General description
The NCP43080 is designed to operate either as a
standalone IC or as a companion IC to a primary side
controller to help achieve efficient synchronous
rectification in switch mode power supplies. This controller
features a high current gate driver along with high−speed
logic circuitry to provide appropriately timed drive signals
to a synchronous rectification MOSFET. With its novel
architecture, the NCP43080 has enough versatility to keep
the synchronous rectification system efficient under any
operating mode.
The NCP43080 works from an available voltage with
range from 4 V (A, D & Q options) or 8 V (B & C options)
to 35 V (typical). The wide VCC range allows direct
connection to the SMPS output voltage of most adapters
such as notebooks, cell phone chargers and LCD TV
Precise turn-off threshold of the current sense comparator
together with an accurate offset current source allows the
user to adjust for any required turn-off current threshold of
the SR MOSFET switch using a single resistor. Compared
to other SR controllers that provide turn-off thresholds in t h e
range of − 1 0 m V t o −5 m V , the NCP43080 offers a turn-off
threshold of 0 mV. When using a low RDS(on) SR (1 mW)
MOSFET our competition, with a −10 mV turn of f, will turn
off with 10 A still flowing through the SR FET, while our
0 mV turn off turns off the FET at 0 A; significantly
reducing the turn-off current threshold and improving
efficiency. Many of the competitor parts maintain a drain
source voltage across the MOSFET causing the SR
MOSFET to operate in the linear region to reduce turn−off
time. Thanks to the 8 A sink current of the NCP43080
significantly reduces turn off time allowing for a minimal
drain source voltage to be utilized and efficiency
To overcome false triggering issues after turn-on and
turn−off events, the NCP43080 provides adjustable
minimum on-time and off-time blanking periods. Blanking
times can be adjusted independently of IC VCC using
external resistors connected to GND. If needed, blanking
periods can be modulated using additional components.
An extremely fast turn−off comparator, implemented on
the current sense pin, allows for NCP43080 implementation
in CCM applications without any additional components or
external triggering.
An output driver features capability to keep SR transistor
closed even when there is no supply voltage for NCP43080.
SR transistor drain voltage goes up and down during SMPS
operation and this is transferred through drain gate
capacitance to gate and may turn on transistor. NCP43080
uses this pulsing voltage at SR transistor gate (DRV pin) and
uses it internally to provide enough supply to activate
internal driver sink transistor. DRV voltage is pulled low
(not to zero) thanks to this feature and eliminate the risk of
turned on SR transistor before enough VCC is applied to
Some IC versions include a MAX_TON circuit that helps
a quasi resonant (QR) controller to work in CCM mode
when a heavy load is present like in the example of a
printer’s motor starting up.
Finally, the NCP43080 features a special pin (LLD) that
can be used to reduce gate driver voltage clamp according
to application load conditions. This feature helps to reduce
issues with transition from disabled driver to full driver
output voltage and back. Disable state can be also activated
through this pin to decrease power consumption in no load
conditions. If the LLD feature is not wanted then the LLD
pin can be tied to GND.
Current Sense Input
Figure 37 shows the internal connection of the CS
circuitry on the current sense input. When the voltage on the
secondary winding of the SMPS reverses, the body diode o f
M1 starts to conduct current and the voltage of M1’s drain
drops approximately to −1 V. The CS pin sources current of
100 mA that creates a voltage drop on the RSHIFT_CS resistor
(resistor is optional, we recommend shorting this resistor).
Once the voltage on the CS pin is lower than VTH_CS_ON
threshold, M1 is turned−on. Because of parasitic
impedances, significant ringing can occur in the application.
To overcome false sudden turn−off due to mentioned
ringing, the minimum conduction time of the SR MOSFET
is activated. Minimum conduction time can be adjusted
using the RMIN_TON resistor.