SanDisk CompactFlash Memory Card
OEM Product Manual
Version 12.0
Document No. 20-10-00038
SanDisk Corporation
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
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© 2007 SanDisk Corporation. All rights reserved.
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Document 20-10-00038 Rev. 12.0
Revision History
Date Revision Description
February 2007 12.0 Merged CFlash 11.2 manual with CF ExtremeIII
v1.2 to create v12.0; updated to comply with CFA
Spec v4.0.
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation i Rev. 12.0, 02/07
SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
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Table of Content s
CHAPTER 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2
CompactFlash Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
PCMCIA Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Related Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-3
Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-3
CHAPTER 2 Product Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
System Environmental Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
System Power Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-1
System Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
System Reliability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4
Physical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4
CHAPTER 3 Interface Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
Physical Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-1
Electrical Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Electrical Specification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-8
Card Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20
I/O Transfer Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-25
True IDE Mode I/O Transfer Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26
CHAPTER 4 ATA Register Set and Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
I/O Primary and Secondary Address Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
Contiguous I/O Mapped Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-2
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation i Rev. 12.0, 02/07
Table of C ontents SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Memory Mapped Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-3
True IDE Mode Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-4
ATA Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-4
CHAPTER 5 ATA Command Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
ATA Command Set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-1
Error Posting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-29
CHAPTER 6 CIS Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
APPENDIX A Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
APPENDIX B Limited Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1
APPENDIX C Disclaimer of Liability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1
02/07, Rev. 12.0 ii © 2007 SanDisk Corporation
CHAPTER 1 Introduction
1.1 General Description
SanDisk CompactFlash® Memory Card products provide high capacity solid-state flash
memory that electrically complies with the Personal Computer Memory Card International
Association ATA (PC Card ATA) standard. (In Japan, the applicable standards gro up is
JEIDA.) The CompactFlash Memory Card Series also supports a True IDE Mode that is
electrically compatible with an IDE disk drive. The original CF form factor card can be used in
any system that has a CF slot, and with a Ty pe II PCMCIA adapter can be used in any system
that has a PCMCIA Type II or Type III socket.
CompactFlash Memory cards use SanDisk Flash memory, which was designed by SanDisk
specifically for use in mass storage applications. In addition to the mass storage-specific flash
memory chips, CompactFlash Memory cards include an on-card intelligent controller that
provides a high level interface to the host computer. This interface allows a host computer to
issue commands to the memory card to read or write blocks of memory. The host addresses the
card in 512 byte sectors. Each sector is protected by a powerful Error Correcti ng Code ( ECC).
The on-card intelligent controller in the CompactFlash Memory Card manages interface
protocols, data storage and retrieval as well as ECC, defect handling and di agnost ics, po wer
management and clock control. Once the card has been configured by the host, it appears to the
host as a standard ATA (IDE) disk drive. Additional ATA commands have been provided to
enhance system performance.
The host system can support as many cards as there are CompactFlash and PCMCIA Type II or
III card slots. The original form factor CompactFlash Memory cards require a PCMCIA Type
II Adapter to be used in a PCMCIA Type II or Type III socket.
Figure 1-1 SanDisk CompactFlash Card Block Diagram
Interface Flash
Single Chip
Controller Control
Data In/Out
SanDisk CompactFl ash
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 1-1 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
Introduction SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
1.2 Features
SanDisk CompactFlash Memory cards provide the fo llowing system features:
Up to 16 GB of mass storage data
PC Card ATA protocol compatible
True IDE Mode compatible
Very low CMOS power
Very high performance
Very rugged
Low weight
Low Profile
+5 Volts or +3.3 Volts operation
Automatic error correction and retry capabilities
Supports power down commands and sleep modes
Non-volatile storage (no battery required)
MTBF >1,000,000 hours
Minimum 10,000 insertions
1.3 Scope
This document describes the key features and specifications of CompactFlash Memory cards,
as well as the information required to interface this product to a host system. Retail
CompactFlash specifications are not covered in this manual.
1.4 CompactFlash Standard
SanDisk CompactFlash Memory cards are fully compatible with the CompactFlash
Specification published by the CompactFlash Association. Contact the CompactFlash
Association for more information.
CompactFlash Association
P.O. Box 51537
Palo Alto, CA 94303
Phone: 415-843-1220
Fax: 415-493-1871
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual Introduction
1.5 PCMCIA Standard
SanDisk CompactFlash Memory cards are fully electrically compatible with the PCMCIA
specifications listed below:
PCMCIA PC Card Standard, 7.0, February 1999
PCMCIA PC Card ATA Specification, 7.0, February 1999
These specifications may be obtained from:
2635 N. First Street, Suite 209
San Jose, CA 95131
Phone: 408-433-2273
Fax: 408-433-9558
1.6 Related Documentation
ATA operation is governed by the ATA -4 specification published by ANSI. For more
information, refer to the American National S tandard X3.221: AT Attachment for Interface for
Disk Drives document.
Documentation can be ordered from IHS by calling 1-800-854-7179 or accessing their Web
site: .
1.7 Functional Description
CompactFlash Memory cards contain a high level, intelligent subsystem as shown in the block
diagram, Figure 1-1. This intelligent (microprocessor) subsystem provi des ma ny capab ilities
not found in other types of memo ry card s. Th ese capabili ties include the following:
Standard ATA register and command set (same as found on most magnetic disk drives).
Host independence from details of erasing and pro gramming flash memory.
Sophisticated system for managing defects (analog ous to systems found in magnetic disk
Sophisticated system for error recovery including a powerful error correction code (ECC).
Power management for low power operation.
Implementation of dynamic and static wear-leveling to extend card’s life.
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Introduction SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
1.7.1 Technology Independence
The 512-byte sector size of the CompactFlash Memory Card is the same as that in an IDE
magnetic disk drive. To write or read a sector (or multiple sectors), the host computer software
simply issues a Read or Write command to the card. This command contains the address and
the number of sectors to write/read. The host software then waits for the command to
The host software does not get involved in the details of how the flash mem ory is erased ,
programmed or read. This is extremely important as flash devices are expected to get more and
more complex in the future. Because the CompactFlash Memory Card Series uses an
intelligent on-board controller, the host system software will not require changing as new flash
memory evolves. In other words, systems that support CompactFlash Memory cards now , will
be able to access future SanDisk cards built with new flash technology without having to
update or change host software.
1.7.2 Defec t and Erro r M an age me nt
CompactFlash Memory cards contain a sophisticated defect and error management system.
This system is analogous to the systems found in magnetic di sk d riv es and in many cases
offers enhancements . If necessary, the cards will rewrite data from a defective sector to a good
sector. This is completely transparent to the host and does not consu me any user data space.
The CompactFlash Memory Card soft error rate specification is much better than the magnetic
disk drive specification. In the extremely rare case a read error does occur, CompactFlash
Memory cards have innovative algorithm s to recover the data by using hard ware on-the-fly
Error Detection Code/Error Correction Code (EDC/ECC), based on a BCH algorithm.
These defect and error management systems, coupled with the solid state construc tion, give
SanDisk CompactFlash cards unparalleled reliability
1.7.3 Wear Leveling
Wear Leveling is an intrinsic part of the erase pooling functionality of SanDisk CompactFlash
using NAND memory. The CF WEAR LEVEL command is supported as a NOP operation to
maintain backward compat ibility with existing software utiliti es. Advanced features of
dynamic and static wear-leveling, and automa tic blo c k manag e men t are used to ensure high
data reliability and maximize flash life expectancy.
1.7.4 Using Erase Sector and Write Commands
SanDisk CompactFlash Memory cards support the CF ERASE SECTOR and WRITE
WITHOUT ERASE commands. In some applications, write operations may be faster if the
addresses being written are first erased with the ERASE SECTOR command. WRITE
WITHOUT ERASE behaves as a normal write command and no performance gain results
from its use.
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual Introduction
1.7.5 Automatic Sleep Mode
A unique feature of t h e SanD i s k Com pactFlash Memory Card is automatic entrance and exit
from sleep mode. Upon completion of a command, the card will enter sleep mode to conserve
power if no further commands are received within 5 msec. The host does not have to take any
action for this to occur. In most systems, the CompactFlash Memory Card is in sleep mode
except when the host is accessing it, thus conserving power. The delay from command
completion to entering sleep mod e is adjustable.
When the host is ready to access the card and is in sleep mode, any command issued to it will
cause the card to exit sleep and respond. The host does not have to follow the ATA protocol of
issuing a reset first. It may do this if desired, but it is not needed . By not issuing the reset,
performance is improved through the reduction of overhead but this must be done only for the
SanDisk products as other ATA products may not support this feature.
1.7.6 Dynamic Adjustment of Performance vs. Power Consumption
This feature is no longer supported. This command will be treated as a NOP (No Operation) to
guarantee backward compatibility.
1.7.7 Power Supply Requirements
This is a dual voltage product, which means it will operate at a voltage range of 3.30 volts ±
5% or 5.00 volts ± 10%. Per the PCMCIA specification Section 2.1.1, the host system must
apply 0 volts in order to change a voltage range. This same pro ced ure of providing 0 volts to
the card is required if the host system applies an input voltage outside the desired voltage by
more than 15%. This means less than 4.25 volts for the 5.00-volt range and less than 2.75 volts
for the 3.30 volt range.
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Introduction SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
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CHAPTER 2 Product Specifications
For all the following specificatio ns, values are defined at ambient temperature and nominal
supply voltage unless otherw ise stated.
2.1 System Environmental Specifications
Table 2-1 contains environmental specifications which include temperature, humidity, acoustic
noise, vibration, shock and altitude.
Table 2-1 Environmental Specifications
CompactFlash CompactFlash Extreme III
Temperature Operating:
Non-operating: 0° C to 70 ° C
-25° C to 85° C
-25° C to 85° C
-25° C to 85° C
Humidity Operating:
8% to 95% non-condensing
8% to 95% non-condensing
8% to 95% non-condensing
8% to 95% non-condensing
Acoustic Noise At 1 meter: 0 dB 0 dB
Vibration Operating:
Non-operating: 15 G peak to peak maximum
15 G peak to peak maximum 15 G peak to peak maximum
15 G peak to peak maximum
Shock Operating:
Non-operating: 2,000 G maximum
2,000 G maximum 2,000 G maximum
2,000 G maximum
(relative to sea
Non-operating: 80,000 ft. maximum
80,000 ft. maximum 80,000 ft. maximum
80,000 ft. maximum
2.2 System Power Requirements
All values quoted in Table 2-2 are typical at 25° C and nominal supply voltage unless otherwis e
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 2-1 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
Product Specifications SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Sleep mode currently is specified under the condition that all card inputs are static CMOS
levels and in a "Not Busy" operating state.
Table 2-2 Power Requirements
DC Input Voltage (Vcc)
100 mV max. ripple (p-p) 3.3V +/- 5% 5V +/- 10%
Memory Subsystema CompactFlash Memory Card
Up to 512 MB 300 µ500 µ
1.0 GB 600 µ800 µ
Over 1.0 GB 1 mA 1.2 mA
Read 50 mA 55 mA
Write 65 mA 70 mA
Read/Write Peak 100 mA 100 mA
Memory Subsystema CompactFlash Extreme III Memory Card
Up to 512 MB
512 MB to 1.5 GB
Over 1.5 GB
300 µ
600 µ
1 mA
500 µ
800 µ
1.2 mA
Read 75 mA 100 mA
Write 75 mA 100 mA
Read/Write Peak 100 mA 100 mA
a. Maximum average value.
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual Product Specifications
2.3 System Performance
All performance timings assume the CompactFlash Memory Card Series controller is in the
default (i.e., fastest) mode.
Table 2-3 Performance
CompactFlash Memory Card
Start-up Times
Sleep to Write
Sleep to Read
Reset to Ready
2.5 ms maximum
20 ms maximum
50 ms typical; 400 ms maximum
Active to Sleep Delay Programmable
Data Transfer Rate To/From Flash 20.0 MB/sec burst
Data Transfer Rate To/From Host 16.0 MB/sec burst
Controller Overhead
Command to DRQ 50 ms maximum
Comp actFlash Extreme III Memory Card
Start-up Times
Sleep to Write
Sleep to Read
Reset to Ready
2.5 ms maximum
20 ms maximum
50 ms typical; 400 ms maximum
Data Transfer Rate To/From Flash 20.0 MB/sec burst
Data Transfer Rate To/From Host 25.0 MB/sec burst
Maximum Performance
Sequential Read 20.0 MB/sec
Sequential Write 20.0 MB/sec
NOTE:The Sleep to Write and Sleep to Read times are the times it takes the
CompactFlash Memory Card to exit sleep mode when any command
is issued by the host to when the card is reading or writing.
CompactFlash Memory cards do not require a reset to exit sleep
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 2-3 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
Product Specifications SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
2.4 System Reliability
Table 2-4 Reliability
MTBF (@ 25 C) >1,000,000 hours
Preventative Maintenance None
Data Reliability <1 non-recoverable error in 1014 bits read
<1 erroneous correction in 1020 bits read
2.5 Physical Specifications
Refer to Table 2-5 and see Figure 2-1 for CompactFlash Memory Card physical specifications
and dimensions.
Table 2-5 CompactFlash Physical Dimensions
Weight 11.4 g (.40 oz) typical, 14.2 g (.50 oz) maximum
Length 36.40 ± 0.15 mm (1.433 ± .006 in)
Width 42.80 ± 0.10 mm (1.685 ± .004 in)
Thickness 3.3 mm ± 0.10 mm (.130 ± .004 in) (Excluding Lip)
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual Product Specifications
Figure 2-1 CompactFlash Memory Card Dimensions
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Product Specifications SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
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CHAPTER 3 Interface Description
3.1 Physical Description
The host connects to SanDisk CompactFlash Memory cards using a standard 50-pin connector
consisting of two rows of 25 female contacts each on 50 mil (1.27 mm) centers.
3.1.1 Pin Assignments and Types
The signal/pin assignments are listed in Table 3-1. Low active signals have a "-" prefix. Pin
types are Input, Output or In put /Output. Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 define the DC characteristics
for all input and output type structures..
Table 3-1 PC Card Memory Mode Pin Assign ments
Pin No. Signal
Name Pin Type I/O Type Pin No. Signal
Name Pin Type I/O Type
1 GND Ground 26 -CD1 O Ground
2 D03 I/O I1Z,OZ3 27 D11 I/O I1Z,OZ3
3 D04 I/O I1Z,OZ3 28 D12 I/O I1Z,OZ3
4 D05 I/O I1Z,OZ3 29 D13 I/O I1Z,OZ3
5 D06 I/O I1Z,OZ3 30 D14 I/O I1Z,OZ3
6 D07 I/O I1Z,OZ3 31 D15 I/O I1Z,OZ3
7 -CE1 I I3U 32 -CE2 I I3U
8 A10 I I1Z 33 -VS1 O Ground
9 -OE I I3U 34 -IORD I I3U
10 A09 I I1Z 35 -IOWR I I3U
11 A08 I I1Z 36 -WE I I3U
12 A07 I I1Z 37 RDY/BSY O OT1
13 VCC Power 38 VCC Power
14 A06 I I1Z 39 -CSEL I I2Z
15 A05 I I1Z 40 -VS2 O OPEN
16 A04 I I1Z 41 RESET I I2Z
17 A03 I I1Z 42 -WAIT O OT1
18 A02 I I1Z 43 -INPACK O OT1
19 A01 I I1Z 44 -REG I I3U
20 A00 I I1Z 45 BVD2 I/O I1U,OT1
21 D00 I/O I1Z,OZ3 46 BVD1 I/O I1U,OT1
22 D01 I/O I1Z,OZ3 47 D08 I/O I1Z,OZ3
23 D02 I/O I1Z,OZ3 48 D09 I/O I1Z,OZ3
24 WP O OT3 49 D10 I/O I1Z,OZ3
25 -CD2 O Ground 50 GND Ground
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 3-1 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
Interface Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
PC Card I/O Pin Assignments are contained in Table 3-2.
Table 3-2 PC Card I/O Mode Pin Assignments
Pin No. Signal
Name Pin Type I/O Type Pin No. Signal
Name Pin Type I/O Type
1 GND Ground 26 -CD1 O Ground
2 D03 I/O I1Z,OZ3 27 D11 I/O I1Z,OZ3
3 D04 I/O I1Z,OZ3 28 D12 I/O I1Z,OZ3
4 D05 I/O I1Z,OZ3 29 D13 I/O I1Z,OZ3
5 D06 I/O I1Z,OZ3 30 D14 I/O I1Z,OZ3
6 D07 I/O I1Z,OZ3 31 D15 I/O I1Z,OZ3
7 -CE1 I I3U 32 -CE2 I I3U
8 A10 I I1Z 33 -VS1 O Ground
9 -OE I I3U 34 -IORD I I3U
10 A09 I I1Z 35 -IOWR I I3U
11 A08 I I1Z 36 -WE I I3U
12 A07 I I1Z 37 -IREQ O OT1
13 VCC Power 38 VCC Power
14 A06 I I1Z 39 -CSEL I I2Z
15 A05 I I1Z 40 -VS2 O OPEN
16 A04 I I1Z 41 RESET I I2Z
17 A03 I I1Z 42 -WAIT O OT1
18 A02 I I1Z 43 -INPACK O OT1
19 A01 I I1Z 44 -REG I I3U
20 A00 I I1Z 45 -SPKR I/O I1U,OT1
21 D00 I/O I1Z,OZ3 46 -STSCHG I/O I1U,OT1
22 D01 I/O I1Z,OZ3 47 D08 I/O I1Z,OZ3
23 D02 I/O I1Z,OZ3 48 D09 I/O I1Z,OZ3
24 -IOIS16 O OT3 49 D10 I/O I1Z,OZ3
25 -CD2 O Ground 50 GND Ground
True IDE Mode Pin Assigments are contained in Table 3-3.
Table 3-3 True IDE Mode Pin Assign m e nt s
No. Signal
Name Pin Type I/O Type Pin No. Signal
Name Pin Type I/O Type
1 GND Ground 26 -CD1 O Ground
2 D03 I/O I1Z,OZ3 27 D11 I/O I1Z,OZ3
3 D04 I/O I1Z,OZ3 28 D12 I/O I1Z,OZ3
4 D05 I/O I1Z,OZ3 29 D13 I/O I1Z,OZ3
5 D06 I/O I1Z,OZ3 30 D14 I/O I1Z,OZ3
6 D07 I/O I1Z,OZ3 31 D15 I/O I1Z,OZ3
7 -CS0 I I3Z 32 -CS1 I I3Z
8 A10 I I1Z 33 -VS1 O Ground
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual Interface Description
Table 3-3 True IDE Mode Pin Assign m e nt s
No. Signal
Name Pin Type I/O Type Pin No. Signal
Name Pin Type I/O Type
10 A09 I I1Z 35 -IOWR I I3Z
11 A08 I I1Z 36 -WE I I3U
12 A07 I I1Z 37 INTRQ O OZ1
13 VCC Power 38 VCC Power
14 A06 I I1Z 39 -CSEL I I2U
15 A05 I I1Z 40 -VS2 O OPEN
16 A04 I I1Z 41 RESET I I2Z
17 A03 I I1Z 42 IORDY O OT1
18 A02 I I1Z 43 -DMARQ O OZ1
19 A01 I I1Z 44 -DMACK I I3U
20 A00 I I1Z 45 -DASP I/O I1U,ON1
21 D00 I/O I1Z,OZ3 46 -PDIAG I/O I1U,ON1
22 D01 I/O I1Z,OZ3 47 D08 I/O I1Z,OZ3
23 D02 I/O I1Z,OZ3 48 D09 I/O I1Z,OZ3
24 -IOCS16 O ON3 49 D10 I/O I1Z,OZ3
25 -CD2 O Ground 50 GND Ground
3.2 Electrical Description
The CompactFlash Memory Card Series is optimized for operation with hosts, which suppo rt
the PCMCIA I/O interface standard conforming to the PC Card ATA specification. However ,
the card may also be configured to operate in systems that support only the memory interface
standard. The CompactFlash card configuration is controlled using the standard PCMCIA
configuration registers starting at address 200h in the Attribute Memory space of the card.
Ta ble 3-4 describes the I/O signals. Signals whose source is the host are designated as inputs
while signals that the card sources are outputs. SanDisk CompactFlash Memory Card logic
levels conform to those specified in Section 3.3 of the PCMCIA Release 2.1 Specification.
