Low-Fire-Hazard Wire and Cable
Type 99M (Continued)
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are in millimeters Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-3611-1514
Revised 12-04 and inches unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Japan: 81-44-900-5102
specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Singapore: 65-4866-151
www.tycoelectronics.com are U.S. equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-5-729-0425 UK: 44-1793-528171
Wire and Cable
Environmental Properties
Mechanical Performance
The scrape abrasion and
cut through resistance of
Type 99M wire out performs
the well-established per-
formance of SPEC 44 wire
throughout its operating
temperature range.
Fluid Resistance
Type 99M wire demon-
strates outstanding resist-
ance to most acids, alkalis,
hydrocarbon solvents, fuels,
lubricants and water.
Electrical Arc Tracking
Type 99M wire is resistant to
electrical arc tracking under
both wet and dry condi-
Voltage Ratings
Standard available voltage
ratings for Type 99M wire
are 600 V (0.2 mm wall
thickness) and 1000 V (0.3
mm wall thickness).
Fire Hazard Characteristics
Low Toxicity Index
Type 99M wire is designed
to meet the low hazardous
fume emission levels
required in modern specifi-
cations. For example, the
change in the Toxicity Index
requirement from 1.5 to 0.2
between Issue 2 and Issue
3of Def Stan 61-12 (Part
18), is met by Type 99M
Type 99M wire has passed
some of the most stringent
flammability tests, such as
the test in IEC 332 Part 3
(ladder test) and
Underwriter’s Laboratory for
VW1 (individual wire)
Smoke Generation
Type 99M wire has been
designed to meet stringent
smoke tests such as those
specified in Def Stan 61-12
(Part 18) and in many mass
transit specifications.
Fire Hazard Properties
Test Method Typical value
Flammability IEC 332 Pt 3 Pass
Toxicity index Def Stan 61-12 (18) 0.1 per meter of wire
Smoke index Def Stan 61-12 (18) 8 per meter of wire
Acid gas equivalent TDE 76/P/76 <1.5%
Type 99M wire has a low
corrosive gas emission,
demonstrated by its low
acid gas value and meets
the latest requirements of
low fire hazard specifica-