not be prehea ted by oth er system
components (such as another processor), and should be kept at or below 45 °C. Again, meeting the
processor's temperature specification is the responsibility of the system integrator. The processor
temperature specification is found in Chapter 5.0.
Intel ® Xe on™ Pr oces so r with 533 MHz Front Si de B us at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz 91
8.0 Debug Tools Specifications
The Debug Port design information has been moved. This includes all information necessary to
develop a Debug Port on this platform, including electrical specifications, mechanical
requirements, and all In-Target Probe (ITP) signal layout guidelines. Please reference the ITP700
Debug Port Design Guide for the des i gn of your platform.
8.1 Logic Analyzer Interface (LAI)
Intel® is working with two logic analyzer vendors to provide logic analyzer interfaces (LAIs) for
use in debuggin g system s. Tektronix * a nd Ag ile nt* should be c ontacted t o ge t spec ific inform a tion
about their logic analyzer interfaces. The following information is general in nature. Specific
inf ormation must be obtai ned from the logic analyzer vendor.
Due to the complexity of systems, the LAI is critical in providing the ability to probe and capture
front side bus signals. There are two sets of considerations to keep in mind when designing a
syst em that can m ake use of an LAI: mec hanical and electrical.
8.1.1 Mechanical Considerations
The LAI is installed between the processor socket and the processor. The LAI pins plug into the
socket, while the processor pins plug into a socket on the LAI. Cabling that is part of the LAI
egresses the system to allow an electrical connection between the processor and a logic analyzer.
The maximum volume occupied by the LAI, known as the keepout volume, as well as the cable
egress restrictions, should be obtained from the logic analyzer vendor. System designers must
make sure that the keepout volume remains unobstructed inside the system. Note that it is possible
that the keepout volume reserved for the LAI may differ from the space normally occupied by the
processor heatsink. If this is the case, the logic analyzer vendor will provide a cooling solution as
par t of the L AI .
8.1.2 Electrical Considerations
The LAI will also affect the electrical performance of the front side bus; therefore, it is critical to
obtain electrical load models from each of the logic analyzers to be able to run system level
simulations to prove that their tool will work in the system. Contact the logic analyzer vendor for
electrical specif ications and load models for the LAI solution they provide.
92 Int el ® Xeon™ Pr oces sor wi th 533 MH z Fron t S i de Bus at 2 GHz to 3.06 GHz
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