NOTE:The sleep-to-write and sleep-to-read times are the time it takes the
card to exit sleep mode when any command is issued by the host to
when the card is reading or writing. CompactFlash Memory cards do
not require a reset to exit sleep mode.
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 3-3 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
Interface Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
The SanDisk CompactFlash Memory Card signals are described in Table 3-4.
Table 3-4 Signal Description
Signal Name Dir. Pin Description
(PC Card Memory Mode)
(PC Card I/O Mode)
(True IDE Mode)
(True IDE Mode)
8, 10, 11, 12, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
18, 19, 20
These address lines, along with the -REG
signal, are used to select the following: I/O port
address registers within the card, memory-
mapped port address registers within the card,
a byte in the card's information structure and its
configuration control and status registers.
In True IDE Mode only A[2:0] is used to select
one of eight registers in the Task File.
In True IDE Mode these remaining address
lines should be grounded by the host.
(PC Card Memory Mode)
(PC Card I/O Mode)
(True IDE Mode)
I/O 46 This signal is asserted high as the BVD1 signal
since a battery is not used with this product.
The Status Changed signal is asserted low to
alert the host to changes in the RDY/-BSY and
Write Protect states, while the I/O interface is
configured. Its use is controlled by the Card
Config. and Status Register.
In the True IDE Mode, this input/output is the
Pass Diagnostic signal in the master/slave
handshake protocol.
(PC Card Memory Mode)
(PC Card I/O Mode)
(True IDE Mode)
I/O 45 This output line is always driven to a high state
in Memory Mode since a battery is not required
for this product.
This output line is always driven to a high state
in I/O Mode since this product does not support
the audio function.
In the True IDE Mode, this input/output is the
Disk Active/Slave Present signal in the master/
slave handshake protocol.
-CD1, -CD2
(PC Card Memory Mode)
(PC Card I/O Mode)
(True IDE Mode)
O 26, 25 These Card Detect pins are connected to
ground on the card. They are used by the host
to determine if the card is fully inserted into its
-CE1, -CE2
(PC Card Memory Mode)
(PC Card I/O Mode)
-CS0, -CS1
(True IDE Mode)
I 7, 32 The Card Enable input signals are used both to
select the card and to indicate to the card
whether a byte or a word operation is being
performed. -CE2 always accesses the odd
byte of the word. -CE1 accesses the even byte
or the Odd byte of the word depending on A0
and -CE2. A multiplexing scheme based on
A0, -CE1, -CE2 allows 8 bit hosts to access all
data on D0-D7.
In True IDE Mode, -CS0 is the chip select for
the Task File registers while -CS1 is used to
select the Alternate Status Register and the
Device Control Register.
(PC Card Memory Mode)
(PC Card I/O Mode)
I 39 This signal is not used for PC Card Memory
Mode or PC Card I/O Mode.
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual Interface Description
Table 3-4 Signal Description
Signal Name Dir. Pin Description
(True IDE Mode) This internally pulled up signal is used to
configure this device as a master or slave when
configured in the True IDE Mode. When this pin
is grounded, this device is configured as a
master. When the pin is open, this device is
configured as a slave.
(PC Card Memory Mode)
(PC Card I/O Mode)
(True IDE Mode)
I/O 31, 30, 29, 28, 27,
49, 48, 47, 6, 5, 4,
3, 2, 23, 22, 21
These lines carry the data, commands and
status information between the host and the
controller. D00 is the LSB of the Even Byte of
the word. D08 is the LSB of the Odd Byte of the
In True IDE Mode, all Task File operations
occur in byte mode on the low order bus D00-
D07 while all data transfers are 16 bits using
(PC Card Memory Mode)
(PC Card I/O Mode)
(True IDE Mode)
-- 1, 50 Ground.
(PC Card Memory Mode)
(PC Card I/O Mode)
(True IDE Mode)
O 43 This signal is not used in this mode.
The Input Acknowledge signal is asserted by
the card when it is selected and responding to
an I/O read cycle at the address that is on the
address bus. This signal is used by the host to
control the enable of any input data buffers
between the card and the CPU.
This signal is used for DMA data transfers
between host and device and is asserted by the
device when it is ready to transfer data to or
from the host. The direction of data transfer is
controlled by DIOR- and DIOW-. This signal is
used in a handshake manner with DMACK-
(i.e., the device waits until the host asserts
DMACK- before negating DMARQ, and
reasserting DMARQ if there is more data to
(PC Card Memory Mode)
(PC Card I/O Mode)
(True IDE Mode)
I 34 This signal is not used in this mode.
This is an I/O read strobe generated by the
host. This signal gates I/O data onto the bus
from the card when the card is configured to
use the I/O interface.
(PC Card Memory Mode) I 35 This signal is not used in this mode.
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 3-5 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
Interface Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Table 3-4 Signal Description
Signal Name Dir. Pin Description
(PC Card I/O Mode)
(True IDE Mode)
The I/O write strobe pulse is used to clock I/O
data on the Card Data bus into the card
controller registers when the card is configured
to use the I/O interface.
The clocking will occur on the negative to
positive edge of the signal (trailing edge).
(PC Card Memory Mode)
(PC Card I/O Mode)
(True IDE Mode)
I 9 This is an output enable strobe generated by
the host interface. It is used to read data from
the card in Memory Mode and to read the CIS
and configuration registers.
In PC Card I/O Mode, this signal is used to read
the CIS and configuration registers.
To enable True IDE Mode this input should be
grounded by the host.
(PC Card Memory Mode)
(PC Card I/O Mode)
(True IDE Mode)
O 37 In Memory Mode, this signal is set high when
the card is ready to accept a new data transfer
operation and held low when the card is busy.
The host memory card socket must provide a
pull-up resistor.
At power up and at reset, the RDY/-BSY signal
is held low (busy) until the card has completed
its power up or reset function. No access of any
type should be made to the card during this
time. The RDY/-BSY signal is held high
(disabled from being busy) whenever the
following condition is true: The card has been
powered up with +RESET continuously
disconnected or asserted.
I/O Operation–After the card has been
configured for I/O operation, this signal is used
as an interrupt request. This line is strobed low
to generate a pulse mode interrupt or held low
for a level mode interrupt.
In True IDE Mode, this signal is the active high
Interrupt Request to the host.
(PC Card Memory Mode)
(PC Card I/O Mode)
I 44 This Attribute Memory Select signal is used
during memory cycles to distinguish between
Common Memory and Register (Attribute)
Memory accesses: High for common memory,
and low for attribute memory.
The signal must also be active (low) during I/O
cycles when the I/O address is on the bus.
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual Interface Description
Table 3-4 Signal Description
Signal Name Dir. Pin Description
(True IDE Mode) This signal is used by the host in response to
DMARQ to initiate DMA transfers.
NOTE: This signal may be negated by the host
to suspend the DMS transfer in process. For
Multiword DMA transfers, the device may
negate DMARQ with the tL specified time once
the DMACK- is asserted and reasserted again
at a later time to resume DMA operation.
Alternatively, if the device is able to continue
the data transfer, the device may leave
DMARQ asserted and wait for the host to
reassert DMACK-.
(PC Card Memory Mode)
(PC Card I/O Mode)
(True IDE Mode)
I 41 When the pin is high, this signal resets the
card. The card is reset only at power-up if this
pin is left high or open from power-up. The card
is also reset when the Soft Reset bit in the Card
Configuration Option Register is set.
In the T rue IDE Mode this input pin is the active
low hardware reset from the host.
(PC Card Memory Mode)
(PC Card I/O Mode)
(True IDE Mode)
-- 13, 38 +5V, +3.3V power.
(PC Card Memory Mode)
(PC Card I/O Mode)
(True IDE Mode)
O 33, 40 Voltage Sense Signals. -VS1 is grounded so
that the CompactFlash Card CIS can be read at
3.3 volts and VS2 is open and reserved by
PCMCIA for a secondary voltage.
(PC Card Memory Mode)
(PC Card I/O Mode)
(True IDE Mode)
O 42 SanDisk CompactFlash Memory cards do not
assert the -WAIT signal.
SanDisk CompactFlash Memory cards do not
assert the -WAIT signal.
SanDisk CompactFlash Memory cards, except
when in UDMA modes, do not assert an IORDY
(PC Card Memory Mode)
(PC Card I/O Mode)
(True IDE Mode)
I 36 This is a signal driven by the host and used for
strobing memory write data to the registers of
the card when it is configured in the Memory
Interface Mode. It is also used for writing the
configuration registers.
In PC Card I/O Mode, this signal is used for
writing the configuration registers.
In True IDE Mode this input signal is not used
and should be connected to VCC by the host.
(PC Card Memory Mode) O 24 Memory Mode–The CompactFlash Card does
not have a write-protect switch. This signal is
held low after the completion of the reset
initialization sequence.
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 3-7 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
Interface Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Table 3-4 Signal Description
Signal Name Dir. Pin Description
(PC Card I/O Mode)
(True IDE Mode)
I/O Operation–When the card is configured for
I/O Operation, pin 24 is used for the -I/O
Selected is 16 Bit Port (-IOIS16) function. A low
signal indicates that a 16-bit or odd-byte only
operation can be performed at the addressed
This output signal is asserted low when this
device is expecting a word data transfer cycle.
3.3 Electrical Specification
All D.C. Characteristics for the CompactFlash Memory Card Series are defined as follows:
Typical conditions unless otherwise stated:
VCC = 5V +/- 10%
VCC = 3.3V +/- 5%
Ta = 0 °C to 60 °C
Absolute Maximum condit ions:
VCC = -0.3V min. to 6.5V max.
V* = 0.5V min. to VCC + 0.5V max.
*Voltage on any pin except VCC with respect to GND.
3.3.1 Input Leakage Control and Input Characteristics
In Ta ble 3-5, “x” refers to the characteristics described in Table 3-6. For example–"I1U"
indicates a pull-up resistor wit h a Type 1 input characteristic.
Table 3-5 Input Leakage Control
Type Parameter Symbol Conditions MIN MAX Unit
lxZ Input Leakage Current IL Vih=VCC/Vil=GND -1 1 uA
IxU Pull Up Resistor RPU1 VCC=5.0V 50k 500k Ohm
IxD Pull Down Resistor RPD1 VCC=5.0V 50k 500k Ohm
NOTE:The minimum pull-up resistor leakage current meets the PCMCIA
specification of 10k ohms but is intentionally higher in the
CompactFlash Memory Card Series product to reduce power use.
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual Interface Description
Table 3-6 defines the input characteristics of the parameters in Table 3-5.
Table 3-6 Input Characteristics
Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max.
Type Parameter Symbol VCC = 3.3V VCC = 5.0V Unit
1 Input Voltage Vih 2.4 4.0 V
CMOS Vil 0.6 0.8
2 Input Voltage Vih 1.5 2.0 V
CMOS Vil 0.6 0.8
3 Input Voltage Vth 1.8 2.8 V
CMOS Vtl 1.0 2.0
Schmitt Trigger
3.3.2 Output Drive Type and Characteristics
In Table 3-7 "x" refers to the characteristics described in Table 3-8. For example–"OT3" refers
to Totempole output with a Type 3 output drive charact e ri stic.
Table 3-7 Output Drive Type
Type Output Type Valid Conditions
OTx Totempole loh & lol
OZx Tri-state N-P Channel loh & lol
OPx P-Channel Only loh only
ONx N-Channel Only loh Only
Table 3-8 Output Drive Characteristics
Type Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
1 Output Voltage Voh loh= -4 mA VCC V
Vol lol= 4 mA Gnd
2 Output Voltage Voh loh= -8 mA VCC V
Vol lol= 8 mA Gnd
3 Output Voltage Voh loh= -8 mA VCC V
Vol lol= 8 mA -0.8V Gnd
X Tri-State
Leakage Current loz Vol = Gnd
Voh = VCC
-10 10 uA
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 3-9 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
Interface Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
3.3.3 Power Up/Power Down Timing
The timing specification in Table 3-9 was defined to permit peripheral cards to perform power-
up initialization.
Table 3-9 Power Up/Power Down Timing
Item Value
Symbol Condition
Vi (CE) 0V <VCC <2.0V 0 ViMAX
CE Signal Levela
2.0V <VCC <VIH <VCC - 0.1 ViMAX
CE Setup T ime 20 ms TSU (VCC)
CE Setup T ime TSU (RESET) 20 ms
CE Recover Time 0.001 ms
10%-->90% of (VCC + 5%) 0.1 300 ms
VCC Rising Timeb
90% of (VCC + 5%)-->10% 3.0 300 ms tpf
VCC Falling Timeb
Reset Width TW (RESET) 10 µs
Th (Hi-z Reset) 1 ms
TS (Hi-z Reset) 0 ms
Min. Max. Unit
a. ViMAX means Absolute Maximum Voltage for Input in the period of 0V <VCC <2.0V, Vi (CE) is only
b. The tpr and tpf are defined as "linear waveform" in the period of 10% to 90% or vice-versa. Even if
the waveform is not "linear waveform," its rising and falling time must be met by this specification.
Figure 3-1 Power Up/Power Down Timing for Systems supporting RESET
VCC Min.
-CE1, -CE2
ts (Hi-z Reset)
VCC Min.
tpr tSU(VCC)
-CE1, -CE2
tSU(Reset) tSU(Reset)
th (Hi-z Reset)
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual Interface Description
Figure 3-2 Power Up/Power Down Timing for Systems not supporting RESET
VCC Min.
-CE1, -CE2
Always Hi-z fr o m system Supp lied by pull-up resistor
RESET on c a rd (if present)
VCC Min.
-CE1, -CE2
3.3.4 Common Memory Read Timing
Ta ble 3-10 contains common memory read timing specifications for all types of memory.
NOTE:All timings measured at the CompactFlash Memory Card. Skews and
delays from the system driver/receiver to the card must be accounted
for by the system.
Table 3-10 Common Memory Read Timing Specification
Speed Version Item Symbol
Read Cycle Time tc (R)
Address Access Timea ta (A)
Card Enable Access T ime ta (CE)
Output Enable Access Time ta (OE)
Output Disable Time from -OE tdis (OE)
Output Disable Time from -CE tdis (CE)
Output Enable Time from -CE ten (CE)
Output Enable Ti me from -OE ten (OE)
Data Valid from Add Changea tv (A)
Address Setup Time tsu (A)
100 ns
IEEE Symbol
tELQV 100
tGLQV 50
tGHQZ 50
tEHQZ 50
tAVGL 10
Min. Max.
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 3-11 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
Interface Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Table 3-10 Common Memory Read Timing Specification
100 ns
Speed Version Item Symbol IEEE Symbol
Address Hold Time th (A) 15tGHAX
Card Enable Setup Time tsu(CE) 0tELGL
Card Enable Hold Time th (CE) 15tGHEH
Min. Max.
a. The -REG signal timing is identical to address signal timing
3.3.5 Common and Attribute Memo ry Write Timing
The write timing specifications for Common and Attribute memory are the same.
All timings measured at the CompactFlash Memory Card. Skews and delays from the system
driver/receiver to the card must be accounted for by the system
NOTE:SanDisk CompactFlash Memory cards do not assert the -WAIT
Table 3-11 Common and Attribute Memory Write Timing Specification
100 ns
Speed Version Symbol IEEE Symbol
Write Cycle T i me tc (W) 100 tAVAV
Write Pulse Width tw (WE) 60tWLWH
tsu (A) 10tAVWL
Address Setup Timea
tsu (A-WEH) 70tAVWH
Address Setup Time for -WEa
Card Enable Setup Time for -WE tsu(CE-WEH) 70tELWH
Data Setup Time form -WE tsu(D-WEH) 40tDVWH
Data H old Time th (D) 15tWMDX
Write Recover Time trec (WE) 15tWMAX
Output Disable Time from -WE 50
tdis (WE) tWLQZ
Output Disable Time from -OE tdis (OE) 50 tGHQZ
Output Enable Ti me from -W E ten (WE) 5tWHQNZ
Output Enable Ti me from -OE ten (OE) 5tGLQNZ
Output Enable Setup from -WE tsu(OE-WE) 10tGHWL
th(OE-WE) 10
Output Enable Hold from -WE tWHGL
Card Enable Setup Time tsu (CE) 0tELWL
Card Enable Hold Time th (CE) 15tGHEH
Min. Max.
a. The -REG signal timing is identical to address signal timing.
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual Interface Description
3.3.6 Attribute Memory Read Timing Specification
Ta ble 3-12 contains common memory write timing specifications for all types of memory.
NOTE:SanDisk CompactFlash Memory cards do not assert the -WAIT
Table 3-12 Attribute Memory Read Timing Specification
300 ns
Speed Version Item Symbol IEEE Symbol
tc (R) 300
Read Cycle Time tAVAV
ta (A) 300tAVQV
Address Access Timea
ta (CE) 300
Card Enable Access T ime tELQV
Output Enable Access Time ta (OE) 150tGLQV
Output Disable Time from -OE tdis (OE) 100tGHQZ
Output Enable Ti me from -OE ten (OE) 5tGLQNZ
tv (A) 0tAXQX
Data Valid from Add Changea
Address Setup Time tsu (A) 30tAVGL
th (A) 20
Address Hold Time tGHAX
Card Enable Setup Time tsu(CE) 0tELGL
Card Enable Hold Time th (CE) 20tGHEH
Min. Max.
a. The -REG signal timing is identical to address signal timing
3.3.7 Memory Timing Diagrams
Figure 3-3 Common and Attribute Memory Read Timing Diagram
NOTE 1: Shaded areas may be high or low.
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 3-13 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
Interface Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Figure 3-4 Common and Attribute Memory Write Timing Diagram
NOTE 1: Shaded areas may be high or low.
NOTE 2: When the dat a I/O pins are in the output state, no signals shall be applied to
the data pins (D[15::0]) by the host system
NOTE 3: May be high or low for write timing, but restrictions on -OE from previous
figures apply.
NOTE 4: SanDisk CompactFlash Memory Cards do not assert the -WAIT signal.
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual Interface Description
3.3.8 I/O Read (Input) Timing Specification
Figure 3-5 I/O Read Timing Diagram
NOTE 1: All timings are measured at the CompactFlash Memory Card.
NOTE 2: Skews and delays from the host system driver/receiver to the card must be
accounted for by the system design.
NOTE 3: D[15::0] signifies data provided by the card to the host system.
Ta ble 3-13 contains the read input timing specificati ons.
NOTE: SanDisk CompactFlash Memory cards do ont assert a -WAIT signal.
Table 3-13 I/O Read (Input) Timing Specification
Item Symbol IEEE Symbol Min. (ns) Max. (ns)
Data Delay after -IORD td (IORD) tlGLQV --- 100
Data Hold following -IORD th (IORD) tlGHQX 0 ---
-IORD Width Time tw (IORD) tlGLIGH 165 ---
Address Setup before -IORD tsuA(IORD) tAVIGL 70 ---
Address Hold following -IORD thA(IORD) tlGHAX 20 ---
-CE Setup before -IORD tsuCE(IORD) tELIGL 5 ---
-CE Hold following -IORD thCE(IORD) tlGHEH 20 ---
-REG Setup before -IORD tsuREG(IORD) tRGLIGL 5 ---
-REG Hold following -IORD thREG(IORD) tlGHRGH 0 ---
-INPACK Delay falling from -IORD tdfINPACK(IORD) tlGLIAL 0 45a
-INPACK Delay rising from -IORD tdrINPACK(IORD) tlGHIAH --- 45a
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 3-15 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
Interface Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Table 3-13 I/O Read (Input) Timing Specification
Item Symbol IEEE Symbol Min. (ns) Max. (ns)
-IOIS16 Delay falling from Address tdfIOIS16(ADR) tAVISL --- 35a
-IOIS16 Delay rising from Address t drIOIS16(ADR) tAVISH --- 35a
a. The maximum load on -INPACK and -IOIS16 is 1 LSTTL with 50 pF total load.
3.3.9 I/O Write (Output) Timing Specification
Figure 3-6 I/O Write Timing Diagram
NOTE 1: All timings are measured at the CompactFlash Memory Card.
NOTE 2: Skews and delays from the host system driver/receiver to the
CompactFlash Memory Card must be accounted for by the system design.
NOTE 3: D[15::0] signifies data provided by the host system to the CompactFlash
Memory Card.
