SCM Series Series-Connected SuperCapacitor Modules This new series of electrochemical, double-layer, series-connected SuperCapacitor modules offers excellent pulse power handling characteristics based on the combination of very high capacitance and very low ESR. Used by themselves or in conjunction with primary or secondary batteries, they provide extended back up time, longer battery life, and provide instantaneous power pulses as needed. Offers great solutions to hold up, energy harvesting, pulse power applications, and battery replacement. FEATURES APPLICATIONS * High Pulse Power Capability * Low ESR * Low Leakage Current * * * * * * * * * Plastic, Moisture Resistant Version Camera Flash Systems Energy Harvesting GSM/GPRS Pulse Applications UPS/Industrial Wireless Alarms Remote Metering Scanners Toys and Games HOW TO ORDER SCM Series SuperCap Module R Diameter Q = 6.3mm R = 8mm / 9.5mm** S = 10mm T = 12.5mm U = 16mm 14 C Case Length Two digits represent case length in mm Voltage Code C = 5.0V D = 5.4V F = 5.5V G = 7.5V H = 6.0V J = 8.1V L = 9.0V 474 P R Capacitance Code Tolerance 1st two digits P = +100%/-0% represent significant S = +30%/-10% figures 3rd digit represents multiplier (number of zeros to follow) QUALITY INSPECTION Package/Lead Format R = Shrink Wrap/Radial S = Plastic/Radial B Package B = Bulk T = Tray* A 0 Balancing Lead Orientation A = Unbalanced B = Passive Balanced 0 = Straight Leads 1 = Bent Leads* *Inquire about availability **Plastic/Radial version TERMINATION Parts are tested for life cycle, high temperature load life, temperature characteristics, vibration resistance, and humidity characteristics. See pages 2-5 for more information. These SuperCapacitors are compatible with hand soldering, as well as reflow and wave soldering processes, so long as appropriate precautions are followed. See page 11 for more information. LEAD-FREE COMPATIBLE COMPONENT For RoHS compliant products, please select correct termination style. 1 011519 5.4V/5.0V SCM Series Series-Connected SuperCapacitors Modules AVX Part Number Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Rated Capacitance (F) Capacitance Tolerance Rated Voltage (V) Rated Temperature (C) ESR Max DCL Max @ @ 1000 Hz 72 Hrs (A) (m) ESR Max @ DC (m) Peak Current (A) Power Density (W/kg) Max Energy (Wh) Energy Density (Wh/kg) Shrink Wrap / Radial Lead SCMQ14C474PRBA0 6.3 14 0.47 +100%/-0% 5.0/4.2* 65/85* 2 400 1000 0.80 2143 0.0016 1.17 SCMQ14C474PRTA0 6.3 14 0.47 +100%/-0% 5.0/4.2* 65/85* 2 400 1000 0.80 2143 0.0016 1.17 SCMQ14D474PRBB0 6.3 14 0.47 +100%/-0% 5.4/4.6* 65/85* 6 400 1000 0.86 2499 0.0019 1.36 SCMQ14D474PRTB0 6.3 14 0.47 +100%/-0% 5.4/4.6* 65/85* 6 400 1000 0.86 2499 0.0019 1.36 SCMR14C474PRBA0 8 14 0.47 +100%/-0% 5.0/4.2* 65/85* 2 300 1000 0.80 1429 0.0016 0.78 SCMR14D474PRBB0 8 14 0.47 +100%/-0% 5.4/4.6* 65/85* 6 300 1000 0.86 1666 0.0019 0.91 SCMR18C105PRBA0 8 18 1 +100%/-0% 5.0/4.2* 65/85* 6 200 720 1.45 1667 0.0035 1.39 SCMR18D105PRBB0 8 18 1 +100%/-0% 5.4/4.6* 65/85* 10 200 720 1.57 1944 0.0041 1.62 SCMR22C155PRBA0 8 22 1.5 +100%/-0% 5.0/4.2* 65/85* 10 190 580 2.01 1669 0.0052 1.68 SCMR22D155PRBB0 8 22 1.5 +100%/-0% 5.4/4.6* 65/85* 15 190 580 2.17 1946 0.0061 1.96 SCMS22C255PRBA0 10 22 2.5 +100%/-0% 5.0/4.2* 65/85* 20 140 360 