Panasonic Corporation Electromechanical Control Business Division Panasonic Corporation 2020
Requests to customers
Specications and warranty range of this product
Safety precautions
The contents and data of this product and its specications and Web
site (hereinafter referred to as "specications") are subject to change
(including specications, manufacturing facility, discontinuing
products). Consequently, when you use this product for mass
production, Panasonic Corporation, Electromechanical Control
Business Division (hereinafter referred to as "Panasonic Corporation")
asks you to contact one of our customer service representatives and
check that the details listed in Web site and catalog are commensurate
with the most up-to-date information.
Even if there is a mistake, inaccurate description, or incomplete
description in the contents of Web site and catalog or the disclosure
related to any product, Panasonic Corporation and its aliates, agents,
employees, or all persons act for us (hereinafter collectively referred to
as "Panasonic Corporation") are not responsible for it and we will not
take any liability.
Panasonic Corporation guarantees that this product will correspond to
the contents described in specications during the warranty period
specied in specications. Further, the data described in specications
is the initial value at the time of shipment of this product, and it shall
not guarantee that it operates in a specic application, whether
explicitly or implicitly. Panasonic Corporation will not guarantee the
suitability of this product for any particular purpose. Panasonic
Corporation asks you to check the suitability for specic applications of
this product.
Panasonic Corporation refuses to the maximum extent permitted by
law for the followings:
1) any liability that may occur due to the use or application of the
2) all liability including special damage, indirect or incidental damage,
and all other damages,
3) all implied warranties, including the implied warranty of suitability for
a particular purpose, the implied warranty of non-infringement, and
the implied warranty of merchantability.
The description of suitability of a product for certain applications is
based on typical requirements we may know of using our products for
general purpose use.
These descriptions are not binding on the suitability of the product for
a particular application. It is a customer's responsibility to verify
whether or not the specic product, which has the usage rights
described in the specications exchanged with us, is suitable for use in
a specic purpose. The parameters given in catalogs or specications
may vary depending on the application and performance may change
over time. All operating parameters, including general parameters,
must be veried by customer for each application.
The terms and conditions of purchase contract with Panasonic
Corporation, including warranty contents stated in contract and any
other contents, will not be expanded or modied by product
Unless explicitly stated otherwise,our products are not designed for
medical described in [Safety Precautions] below, lifesaving, life
support, or for any application where failure of our products may cause
physical injury or death. If you use or sell our product for any purpose
other than its stated use, that action is at your own responsibility.
Nothing in this document or any actions of Panasonic Corporation is
permitted to enforce or use any intellectual property right, whether
expressly or implicitly, and whether it is estoppel or not.
Panasonic Corporation is consistently striving to improve quality and
reliability. However,the fact remains that electrical components and
devices generally cause failures at a given statistical probability.
Furthermore, their durability varies with use environments or use
conditions. In this respect, check for actual electrical components and
devices under actual conditions before use. Continued usage in a
state of degraded condition may cause abnormal heat, smoke or re
due to deteriorated insulation, or may cause loss of product
functionality due to continuityfailure. Carry out safety design and
periodic maintenance including redundancy design, design for re
spread prevention, and design for malfunction prevention so that no
accidents resulting in injury or death, re accidents, or social damage
will be caused as a result of failure of the products or ending life of the
The products are designed and manufactured for the purpose of being
used for general electronic equipment (such as AV equipment,
household products, business equipment, oce equipment,
communication equipment) for general purpose standard applications.
Make sure standards,laws and regulations in case the products are
incorporated to machinery, system, apparatus, and so forth.
With regard to the mentioned above, conrm the conformity of the
Products by yourself.
Do not use the Products for the application which breakdown or
malfunction of Products may cause damage to the body or property.
1) usage intended to protect the body and ensure security of life
2) application which the performance degradation or quality problems,
such as breakdown, of the products may directly result in damage
to the body or property
It is not allowed the use of products by incorporating into machinery
and systems indicated below because the conformity,performance,
and quality of products are not guaranteed under such usage.
1) transport machinery (cars, trains, boats and ships, etc.)
2) control equipment for transportation
3) disaster-prevention equipment / security equipment
4) control equipment for electric power generation
5) nuclear control system
6) aircraft equipment, aerospace equipment, and submarine repeater
7) burning appliances
8) military devices
9) medical devices (except for general controls)
10) machinery and systems which especially require the high level of
reliability and safety
If you use for the above purposes without exchanging the
specications with us, we shall not guarantee any quality.