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual Interface Description
Table 3-14 contains the specification information rel ated to the I/O Wr ite Timing Diagram.
Table 3-14 I/O Write Timing Specification
Item Symbol IEEE Symbol Min. (ns) Max. (ns)
Data Setup before -IOWR tsu (IOWR) tDVIWL 60 ---
Data Hold following -IOWR th (IOWR) tWHDX 30 ---
-IOWR Width Time tw (IOWR) tlWLIWH 165 ---
Address Setup before -IOWR tsuA(IOWR) tAVIWL 70 ---
Address Hold following -IOWR thA(IOWR) tlWHAX 20 ---
-CE Setup before -IOWR tsuCE(IOWR) tELIWL 5 ---
-CE Hold following -IOWR thCE(IOWR) tlWHEH 20 ---
-REG Setup before -IOWR tsuREG(IOWR) tRGLIWL 5 ---
-REG Hold following -IOWR thREG(IOWR) tlWHRGH 0 ---
-IOIS16 Delay falling from Address tdfIOIS16(ADR) tAVISL --- 35a
-IOIS16 De lay rising from -IORD tdr-IOIS16(ADR) tAVISH --- 35
-IOIS16 Delay falling from Address tdfIOIS16(ADR) tAVISL --- 35
-IOIS16 Delay rising from Address tdrIOIS16(ADR) tAVISH --- 35
a. The maximum load on -IOIS16 is 1 LSTTL with 50 pF total load.
3.3.10 True IDE Mode
The following sections provide valuable inform ation for the True IDE mode.
De-skewing. The host will provide cable de-skewing for all signals originating from the
device. The device will provide cable de-skewing for all signal s originating at the host.
All timing values and diagram s are shown and measured at the connector of the selected
Transfer Timing. The minimum cycle time supported by devices in PIO Mode 3, 4 and
Multiword DMA Mode 1, 2 respectively will alw a ys be greater than or equal to th e mini mu m
cycle time defined by the associated mode (e.g., a device supporting PIO Mode 4 ti ming will
not report a value less than 120 ns. The minimum cycle time defined for PIO mode 4 timings).
Register Transfers
Figure 3-7 defines the relationships between the interface signals for register transfers.
For PIO Modes 3 and above, the minimum value of t0 is specified by Word 68 in the
IDENTIFY DEVICE parameter list. Table 3-15 defines the mini mu m value that will be
placed in Word 68.
In Figure 3-7, all signals shown with the asserted condition facing the top of the page. The
negated condition is shown toward the bottom of the page relative to the asserted condi-
NOTE: SanDisk CompactFlash Memory cards do not assert an -IORDY
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 3-17 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
Interface Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Figure 3-7 Register Transfer to/from Device
NOTE 1: Device address consists of signals -CS0, -CS1 and -DA(2:0).
NOTE 2: Data consists of DD(7:0).
Table 3-15 Register Transfer to/from Device
PIO Timing Parameters Mode 4 (ns)
a Cycle time (min.) 120
t1 Address valid to IORD-/IOWR- setup (min.) 25
a IORD-/IOWR- pulse width 8-bit (min.) 70
a IORD-/IOWR- recovery time (min.) 25
t3 IOWR- data setup (min.) 20
t4 IOWR- data hold (min.) 10
t5 IORD- data setup (min.) 20
t6 IORD- data hold (min.) 5
b IORD- data tri-state (max.) 30
t9 IORD-/IOWR- to address valid hold (min.) 10
a. t0 is the minimum total cycle time, t2 is the minimum command active time, and t2i is the minimum
command recovery time or command inactive time. The actual cycle time equals the sum of the
actual command active time and the actual command inactive time. The three timing requirements
of t0, t2, and t2i shall be met. The minimum total cycle time requirements are greater than the sum of
t2 and t2i. This means a host implementation may lengthen either or both t2 or t2i to ensure that t0 is
equal to or greater than the value reported in the devices IDENTIFY DEVICE data. A device imple-
mentation shall support any legal host implementation.
b. This parameter specifies the time from the negation edge of /IORD to the time that the data bus is
no longer driven by the device (tri-state).
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual Interface Description
PIO Data Transfers
Figure 3-8 defines the relationships between the interface signals for PIO data transfers.
For PIO Modes 3 and above, the minimum value of t0 is specified by Word 68 in the
IDENTIFY DEVICE parameter list. Table 3-16 defines the mini mu m value that will be
placed in Word 68.
Figure 3-8 PIO Data Transfer to/from Device
NOTE 1: Device address consists of signals -CS0, -CS1 and -DA(2:0).
NOTE 2: Data consists of DD(15:0).
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 3-19 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
Interface Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
The PIO data transfer parameters are defined in Table 3-16.
NOTE:SanDisk CompactFlash Memory cards do not assert an -IORDY
Table 3-16 PIO Data Transfer to/from Device
PIO Timing Parameters Mode 0
(ns) Mode 1
(ns) Mode 2
(ns) Mode 3
(ns) Mode 4
a Cycle time (min.) 600 383 240 180 120
t1 Address valid to IORD-/IOWR- setup
(min.) 70 50 30 30 25
a IORD-/IOWR- pulse width 16-bit (min.) 165 125 100 80 70
t2ia IORD-/IOWR- recovery time (min.) --- --- --- 70 25
t3 IOWR- data setup (min.) 60 45 30 30 20
t4 IOWR- data hold (min.) 30 20 15 10 10
t5 IORD- data setup (min.) 50 35 20 20 20
t6 IORD- data hold (min.) 5 5 5 5 5
b IORD- data tri-state (max.) 30 30 30 30 30
t9 IORD-/IOWR- to address valid hold
(min.) 20 15 10 10 10
a. t0 is the minimum total cycle time, t2 is the minimum command active time, and t2i is the minimum
command recovery time or command inactive time. The actual cycle time equals the sum of the
actual command active time and the actual command inactive time. The three timing requirements of
t0, t2, and t2i shall be met. The minimum total cycle time requirements are greater than the sum of t2
and t2i. This means a host implementation may lengthen either or both t2 or t2i to ensure that t0 is
equal to or greater than the value reported in the devices IDENTIFY DEVICE data. A device imple-
mentation shall support any legal host implementation.
b. This parameter specifies the time from the negation edge of /IORD to the time that the data bus is no
longer driven by the device (tri-state).
3.4 Card Configuration
SanDisk CompactFlash Memory cards are identified by appropriate information in the Card
Information Structure (CIS). The configuration registers are used to coordinate the I/O spaces
and the interrupt level of cards that are located in the system.
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual Interface Description
In addition, these registers provide a method for accessing status information about the card
that may be used to arbitrate between multiple in terrupt sources on the same interrupt level or
to replace status information that appears on dedicated pins in memory cards that have
alternate use in I/O cards.
Table 3-17 Registers and Memory Space Decoding
Selected Space
X 0 0 0 1 X 1 XX X X X 0 Configuration Registers
1 0 1 0 1 X X XX X X X X Common Memory Read
(8-bit D7-D0)
0 1 1 0 1 X X XX X X X X Common Memory Read
(8-bit D15-D8)
0 0 1 0 1 X X XX X X X 0 Common Memory Read
(16-bit D15-D0)
X 0 0 1 0 X 1 XX X X X 0 Configuration Registers
1 0 1 1 0 X X XX X X X X Common Memory Write (8-
bit D7-D0)
0 1 1 1 0 X X XX X X X X Common Memory Write (8-
bit D15-D8)
0 0 1 1 0 X X XX X X X 0 Common Memory Write
(16-bit D15-D0)
X 0 0 0 1 0 0 XX X X X 0 Card Info Structure Read
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 XX X X X 0 Invalid Access (CIS Write)
1 0 0 0 1 X X XX X X X 1 Invalid Access ( O dd
Attribute Read)
1 0 0 1 0 X X XX X X X 1 Invalid Access (Odd
Attribute Write)
0 1 0 0 1 X X XX X X X X Invalid Access ( O dd
Attribute Read)
0 1 0 1 0 X X XX X X X X Invalid Access ( O dd
Attribute Write)
NOTE:The location of the card configuration registers should always be
read from the CIS since these locations may vary in futu re products.
No writes should be performed to the card attribute memory except
to the card configuration register addresses. All other attribute
memory locations are reserved.
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 3-21 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
Interface Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Decoding for the configuration registers is defi ned in Table 3-18.
Table 3-18 Configuration Registers Decoding
Selected Register
Configuration Option Read
X 0 0 1 0 0 1 00 0 0 0 0 Configuration Option Write
X 0 0 0 1 0 1 00 0 0 1 0 Card Status Read
X 0 0 1 0 0 1 00 0 0 1 0 Card Status Write
X 0 0 0 1 0 1 00 0 1 0 0 Pin Replacement Read
X 0 0 1 0 0 1 00 0 1 0 0 Pin Replacement Write
X 0 0 0 1 0 1 00 0 1 1 0 Socket and Copy Read
X 0 0 1 0 0 1 00 0 1 1 0 Socket and Copy Write
3.4.1 Attri bu t e Me mo ry Fu n c tio n
Attribute Memory is a space where a CompactFlash Memory Card identification and
configuration information is stored, and is limited to 8-bit wide accesses only at even
addresses. The card configuration registers are also located there.
For the Attribute Memory Read function, signals -R EG and -OE must be active and -WE
inactive during the cycle. As in the Main Memory Read functions, the signals -CE1 and -CE2
control the even-byte and odd-byte address, but only the even-byte data is valid during the
Attribute Memory access. Refer to Table 3-19 for signal states and bus validity for the
Attribute Memory function.
NOTE:The -CE signal or both the -OE and -W E signal must be de-asserted
between consecutive cycle operaitons.
Table 3-19 Attribute Memory Function
Function Mode -REG -CE2 -CE1 A9 A0 -OE -WE D15-D8 D7-D0
Standby X H H X X X X High Z High Z
Read Byte Access CIS ROM
(8 bits) L H L L L L H High Z Even
Write Byte Access CIS (8 bits)
(Invalid) L H L L L H L Dont
Care Even
Read Byte Access
Configuration (8 bits) L H L H L L H High Z Even
Write Byte Access
Configuration (8 bits) L H L H L H L Dont
Care Even
Read Word Access CIS
(16 bits) L L L L X L H Not Valid Even
Write Word Access CIS
(16 bits) (Invalid) L L L L X H L Dont
Care Even
Read Word Access
Configuration (16 bits) L L L H X L H Not Valid Even
Write Word Access
Configuration (16 bits) L L L H X H L Dont
Care Even
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual Interface Description
3.4.2 Configuration Option Register (Address 200h in Attribute Memory)
The Configuration Option Register is used to configure the card’s interface, address decoding
and interrupt and to issue a soft reset to the CompactFlash Memory Card.
Operation D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
R/W SRESET LevIREQ Conf5 Conf4 Conf3 Conf2 Conf1 Conf0
Conf 5–Conf0
Setting this bit to one (1), waiting the minimum reset width time and
returning to zero (0) places the card in the Reset state. Setting this bit to "1"
is equivalent to assertion of the +RESET signal except that the SRESET bit
is not cleared. Returning this bit to "0" leaves the card in the same un-
configured, Reset state as following power-up and hardware reset. This bit
is set to "0" by power-up and hardware reset. Using the PCMCIA Soft
Reset is considered a hard Reset by the ATA Commands. Contrast with
Soft Reset in the Device Control Register .
This bit is set to "1" when Level Mode Interrupt is selected, and"0" when
Pulse Mode is selected. Set to "0" by Reset.
Configuration Index. Set to "0" by reset. It's used to select operation mode
of the card as shown below. NOTE: Conf5 and Conf4 are reserved and
must be written as "0".
Table 3-20 Card Configurations
Conf5 Conf4 Conf3 Conf2 Conf1 Conf0 Disk Card Mode
0 0 0 0 0 0 Memory Mapped
0 0 0 0 0 1 I/O Mapped; any 16-byte system
decoded boundary
0 0 0 0 1 0 I/O Mapped; 1F0-1F7/3F6-3F7
0 0 0 0 1 1 I/O Mapped; 170-177/376-377
3.4.3 Card Configuration and Status Register (Address 202h in Attribute Memory)
The Card Configuration and Status Register contain information about the card's condition.
Operation D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Read Changed SigChg IOis8 0 0 PwrDwn Int 0
Write 0 SigChg IOis8 0 0 PwrDwn 0 0
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 3-23 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
Interface Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Card Configuration and Status Register (con’t)
Bit Name Description
D7 Changed Indicates that one or both of the Pin Replacement Register CRdy, or
CWProt bits are set to "1". When the Changed bit is set, -STSCHG Pin 46
is held low if the SigChg bit is a "1" and the card is configured for the I/O
D6 SigChg This bit is set and reset by the host to enable and disable a state-change
"signal" from the Status Register, the Changed bit control pin 46 the
Changed Status signal. If no state change signal is desired, this bit should
be set to zero "0" and pin 46 (-STSCHG) signal will be held high while the
card is configured for I/O
D5 IOis8 The host sets this bit to a one "1" if the card is to be configured in an 8-bit
I/O mode. The card is always configured for both 8- and 16-bit I/O, so this
bit is ignored.
D2 PwrDwn This bit indicates whether the host requests the card to be in the power
saving or active mode. When the bit is "1", the card enters a power down
mode. When "0", the host is requesting the card to enter the active mode.
The PCMCIA Rdy/-Bsy value becomes BUSY when this bit is changed.
Rdy/-Bsy will not become Ready until the power state requested has been
entered. The card automatically powers down when it is idle and powers
back up when it receives a command
D1 Int This bit represents the internal state of the interrupt request. This value is
available whether or not I/O interface has been configured. This signal
remains true until the condition that caused the interrupt request has been
serviced. If interrupts are disabled by the -IEN bit in the Device Control
Register, this bit is a "0".
3.4.4 Pin Replacement Register (Address 204h in Attribute Memory)
The Pin Replacement Register informat ion i s described below.
Operation D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Read 0 0 CRdy/-Bsy CWProt 1 1 RRdy/-Bsy RWProt
Write 0 0 CRdy/-Bsy CWProt 0 0 MRdy/-Bsy MWProt
Bit Name Description
D5 CRdy/-Bsy This bit is set to "1" when the bit RRdy/-Bsy changes state. This bit can also
be written by the host.
D4 CWProt This bit is set to "1" when the RWprot changes state. This bit may also be
written by the host.
D1 RRdy/-Bsy This bit is used to determine the internal state of the Rdy/-Bsy signal. This
bit may be used to determine the state of the Ready/-Busy as this pin has
been reallocated for use as Interrupt Request on an I/O card. When written,
this bit acts as a mask for writing the corresponding bit CRdy/-Bsy.
MRdy/-Bsy This bit acts as a mask for writing the corresponding bit CRdy/-Bsy.
D0 RWProt This bit is always "0" because the card does not have a write-protect
switch. When written, this bit acts as a mask for writing the corresponding
bit CWProt.
MWProt This bit when written acts as a mask for writing the corresponding bit
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual Interface Description
Pin replacement changed bit/mask values are contained in Table 3-21.
Table 3-21 Pin Replacement Changed Bit/Mask Bit Values
Written by Host
Initial Value of
(C) Status “C” Bit “M” Bit Final “C” Bit Comment s
0 X 0 0 Unchanged
1 X 0 1 Unchanged
X 0 1 0 Cleared by host
X 1 1 1 Set by host
3.4.5 Socket and Copy Register (Ad dress 206h in Attribute Memory)
This register contains additional configuration information. This register is always written by
the system before writing the card's Configuratio n Index Register.
Operation D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Read Reserved 0 0 Drive# 0 0 0 0
Write 0 0 0 Drive# (0) X X X X
This bit is reserved for future standardization. This bit must be set to "0" by
the software when the register is written.
This bit indicates the drive number of the card if twin card configuration is
The socket number is ignored by the card.
3.5 I/O Transfer Function
The following sections provide valuab le inform ation for the I/O Transfer function.
3.5.1 Common Memory Function
The Common Memory transfer to or from SanDisk CompactFlash memory cards can be either
8 or 16 bits. The card permits both 8- and 16-bit accesses to all of its Common Memory
Table 3-22 Common Memory Function
Function Code -REG -CE2 -CE1 A0 -OE -WE D15-D8 D7-D0
Standby X H H X X X High Z High Z
Byte Read Access H H L L L H High Z Even Byte
(8 bits) H H L H L H High Z Odd Byte
Byte Write Access H H L L H L Don’t Car e Even Byte
(8 bits) H H L H H L Don’t Care Odd Byte
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 3-25 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
Interface Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Table 3-22 Common Memory Function
Function Code -REG -CE2 -CE1 A0 -OE -WE D15-D8 D7-D0
Word Read Access
(16 bits) H L L X L H Odd Byte Even Byte
Word Write Access
(16 bits) H L L X H L Odd Byte Even Byte
Odd Byte Read Only
(8 bits) H L H X L H Odd Byte High Z
Odd Byte Write Only
(8 bits) H L H X H L Odd Byte Don’t Care
3.6 True IDE Mode I/O Transfer Function
This section contains valuable information on the True IDE Mode I/O Transfer function.
3.6.1 True IDE Mode I/O Function
SanDisk CompactFlash Memory cards can be configured in a True IDE Mode of operation.
Cards are configured in this mode only when the -O E input signal is grounded by the host
when power is applied to the cards. In this True IDE Mode, the PCMCIA protocol and
configuration are disabled an d only I/O operations to the Task File and Data Register are
allowed. In this mode, no Memory or Attribute registers are accessible to the host.
CompactFlash cards permit 8-bit data accesses if the user issues a Set Feature Command to put
the device in 8-bit Mode.
NOTE:Removing and reinserting the card while the host computer's power
is on will reconfigure it to PC Card ATA mode from the original T rue
IDE Mode. To configure the card in True IDE Mode, the 50-pin
socket must be power cycled with the card inserted and -OE (output
enable) grounded by the host.
Ta b le 3-2 3 defi nes the fun ction o f the op erations for the True IDE Mode.
Table 3-23 IDE Mode I/O Function
Function Code -CE2 -CE1 A0 -IORD -IOWR D15-D8 D7-D0
Invalid Mode L L X X X High Z High Z
Standby Mode H H X X X High Z High Z
Task File Write H L 1.7h H L D o n ’t ca r e Data In
Task File Read H L 1-7h L H High Z Data Out
Data Register Write H L 0 H L Odd Byte in Even Byte In
Data Register Read H L 0 L H Odd Byte Out Even Byte Out
Control Registe r Write L H 6h H L Don’t Care Control In
Alt Status Read L H 6h L H High Z Status Out
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CHAPTER 4 ATA Register Set and Protocol
SanDisk CompactFlash Memory cards can be configured as a high performance I/O device
through the following wa ys:
Standard PC-AT disk I/O address spaces 1F0h-1F7h, 3F6h-3F7h (primary); 170h-177h ,
376h-377h (secondary) with IRQ 14 (o r other available IRQ).
Any system decoded 16-byte I/O block using any available IRQ.
Memory space.
The communication to or from the card is done using the Task File registers, which provide all
the necessary registers for control and status information. The PCMCIA interface connects
peripherals to the host using four register mapping methods. Table 4-1 is a detailed description
of these methods.
Table 4-1 St andard I/O Configurations
Config Index I/O or Memory Address Drive Description
0 Memory 0-F, 400-7FF 0 Memory Mapped
1 I/O XX0-XXF 0 I/O Mapped 16 Contiguous
2 I/O 1F0-1F7, 3F6-3F7 0 Primary I/O Mapped Drive 0
2 I/O 1F0-1F7, 3F6-3F7 1 Primary I/O Mapped Drive 1
3 I/O 170-177, 376-377 0 Secondary I/O Mapped Drive 0
3 I/O 170-177, 376-377 1 Secondary I/O Mapped Drive 1
4.1 I/O Primary and Secondary Address Configurations
Ta ble 3-2 contains configurations for primary and secondary I/O decodi ng.
Table 4-2 Primary and Secondary I/O Decoding
-REG A9-A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 -IORD=0 -IOWR=0
0 1F(17) 0 0 0 0
Even RD Dataa,b Even WR Data a,b
0 1F(17) 0 0 0 1
Error Registera Featuresa
0 1F(17) 0 0 1 0 Sector Count Sector Count
0 1F(17) 0 0 1 1 Sector No. Sector No.