3.29 1852 0.0087 1.93 SCMS22D255PRBB0 10 22 2.5 +100%/-0% 5.4/4.6* 65/85* 25 140 360 3.55 2113 0.0101 2.20 SCMT22C505PRBA0 12.5 22 5 +100%/-0% 5.0/4.2* 65/85* 25 100 150 7.14 2740 0.0174 2.38 SCMT22D505PRBB0 12.5 22 5 +100%/-0% 5.4/4.6* 65/85* 30 100 150 7.71 3069 0.0203 2.66 SCMT32C755SRBA0 12.5 32 7.5 +30%/-10% 5.0/4.2* 65/85* 65 70 160 8.52 1953 0.0260 2.71 SCMT32D755SRBB0 12.5 32 7.5 +30%/-10% 5.4/4.6* 65/85* 70 70 160 9.20 2209 0.0304 3.07 *with appropriate voltage derating operating temperature can be extended to 85C OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE -40C to +65C @ 5.4V Balanced, 5.0V Unbalanced -40C to +85C @ 4.6V Balanced, 4.2V Unbalanced QUALIFICATION TEST SUMMARY Test Test Method Parameter Limits Life Cycle Capacitors are cycled between rated voltage and half-rated voltage under constant current at +25C for 500,000 cycles Capacitance Change ESR Appearance 30% of initial value 2 times initial value No remarkable defects High Temperature Load Life Voltage: Rated Voltage Capacitance Change ESR Appearance 30% of initial value 2 times initial value No remarkable defects Capacitance Change ESR Appearance 30% of initial value 2 times initial value No remarkable defects Capacitance Change ESR Appearance 30% of initial value 2 times initial value No remarkable defects Capacitance Change ESR Appearance 30% of initial value 2 times initial value No remarkable defects Temperature: +65C Test Duration: 2,000 hours Storage Duration: 2 year Storage Temperature Characteristics No Load Temperature: +35C Amplitude: 1.5mm Vibration Resistance Frequency: 10 ~ 55Hz Direction: X, Y, Z for 2 hours each Voltage: Rated Voltage Humidity RH: 90% Temperature: +60C Test Duration: 1,500 hours 2 011519 6.0V/5.5V SCM Series Series-Connected SuperCapacitors Modules AVX Part Number Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Rated Capacitance (F) Capacitance Tolerance Rated Voltage (V) Rated Temperature (C) DCL Max @ 72 Hrs (A) ESR Max ESR Max @ 1000 Hz @ DC (m) (m) SCMQ14F474PRBA0 6.3 14 0.47 +100%/-0% 5.5/4.6* 65/85* 6 500 3000 SCMQ14H474PRBB0 6.3 14 0.47 +100%/-0% 6.0/5.0* 65/85* 7 500 3000 SCMR14F474PRBA0 8 14 0.47 +100%/-0% 5.5/4.6* 65/85* 6 380 SCMR14H474PRBB0 8 14 0.47 +100%/-0% 6.0/5.0* 65/85* 7 SCMR18F105PRBA0 8 18 1 +100%/-0% 5.5/4.6* 65/85* SCMR18H105PRBB0 8 18 1 +100%/-0% 6.0/5.0* SCMR22F155PRBA0 8 22 1.5 +100%/-0% SCMR22H155PRBB0 8 22 1.5 SCMS22F255PRBA0 10 22 SCMS22H255PRBB0 10 SCMS32F505PRBA0 Peak Current (A) Power Density (W/kg) Max Energy (Wh) Energy Density (Wh/kg) 0.54 864 0.0020 1.41 0.59 1029 0.0024 1.68 1720 0.71 1005 0.0020 0.94 380 1720 0.78 1196 0.0024 1.12 6 250 720 1.60 2017 0.0042 1.68 65/85* 12 250 720 1.74 2400 0.0050 2.00 5.5/4.6* 65/85* 12 200 560 2.24 2091 0.0063 2.03 +100%/-0% 6.0/5.0* 65/85* 18 200 560 2.45 2488 0.0075 2.42 2.5 +100%/-0% 5.5/4.6* 65/85* 24 180 340 3.72 2373 0.0105 2.33 22 2.5 +100%/-0% 6.0/5.0* 65/85* 30 180 340 4.05 2762 0.0125 2.72 10 32 5 +100%/-0% 5.5/4.6* 65/85* 30 120 150 7.86 3580 0.0210 3.11 SCMS32H505PRBB0 10 32 5 +100%/-0% 6.0/5.0* 65/85* 36 120 150 8.57 4235 0.0250 3.68 SCMT22F505PRBA0 12.5 22 5 +100%/-0% 5.5/4.6* 65/85* 30 120 150 7.86 3176 0.0210 2.76 SCMT32F755SRBA0 12.5 32 7.5 +30%/-10% 5.5/4.6* 65/85* 78 90 120 10.86 3151 0.0315 3.28 SCMT32H755SRBB0 