Pin Descriptions
Pi n num ber Pi n nam e Type Descri pt i on
1 GNDREF P ower Ground for 14. 318 MHz referenc e cl ock outputs
2 X1 Input 14. 318 M Hz crystal i nput
3 X2 Output 14.318 M Hz cry stal output
4 PCICLK_F Output 3.3 V free running P CI c lock output, will not be st opped by t he P CI_STOP#
5,6, 9,10, 11 P CICLK (1:5) Output 3.3 V P CI clock output s, generat i ng ti m ing requirem ents for Penti um II
7 GNDP CI P ower Ground for PCI cl ock outputs
8 V DDPCI P ower 3. 3 V power for the P CI cl ock outputs
12 V DD48 P ower 3. 3 V power for 48/24 MHz c locks
13 48 MHz Output 3.3 V 48 MHz cl ock output , fixed frequenc y c lock typical l y used with US B devi ces
14 TS#/48/24MHz Output 3. 3 V 48 or 24 MHz output and Tri -stat e opti on, active l ow = tri state m ode for t es ting,
act ive hi gh = normal operati on
15 GND48 Power Ground for 48/24 M Hz clocks
16 SEL 100/66# Input
control for the frequenc y of clocks at the CPU & PCICLK output pins. If logic "0" is
used t he 66.6 M Hz frequenc y i s sel ect ed. If Logi c " 1" i s used, the 100 MHz
frequency is sel ected. The P CI c l ock i s mul ti plexed to run at 33.3 M Hz for bot h
selected cases.
17 PD# Input Asynchronous active low i nput pin used to power down the device i nto a low power
state. The internal clocks are disabled and the VCO and the crystal are stopped. The
latenc y of the power down will not be great er t han 3ms.
18 CPU_STOP# Input A synchronous active l ow input pi n used to stop the CPUCLK i n active l ow s tate, al l
other clock s wi ll conti nue to run. The CP UCLK will have a "Turnon " latenc y of at
l east 3 CP U cl ocks.
19 VDD P ower Isolated 3.3 V power for core
20 PCI-Stop# Input Synchronous acti ve low input used to stop the P CICLK in act ive l ow st ate. It wi l l not
effect P CICLK _F or any other out puts.
21 GND Power Isolated ground for core
22 GNDL P ower Ground for CPU cl ock outputs
23,24 CPUCLK (1:0) Output 2.5 V CPU c lock outputs
25 V DDL P ower 2. 5 V power for CPU c lock outputs
26 SPREAD# Output Power-on s pread spec trum enabl e opti on. A cti ve l ow = spread s pect rum cl ocki ng
enabl e. Active hi gh = spread spectrum cl ocking di s able.
27 REF0/SEL48# Output 3.3 V 14.318 MHz referenc e cl ock output and power-on 48/24 M Hz sel ect opti on.
A cti ve low = 48 MHz output at pi n 14. A ctive hi gh = 24 MHz output at pi n 14.
28 V DDREF P ower 3.3 V power for 14. 318 M Hz referenc e cl ock outputs.