0 1F(17) 0 1 0 0 Cylinder Low Cylinder Low
0 1F(17) 0 1 0 1 Cylinder High Cylinder High
0 1F(17) 0 1 1 0 Select Card/Head Select Card/Head
0 1F(17) 0 1 1 1 Status Command
0 3F(37) 0 1 1 0 Alt Status Device Control
0 3F(37) 0 1 1 1 Drive Address Reserved
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 4-1 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
ATA Register Set and Protocol SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
a. Register 0 is accessed with -CE1 low and -CE2 low (and A0 = Do not care) as a word register on the
combined Odd Data Bus and Even Data Bus (D15-D0). This register may also be accessed by a pair
of byte accesses to the offset 0 with -CE1 low and -CE2 high. Note that the address space of this
word register overlaps the address space of the Error and Feature byte-wide registers that lie at off-
set 1. When accessed twice as byte register with CE1 low, the first byte to be accessed is the even
byte of the word and the second byte accessed is the odd byte of the equivalent word access.
b. A byte access to register 0 with CE1 high and CE2 low accesses the error (read) or feature (write)
4.2 Contiguous I/O Mapped Addressing
When the system decodes a contiguous block of I/O registers to select a CompactFlash
Memory Card, the registers are accessed in the block of I/O space decoded by the system as
Table 4-3 Contiguous I/O Decoding
-REG A3 A2 A1 A0 Offset -IORD=0 -IOWR=0
0 0 0 0 0 0 Even RD Dataa Even WR Dataa
0 0 0 0 1 1 Error Registerb Featuresb
0 0 0 1 0 2 Sector Count Sector Count
0 0 0 1 1 3 Sector No. Sector No.
0 0 1 0 0 4 Cylinder Low Cylinder Low
0 0 1 0 1 5 Cylinder High Cylinder High
0 0 1 1 0 6 Select Card/Head Select Card/Head
0 0 1 1 1 7 Status Command
0 1 0 0 0 8
Dup Even RD Datab Dup Even WR Datab
0 1 0 0 1 9 Dup Odd RD Datab Dup Odd WR Datab
0 1 1 0 1 D Dup Errorb Dup Featuresb
0 1 1 1 0 E Alt Status Device Ctl
0 1 1 1 1 F Drive Address Reserved
a. Register 0 is accessed with -CE1 low and -CE2 low (and A0 = Do not care) as a word register on the
combined Odd Data Bus and Even Data Bus (D15-D0). This register may also be accessed by a pair
of byte accesses to the offset 0 with -CE1 low and -CE2 high. Note that the address space of this
word register overlaps the address space of the Error and Feature byte-wide registers that lie at off-
set 1. When accessed twice as byte register with CE1 low, the first byte to be accessed is the even
byte of the word and the second byte accessed is the odd byte of the equivalent word access. A
byte access to register 0 with CE1 high and CE2 low accesses the error (read) or feature (write)
b. Registers at offset 8, 9 and D are non-overlapping duplicates of the registers at offset 0 and 1.
Register 8 is equivalent to register 0, while register 9 accesses the odd byte. Therefore, if the regis-
ters are byte accessed in the order 9 then 8 the data will be transferred odd byte then even byte.
Repeated byte accesses to register 8 or 0 will access consecutive (even than odd) bytes from the
data buffer. Repeated word accesses to register 8, 9 or 0 will access consecutive words from the
data buffer. Repeated byte accesses to register 9 are not supported. However, repeated alternating
byte accesses to registers 8 then 9 will access consecutive (even then odd) bytes from the data
buffer. Byte accesses to register 9 access only the odd byte of the data.
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual ATA Register Set and Protocol
4.3 Memory Mapped Addressing
When CompactFlash Memory Card registers are accessed via memo ry references, they appear
in the common memory space window: 0-2K bytes as shown in Table 4-4.
Table 4-4 Memory Mapped Decoding
-REG A10 A9-
A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 Offset -OE=0 -WE=0
1 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 Even RD Dataa Even WR Dataa
1 0 X 0 0 0 1 1 Error Registerb Featuresb
1 0 X 0 0 1 0 2 Sector Count Sector Count
1 0 X 0 0 1 1 3 Sector No. Sector No.
1 0 X 0 1 0 0 4 Cylinder Low Cylinder Low
1 0 X 0 1 0 1 5 Cylinder High Cylinder High
1 0 X 0 1 1 0 6 Select Card/Head Select Card/Head
1 0 X 0 1 1 1 7 Status Command
1 0 X 1 0 0 0 8 Dup Even RD Datab Dup Even WR Datab
1 0 X 1 0 0 1 9 Dup Odd RD Datab Du p O dd WR Datab
1 0 X 1 1 0 1 D Dup Errorb Dup F ea turesb
1 0 X 1 1 1 0 E Alt Status Device Ctl
1 0 X 1 1 1 1 F Drive Address Reserved
1 1 X X X X 0 8 Even RD Datac Even WR Datac
1 1 X X X X 1 9 Odd RD Datac Even RD Datac
a. Register 0 is accessed with -CE1 low and -CE2 low (and A0 = Do not care) as a word register on the
combined Odd Data Bus and Even Data Bus (D15-D0). This register may also be accessed by a pair
of byte accesses to the offset 0 with -CE1 low and -CE2 high. Note that the address space of this
word register overlaps the address space of the Error and Feature byte-wide registers that lie at off-
set 1. When accessed twice as byte register with CE1 low, the first byte to be accessed is the even
byte of the word and the second byte accessed is the odd byte of the equivalent word access. A byte
access to register 0 with CE1 high and CE2 low accesses the error (read) or feature (write) register.
b. Registers at offset 8, 9 and D are non-overlapping duplicates of the registers at offset 0 and 1.
Register 8 is equivalent to register 0, while register 9 accesses the odd byte. Therefore, if the regis-
ters are byte accessed in the order 9 then 8 the data will be transferred odd byte then even byte.
Repeated byte accesses to register 8 or 0 will access consecutive (even than odd) bytes from the
data buffer. Repeated word accesses to register 8, 9 or 0 will access consecutive words from the data
buffer. Repeated byte accesses to register 9 are not supported. However, repeated alternating byte
accesses to registers 8 then 9 will access consecutive (even then odd) bytes from the data buffer.
Byte accesses to register 9 access only the odd byte of the data.
c. Accesses to even addresses between 400h and 7FFh access register 8. Accesses to odd addresses
between 400h and 7FFh access register 9. This 1 KByte memory window to the data register is pro-
vided so that hosts can perform memory to memory block moves to the data register when the regis-
ter lies in memory space. Some hosts, such as the X86 processors, must increment both the source
and destination addresses when executing the memory to memory block move instruction. Some
PCMCIA socket adapters also have auto incrementing address logic embedded within them. This
address window allows these hosts and adapters to function efficiently.
Note that this entire window accesses the Data Register FIFO and does not allow random access to
the data buffer within the card.
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 4-3 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
ATA Register Set and Protocol SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
4.4 True IDE Mode Addressing
When a CompactFlash Memory Card is configured in the True IDE Mode the I/O decodi ng is
as listed in Table 4-5.
Table 4-5 True IDE Mode I/O Decoding
-CE2 -CE1 A2 A1 A0 -IORD=0 -IOWR=0
1 0 0 0 0 Even RD Data Even WR Data
1 0 0 0 1 Error Register Features
1 0 0 1 0 Sector Count Sector Count
1 0 0 1 1 Sector No. Sector No.
1 0 1 0 0 Cylinder Low Cylinder Low
1 0 1 0 1 Cylinder High Cylinder High
1 0 1 1 0 Select Card/Head Select Card/Head
1 0 1 1 1 Status Command
0 1 1 1 0 Alt Status Device Control
0 1 1 1 1 Drive Address Reserved
4.5 ATA Registers
In accordance with the PCMCIA specification: each of the registers below which is located at
an odd offset address may be accessed at its normal address and also the corresponding even
address (normal address -1) using data bus lines (D15-D8) when -CE1 is high and -CE2 is low
unless -IOIS16 is high (not asserted) and an I/O cycle is being performed.
4.5.1 Data Register (Address–1F0[170]; Offset 0, 8, 9)
The Data Register is a 16-bit register, and it is used to transfer data blocks between the
CompactFlash Memory Card data buffer and the host. This register overlaps the Error
Register. The information in Table 3-6 describes the combinations of data register access and
is provided to assist in understanding the overlapped Data Register and Error/Feature Register
rather than attempt to define general PCMCIA word and byte access modes and operations.
Refer to the PCMCIA PC Card St andard Release 2.0 for definitions of the Card Accessing
modes for I/O and memory cycles.
NOTE:Because of the overlapped registers, access to the 1F1, 171 or of fset 1
are not defined for word (-CE2 = 0 and -CE1 = 0) operations.
SanDisk products treat these accesses as accesses to the Word Data
Register. The duplicated registers at offsets 8, 9 and Dh have no
restrictions on the operations that can be performed by the so cket.
Table 4-6 Data Register
Data Register CE2- CE1- A0 Offset Data Bus
Word Data Register 0 0 X 0,8,9 D15-D0
Even Data Register 1 0 0 0,8 D7-D0
Odd Data Register 1 0 1 9 D7-D0
Odd Data Register 0 1 X 8,9 D15-D0
Error/Feature Register 1 0 1 1,Dh D7-D0
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual ATA Register Set and Protocol
Table 4-6 Data Register
Data Register CE2- CE1- A0 Offset Data Bus
Error/Feature Register 0 1 X 1 D15-D0
Error/Feature Register 0 0 X Dh D15-D0
4.5.2 Error Register (Address–1F1[171]; Offset 1, 0Dh Read Only)
This register contains additional information about the source of an error when an error is
indicated in bit 0 of the Status Register. The bits are defined as follows:
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
This register is also accessed on data bits D15-D8 during a write operation to offset 0 with -
CE2 low and -CE1 high.
Bit Name Description
D7 BBK Set when a bad block is detected.
D6 UNC Set when an uncorrectable error is encountered.
D5 0 Bit set to 0.
D4 IDNF The requested sector ID is in error or cannot be found.
D3 0 Bit set to 0.
D2 ABRT Set if the command has been aborted because of a card status condition:
(Not Ready, Write Fault, etc.) or when an invalid command has been
D1 0 Bit set to 0.
D0 AMNF Set in case of a general error.
4.5.3 Feature Register (Add ress–1F1[171]; Offset 1, 0Dh Write Only)
This register provides information about CompactFlash Memory Card features the host can
utilize. This register is also accessed on data bits D15-D8 during a write operation to Offset 0
with CE2 low and -CE1 high.
4.5.4 Sector Count Register (Address–1F2[172]; Offset 2)
This register contains the number of sectors of data requested to be transferred on a read or
write operation between the host and the card. If the value in this register is zero, a count of
256 sectors is specified. If the command was successful, this register is “0” at command
completion. If not successfully completed, the register contains the number of sectors that
need to be transferred in order to complete the request.
4.5.5 Sector Number (LBA 7-0) Register (Address–1F3[173]; Offset 3)
This register contains the starting sector number or bits 7-0 of the Logical B lock Ad dress
(LBA) for any CompactFlash Memory Card data access for the subsequent command.
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 4-5 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
ATA Register Set and Protocol SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
4.5.6 Cylinder Low (LBA 15-8) Register (Address–1F4[174]; Offset 4)
This register contains the low order 8 bits of the starting cylinder address or bits 15-8 of the
Logical Block Address.
4.5.7 Cylinder High (LBA 23-16) Register (Address–1F5[175]; Offset 5)
This register contains the high order bits of the starting cylinder address or bits 23-16 of the
Logical Block Address.
4.5.8 Drive/Head (LBA 27-24) Register (Address–1F6[176]; Offset 6)
The Drive/Head Register is used to select the drive and head. It is also used to select LBA
addressing instead of cylinder/head/sector addressing. The bits are defined as follows:
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Bit Name Description
D7 1 Bit set to 1.
D6 LBA LBA is a flag to select either Cylinder/Head/Sector (CHS) or Logical Block
Address Mode (LBA). When LBA=0, Cylinder/Head/Sector mode is
selected. When LBA=1, Logical Block Address is selected. In Logical Block
Mode, the Logical Block Address is interpreted as follows:
LBA07-LBA00: Sector Number Register D7-D0.
LBA15-LBA08: Cylinder Low Register D7-D0.
LBA23-LBA16: Cylinder High Register D7-D0.
LBA27-LBA24: Drive/Head Register bits HS3-HS0.
D5 1 Bit set to 1.
D4 DRV This bit will have the following meaning. DRV is the drive number. When
DRV=0, drive (card) 0 is selected When DRV=1, drive (card) 1 is selected.
The CompactFlash Card is set to be Card 0 or 1 using the copy field of the
PCMCIA Socket & Copy configuration register.
D3 HS3 When operating in the Cylinder , Head, Sector mode, this is bit 3 of the
head number. It is Bit 27 in the Logical Block Address mode.
D2 HS2 When operating in the Cylinder , Head, Sector mode, this is bit 2 of the
head number. It is Bit 26 in the Logical Block Address mode.
D1 HS1 When operating in the Cylinder , Head, Sector mode, this is bit 1 of the
head number. It is Bit 25 in the Logical Block Address mode.
D0 HS0 When operating in the Cylinder , Head, Sector mode, this is bit 0 of the
head number. It is Bit 24 in the Logical Block Address mode.
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual ATA Register Set and Protocol
4.5.9 Status & Alternate Status Registers (Address–1F7[177]&3F6[376]; Offsets 7 &
These registers return the card status when read by the host. Reading the Status Register clears
a pending interrupt while reading the Auxiliary Status Register does not. The meaning of the
status bits are described as follows:
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Bit Name Description
D7 BUSY Set when the CompactFlash Card has access to the command buffer and
registers and the host is locked out from accessing the command register
and buffer. No other bits in this register are valid when this bit is set to a 1.
D6 RDY RDY indicates whether the device is capable of performing card operations.
This bit is cleared at power-up and remains cleared until card is ready to
accept a command.
D5 DWF If set, indicates a write fault has occurred.
D4 DSC Set when the card is ready.
D3 DRQ Set when the card requires that information be transferred either to or from
the host through the Data Register.
D2 CORR Set when a correctable data error has been encountered and the data has
been corrected. This condition does not terminate a multi-sector read
D1 0 Always set to 0.
D0 ERR Set when the previous command has ended in some type of error. The bits
in the Error Register contain additional information describing the error.
4.5.10 Device Control Register (Address–3F6[376]; Offset Eh)
This register is used to control the CompactFlash Memory Card interrupt request and to issue
an ATA soft reset to the card. The bits are defined as follows:
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
X X X X 1 SW Rst -IEn 0
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 4-7 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
ATA Register Set and Protocol SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Device Control Register (con’t)
Bit Name Description
D7 X Don’t care.
D6 X Don’t care.
D5 X Don’t care.
D4 X Don’t care.
D3 1 Bit ignored by the card.
D2 SW Rst Set to 1 in order to force the card to perform an AT Disk controller Soft
Reset operation. This does not change the PCMCIA Card Configuration
registers as a hardware reset does. The card remains in Reset until this bit
is reset to “0”.
D1 -IEn Interrupt Enable bit enables interrupts when the bit is 0. When the bit is 1,
interrupts from the card are disabled. This bit also controls the Int bit in the
Configuration and Status Register. This bit is set to 0 at power on and
D0 ERR Bit ignored by the card.
4.5.11 Card (Drive) Address Register (Address–3F7[377]; Offset Fh)
This register is provided for compatibility with the AT disk drive interface. It is recommended
that this register not be mapped into the host's I/O space because of potential conflicts on Bit 7.
The bits are defined as follows:
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
X -WTG -HS3 -HS2 -HS1 -HS0 -nDS1 -nDS0
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual ATA Register Set and Protocol
Card (Drive) Address Register (con’t)
Bit Name Description
D7 X This bit is unknown.
Implementation Note:
Conflicts may occur on the host data bus when this bit is provided by a
Floppy Disk Controller operating at the same addresses as the
CompactFlash Memory Card. Following are some possible solutions to this
problem for the PCMCIA implementation:
1. Locate the CompactFlash Memory Card at a non-conflicting address,
i.e., Secondary address (377) or in an independently decoded Address
Space when a Floppy Disk Controller is located at primary addresses.
2. Do not install a Floppy and a CompactFlash Memory Card in the system
at the same time
3. Implement a socket adapter that can be programmed to (conditionally)
tri-state D7 of I/0 address 3F7/377 when a CompactFlash Memory Card is
installed and conversely to tri-state D6-D0 of I/O address 3F7/377 when a
floppy controller is installed
4. Do not use the card's Drive Address Register . This may be accomplished
by either a) If possible, program the host adapter to enable only I/O
addresses 1F0-1F7, 3F6 (or 170-177, 176) to the card or
b) if provided use an additional primary/secondary configuration in the card
that does not respond to accesses to I/O locations 3F7 and 377. With either
of these implementations, the host software must not attempt to use
information in the Drive Address Register.
D6 -WTG This bit is 0 when a write operation is in progress, otherwise, it is 1.
D5 -HS3 This bit is the negation of bit 3 in the Drive/Head Register.
D4 -HS2 This bit is the negation of bit 2 in the Drive/Head Register.
D3 -HS1 This bit is the negation of bit 1 in the Drive/Head Register.
D2 -HS0 This bit is the negation of bit 0 in the Drive/Head Register.
D1 -nDS1 This bit is 0 when drive 1 is active and selected.
D0 -nDS0 This bit is 0 when the drive 0 is active and selected.
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 4-9 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
ATA Register Set and Protocol SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
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CHAPTER 5 ATA Command Description
This section defines the software requirements and the format of commands the host sends to
CompactFlash Memory cards. Commands are issued to the card by loading the required
registers in the command block with the suppl ied parameters, and then writing the command
code to the Command Register. The manner in which a command is accepted varies. There are
three classes (see Table 5-1) of command acceptance, all dependent on the host not issuing
commands unless the card is not busy. (The BUSY bit in the status and alternate status registers
is 0.)
Upon receipt of a Class 1 command, the card sets the BUSY bit within 400 nsec.
Upon receipt of a Class 2 command, the card sets the BUSY bit within 400 nsec, sets up the
sector buffer for a write operation, sets DRQ within 700 µsec, and clears the BUSY bit
within 400 nsec of setting DRQ.
Upon receipt of a Class 3 command, the card sets the BUSY bit within 400 nsec, sets up the
sector buffer for a write operation, sets DRQ within 20 msec (assuming no re-assignments),
and clears the BUSY bit within 400 nsec of setting DRQ.
5.1 ATA Command Set
Table 5-1 summarizes the ATA command set with the paragraphs that follow describing the
individual commands and the task file for each.
Table 5-1 Primary and Secondary I/O Decoding
Class Command Code FR SC SN CY DH LBA
1 Check Power Mode E5h or 98h - - - - D -
1 Execute Dri ve Diagn ostic 90h - - - - D -
1 Erase Sector(s)a C0h -Y Y Y Y Y
2 Format Track 50h - Y - Y Y Y
1 Identify Device ECh - - - - D -
1 Idle E3h or 97h - Y - - D -
1 Idle Immediate E1h or 95h - - - - D -
1 Initialize Drive Parameters 91h - Y - - Y -
1 Read Buffer E4h - - - - D -
1 Read DMA C8 or C9 - Y Y Y Y Y
1 Read Multiple C4h - Y Y Y Y Y
1 Read Long Sector 22h or 23h - - Y Y Y Y
1 Read Sector(s) 20h or 21h - Y Y Y Y Y
1 Read Verify Sector(s) 40h or 41h - Y Y Y Y Y
1 Recalibrate 1Xh - - - - D -
1 Request Senseb 03h - - - - D -
1 Seek 7Xh - - Y Y Y Y
1 Set Features EFh Y - - - D -
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 5-1 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
ATA Command Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Table 5-1 Primary and Secondary I/O Decoding
Class Command Code FR SC SN CY DH LBA
1 Set Multiple Mode C6h - Y - - D -
1 Set Sleep Mode E6h or 99h - - - - D -
1 St and By E2h or 96h - - - - D -
1 Stand By Immediate E0h or 94h - - - - D -
1 Translate Sectorb 87h - Y Y Y Y Y
1 Wear Levelb F5h - - - - Y -
2 Write Buffer E8h - - - - D -
2 Write DMA CA or CB - Y Y Y Y Y
2 Write Long Sector 32h or 33h - - Y Y Y Y
3 Write Multiple C5h - Y Y Y Y Y
3 Write Multiple w/o Erasea CDh -Y Y Y Y Y
2 Write Sector(s) 30h or 31h - Y Y Y Y Y
2 Write Sector(s) w/o Erasea 38h - Y Y Y Y Y
2 Write Verify 3Ch - Y Y Y Y Y
a. These commands are not standard PC Card ATA commands and these features are no longer sup-
ported with the introduction of 256 Mbit Flash Technology. If one of these commands is issued, the
sectors will be erased but there will be no net gain in write performance when using the Write Without
Erase command.
b. These commands are not standard PC Card ATA commands but provide additional functionality.