12.5 32 7.5 +30%/-10% 6.0/5.0* 65/85* 84 90 120 11.84 3600 0.0375 3.75 SCMU33F156SRBB0 16 33 15 +30%/-10% 5.5/4.6* 65/85* 70 35 50 23.57 3946 0.0630 3.43 Shrink Wrap / Radial Lead Plastic / Radial Lead SCMR14F474PSBA0 9.5 16 0.47 +100%/-0% 5.5/4.6* 65/85* 3 380 1720 0.71 541 0.0020 0.51 SCMR14H474PSBB0 9.5 16 0.47 +100%/-0% 6.0/5.0* 65/85* 7 380 1720 0.78 644 0.0024 0.60 SCMR18F105PSBA0 9.5 20 1 +100%/-0% 5.5/4.6* 65/85* 7 250 720 1.60 1096 0.0042 0.91 SCMR18H105PSBB0 9.5 20 1 +100%/-0% 6.0/5.0* 65/85* 12 250 720 1.74 1304 0.0050 1.09 SCMR22F155PSBA0 9.5 24 1.5 +100%/-0% 5.5/4.6* 65/85* 12 200 560 2.24 1179 0.0063 1.15 SCMR22H155PSBB0 9.5 24 1.5 +100%/-0% 6.0/5.0* 65/85* 18 200 560 2.45 1403 0.0075 1.36 OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE -40C to +65C @ 6.0V Balanced, 5.5V Unbalanced -40C to +85C @ 5.0V Balanced, 4.6V Unbalanced QUALIFICATION TEST SUMMARY Test Test Method Parameter Limits Life Cycle Capacitors are cycled between rated voltage and half-rated voltage under constant current at +25C for 500,000 cycles Capacitance Change ESR Appearance 30% of initial value 2 times initial value No remarkable defects High Temperature Load Life Voltage: Rated Voltage Capacitance Change ESR Appearance 30% of initial value 2 times initial value No remarkable defects Capacitance Change ESR Appearance 30% of initial value 2 times initial value No remarkable defects Capacitance Change ESR Appearance 30% of initial value 2 times initial value No remarkable defects Capacitance Change ESR Appearance 30% of initial value 2 times initial value No remarkable defects Temperature: +65C Test Duration: 2,000 hours Storage Duration: 2 year Storage Temperature Characteristics No Load Temperature: +35C Amplitude: 1.5mm Vibration Resistance Frequency: 10 ~ 55Hz Direction: X, Y, Z for 2 hours each Voltage: Rated Voltage Humidity RH: 90% Temperature: +60C Test Duration: 1,500 hours 3 040219 7.5V SCM Series Series-Connected SuperCapacitors Modules AVX Part Number Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Rated Capacitance (F) Capacitance Tolerance Rated Voltage (V) Rated Temperature (C) DCL Max @ 72 Hrs (A) ESR Max ESR Max @ @ 1000 Hz DC (m) (m) Peak Current (A) Power Density (W/kg) Max Energy (Wh) Energy Density (Wh/kg) SCMR14G334SRBA0 8 14 0.33 +30%/-10% 7.5/6.4* 65/85* 2 450 900 0.95 2419 0.0026 0.83 SCMR14G334SRBB0 8 14 0.33 +30%/-10% 7.5/6.4* 65/85* 6 450 900 0.95 2419 0.0026 0.83 SCMR18G604SRBA0 8 18 0.6 +30%/-10% 7.5/6.4* 65/85* 6 225 450 1.77 3947 0.0047 1.23 SCMR18G604SRBB0 8 18 0.6 +30%/-10% 7.5/6.4* 65/85* 10 225 450 1.77 3846 0.0047 1.20 SCMR22G105SRBA0 8 22 1 +30%/-10% SCMR22G105SRBB0 8 22 1 +30%/-10% 7.5/6.4* 65/85* 10 180 360 2.76 4076 0.0078 1.70 7.5/6.4* 65/85* 15 180 360 2.76 3989 0.0078 1.66 Shrink Wrap / Radial Lead *with appropriate voltage derating operating temperature can be extended to 85C OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE -40C to +65C @ 7.5V -40C to +85C @ 6.4V QUALIFICATION TEST SUMMARY Test Test Method Parameter Limits Life Cycle Capacitors are cycled between rated voltage and half-rated voltage under constant current at +25C for 500,000 cycles Capacitance Change ESR Appearance 30% of initial value 2 times initial value No remarkable defects High Temperature Load