Rev. 7
Surface Mount Aluminum
Electrolytic Capacitors
SHT Series
h Tem
105°C 1000 hours
For high density mounting
Item Characteristic
Operation Temperature Range -55 ~ +105°C
Rated Working Voltage 6.3 ~ 50VDC
Capacitance Tolerance
(120Hz 20°C) ±20%(M)
Leakage Current
I ≤0.01CV or 3 ( µA )
*Whichever is greater after 2 minutes
I: Leakage Current ( µA) C: Rated Capacitance ( µF) V: Working Voltage (V)
Surge Voltage
W.V. 6.3 10 16 25 35 50
S.V. 8 13 20 32 44 63
Dissipation Factor (tan δ)
(120Hz 20°C)
W.V. 6.3 10 16 25 35 50
tan δ Φ4~ϕ6.3 0.30 0.22 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.12
Φ8~ϕ10 0.35 0.26 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.12
Low Temperature Stability
Impedance ratio at 120Hz
Rated Voltage (V) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50
-25°C / +20°C 4 3 2 2 2 2
-40°C / +20°C 8 6 4 4 3 3
Load Life
After 1000 hours application of W.V. and +105°C ripple current value, the capacitor shall meet the
following limits. (DC + ripple peak voltage ≤ rate working voltage)
Capacitance Change ≤ ±30% of initial value for 6.3 W.V., ≤ ±25% of initial value for 10~50 W.V.
Dissipation Factor ≤ 200% of initial specified value
Leakage current ≤ initial specified value
Shelf Life At +105°C, no voltage application after 1000 hours, the capacitor shall meet the limits for load life
characteristics. (With voltage treatment)
Resistance to Soldering Heat
Capacitors placed on a 250°C hot plate for 30 seconds with their electrode terminals facing
downward will fulfill the following conditions after being cooled to room temperature.
Capacitance Change ≤ ±10% of initial value
Dissipation Factor ≤ initial specified value
Leakage current ≤ initial specified value
SHT 50V 221 M J 102
Meritek Series
Capacitance expressed in microfarads (μF).
First two digits are significant figures.
Third digit denotes number of zeros.
'R' denotes decimal point for values less than 10 μF
Case Diamete
Case Height (mm)
The third digit denotes the first decimal place
For example, 102 = 10.2mm
Case Diameter Code Φ D
D Φ 4.0
E Φ 5.0
F Φ 6.3
H Φ 8.0
J Φ 10.0