FR Features Register
SC Sector Count Register
SN Sector Number Register
CY Cylinder Registers
DH Card/Drive/Head Register
LBA Logical Block Address Mode Supported
Y The register contains a valid parameter for this command. For the Drive/Head Register , both the
CompactFlash Card and head parameters are used
D The register contains a valid parameter for this command. For the Drive/Head Register, only the
CompactFlash Card parameter is valid and not the head parameter
5.1.1 Check Power Mode–98H, E5H
This command checks the power mode.
If the CompactFlash Card is in, going to, or reco vering from the sleep mode, it sets BSY, sets
the Sector Count Register to 00h, clears BSY and generates an interru pt.
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual ATA Command Description
If the card is in Idle mode, it sets BSY, sets the Sector Count Register to FFh, clears BSY and
generates an interrupt .
Table 5-2 Check Power Mode
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) E5H or 98H
C/D/H (6) X Drive X
Cyl High (5) X
Cyl Low (4) X
Sec Num (3) X
Sec Cnt (2) X
Feature (1) X
5.1.2 Execute Drive Diagnostic–90H
This command performs the internal diagnostic tests implemented by the CompactFlash cards.
Table 5-3 Execute Drive Diagnostic
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) 90H
C/D/H (6) X Drive X
Cyl High (5) X
Cyl Low (4) X
Sec Num (3) X
Sec Cnt (2) X
Feature (1) X
The Diagnostic codes shown in Table 5-4 are returned in the Error Register at the end of the
Table 5-4 Diagnostic Codes
Code Error Type
01h No error detected
02h Formatter device error
03h Sector buffer error
04h ECC circuitry error
05h Controlling microprocessor error
8Xh Slave failed (T rue IDE Mode)
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 5-3 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
ATA Command Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
5.1.3 Erase Sector(s)–C0H
This command is no longer recomm ended . There is essen tial ly no net g a in in th e use of the
Erase Sectors Command and/or th e Write Without Erase Commands. This command is
supported to guarantee backward compatibility.
Table 5-5 Erase Sectors
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) C0H
C/D/H (6) 1 LBA 1 Drive Head (LBA 27-24)
Cyl High (5) Cylinder High (LBA 23-16)
Cyl Low (4) Cylinder Low (LBA 15-8)
Sec Num (3) Sector Number (LBA 7-0)
Sec Cnt (2) Sector Number (LBA 7-0)
Feature (1) X
5.1.4 Format Track–50H
This command writes the desired head and cylinder of the selected drive with an FFh pattern.
To remain host backward compatible, the card expects a sector buffer of data from the host to
follow the command wit h the same protoco l as the Write Sector(s) command although the
information in the buffer is not used by the card. If LBA=1 then the number of sectors to
format is taken from the Sec Cnt register (0=256).
NOTE:The Format Track command in Table 5 -6 i s no longer recommended.
The command is supported to guarantee backward compatib ility.
Table 5-6 Format Track
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) 50H
C/D/H (6) 1 LBA 1 Drive Head (LBA 27-24)
Cyl High (5) Cylinder High (LBA 23-16)
Cyl Low (4) Cylinder Low (LBA 15-8)
Sec Num (3) X (LBA 7-0)
Sec Cnt (2) Count (LBA mode only)
Feature (1) X
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual ATA Command Description
5.1.5 Identify Device–ECH
The Identify Drive command enables the host to receive parameter information from a
CompactFlash Memory Card . This command has the same protocol as the Read Sector(s)
command. The parameter words in the buffer have the arrangement and meanings defined in
Table 5-8. All reserved bits or words are “0”.
Table 5-7 Identify Device
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) ECH
C/D/H (6) X X X Drive X
Cyl High (5) X
Cyl Low (4) X
Sec Num (3) X
Sec Cnt (2) X
Feature (1) X
Table 5-8 is the definition for each field in the Identify Device Information.
Table 5-8 Identify Device Information
Address Default Value Total Bytes Data Field Type Information
0 848Ah 2 General configuration bit-significant
1 XXXXh 2 Default number of cylinders
2 0000h 2 Reserved
3 XXXXh 2 Default number of heads
4 0000h 2 Number of unformatted bytes per track
5 0000h 2 Number of unformatted bytes per sector
6 XXXXh 2 Default number of sectors per track
7-8 XXXXh 4 Number of sectors per card (Word 7 = MSW,
Word 8 = LSW)
9 0000h 2 Reserved
10-19 aaaa 20 Serial number in ASCII (right justified)
20 0000h 2 Buffer type (dual ported)
21 0000h 2 Buffer size in 512 byte increments
22 0004h 2 Number of ECC bytes passed on Read/Write
Long Commands
23-26 aaa 8 Firmware revision in ASCII (Rev set by
code Big Endian Byte Order in Word
27-46 aaaa 40 Model number in ASCII (left justified) Big
Endian Byte Order in Word
47 000Xh 2 Maximum No. of Sectors on Read/Write Multiple
48 0000h 2 Double-word not supported
49 0X00ha 2 Capabilities: DMA Supported (bit 8), LBA
supported (bit 9)
50 0000h 2 Reserved
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ATA Command Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Table 5-8 Identify Device Information
Address Default Value Total Bytes Data Field Type Information
51 0200h 2 PIO data transfer cycle timing mode
52 0000h 2 Single word DMA data transfer cycle timing
mode (not supported)
53 0003h 2 Field validity
54 XXXXh 2 Current number of cylinders
55 XXXXh 2 Current number of heads
56 XXXXh 2 Current sectors per track
57-58 XXXXh 4 Current capacity in sectors (LBAs)
(Word 57 = LSW, Word 58 = MSW)
59 010Xh 2 Multiple sector setting is valid
60-61 XXXXh 4 Total number of sectors addressable in LBA
62 0000h 2 Single word DMA transfer (not supported)
63 0X07h 2 0-7: Multiword DMA modes supported
15-8: Multiword DMA mode active
64 0003h 2 Advanced PIO modes supported
65 0078h
(IDE Mode only) 2 Minimum multiword DMA transfer cycle time
per word in ns
66 0078h
(IDE Mode only) 2 Recommended multiword DMA transfer cycle
time per word in ns
67 0078h 2 Minimum PIO transfer without flow control
68 0078h 2 Minimum PIO transfer with IORDY flow control
69-79 0000h 20 Reserved
80 00XXh 2 Major ATA version
81 0000h 2 Minor ATA version
82 00X0h 2 Features/command sets supported
83 4004h 2 Features/command sets supported
84 4000h 2 Features/command sets supported
85 0000h 2 Features/command sets enabled
86 0004h 2 Features/command sets enabled
87 4000h 2 Features/command sets enabled
88 0000h 2 Ultra DMA Mode supported and selected
89 XXXXh 2 Time required for security erase-unit
90 0000h 2 T ime required for enhanced security erase-unit
91 XXXXh 2 Current advanced power management value
92-127 0000h 72 Reserved
128-159 0000h 64 Reserved vendor-unique bytes
160 0000h 2 Power requirement description
161 0000h 2 Reserved for assignment by the CFA
162 0000h 2 Key management schemes supported
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual ATA Command Description
Table 5-8 Identify Device Information
Address Default Value Total Bytes Data Field Type Information
163 00XXh 2 CF Advanced True IDE Timing Mode
Capability and Setting
164 001Bh 2 CF Advanced PCMCIA I/O and Memory
T iming Mode Capability
165-175 0000h 22 Reserved for assignment by the CFA
176-255 0000h 140 Reserved
a. Multiword DMA is supported by SanDisk PCMCIA. For all unsupported cases, 0100H is reported in
word 49, and 0000H is reported in words 52, 63, and 65. CompactFlash products will support multi-
Word 0: General Configuration. This field informs the host that this is a non-magnetic, hard
sectored, removable storage device with a transf er rate greater than 10 Mb/sec and is not MFM
encoded. CompactFlash products report 848AH in compliance with t he CFA specification.
Word 1: Default Number of Cylinders. This field contains the number of translated
cylinders in the default translat ion mode. This value will be the same as the number of
Word 3: Default Number of Heads. This field contains the number of translated heads in the
default transl ation mode.
Word 4: Number of Unformatted Bytes per Track. This field contains the number of
unformatted bytes per translated t rack in th e de fault translation mode .
Word 5: Number of Unformatted Bytes per Sector. This field contains the number of
unformatted bytes per sector in the default translation mode.
Word 6: Default Number of Sectors per Track. This field contains the number of sectors
per track in the default translation m ode.
Words 7-8: Number of Sectors per Card. This field contains the number of sectors per
CompactFlash Memory Card. This double word value is also the first invalid address in LBA
translation mode.
Words 10-19: Memory Card Serial Number. The contents of this field are right j ustified
and padded with spaces (20h).
Word 20: Buffer Type. This field defines the buffer capability with the 0002h m eaning a
dual ported multi-sector buffer capable of simultaneous data transfers to or from the host and
the CompactFlash Memory Card.
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 5-7 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
ATA Command Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Word 21: Buffer Size. This field defines the buffer capacity of 2 sectors or 1 kilobyte of
Word 22: ECC Count. This field defines the number of ECC bytes used on each sector in the
Read and W rite Long commands.
Words 23-26: Firmware Revision. This field contains the revision of the firmware for this
Words 27-46: Model Number. This field contains the model number for this product and is
left justified and padded wit h spaces (20h).
Word 47: Read/Write Multiple Sector Count. This fi eld contains the maximum number of
sectors that can be read or written per interrupt using the Read Multiple or Write Multiple
Word 48: Double Word Support. This field indicates this product will no t support double
word transfers.
Word 49: Cap ab ili ties. This field indicates if this product supports DMA Data transfers and
LBA mode. All SanDisk products support LBA mode.
Word 51: PIO Data Transfer Cycle Timing Mode. To determi ne the proper device timing
category, compare the Cycle Time specified in Table 3-15 with the contents of this field wit h
Table 3-14.
t0 is the minimum total cycle time, t2 is the minimum comm a nd active time, and t2i is the
minimum command recovery time or command inactive time. The actual cycle time equals the
sum of the actual command active time and the actual command inactive time. The three
timing requirement s of t0, t2, and t2i shall be met. The minimum total cycle time requirements
are greater than the sum of t2 and t2i. This means a host implementation may lengthen either or
both t2 or t2i to ensure that t0 is equal to or greater than the value reported in the devices
IDENTIFY DEVICE data. A device implementation shall support any legal host
The IORD-data tri-state parameter specifies the time from the negation edge of /IORD to the
time that the data bus is no longer driven by the dev ice (tri-state).
NOTE:For backward compatibi lity with BIOS' written before Word 64 was
defined for advanced modes, a device report s in Word 51 the hig hest
original PIO mode it can support (i.e., PIO mode 0, 1 or 2).
Word 52: Single Word DMA Data Transfer Cycle Timing Mode. This field states this
product does not support any Single Word DMA data transfer mode.
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual ATA Command Description
Word 53: Translation Parameters Valid. Bit 0 of this field is set, indicating that words 54 to
58 are valid and reflect the current number of cylinders, heads and sectors. Bit 1 is also set,
indicating values in words 64 throug h 70 are val id.
Words 54-56: Current Number of Cylinders, Heads, Sectors/Track. These fields contain
the current number of user addressable cylinders, heads, and sectors/track in the current
translation mode.
Words 57-58: Current Capacity . This field contains the product of the current cylinders x
heads x sectors.
Word 59: Multiple Sector Setting . This field contains a validity flag in the odd byte and the
current number of sectors that can be transferred per interrupt for R/W Multiple in the even
byte. The odd byte is always 01H, which indicates that the even byte is always valid.
The even byte value depends on the value set b y the Set Multiple command. The even byte of
this word by default contains a 00H, which indicates that R/W Multiple commands are not
valid. The only other value returned by the Com pactFlash Memory Card in the even byte is a
01H value, which indicates that 1 sector per interrupt, can be transferred in R/W Multiple
Words 60-61: Total Sectors Addressable in LBA Mode. This field contains the number of
sectors addressable for the CompactFlash Card in LBA mode only.
Word 64: Advanced PIO Transfer Modes Supported. Bits 0 and 1 of this field are set to
indicate support fo r PIO transfer modes 3 and 4, respectively.
Word 65: Minimum Multiword DMA Transfer Cycle Time per Word. Word 65 of the
parameter informat ion of the IDENTIFY DEVICE command is defined as the Minimum
Multiword DMA Transfer Cycle Time Per Word. This field defines, in nanosecond s, the
minimum cycle ti me that the device can support when performing Multiword DMA transfers
on a per word basis.
Word 66: Recommended Multiword DMA Cycle Time. Word 66 of the parameter
information of the IDENTIFY DEVICE command is defined as the Recommended Multiword
DMA Transfer Cycle Time. This field defines, in nanoseconds, the minimum cycle time per
word during a single sector host transfer while performing a multiple sector READ DMA or
WRITE DMA commands over all locations on the media under minimal conditions. If a host
runs at a faster cycle rate by operating at a cycle time of less th at this value, the device may
negate DMARQ for flow control. The rate at which DMARQ is negated could result in
reduced throughput despite the faster cycled rate. Transfer at this rate does not ensure that flow
control will not be used, but implies that hi gher pe rform a nce may result.
Word 67: Minimum PIO Transfer Cycle Time Without Flow Contr ol. This field indicates
in nanoseconds, the minimu m cycle time that, if used by the host, the card guarantees data
integrity during the cycle without utilization of flow control.
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 5-9 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
ATA Command Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Word 68: Minimum PIO Transfer Cycle Time With Flow Control. This field indicates in
nanoseconds, the minimum cycle time the card supports while performing data transfers using
flow control.
Words 82-84: Features/Command Sets Supported. Words 82, 83, and 84 indicate the
features and command sets supported. The value 00 00h or FFFFh was placed in each of these
words by CompactFlash cards prior to ATA-3 and will be interpreted by the host as meaning
that features/command sets supported are not indicated. Bits 1 through 13 of Word 83, and bits
0 through 13 of Word 84 are reserved. Bit 14 of Word 83 and Word 84 will be set to "1," and
bit 15 of Word 83 and Word 84 w ill be cleared to zero which indicates that the features and
command sets supported words are valid. The values in these words should not be depended
on by host implementers.
Table 5-9 Word 82 Description
Bit Setting Indication
0 0 SMART feature set not supported
1 1 Security Mode feature set supported
2 0 Removable Media feature set not supported
3 1 Power Management feature set supported
4 0 Packet Command feature set not supported
5 1 Write cache supported
6 1 Look-ahead supported
7 0 Release Interrupt not supported
8 0 Service Interrupt not supported
9 0 Device Reset command not supported
10 0 Host Protected Area feature set not supported
11 --- Obsolete
12 1 Write Buffer command supported by CF Card
13 1 Read Buffer command supported by CF Card
14 1 NOP command supported by CF Card
15 --- Obsolete
Table 5-10 Word 83 Description
Bit Setting Indication
0 0 Download Microcode command not supported by CF Card
1 0 Read DMA Queued and Write DMA Queued commands not supported by CF
2 1 CFA feature set supported by CF Card
3 1 Advanced Power Management feature set supported by CF Card
4 0 Removable Media Status feature set not supported by CF Card
Words 85-87 : Features/Command Sets Enabled. Words 85, 86, and 87 indicates features/
command sets enabled. The value 0000h or FFFFh was placed in each of these words by
CompactFlash cards prior to ATA-4 and will be interpreted by the host as meaning that
features/command sets enabled are not indicat e d. Bits 1 through 15 of word 86 are reserved.
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual ATA Command Description
Bits 0-13 of word 87 are reserved. Bit 14 of word 87 will be set to one and bit 15 of word 87
will be cleared to zero to provide indication that the features/command sets enabled words are
valid. The values in these words shoul d not be dep e nded upon by host implemen ters.
Table 5-11 Word 85 Description
Bit Setting Indication
0 0 SMART feature set not enabled
1 1 Security Mode feature set enabled via the Security Set Password command
2 0 Removable Media feature set not supported
3 1 Power Management feature set supported
4 0 Packet Command feature set not enabled
5 1 Write cache enabled
6 1 Look-ahead enabled
7 0 Release Interrupt not enabled
8 0 Service Interrupt not enabled
9 0 Device Reset command not supported
10 0 Host Protected Area feature set not supported
11 --- Obsolete
12 1 Write Buffer command supported by CF Card
13 1 Read Buffer command supported by CF Card
14 1 NOP command supported by CF Card
15 --- Obsolete
Table 5-12 Word 86 Description
Bit Setting Indication
0 0 Download Microcode command not supported by CF Card
1 0 Read DMA Queued and Write DMA Queued commands not supported by CF
2 1 CFA feature set supported by CF Card
3 1 Advanced Power Management feature set by Set Features command
4 0 Removable Media Status feature set not supported by CF Card
Word 163: CF Advanced True IDE Timing Mode Capabilities and Settings. This word
describes the capabilities and current settings fo r CFA defined advanced tim ing modes using
the True IDE interface.
There are four separate fields defined that describe support and selection of Advanced PIO
timing modes and Advanced Multiword DMA timing modes. The older modes are reported in
Word 63: Multiword DMA Transfer and and Word 64: Advanced PIO Transfer Modes
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 5-11 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
ATA Command Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Bits 2-0: Advanced True IDE PIO Mode Support
Indicates the maximum True IDE PIO mode supported by the card.
Value Maximum PIO Mode Timing Supported
0 Specified in Word 64
1 PIO Mode 5
2 PIO Mode 6
3-7 Reserved
Bits 5-3: Advanced True IDE Multiword DMA Mode Support
Indicates the maximum True IDE Multiword DMA mode supported by the card.
Value Maximum Multiword DMA Mode Timing Supported
0 Specified in Word 63
1 Multiword DMA Mode 3
2 Multiword DMA Mode 4
3-7 Reserved
Bits 8-6: Advanced True IDE PIO Mode Selected
Indicates the current Tr ue IDE PIO mode selected on the card.
Value Current PIO Timing Mode Selected
0 Specified in Word 64
1 PIO Mode 5
2 PIO Mode 6
3-7 Reserved
Bits 11-9: Ad van ced True IDE Multiword DMA Mode Selected
Indicates the current Tr ue IDE Multiword DMA Mode Selected on the card.
Value Current Multiword DMA Timing Mode Selected
0 Specified in Word 63
1 Multiword DMA Mode 3
2 Multiword DMA Mode 4
3-7 Reserved
Bits 15-12: Reserved
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual ATA Command Description
Word 164: CF Advanced PCMCIA I/O and Memory Timing Mode Capabilities and Set-
tings. This word describes the capabilities and current settings for CFA defined advanced
timing modes using the Memory and PCMCIA I/O interface.
Bits 2-0: Maximum Advanced PCMCIA I/O Mode Support
Indicates the maximum I/O timing m ode supported by the card.
Value Maximum PCMCIA I/O Timing Mode Supported
0 255 ns Cycle PCMCIA I/O Mode
1 120 ns Cycle PCMCIA I/O Mode
2 100 ns Cycle PCMCIA I/O Mode
3 80 ns Cycle PCMCIA I/O Mode
4-7 Reserved
Bits 5-3: Maximum Memory Timing Mode Supported
Indicates the Maximum Memory timing mode supported by the card.