Life Voltage: Rated Voltage Capacitance Change ESR Appearance 30% of initial value 2 times initial value No remarkable defects Capacitance Change ESR Appearance 30% of initial value 2 times initial value No remarkable defects Capacitance Change ESR Appearance 30% of initial value 2 times initial value No remarkable defects Capacitance Change ESR Appearance 30% of initial value 2 times initial value No remarkable defects Temperature: +65C Test Duration: 2,000 hours Storage Duration: 2 year Storage Temperature Characteristics No Load Temperature: +35C Amplitude: 1.5mm Vibration Resistance Frequency: 10 ~ 55Hz Direction: X, Y, Z for 2 hours each Voltage: Rated Voltage Humidity RH: 90% Temperature: +60C Test Duration: 1,500 hours 4 011519 9.0V/8.1V SCM Series Series-Connected SuperCapacitors Modules AVX Part Number Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Rated Capacitance (F) Capacitance Tolerance Rated Voltage (V) SCMR14J334SRBA0 8 14 0.33 +30%/-10% 8.1/6.9* SCMR14J334SRBB0 8 14 0.33 +30%/-10% 8.1/6.9* SCMR14L334SRBB0 8 14 0.33 +30%/-10% SCMR18J604SRBA0 8 18 0.6 SCMR18J604SRBB0 8 18 SCMR18L604SRBB0 8 SCMR22J105SRBA0 Rated Temperature (C) DCL Max @ 72 Hrs (A) ESR Max @ 1000 Hz (m) ESR Max @ DC (m) Peak Current (A) Power Density (W/kg) Max Energy (Wh) Energy Density (Wh/kg) 65/85* 3 500 2850 0.69 897 0.0030 0.98 65/85* 6 500 2850 0.69 869 0.0030 0.95 9.0/7.6* 65/85* 7 500 2850 0.77 1072 0.0037 1.17 +30%/-10% 8.1/6.9* 65/85* 7 400 1080 1.47 1934 0.0055 1.45 0.6 +30%/-10% 8.1/6.9* 65/85* 15 400 1080 1.47 1869 0.0055 1.40 18 0.6 +30%/-10% 9.0/7.6* 65/85* 12 400 1080 1.64 2308 0.0068 1.73 8 22 1 +30%/-10% 8.1/6.9* 65/85* 12 350 840 2.20 1986 0.0091 1.93 SCMR22J105SRBB0 8 22 1 +30%/-10% 8.1/6.9* 65/85* 15 350 840 2.20 1894 0.0091 1.84 SCMR22L105SRBB0 8 22 1 +30%/-10% 9.0/7.6* 65/85* 18 350 840 2.45 2338 0.0113 2.27 Shrink Wrap / Radial Lead Plastic / Radial Lead SCMR14J334SSBA0 9.5 16 0.33 +30%/-10% 8.1/6.9* 65/85* 3 500 2850 0.69 498 0.0030 0.54 SCMR14L334SSBB0 9.5 16 0.33 +30%/-10% 9.0/7.6* 65/85* 7 500 2850 0.77 598 0.0037 0.65 SCMR18J604SSBA0 9.5 20 0.6 +30%/-10% 8.1/6.9* 65/85* 7 400 1080 1.47 1063 0.0055 0.80 SCMR18L604SSBB0 9.5 20 0.6 +30%/-10% 9.0/7.6* 65/85* 12 400 1080 1.64 1286 0.0068 0.96 SCMR22J105SSBA0 9.5 24 1 +30%/-10% 8.1/6.9* 65/85* 12 350 840 2.20 1129 0.0091 1.10 SCMR22L105SSBB0 9.5 24 1 +30%/-10% 9.0/7.6* 65/85* 18 350 840 2.45 1361 0.0113 1.32 OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE -40C to +65C @ 9.0V Balanced, 8.1V Unbalanced -40C to +85C @ 7.6V Balanced, 6.9V Unbalanced QUALIFICATION TEST SUMMARY Test Test Method Parameter Limits Life Cycle Capacitors are cycled between rated voltage and half-rated voltage under constant current at +25C for 500,000 cycles Capacitance Change ESR Appearance 30% of initial spec value 2 times initial spec value No remarkable defects Capacitance Change ESR Appearance 30% of initial spec value 2 times initial spec value No remarkable defects Capacitance Change ESR Appearance 30% of initial spec value 2 times initial spec value No remarkable defects Capacitance Change ESR Appearance 30% of initial spec value 2 times initial spec value No remarkable defects Capacitance Change ESR Appearance 30% of initial spec value 2 times initial spec value No remarkable