floating capacitor. Thus, at a point between 90% and
100% duty cycles, the floating capacitor will be depleted,
causing a discontinuity and potential overdissipation of
the top MOSFETs.
In this demo board the built-in switching regulator of the
LT1336 comes configured as a flyback regulator, as
shown in Figure 1. To configure a flyback regulator, a
resistor, a diode, a small 1:1 turns ratio transformer and a
capacitor are needed. The maximum voltage across the
switch, assuming an ideal transformer, will be about
+ 11.3V. Leakage inductance in nonideal transformers
will induce an overvoltage spike at the switch the instant
that it opens. These spikes are clamped using the snub-
bing network D3, C9 and R7. Using the components as
shown in Figure 1, the flyback regulator will run at around
800kHz. To lower the frequency, increase the value of C11;
to raise the frequency, decrease the value of C11.
The flyback regulator works as follows: when the switch is
on, the primary current ramps up as the magnetic field
builds up. The magnetic field in the core induces a voltage
on the secondary winding equal to V
. However, no power
is transferred to V
because the rectifier diode D1 is
reverse biased. The energy is stored in the transformer’s
magnetic field. When the primary inductor peak current is
reached, the switch is turned off. Energy is no longer
transferred to the transformer, causing the magnetic field
to collapse. The collapsing magnetic field induces a change
in voltage across the transformer’s windings. During this
transition the Switch pin’s voltage flies to 10.6V plus a
diode above V
, the secondary forward biases the rectifier
diode D1 and the transformer’s energy is transferred to
. Meanwhile, the primary inductor current goes to
zero and the voltage at I
decays to the lower inductor
current threshold with a time constant of (R2)(C11), thus
completing the cycle.
Using the flyback regulator allows the maximum voltage
(50V) to be applied at the high voltage rail, HV. In applica-
tions where the high voltage rail does not exceed 40V, the
boost topology can be used. The advantage, as shown in
Figure 2, is simplicity . Only a resistor, a small inductor, a
diode and a capacitor are needed; there is no need for a
snubber circuit. The current drawn from V
will be higher,
however, by a factor of V
To reconfigure the demo board’s flyback regulator into a
boost regulator, remove the snubber circuit’s compo-
nents, C9, R7, D3 and the transformer T1. Reconnect
diode D1 and insert the optional inductor as shown in the
Board Photos. Using the components provided with the
demo board (2Ω sense resistor, 200µH inductor and 1µF
capacitor) the boost regulator will run at around 700kHz.
To lower the frequency increase the inductor value; to
increase the frequency decrease the inductor value.
The boost regulator works as follows: when the switch is
on, the inductor current ramps up as the magnetic field
builds up. During this interval energy is being stored in the
inductor and no power is transferred to V
. When the
2Ω resistor senses that the peak inductor current has been
reached, the switch is turned off. Energy is no longer
transferred to the inductor, causing the magnetic field to
collapse. The collapsing magnetic field induces a change
in voltage across the inductor. The Switch pin’s voltage
rises until diode D1 starts conducting. As the inductor
current ramps down, the lower inductor current threshold
is reached and the switch is turned on, starting the next
Current drawn from V
is delivered to V
. Some of
this current (~1.5mA) flows through the topside driver to
E2. This current is typically returned to ground via the
bottom MOSFETs or the output load. If the bottom MOSFETs
are off and the output load is returned to HV, E2 will return
the current to HV through the top MOSFET or the output
load. If the HV supply cannot sink current and no load
drawing greater than 1.5mA is connected to the supply, a
resistor from HV to ground may be needed to prevent
voltage buildup on the HV supply.