Value Maximum Memory Timing Mode Supported
0 250 ns Cycle Memory Mode
1 120 ns Cycle Memory Mode
2 100 ns Cycle Memory Mode
3 80 ns Cycle Memory Mode
4-7 Reserved
Bits 15-6: Reserved
5.1.6 Idle–97H, E3H
This command causes the card to set BSY, enter the Idle (Read) mode, clear BSY and generate
an interrupt. If the sector count is non-zero, it is interpreted as a timer count with each count
being 5 milliseconds and the autom a tic po wer down mode is enabled. If the sector count is
zero, the automatic power down mo de is disabled.
NOTE: This time base (5 msec) is different from the ATA specification.
Table 5-13 Idle
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) E3H or 97H
C/D/H (6) X Drive X
Cyl High (5) X
Cyl Low (4) X
Sec Num (3) X
Sec Cnt (2) Timer Count (5 ms increments)
Feature (1) X
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 5-13 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
ATA Command Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
5.1.7 Idle Immediate–95H, E1H
This command causes the card to set BSY, enter the Idle (Read) mode, clear BSY and generate
an interrupt.
Table 5-14 Idle Immediate
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) E1H or 95H
C/D/H (6) X Drive X
Cyl High (5) X
Cyl Low (4) X
Sec Num (3) X
Sec Cnt (2) X
Feature (1) X
5.1.8 Initialize Drive Parameters–91H
This command enables the host to set the number of sectors per track and the number of heads
per cylinder. Only the Sector Count and the Card/Drive/Head registers are used by this
NOTE:SanDisk recommends not using this command in any system because
DOS determines the offset to the Boot Record based on the number
of heads and sectors per track. If a CompactFlash Memory Card is
"Formatted" with one head and sector per track value, the same card
will not operate correctly with DOS configured with another heads
and sectors per track value.
Table 5-15 Initialize Drive Parameters
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) 91H
C/D/H (6) X 0 X Drive Max. Head (no. of heads - 1)
Cyl High (5) X
Cyl Low (4) X
Sec Num (3) X
Sec Cnt (2) Number of Sectors
Feature (1) X
02/07, Rev. 12.0 5-14 © 2007 SanDisk Corporation
SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual ATA Command Description
5.1.9 Read Buffer–E4H
The Read Buffer command enables the host to read the current contents of the card's sector
buffer. This command has the same protocol as the Read Sector(s) command.
Table 5-16 Read Buffer
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) E4H
C/D/H (6) X Drive X
Cyl High (5) X
Cyl Low (4) X
Sec Num (3) X
Sec Cnt (2) X
Feature (1) X
5.1.10 Read DMA Command–C8H, C9H
The Read DMA command in Table 5-17 executes in a similar man ner to t he READ
SECTOR(S) command except for the following:
The host initializes the DMA channel prior to issuing the com mand.
Data transfers are qualified by DMARQ and are performed by the DMA channel.
The device issues only one interrupt per command to indicate that data transfer has termi-
nated and status is available.
During the DMA transfer phase of a Read DMA command, the device provides status of the
BSY bit or the DRQ bit until the comm and is com pleted.
Table 5-17 Read DMA Command
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) C8H or C9H
C/D/H (6) 1 LBA 1 Drive Head (LBA 27-24)
Cyl High (5) Cylinder High (LBA 23-16)
Cyl Low (4) Cylinder Low (LBA 15-8)
Sec Num (3) Sector Number (LBA 7-0)
Sec Cnt (2) Sector Count
Feature (1) X
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 5-15 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
ATA Command Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
5.1.11 Read Multiple–C4H
The Read Multiple command performs similarly to the Read Sectors command. Interrupts are
not generated on every sector, but on the transfer of a block, which cont ains the nu mber of
sectors defined by a Set Multiple, command.
Table 5-18 Read Multiple
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) C4H
C/D/H (6) 1 LBA 1 Drive Head (LBA 27-24)
Cyl High (5) Cylinder High (LBA 23-16)
Cyl Low (4) Cylinder Low (LBA 15-8)
Sec Num (3) Sector Number (LBA 7-0)
Sec Cnt (2) Sector Count
Feature (1) X
Command execution is identical to the Read Sectors operation except that the number of
sectors defined by a Set Multiple command is transferred without intervening interrupts. DRQ
qualification of the transfer is required only at the start of the data block, not on each sector.
The block count of sectors to be transferred without intervening int errupts is programmed by
the Set Multiple Mode command, which m ust be executed prio r to the Read Multiple
command. When the Read Multiple command is issued, the Sector Count Register contains the
number of sectors (not the number of blocks or the block count) requested. If the number of
requested sectors is not evenly divisible by the block count, as many full blocks as possible are
transferred, followed by a final, partial block transfer. The partial block transfer is for n
sectors, where: n = (sector count)-module (block count).
If the Read Multiple command is att empted before the Set Multiple Mode comm and has been
executed or when Read Multiple commands are disabled, the Read Multiple operation is
rejected with an Aborted Command error. Disk errors encountered during Read Multiple
commands are posted at the beginning of th e block or partial block transfer, but DRQ is still
set and the data transfer will take place as it normally would, includin g transfer of corrupted
data, if any.
Interrupts are generated when DRQ is set at the beginning of each block or partial block. The
error reporting is the same as that on a Read Sector(s) Command. This command reads from 1
to 256 sectors as specified in the Sector Count register. A sector count of 0 requests 256
sectors. The transfer begins at the sector specified in the Sector Number Register.
At command completion, the Command Block registers contain the cylinder, head and sector
number of the last sector read.
If an error occurs, the read terminates at the sector where the error occurred. The Command
Block registers contain the cylinder, head and sector number of the sector where the error
occurred. The flawed data is pending in the sector buffer.
Subsequent blocks or partial blocks are transferred only if the error was a correctable data
error. All other errors cause the command to stop after transfer of the block that contained the
02/07, Rev. 12.0 5-16 © 2007 SanDisk Corporation
SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual ATA Command Description
5.1.12 Read Long Sector–22H, 23H
The Read Long command performs similarly to the Read Sector(s) command except that it
returns 516 bytes of data instead of 512 bytes. During a Read Lo ng com man d, the card does
not check the ECC bytes to determine if there has been a data error. Only single sector read
long operations are support ed. The transfer consists of 512 bytes of data transferred in word
mode followed by 4 bytes of random data transferred in byte mode. Random data is returned
instead of ECC bytes because of the nature of the ECC system used. This command has the
same protocol as the Read Sector(s) command.
Table 5-19 Read Long Sector
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) 22H or 23H
C/D/H (6) 1 LBA 1 Drive Head (LBA 27-24)
Cyl High (5) Cylinder High (LBA 23-16)
Cyl Low (4) Cylinder Low (LBA 15-8)
Sec Num (3) Sector Number (LBA 7-0)
Sec Cnt (2) X
Feature (1) X
5.1.13 Read Sector(s)–20H, 21H
This command reads from 1 to 256 sectors as specified in the Sector Count Register. A sector
count of 0 requests 256 sectors. The transfer begins at the sector specified in the Sector
Number Register. When this command is issued and after each sector of data (except the last
one) has been read by the host, the CompactFlash card sets BSY, puts the sector of data in the
buffer, sets DRQ, clears BSY, and generates an interrupt. The host then reads the 512 bytes of
data from the buffer.
At command completion, the Command Block registers contain the cylinder, head and sector
number of the last sector read. If an error occurs, the read terminates at the sector where the
error occurred. The Command Block registers contain the cylinder , head, and sector number of
the sector where the error occurred. The flawed data is pending in the sector buffer.
Table 5-20 Read Sector(s)
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) 20H or 21H
C/D/H (6) 1 LBA 1 Drive Head (LBA 27-24)
Cyl High (5) Cylinder High (LBA 23-16)
Cyl Low (4) Cylinder Low (LBA 15-8)
Sec Num (3) Sector Number (LBA 7-0)
Sec Cnt (2) Sector Count
Feature (1) X
5.1.14 Read Verify Sector(s)–40H, 41H
This command is identical to the Read Sectors command, except that DRQ is never set and no
data is transferred to the host. When the command is accepted, the card sets BSY.
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 5-17 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
ATA Command Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
When the requested sectors have been verified, the card clears BSY and generates an interrupt.
Upon command completion, the Command Block registers contain the cylinder, head, and
sector number of the last sector verified.
If an error occurs, the verify terminates at the sector where the error occurs. The Command
Block registers contain the cylinder, head and sector number of the sector where the error
occurred. The Sector Count Register contains the number of sectors not yet verified.
Table 5-21 Read Verify Sector(s)
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) 40H or 41H
C/D/H (6) 1 LBA 1 Drive Head (LBA 27-24)
Cyl High (5) Cylinder High (LBA 23-16)
Cyl Low (4) Cylinder Low (LBA 15-8)
Sec Num (3) Sector Number (LBA 7-0)
Sec Cnt (2) Sector Count
Feature (1) X
5.1.15 Recalibrate–1XH
This command is effectively a NOP command to the CompactFlash Memory Card and is
provided for compatibil ity purposes. After this command is executed the Cyl High and Cyl
Low as well as the Head number will be 0 and Sec Num will be 1 if LBA=0 and 0 if LBA=1
(i.e., the first block in LBA is 0 while CHS mode the sector number starts at 1).
Table 5-22 Recalibrate
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) 1XH
C/D/H (6) 1 LBA 1 Drive X
Cyl High (5) X
Cyl Low (4) X
Sec Num (3) X
Sec Cnt (2) X
Feature (1) X
5.1.16 Request Sense–03H
This command requests an extended error code after a command ends with an error.
Table 5-23 Request Sense
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) 03H
C/D/H (6) 1 X 1 Drive X
Cyl High (5) X
Cyl Low (4) X
Sec Num (3) X
Sec Cnt (2) X
Feature (1) X
02/07, Rev. 12.0 5-18 © 2007 SanDisk Corporation
SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual ATA Command Description
Ta ble 5-24 defines the valid extended error codes for the CompactFlash Memor y Card Series
product. The extended error code is returned to the host in the Error Register. This command
must be the next command issued to the card following the command that returned an error.
Table 5-24 Extended Error Codes
Extended Error Code Description
00h No error detected
01h Self test OK (no error)
09h Miscellaneous error
20h Invalid command
21h Invalid address (requested head or sector invalid)
2Fh Address overflow (address too large)
35h, 36h Supply or generated voltage out of tolerance
11h Uncorrectable ECC error
18h Corrected ECC error
05h, 30-34h, 37h, 3Eh Self test or diagnostic failed
10h, 14h ID not found
3Ah Spare sectors exhausted
1Fh Data transfer error/aborted command
0Ch, 38h, 3Bh, 3Ch, 3Fh Corrupted media format
03h Write/erase failed
5.1.17 Seek–7XH
This command is effectively a NOP command to the card although it does perform a range
check of cylinder and head or LBA address and returns an error if the address is out of range.
Table 5-25 Seek
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) 7XH
C/D/H (6) 1 LBA 1 Drive Head (LBA 27-24)
Cyl High (5) Cylinder High (LBA 23-16)
Cyl Low (4) Cylinder Low (LBA 15-8)
Sec Num (3) Sector Number (LBA 7-0)
Sec Cnt (2) X
Feature (1) X
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 5-19 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
ATA Command Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
5.1.18 Set Features–EFH
This command is used by the host to establish or select certain features.
Table 5-26 Set Features
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) EFH
C/D/H (6) X Drive X
Cyl High (5) X
Cyl Low (4) X
Sec Num (3) X
Sec Cnt (2) Config
Feature (1) Feature
Table 5-27 defines all features that are supported. The 9AH feature is unique to CompactFlash
Memory cards and are not part of the ATA Specification.
Table 5-27 Features Supported
Feature Operation
01h Enable 8-bit data transfer
02h Enable Write Cache
03h Set Transfer Mode based on value and Sector Count register.
55h Disable Read Look Ahead
66h Disable Power on Reset (POR) establishment of defaults at Soft Reset
69h Accepted for backward compatibility with the SDP Series but has no
impact on the CF Memory Card.
81h Disable 8-bit data transfer
96h Accepted for backward compatibility with the SDP Series but has no
impact on the CF Memory Card
9Ah Accepted for backward compatibility with the SDP Series but has no
impact on the CF Memory Card
BBh 4 bytes of data apply on Read/Write Long commands
CCh Enable Power on Reset (POR) establishment of defaults at Soft Reset.
Features 01H and 81H are used to enable and clear 8-bit data transfer mode. If the 01H feature
command is issued, all data transfers will occur on the low order D7-D0 data bus and the
IOIS16 signal will not be asserted for data register accesses.
02/07, Rev. 12.0 5-20 © 2007 SanDisk Corporation
SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual ATA Command Description
A host can choose the transfer mechanism by Set Transfer Mode and specifying a value in the
Sector Count register. The upper 5 bits define the type of transfer and the low order 3 bits
encode the mode value.
Mode Value
PIO Default Transfer Mode 00000 00d
PIO Flow Control Transfer Mode x 00001 nnn
Multiword DMA Mode x 00100 nnn
Reserved 01000 nnn
Reserved 10000 nnn
Where “nnn” is a valid mode number in binary; “x” is the mode number in decimal for
the associated transfer type; and “d” is ignored.
Features 55H and BBH are the default features for CompactFlash cards; thus, the host does not
have to issue this command with these features unless it is necessary for compatibility reasons.
The 9AH Feature is accepted for backward compatibility with the SDP Series but has no
impact on the card. SanDisk does not recommend the use of this command in new designs.
Features 66H and CCH can be used to enable and disable whether the Power On Reset (POR)
Defaults will be set when a soft reset occurs. The default set ting is to revert to the POR
defaults when a soft reset occurs. POR defaults the number of heads and sectors along with 16
bit data transfers and the read/write multiple blo ck count.
5.1.19 Set Multiple Mode–C6H
This command enables the card to perform Read and W rite Multiple operations and establishes
the block count for these commands. The Sector Count Register is loaded with the number of
sectors per block. The current version of the card supports only a block size of 1 sector per
block. Future versions may support larger block sizes. Upon receipt of the command, the card
sets BSY to 1 and checks the Sector Count Register.
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 5-21 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
ATA Command Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
If the Sector Count Register contains a valid value and the block count is supported, the value
is loaded for all subsequent Read Multiple and Wr ite Mul tiple commands and execution of
those commands is enabled. If a block count is not supported, an Aborted Comm a nd error is
posted, and Read Multiple and Write Multiple commands are disabled. If the Sector Count
Register contains 0 when the command is issued, Read and Write Multiple commands are
disabled. At power on, or after a hardware or (unl ess disabled by a Set Feature command)
software reset, the default mode is Read and Write Multiple disabled.
Table 5-28 Set Multiple Mode
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) C6H
C/D/H (6) X Drive X
Cyl High (5) X
Cyl Low (4) X
Sec Num (3) X
Sec Cnt (2) Sector Count
Feature (1) X
5.1.20 Set Sleep Mode–99H, E6H
This command causes the card to set BSY, enter the Sleep mode, clear BSY and generate an
interrupt. Recovery from sleep mode is accomplished by simply issuing another command (a
reset is permitted but not required). Sleep mode is also entered when internal timers expire so
the host does not need to issue this command except when it wishes to enter Sleep mode
immediately. The default value for the read to sleep timer is 5 milliseconds. This time base (5
msec) is different from the ATA Specification.
Table 5-29 Set Multiple Mode
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) 99H o r E6H
C/D/H (6) X Drive X
Cyl High (5) X
Cyl Low (4) X
Sec Num (3) X
Sec Cnt (2) X
Feature (1) X
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual ATA Command Description
5.1.21 Standby–96H, E2H
This command causes the card to set BSY, enter the Sleep mode (which corresponds to the
ATA "Standby" Mode), clear BSY and return the interrupt immediately. Recovery from sleep
mode is accomplished by simply issuing another command (reset is not required).
Table 5-30 Standby
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) E2H or 96H
C/D/H (6) X Drive X
Cyl High (5) X
Cyl Low (4) X
Sec Num (3) X
Sec Cnt (2) X
Feature (1) X
5.1.22 Standby Immediate–94H, E0H
This command causes the card to set BSY, enter the Sleep mode (which corresponds to the
ATA "Standby" Mode), clear BSY and return the interrupt immediately. Recovery from sleep
mode is accomplished by simply issuing another command (reset is not required).
Table 5-31 Standby Immediate
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) E0H or 94H
C/D/H (6) X Drive X
Cyl High (5) X
Cyl Low (4) X
Sec Num (3) X
Sec Cnt (2) X
Feature (1) X
5.1.23 Translate Sector–87H
When this command is issued, the controller responds with a 512-byte buffer of information
on the desired cylinder, head and sector with the actual Logical Address.
Table 5-32 Translate Sector
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) 87H
C/D/H (6) 1 LBA 1 Drive Head (LBA 27-24)
Cyl High (5) Cylinder High (LBA 23-16)
Cyl Low (4) Cylinder Low (LBA 15-8)
Sec Num (3) Sector Number (LBA 7-0)
Sec Cnt (2) X
Feature (1) X
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 5-23 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
ATA Command Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Table 5-33 represents the information in the buffer. This command is unique to SanDisk
CompactFlash Memory cards.
Table 5-33 Translate Sector Information
Address Information
00 Head
01-02 Cylinder
03 Sector
04-07 LBA
08 Chip
09-0A Block
0B Page
0C-1FF Reserved
5.1.24 Wear Level–F5H
This command is effectively a NOP command and only impleme nted for backward
compatibility with earlier SanDisk SDP series products. The Sector Count Register will
always be returned with an 00H indicating Wear Level is not needed.
Table 5-34 Wear Level
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) F5H
C/D/H (6) X X X Drive Flag
Cyl High (5) X
Cyl Low (4) X
Sec Num (3) X
Sec Cnt (2) Completion Status
Feature (1) X
5.1.25 Write Buffer–E8H
The Write Buffer command enables the host to overwrite contents of the card's sector buffer
with any data pattern desired. This command has the same protocol as the Write Sector(s)
command and transfers 512 bytes.
Table 5-35 Write Buffer
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) E8H
C/D/H (6) X Drive X
Cyl High (5) X
Cyl Low (4) X
Sec Num (3) X
Sec Cnt (2) X
Feature (1) X
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SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual ATA Command Description
5.1.26 Write DMA Command–CAH, CBH
The W rite DMA command in Table 5 33 executes in a similar manner to WRITE SECT OR(S)
except for the following:
The host initialised the DMA channel p rio r to issuing the command.
Data transfers are qualified by DMARQ and are performed by the DMA channel.
The device issues only one interrupt per command to indicate that data transfer has termi-
nated and status is available.
During the execution o f a Write DMA command, the device provides status of the BSY bit or
the DRQ bit until the command is completed.
Table 5-36 Write DMA Command
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) CAH or CBH
C/D/H (6) 1 LBA 1 Drive Head (LBA 27-24)
Cyl High (5) Cylinder High (LBA 23-16)
Cyl Low (4) Cylinder Low (LBA 15-8)
Sec Num (3) Sector Number (LBA 7-0)
Sec Cnt (2) Sector Count
Feature (1) X
5.1.27 Write Long Sector–32H, 33H
This command is provided for compatibility purposes and is similar to the W rite Sector(s)
command except that it writes 516 bytes instead of 512 bytes. Only single sector Write Long
operations are supported. The transfer consists of 512 bytes of data transferred in word mode
followed by 4 bytes of ECC transferred in byte mode. Because of the unique nature of the
solid-state CompactFlash Memory Card, the four bytes of ECC transferred by the host cannot
be used by it. The card discards these four bytes and writes the sector with valid ECC fields.
This command has the same protoco l as the Write Sector(s ) command.
Table 5-37 Write Long Sector
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) 32H or 33H
C/D/H (6) 1 LBA 1 Drive Head (LBA 27-24)
Cyl High (5) Cylinder High (LBA 23-16)
Cyl Low (4) Cylinder Low (LBA 15-8)
Sec Num (3) Sector Number (LBA 7-0)
Sec Cnt (2) X
Feature (1) X
5.1.28 Write Multiple Command–C5H
This command is simi lar to the W rite Sectors command. The card sets BSY within 400 nsec of
accepting the command. Interrupts are not presented on each sector but on the transfer of a
block that contains the number of sectors defined by Set Multiple. Command execution is
identical to the Write Sectors operation except that the number of sectors defined by the Set
Multiple command is transferred without intervening interrupts.
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 5-25 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
ATA Command Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
DRQ qualification of the transfer is required only at the start of the data block, not on each
sector. The block count of sectors to be transferred without intervening interrupts is
programmed by the Set Multiple Mode com mand, which must be executed prior to the Write
Multiple command.
Table 5-38 Write Multiple Command
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) C5H
C/D/H (6) X LBA X Drive Head
Cyl High (5) Cylinder High
Cyl Low (4) Cylinder Low
Sec Num (3) Sector Number
Sec Cnt (2) Sector Count
Feature (1) X
When the Write Multiple command is issued, the Sector Count Register contains the number
of sectors (not the number of blocks or the block count) requested. If the number of requested
sectors is not evenly divisible by the sector/block, as many full blocks as possible are
transferred, followed by a final, partial block transfer. The partial block transfer is for n
sectors, where: n = remainder (sector count/block count).
If the W rite Multiple command is attempted before the Set Multiple Mode command has been
executed or when Write Multiple commands are disabled, the Write Multiple operation will be
rejected with an aborted command error.
Errors encountered during Write Mul tiple commands are posted after the attempted writes of
the block or partial block transferred. The W rite command ends with the sector in error, even if
it is in the middle of a block. Subsequent blocks are not transferred in the event of an error.
Interrupts are generated when DRQ is set at the beginning of each block or partial block.
The Command Block registers contain the cylinder, head and sector number of the sector
where the error occurred and the Sector Count Register contains the residual number of sectors
that need to be transferred for successful completion of the command e.g., each block has 4
sectors, a request for 8 sectors is issued and an error occurs on the third sector. The Sector
Count Register contains 6 and the address is that of the third sector.
02/07, Rev. 12.0 5-26 © 2007 SanDisk Corporation
SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual ATA Command Description
5.1.29 Write Multiple without Erase–CDH
SanDisk does not recommend the use of this command in new designs but it is suppo rted as a
normal Write Sectors command for backward compatibility reasons.
Table 5-39 Write Multiple w/out Erase
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) CDH
C/D/H (6) X LBA X Drive Head
Cyl High (5) Cylinder High
Cyl Low (4) Cylinder Low
Sec Num (3) Sector Number
Sec Cnt (2) Sector Count
Feature (1) X
5.1.30 Write Sector(s)–3 0H, 31H
This command writes from 1 to 256 sectors as specified in the Sector Count Register . A sector
count of zero requests 256 sectors. The transfer begins at the sector specified in the Sector
Number Register. When this command is accepted, the card sets BSY, then sets DRQ and
clears BSY, then waits for the host to fill the sector buffer with the data to be written. No
interrupt is generated to start the first buffer fill operation. No data should be transferred by the
host until BSY has been cleared by the host.
For multiple sectors, after the first sector of data is in the buf fer , BSY will be set and DRQ will
be cleared. After the next buffer is ready for data, BSY is cleared, DRQ is set and an interrupt
is generated. When the final sector of data is transferred, BSY is set and DRQ is cleared. It will
remain in this state until the command is completed at which time BSY is cleared and an
interrupt is generated.
If an error occurs during a write of more than one sector, writing terminates at the sector where
the error occurs. The Command Block registers contain the cylinder, head and sector number
of the sector where the error occurred. The host may then read the command block to
determine what error has occurred, and on which sector.
Table 5-40 Write Sector(s)
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) 30H or 31H
C/D/H (6) 1 LBA 1 Drive Head (LBA 27-24)
Cyl High (5) Cylinder High (LBA 23-16)
Cyl Low (4) Cylinder Low (LBA 15-8)
Sec Num (3) Sector Number (LBA 7-0)
Sec Cnt (2) Sector Count
Feature (1) X
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 5-27 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
ATA Command Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
5.1.31 Write Sector(s) without Erase–38H
SanDisk does not recommend the use of this command in new designs but it is suppo rt ed as a
normal Write Sectors command for backward compatibility reasons.
Table 5-41 Write Sector(s) w/out Erase
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) 38H
C/D/H (6) 1 LBA 1 Drive Head (LBA 27-24)
Cyl High (5) Cylinder High (LBA 23-16)
Cyl Low (4) Cylinder Low (LBA 15-8)
Sec Num (3) Sector Number (LBA 7-0)
Sec Cnt (2) Sector Count
Feature (1) X
5.1.32 Write Verify Sector(s)–3CH
This command writes from 1 to 256 sectors as specified in the Sector Count Register . A sector
count of zero requests 256 sectors. The transfer begins at the sector specified in the Sector
Number Register. When this command is accepted, the card sets BSY, then sets DRQ and
clears BSY, then waits for the host to fill the sector buffer with the data to be written. No
interrupt is generated to start the first buffer fill operation. No data should be transferred by the
host until BSY has been cleared by the host.
For multiple sectors, after the first sector of data is in the buf fer , BSY will be set and DRQ will
be cleared. After the next buffer is ready for data, BSY is cleared, DRQ is set and an interrupt
is generated. When the final sector of data is transferred, BSY is set and DRQ is cleared. It will
remain in this state until the command is completed at which time BSY is cleared and an
interrupt is generated.
Table 5-42 Write Verify Sector(s)
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7) 3CH
C/D/H (6) 1 LBA 1 Drive Head (LBA 27-24)
Cyl High (5) Cylinder High (LBA 23-16)
Cyl Low (4) Cylinder Low (LBA 15-8)
Sec Num (3) Sector Number (LBA 7-0)
Sec Cnt (2) Sector Count
Feature (1) X
If an error occurs during a write of more than one sector, writing terminates at the sector where
the error occurs. The Command Block registers contain the cylinder, head and sector number
of the sector where the error occurred. The host may then read the command block to
determine what error has occurred, and on which sector.
02/07, Rev. 12.0 5-28 © 2007 SanDisk Corporation
SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual ATA Command Description
5.2 Error Posting
Table 5-43 summarizes the valid status and error value for all the ATA command set.
Table 5-43 Error and Status Registera
Error Register Status Register
Check Power Mode - - - V - V V V - V
Execute Drive Diagnostic - - - - - V - V - V
Erase Sector(s) V - V V V V V V - V
Format Track - - V V V V V V - V
Identify Device - - - V - V V V - V
Idle - - - V - V V V - V
Idle Immediate - - - V - V V V - V
Initialize Drive Parameters - - - - - V - V - V
Read Buffer - - - V - V V V - V
Read DMAb V V V V V V V V V V
Read Multiple V V V V V V V V V V
Read Long Sector V -V V V V V V V - V
Read Sector(s) V V V V V V V V V V
Read Verify Sectors V V V V V V V V V V
Recalibrate - - - V - V V V - V
Request Sense - - - V - V - V - V
Seek - - V V - V V V - V
Set Features - - - V - V V V - V
Set Multiple Mode - - - V - V V V - V
Set Sleep Mode - - - V - V V V - V
Standby - - - V - V V V - V
Standby Immediate - - - V - V V V - V
Translate Sector V - V V V V V V - V
Wear Level V V V V V V V V - V
Write Buffer - - - V - V V V - V
Write DMA V - V V - V V - - V
Write Long Sector V - V V V V V V - V
Write Multiple V - V V V V V V - V
Write Multiple w/o Erase V - V V V V V V - V
Write Secto r (s) V - V V V V V V - V
Write Sector(s) w/o Erase V - V V V V V V - V
Write Verify Sector(s) V - V V V V V V - V
Invalid Command Code - - - V - V V V - V
a. V = Valid on this command.
b. CompactFlash products support multiword DMA.
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 5-29 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
ATA Command Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
–This page intentionally left blank–
02/07, Rev. 12.0 5-30 © 2007 SanDisk Corporation
CHAPTER 6 CIS Description
This section describes the Card Inform ation Structure (CIS) for SanDisk CompactFlash
Memory cards.
Table 6-1 Card Information Structure
Offset Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Content Description CIS
000h 01h CISTPL_DEVICE Device Info Tuple Tuple Code
002h 04h Link is 4 bytes Link to
next tuple
004h DFh Dev ID Type
Dh = I/O
7h = Ext
I/O Device, Wa it State,
Extended Speed Device ID,
WPS, Speed
006h 12h X Speed Mantissa = 2h Speed Exponent = 2h 120 ns if no wait Extended
Extreme III
X Speed Mantissa = Fh Speed Exponent = 1h 80 ns if no wait Extended
008h 01h # Address Unit – 1 = 1x Side Code = 2k units (One) 2 kB of Address
Space Device Size
00Ah FFh List End Marker End of Devices End Marker
00Ch 1Ch CISTPL_DEVICE_OC Other Conditions
Info Tuple Tuple Code
00Eh 04h Link is 4 Bytes Link to Next
010h 03h Reserved = 0 VCC W
Conditions: 3V operation
is allowed and WAIT
is used
3 V Operation,
Wait Function
012h D9h Dev ID Type
Dh = I/O W
1 Speed = 1h I/O Device, WPS,
Speed = 250 ns Device ID,
WPS, Speed
014h 01h # Address Unit – 1 = 1x Side Code = 2k units 2 kB of Address Space Device Size
016h FFh List End Marker End of Devices End Marker
Common Memory Tuple Code
01Ah 02h Link is 2 bytes Link Length
01Ch DFh PCMCIA JEDEC Manufacturer’s ID First byte of JEDEC ID
for SanDisk PC Card
Byte 1,
Device 1
01Eh 01h PCMCIA Code for PC Card-ATA No Vpp Required Second Byte of
JEDEC ID Byte 2,
020h 20h CISTPL_MANFID Manufacturer ’s ID Tuple Tuple Code
022h 04h Link is 4 bytes Link Length
024h 45h Low Byte of PCMCIA Manufacturer’s Code SanDisk JEDEC
Manufacturer ’s ID Low Byte of
Mfg ID
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 6-1 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
CIS Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Table 6-1 Card Information Structure
Offset Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Content Description CIS
026h 00h High Byte of PCMCIA Manufacturer’s Code Code of 0 because other High Byte of
byte is JEDEC 1 byte PCMCIA
Manufacturer’s ID Mfg ID
028h 01h Low Byte of Product Code SanDisk Code for
SDP Series Low By te
Product Code
02Ah 04h High Byte of Product Code SanDisk Code for
PC Card ATA High Byte
Product Code
02Ch 15h CISTPL_VER_1 Level 1 V ersion/Product
Info Tuple Code
02Eh 17h Link to next tuple is
23 bytes Link Length
030h 04h TPPLV1_MAJOR PCMCIA 2.0/JEIDA 4.1 Major Version
032h 01h TPPLV1_MINOR PCMCIA 2.0/JEIDA 4.1 Minor Version
034h 53h ASCII Manufacturer String ‘S’ String 1
036h 61h ‘a’a
038h 6Eh ‘n’
03Ah 44h ‘D’
03Ch 69h ‘i’
03Eh 73h ‘s’
040h 6Bh ‘k’
042h 00h End of Manufacturer String Null Terminator
044h 53h ASCII Product Name String ‘S’ Info String 2
046h 44h ‘D’
048h 50h ‘P’
04Ah 00h End of Product Name String Null Terminator
04Ch 35h 5’ Info String 3
04Eh 2Fh ‘/’
050h 33h ‘3’
052h 20h ‘ ‘
054h 30h SanDisk Card CIS Revision Number ‘0’
056h 2Eh ‘.’
058h 36h ‘6’
05Ah 00h End of CIS Revision Number Null Terminator
05Ch FFh End of List Marker FFh List Terminator No Info
String 4
05Eh 80h CISTPL_VEND_SPECIF_80 SanDisk Parameters
Tuple Tuple Code
060h 03h (Field Bytes 3-4 taken as 0) Link Length is 3 Bytes Link to Next
Tuple and
Length of Info
in this Tuple
02/07, Rev. 12.0 6-2 © 2007 SanDisk Corporation
SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual CIS Description
Table 6-1 Card Information Structure
Offset Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Content Description CIS
062h 14h W 12 NI PP P R I A R I R SP No Wear Level & NO SanDisk
D Vpp Fields, 1 to 4
N W: No Wear Level Bytes limited
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 0 12: Vpp not used on
by link length
NI: -INPACK connected
PP: Programmable
PDNA: Pwr Down Not
RIA: RBsy, ATBsy con-
RIR: RBsy Inhibited at
SP: No Security Present
This definition applies
only to cards with
Manufacturer's ID tuple
1st 3 bytes 45 00 01.
064h 08h R R R R E TPR TAR R8 R8: 8 bit ROM present SanDisk
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 TAR: Temp Bsy on AT
Fields, 1 to 4
bytes limited
TPR: Temp Bsy on by link length
PCMCIA – Reset
E: Erase Ahead Avail-
R: Reserved, 0 for now
This definition applies
only to cards with
Manufacturer's ID tuple
1st 3 bytes 45 00 01.
066h 00h For specific
use only
068h 21h CISTPL_FUNCID Function ID Tuple Tuple Code
06Ah 02h Link Length is 2 Bytes Link to
Next Tuple
06Ch 04h Function Type Code Disk Function Function
06Eh 01h R
Attempt installation
at POST:
P: Install at POST
R: Reserved (0)
070h 22h CISTPL_FUNCE Function
Extension Tuple Tuple Code
072h 02h Link Length is 2 Bytes Link to
Next Tuple
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 6-3 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
CIS Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Table 6-1 Card Information Structure
Offset Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Content Description CIS
074h 01h Disk Function Extension Tuple Type Extension T uple Extension
describes the Interface Tuple Type
Protocol for Disk
076h 01h Interface Type Code PC Card–ATA Interface Extension Info
078h 22h CISTPL_FUNCE Function Extension tuple Tuple Code
07Ah 03h Tuple has 3 Info Bytes Link Length
07Ch 02h Disk Function Extension Tuple Type Basic PCMCIA-ATA Extension
Extension Tuple Tuple Type
for Disk
07Eh 0Ch R
Unique Manufacturer/
Serial Number com-
bined string:
Basic ATA
V = 0: No Vpp Required
V = 1: Vpp on Modified
V = 2: Vpp on Any
V = 3: Vpp Continuous
S: Silicon, else Rotating
U: ID Drive Mfg/SN
080h 0Fh R
All power-down modes
and power commands
are not needed to
A T A Option
minimize power.
P0: Sleep Mode
P1: Standby Mode
P2: Idle Mode
P3: Drive Auto Power
N: Some Config
Excludes 3X7
E: Index Bit is Emulated
I: Twin–-IOis16 Data
Reg Only
082h 1Ah CISTPL_CONF Configuration Tuple Tuple Code
084h 05h Link Length is 5 Bytes Link to
Next Tuple
02/07, Rev. 12.0 6-4 © 2007 SanDisk Corporation
SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual CIS Description
Table 6-1 Card Information Structure
Offset Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Content Description CIS
086h 01h RFS RMS RAS Size of Reserved Field Size of
00 00 01 is 0 Bytes
Size of Register Mask
is 1 Byte
Fields Byte
Size of Config Base
Address is 2 Bytes
RFS: Bytes in
Reserved Field
RMS: Bytes in
Reg Mask–1
RAS: Bytes in
Base Addr–1
088h 07h TPCC_LAST Entry with Config Index
07h is final entry in table Last Entry of
Config. Table
08Ah 00h TPCC_RADR (LSB) Configuration Registers
located at 200h
in Reg. Space
Location of
08Ch 02h TPCC_RADR (MSB)
08Eh 0Fh R
First (4) Configuration
Registers are present: TPCC_RMSK
I: Configuration Index
C: Configuration and
P: Pin Replacement
S: Socket and Copy
R: Rese rved for
future use
090h 1Bh CISTPL_CE Configuration
Entry Tuple Tuple Code
092h 0Bh Link to Next Tuple is 11 Link to
Bytes. Also limits size of Next Tuple
this tuple to 13 bytes.
094h C0h I
Configuration Index
0 Memory Mapped
I/O Configuration TPCE_INDX
Configuration Index for
this entry is 0. Interface
Byte follows this byte.
Default Configuration,
so is not dependent on
previous Default
D: Default Configuration
I: Interface Byte follows
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 6-5 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
CIS Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Table 6-1 Card Information Structure
Offset Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Content Description CIS
096h C0h W
Interface Type Memory Only
Interface(0), Bvd's and
wProt not used,
Ready/-Busy and Wait
for memory cycles
B: Battery Volt
Detects Used
P: Write Protect Used
R: Ready/-Busy Used
W: Wait Used for
Memory Cycles
098h A1h M MS IR IO T P VCC only Power; TPCE_FS
1 1 0 0 0 1 No Timing, I/O, or IRQ;
2 Byte Memory
Space Length;
Misc Entry Present.
P: Power Info type
T: Timin Info present
IO :I/O Port Info present
IR: Interrupt Info present
MS: Mem Space Info
M: Misc Info Byte(s)
09Ah 27h R DI PI AI SI HV LV NV Nominal Voltage follows: Power
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 NV: Nominal Voltage
LV: Mimimum Voltage
for VCC
HB: Maximum Voltage
SI: Static Current
AI: Average Current
PI: Peak Current
DI: Power Down Current
09Ch 55h X
Ah = 5.0
5h = 1V
VCC Nominal is 5 V VCC Nominal
09Eh 4Dh X
9h = 4.5
5h = 1V
VCC Nominal is 4.5 V VCC Mi n.
0A0h 5Dh X
Bh = 5.5
5h = 1V
VCC Nominal is 5.5 V VCC Max.
0A2h 75h X Mantissa Exponent Max. Average Current Max. Average
0 Eh = 8.0 5h = 10 over 10 ms is 80 mA Current
0A4h 08h Length in 256 Bytes Pages (LSB) Length of Memory
Space is 2 kB TPCE_MS
Length LSB
0A6h 00h Length in 256 Bytes Pages (MSB) Start at 0 on card TPCE_MS
Length MSB
02/07, Rev. 12.0 6-6 © 2007 SanDisk Corporation
SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual CIS Description
Table 6-1 Card Information Structure
Offset Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Content Description CIS
0A8h 21h X
Power-Down and
Twin Card. TPCE_MI
T: Twin Cards Allowed
A: Audio Supported
RO: Read Only Mode
P: Power Down
R: Reserved
X: More Miscellaneous
Fields Bytes
0AAh 1Bh CISTPL_CE Configu ration Entry
Tuple Tuple Code
0ACh 06h Link to Next Tuple is 6 Link to
Bytes. Also limits size of Next Tuple
this tuple to 8 bytes.
0AEh 00h I D Configuration Index Memory Mapped I/O TPCE_INDX
0 0 0 3.3V Configuration.
0B0h 01h M MS IR IO T P P: Power Info type TPCE_FS
0 0 0 0 0 1
0B2h 21h R DI PI AI SI H LV NV PI: Peak Current TPCE_PD
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 NV: Nominal Operation
Supply Voltage
0B4h B5h X
6h = 3.0
5h = 10
Nominal Operation
Supply Voltage = 3.0V Nominal
0B6h 1Eh X 1Eh +.30 Nominal
0 Operation
0B8h 4Dh X
9h = 4.5
5h = 10
Max. Average Current
over 10 ms is 45 mA Max. Average
0BAh 1Bh CISTPL_CE Configuration
Entry Tuple Tuple Code
0BCh 0Dh Link to Next Tuple is 13 Link to
Bytes. Also limits size of Next Tuple
this tuple to 15 bytes.
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 6-7 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
CIS Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Table 6-1 Card Information Structure
Offset Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Content Description CIS
0BEh C1h I
Configuration Index
I/O Mapped Contiguous
16 Registers
Configuration Index for
this entry is 1. Interface
Byte follows this byte.
Default Configuration,
therefore is not
dependent on previous
Default Configuration.
D: Default Configuration
I: Interface Byte follows
0C0h 41h W
Interface Type
I/O Interface(1), Bvd's
and wProt not used;
Ready/-Busy active but
Wait not used for
memory cycles.
B: Battery Volt
Detects Used
P: Write Protect Used
R: Ready/-Busy Used
W: Wait Used for
Memory Cycles
0C2h 99h M MS IR IO T P VCC Only Power TPCE_FS
1 0 1 1 0 1 De scriptors; No Timing;
I/O and IRQ present; No
Memory Space; Misc
Entry Present
P: Power Info type
T: Timing Info present
IO :I/O Port Info present
IR: Interrupt Info present
MS: Memory Space Info
M: Misc Info Byte(s)
0C4h 27h R DI PI AI SI HV LV NV Nominal Voltage Follows Power
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 NV: Nominal Voltage
LV: Mimimum Voltage
for VCC
HB: Maximum Voltage
SI: Static Current
AI: Average Current
PI: Peak Current
DI: Power Down Current
0C6h 55h X Mantissa Exponent VCC Nominal is 5V VCC Nominal
0 Ah = 5.0 5h = 1V Value
02/07, Rev. 12.0 6-8 © 2007 SanDisk Corporation
SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual CIS Description
Table 6-1 Card Information Structure
Offset Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Content Description CIS
0C8h 4Dh X Mantissa Exponent VCC Nominal is 4.5V VCC Mi n.
0 9h = 4.5 5h = 1V Value
0CAh 5Dh X Mantissa Exponent VCC Nominal is 5.5V VCC Max.
0 Bh = 5.5 5h = 1V Value
0CCh 75h X Mantissa Exponent Max. Average Current Max. Average
0 Eh = 8.0 5h = 10 over 10 ms is 80 mA Current
0CEh 64h R
IO AddeLines
Supports both 8 and 16
bit I/O hosts. 4 Address
lines & no range so 16
registers and host must
do all of the selection
IO AddrLines:#lines
E: 8-bit Only Hosts
S: 16-bit Hosts
R: Range follows
0D0h F0h S
IRQ Sharing Logic
Active in Card
Control & Status
Register, Pulse and
Level Mode Interrupts
Recommended IRQ's
any of 0 through 15(F)
S: Share Logic Active
P: Pulse Mode IRQ
L: Level Mode IRQ
M: Bit Mask of IRQs
V: Vendor Unique IRQ
B: Bus Error IRQ
I: IO Check IRQ
N: Non-Maskable IRQ
0D2h FFh 7
IRQ Levels to be routed
0 - 15 recommended. TPCE_IR
Byte 1
0D4h FFh F
Recommended routing
to any "normal,
maskable" IRQ.
Byte 2
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 6-9 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
CIS Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Table 6-1 Card Information Structure
Offset Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Content Description CIS
0D6h 21h X
and Twin Card. TPCE_MI
T: Twin Cards Allowed
A: Audio Supported
RO: Read Only Mode
P: Power Down
R: Reserved
X: More Misc Fiel d s
0D8h 1Bh CISTPL_CE Configuration
Entry Tuple Tuple Code
0DAh 06h Link to Next Tuple is 6 Link to
Bytes. Also limits size of Next Tuple
this tuple to 8 bytes.
0DCh 01h I
Configuration Index
I/O Mapped Contiguous
3.3V Configuration
0DEh 01h M MS IR IO T P P: Power I nfo type TPCE_FS
0 0 0 0 0 1
0E0h 21h R
PI: Peak Current
NV: Nominal Operation
Supply Voltage
for VCC
0E2h B5h X Mantissa Exponent Nominal Operation Nominal
1 6h = 3.0 5h = 1 Supply Voltage = 3.0V Operation
0E4h 1Eh X 1Eh +.30 Nominal
0 Operation
0E6h 4Dh X
9h = 4.5
5h = 10
Max. Average Current
over 10 ms is 45 mA Max. Average
0E8h 1Bh CISTPL_CE Configuration
Entry Tuple Tuple Code
0EAh 12h Link to Next Tuple is 18 Link to
Bytes. Also limits size of Next Tuple
this tuple to 20 bytes
0ECh C2h I
Configuration Index
A T Fixed Disk Primary
I/O Address
Configuration Index for
this entry is 2. Interface
Byte follows this byte.
Default Configuration
02/07, Rev. 12.0 6-10 © 2007 SanDisk Corporation
SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual CIS Description
Table 6-1 Card Information Structure
Offset Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Content Description CIS
0EEh 41h W
Interface Type
I/O Interface(1), Bvd's
and wProt not used;
Ready/-Busy active but
Wait not used for
memory cycles.
B: Battery Volt Detects
P: Write Protect Used
R: Ready/-Busy Used
W: Wait Used for
Memory Cycles
0F0h 99h M MS IR IO T P VCC Only Power TPCE_FS
1 0 1 1 0 1 Description; No Timing;
I/O and IRQ present; No
Memory Space; Misc
Entry present.
P: Power Info type
T: Timing Info present
IO: I/O Port Info present
IR: Interrupt Info present
MS: Memory Space Info
M: Misc Info Byte(s)
0F2h 27h R DI PI AI SI HV LV NV Nominal Voltage follows: Power
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 NV: Nominal Voltage
LV: Mimimum Voltage
for VCC
HB: Maximum Voltage
SI: Static Current
AI: Average Current
PI: Peak Current
DI: Power Down Current
0F4h 55h X Mantissa Exponent VCC Nominal is 5V VCC Nominal
0 Ah = 5.0 5h = 1V Value
0F6h 4Dh X Mantissa Exponent VCC Nom inal is 4.5V VCC Min.
0 9h = 4.5 5h = 1V Value
0F8h 5Dh X Mantissa Exponent VCC Nom inal is 5.5V VCC Max.
0 Bh = 5.5 5h = 1V Value
0FAh 75h X Mantissa Exponent Max. Average Current Max. Average
0 9h = 4.5 5h = 10 over 10 ms is 80 mA Current
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 6-11 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
CIS Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Table 6-1 Card Information Structure
Offset Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Content Description CIS
IO AddeLines
Ah = 10
Supports both 8- and
16-bit I/O hosts. 10
Address Lines with
range so card will
respond only to
indicated (1F0-1F7,
3F6-3F7) on A9 through
A0 for I/O cycles. IO
E: 8-bit Only Hosts
S: 16-bit Hosts
R: Range follows
0FEh 61h LS
N Ranges - 1
Number of Ranges is 2;
Size of each address is
2 bytes; size of each
length is 1 byte.
I/O Range
AS: Size of Addresses
0: No Address Present
1: 1Byte (8 bit)
2: 2Byte (16 bit)
3: 4Byte (32 bit)
LS: Size of length
0: No Lengths Present
1: 1Byte (8 bit) Lengths
2: 2Byte (16 bit)
3: 4Byte (32 bit)
100h F0h 1st I/O Base Address (lsb) First I/O Range Base
is 1F0h
102h 01h 1st I/O Base Address (msb)
104h 07h 1st I/O Range Length - 1 8 Bytes Total ==>
1F0-1F7h I/O Length–1
106h F6h 2nd I/O Base Address (lsb) 2nd I/O Range Base
is 3F6h
108h 03h 2nd I/O Base Address (msb)
10Ah 01h 2nd I/O Range Length - 1 2 Bytes Total ==>
3F6-3F7h I/O Length–1
02/07, Rev. 12.0 6-12 © 2007 SanDisk Corporation
SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual CIS Description
Table 6-1 Card Information Structure
Offset Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Content Description CIS
10Ch EEh S
Recommend IRQ Level
Eh = 14
IRQ Sharing Logic
Active in Card
Control & Status
Register, Pulse and
Level Mode Interrupts
Recommended IRQ's
any of 0 through 15(F)
S: Share Logic Active
P: Pulse Mode IRQ
L: Level Mode IRQ
M: Bit Mask of IRQs
M=0 so bits 3-0 are
single level, binary
10Eh 21h X
and Twin Card. TPCE_MI
T: Twin Cards Allowed
A: Audio Supported
RO: Read Only Mode
P: Power Down
R: Reserved
X: More Misc Fields
1 10h 1Bh CISTPL_CE Configuration
Entry Tuple Tuple Code
112h 06h Link to Next Tuple is 6 Link to
Bytes. Also limits size of Next Tuple
this tuple to 8 bytes.
114h 02h I D Configuration Index A T Fixed Disk Primary TPCE_INDX
0 0 2 I/O 3.3V Configuration
116h 01h M MS IR IO T P P: Power Info type TPC E _FS
0 0 0 0 0 1
118h 21h R
PI: Peak Current
NV: Nominal Operation
Supply Voltage
for VCC
11AH B5h X Mantissa Exponent Nominal Operation Nominal
1 6h = 3.0 5h = 1 Supply Voltage = 3.0V Operation
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 6-13 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
CIS Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Table 6-1 Card Information Structure
Offset Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Content Description CIS
11Ch 1Eh X 1Eh +.30 Nominal
0 Operation
11Eh 4Dh X Mantissa Exponent Max. Average Current Max. Average
0 9h = 4.5 5h = 10 over 10 ms is 45 mA Current
120h 1Bh CISTPL_CE Configuration
Entry Tuple Tuple Code
122h 12h Link to Next Tuple is 18 Link to
Bytes. Also limits size of Next Tuple
this tuple to 20 bytes.
124h C3h I
Configuration Index
AT Fixed Disk
Secondary I/O
Address Configuration
Configuration Index for
this entry is 3. Interface
Byte follows this byte.
Default Configuration
126h 41h W
Interface Type
I/O Interface(1), Bvd's
and wProt not used;
Ready/-Busy active but
Wait not used for
memory cycles.
B: Battery Volt Detects
P: Write Protect Used
R: Ready/-Busy Used
W: Wait Used for
Memory Cycles
128h 99h M MS IR IO T P VCC-Only Power TPCE_FS
1 0 1 1 0 1 De scriptors; No Timing;
I/O and IRQ present; No
Memory Space; Misc
Entry Present.
P: Power Info type
T: Timing Info present
IO: I/O Port Info present
IR: Interrupt Info present
MS: Memory Space Info
M: Misc Info Byte(s)
02/07, Rev. 12.0 6-14 © 2007 SanDisk Corporation
SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual CIS Description
Table 6-1 Card Information Structure
Offset Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Content Description CIS
12Ah 27h R DI PI AI SI HV LV NV Nominal Voltage Follows Power
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 NV: Nominal Voltage
LV: Mimimum Voltage
for VCC
HB: Maximum Voltage
SI: Static Current
AI: Average Current
PI: Peak Current
DI: Power Down Current
12Ch 55h X Mantissa Exponent VCC Nominal is 5V VCC Nominal
0 Ah = 5.0 5h = 1V Value
12Eh 4Dh X Mantissa Exponent VCC Nominal is 4.5V VCC Min.
0 9h = 4.5 5h = 1V Value
130h 5Dh X Mantissa Exponent VCC Nominal is 5.5V V CC Max .
0 Bh = 5.5 5h = 1V Value
132h 75h X
Eh = 1.0
5h = 10
Max. Average Current
over 10 ms is 80 mA Max. Average
134h EAh R
IO AddeLines
Ah = 10
Supports both 8- and
16-bit I/O hosts. 10
Address Lines with
Range so card will
respond only to
indicated (170-177, 376-
377) on A9 through A0
for I/O cycles . IO
E: 8-bit Only Hosts
S: 16-bit Hosts
R: Range follows
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 6-15 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
CIS Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Table 6-1 Card Information Structure
Offset Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Content Description CIS
136h 61h LS
N Ranges–1
Number of Ranges is 2;
Size of each address is
2 bytes; size of each
length is 1 byte.
I/O Range
AS: Size of Addresses
0: No Address Present
1: 1Byte (8 bit)
2: 2Byte (16 bit)
3: 4Byte (32 bit)
LS: Size of length
0: No Lengths Present
1: 1Byte (8 bit) Lengths
2: 2Byte (16 bit)
3: 4Byte (32 bit)
138h 70h 1st I/O Base Address (LSB) First I/O Range Base
is 170h
13Ah 01h 1st I/O Base Address (MSB)
13Ch 07h 1st I/O Range Length–1 8 Bytes Total ==>
170-177h I/O Length–1
13Eh 76h 2nd I/O Base Address (LSB) Second I/O Range
Base is 376h
140h 03h 2nd I/O Base Address (MSB)
142h 01h 2nd I/O Range Length–1 2 Bytes T otal ==>
376-377h I/O Length–1
144h EEh S
Recommend IRQ Level
Eh = 14
IRQ Sharing Logic
Active in Card Control &
Status Register, Pulse
and Level Mode
Interrupts supported,
Recommended IRQ's
any of 0 through 15(F).
S: Share Logic Active
P: Pulse Mode IRQ
L: Level Mode IRQ
M: Bit Mask of IRQs
M=0 therefore bits 3-0
are single level, binary
02/07, Rev. 12.0 6-16 © 2007 SanDisk Corporation
SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual CIS Description
Table 6-1 Card Information Structure
Offset Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Content Description CIS
146h 21h X
and Twin Card. TPCE_MI
T: Twin Cards Allowed
A: Audio Supported
RO: Read Only Mode
P: Power Down
R: Reserved
X: More Misc Fields
148h 1Bh CISTPL_CE Configuration
Entry Tuple Tuple Code
14Ah 06h Link to Next Tuple is 6 Link to
Bytes. Also limits size of Next Tuple
this tuple to 8 bytes.
14Ch 03h I D Configuration Index AT Fixed Disk TPCE_INDX
0 0 3 Secondary I/O
3.3V Configuration
14Eh 01h M MS IR IO T P P: Power Info type TPCE_FS
0 0 0 0 0 1
150h 21h R
PI: Peak Current
NV: Nominal Operation
Supply Voltage
for VCC
152h B5h X Mantissa Exponent Nominal Operation Nominal
1 6h = 3.0 5h = 1 Supply Voltage = 3.0V Operation
154h 1Eh X 1Eh 0.3 Nominal
0 Operation
156h 4Dh X Mantissa Exponent Max. Average Current Max. Average
0 9h = 4.5 5h = 10 over 10 ms is 45 mA Current
158H 1Bh CISTPL_CE Configuration
Entry Tuple Tuple Code
15Ah 04h Link to Next Tuple Link to
is 4 bytes Next Tuple
15Ch 07h I D Configuration Index AT Fixed Disk TPCE_INDX
0 0 7 Secondary I/O
3.3V Configuration
15Eh 00h M MS IR IO T P P: Power Info type TPCE_FS
0 0 0 0 0 0
160h 028h SanDisk Code Reserved
162h 0D3h SanDisk Code Reserved
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation 6-17 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
CIS Description SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
Table 6-1 Card Information Structure
Offset Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Content Description CIS
164h 014h CISTPL_NO_LINK Prevent scan of
common memory Tuple Code
166h 000h No Bytes following Link Length is 0 Bytes Link to
Next Tuple
168h 0FFh End of Tuple Chain End of CIS Tuple Code
a. Legacy CompactFlash products may report "SunDisk" as the ASCII manufacture string.
02/07, Rev. 12.0 6-18 © 2007 SanDisk Corporation
Appendix A Ordering Information
A.1 SanDisk CompactFlash Memory Card1
To order SanDisk prod ucts directly from SanDisk, call (408) 801-1000 .
Part Number Capacity
(formatt ed in
bytes) Sectors/Card
(Max. LBA+1) No. of
No. of
Track No. of
SDCFJ-128-388 128 MB 128,450,560 250,880 8 32 980
SDCFJ-256-388 256 MB 256,901,120 501,760 16 32 980
SDCFJ-512-388 512 MB 512,483,328 1,000,944 16 63 993
SDCFJ-1024-388 1024 MB 1,024,966,656 2,001,888 16 63 1,986
SDCFJ-2048-388 2048 MB 2,048,901,120 4,001,760 16 63 3,970
SDCFJ-4096-388 4096 MB 4,110,188,544 8,027,712 16 63 7,964
SDCFH-1024-388 1024 MB 1,024,966,656 2,001,888 16 63 1,986
SDCFH-2048-388 2048 MB 2,048,901,120 4,001,760 16 63 3,970
SDCFH-4096-388 4096 MB 4,110,188,544 8,027,712 16 63 7,964
SDCFH-8192-388 8192 MB 8,195,604,480 16,007,040 16 63 15,880
SDCFH-16384-388 16384 MB 16,391,208,960 32,014,080 16 63 31,760
SDCFX3-2048-388 2048 MB 2,048,901,120 4,001,760 16 63 3,970
SDCFX3-4096-388 4096 MB 4,110,188,544 8,027,712 16 63 7,964
SDCFX3-8192-388 8192 MB 8,195,604,480 16,007,040 16 63 15,880
SDCFX3-12288-388 12288 MB 12,293,406.720 24,010,560 16 63 23,820
SDCFX3-16384-388 16384 MB 16,391,208,960 32,014,080 16 63 31,760
1. 1 megabyte (MB) = 1 million bytes; 1 gigabyte (GB) = 1 billion bytes. Some of the listed capacity is used for formatting
and other functions, and thus is not available for data storage.
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation A-1 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
Ordering Information SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
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Rev. 12.0, 02/07 A-2 © 2007 SanDisk Corporation
Appendix B Limited Warranty
SanDisk warrants its products to be free of any defects in materials or workmanship that would
prevent them from functioning properly for one year from the date of purchase. This express
warranty is extended by SanDisk Corporation.
This warranty sets forth the full extent of SanDisk's responsibilities regarding the SanDisk SD
Card. In satisfaction of its obligations hereunder , SanDisk, at its sole option, will repair , replace
or refund the purchase price of the product.
SanDisk's products are not warranted to operate without failure. Accordingly, in any use of
products in life support systems or other applications where failure could cause injury or loss of
life, the products should only be incorporated in systems designed with appropriate
redundancy, fault tolerant or back-up features.
For products found to be defective within one year of purchase, SanDisk will have the option of
repairing or replacing the defective product, if the following conditions are met:
A. A warranty registration card for each defective product was submitted and is on file at
SanDisk. If not, a warranty registration card must accompany each returned defective product.
This card is included in each product's original retail package.
B. The defective product is returned to SanDisk for failure analysis as soon as possible after the
failure occurs.
C. An incident card filled out by the user, explaining the conditions of usage and the nature of
the failure, accompanies each returned defective product.
D. No evidence is found of abuse or operation of products not in accordance with the published
specifications, or of exceeding storage or maximum ratings or operating conditions.
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation B-1 Rev. 12.0, 02/07
Limited Warranty SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
All failing products retu rned to SanDisk under the provisions of this limited warranty shall be
tested to the product's functional an d performance specifications. Upon co nfirmation of
failure, each product will be analyzed, by whatever means necessary, to determine the root
cause of failure. If the root cause of failure is found to be not covered by the above provisions,
then the product will be returned to the customer with a report indicating why the failure was
not covered under the warranty.
This warranty does not cover defects, malfunctions, performance failures or damages to th e
unit resulting from use in other than its normal and customary manner, misuse, accident or
neglect; or improper alterations or repairs.
SanDisk reserves the right to repair or replace, at its discretion, any product returned by its
customers, even if such product is not covered under warranty , but is under no obligation to do
SanDisk may, at its discretion, ship repaired or rebuilt products identi fied i n the same way as
new products, provided such cards meet or exceed the same published specifications as new
products. Concurrently, San Disk also reserves the rig ht to market any products, whether new,
repaired, or rebuilt, under different specifications and product designations if such products do
not meet the original product's specifications.
According to SanDisk's warran ty procedure, defective product should be returned only with
prior authorization from SanDisk Corporation. Please contact SanDisk's OEM Support
Department at 866-436 -6073 with the following i nformation: product m odel number and
description, serial numbers, nature of defect, conditions of use, proof of purchase and purchase
date. If approved, SanDisk will issue a Return Material Authorization or Product Repair
Authorization n um ber and provide a shipping address where the defective product can be
APPLY TO YOU. This warranty gives you specific rights and you may also have other rights
that vary from state to state.
02/07, Rev. 12.0 B-2 © 2007 SanDisk Corporation
Appendix C Disclaimer of Liability
C.1 SanDisk Corporation Policy
SanDisk Corporation general policy does not recommend the use of its products in life support
applications wherein a failure or malfunction of the product may directly threaten life or injury .
Accordingly, in any use of products in life support system s or oth er applications where failure
could cause damage, injury or loss of life, the products should only be incorporated in systems
designed with appropriate redundancy, fault tolerant or back-up features.
SanDisk shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage caused by use of the Products in any
of the following applications:
Special applications such as military related equipment, nuclear reactor control, and aero-
Control devices for automot ive vehi cles , train, ship and traffic equipment
Safety system for disaster prevention and crime prevention
Medical-related equipment including medical measurement device
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation C-1 Rev. 12.0, 2/2007
Disclaimer of Liability SanDisk CompactFlash Card OEM Product Manual
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02/07, Rev. 12.0 C-2 © 2007 SanDisk Corporation