defects Temperature: +65C High Temperature Load Life Voltage: Rated Voltage Test Duration: 2,000 hours Storage Duration: 2 year Storage Temperature Characteristics No Load Temperature: +35C Amplitude: 1.5mm Vibration Resistance Frequency: 10 ~ 55Hz Direction: X, Y, Z for 2 hours each Voltage: Rated Voltage Humidity RH: 90% Temperature: +60C Test Duration: 1,500 hours 5 040219 SCM Series Series-Connected SuperCapacitors Modules QUALITY AND RELIABILITY Capacitance vs. Temperature Percent of 25C Reading 200% 150% 100% 50% 0% -40C -20C 0C 20C 40C 60C 80C Temperature (C) Percent of 25C Reading Leakage Current vs. Temperature 700% 600% 500% 400% 300% 200% 100% 0% -40C -20C 0C 20C 40C 60C 80C 60C 80C Temperature (C) Percent of 25C Reading Equivalent Series Resistance vs. Temperature 300% 250% 200% 150% 100% 50% 0% -40C -20C 0C 20C Temperature (C) 6 011519 40C SCM Series Series-Connected SuperCapacitors Modules MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 5.4V, 6.0V Shrink Wrap Type - Straight Leads 5.4V, 6.0V Shrink Wrap Type - Bent Leads D1.0mm D1.0mm L1.5mm L1.5mm d0.05mm d0.05mm + + W1.0 mm P0.5mm W1.0 mm P0.5mm 15 mm min - (-) Negative Polarity (-) Negative Polarity B mm0.5mm 4mm min Cap (F) D (mm) W (mm) L (mm) P (mm) d (mm) B (mm)* 0.47 6.3 13.6 14.0 9.0 0.6 2.0 0.47 8.0 16.0 14.0 11.5 0.6 2.0 1 8.0 16.0 18.0 11.5 0.6 2.0 1.5 8.0 16.0 22.0 11.5 0.6 2.0 2.5 10.0 20.0 22.0 15.5 0.6 2.0 5 10.0 20.0 32.0 15.5 0.6 2.0 5 12.5 25.0 22.0 18.0 0.6 2.0 7.5 12.5 25.0 32.0 18.0 0.6 2.0 15 16.0 32.0 33.0 23.7 0.8 2.0 *for version with bent leads 7.5V, 9.0V Shrink Wrap Type - Straight Leads 7.5V, 9.0V Shrink Wrap Type - Bent Leads D1.0mm D1.0mm d0.05mm d0.05mm + + P0.5mm W1.0 mm W1.0 mm P0.5mm - - 15 mm min L 1.5 4mm min B mm0.5mm L 1.5 (-) Negative Polarity Cap (F) D (mm) W (mm) L (mm) P (mm) d (mm) B (mm)* 0.33 8.0 24.0 14.0 13.5 0.6 2.0 0.6 8.0 24.0 18.0 13.5 0.6 2.0 1 8.0 24.0 22.0 13.5 0.6 2.0 (-) Negative Polarity *for version with bent leads 7 011519 SCM Series Series-Connected SuperCapacitors Modules MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 6.0V Plastic Type - Straight Leads 6.0V Plastic Type - Bent Leads L1.5mm L1.5mm D1.0mm D1.0mm d0.05mm d0.05mm + + W1.0 mm P0.5mm W1.0 mm P0.5mm - - (-) Negative Polarity 15 mm min B (-) Negative Polarity 4mm min Cap (F) D (mm) W (mm) L (mm) P (mm) d (mm) B (mm)* 0.47 9.5 18.5 16.0 11.5 0.6 2.0 1 9.5 18.5 20.0 11.5 0.6 2.0 1.5 9.5 18.5 24.0 11.5 0.6 2.0 *for version with bent leads 9.0V Plastic Type - Straight Leads L1.5mm 9.0V Plastic Type - Bent Leads L1.5mm D1.0mm D1.0mm d0.05mm d0.05mm + + P0.5mm W1.0 mm P0.5mm W1.0 mm - 15 mm min - (-) Negative Polarity B (-) Negative Polarity 4mm min Cap (F) D (mm) W (mm) L (mm) P (mm) d (mm) B (mm)* 0.33 9.5 26.6 16.0 11.5 0.6 2.0 0.6 9.5 26.6 20.0 11.5 0.6 2.0 1 9.5 26.6 24.0 11.5 0.6 2.0 *for version with bent leads 8 011519 SCM Series Series-Connected SuperCapacitors Modules TEST METHODS Initial ESR Measurement @ 25C IEC Capacitance Test Method * Capacitance is measured using a Keithley 2400 or 2602 Meter * Procedure * Charge Capacitor to Rated Voltage at room temperature * Disconnect parts from voltage to remove charging effects * Discharge cells with a constant current I determined by 4 * C * VR * Noting V1, t1, V2, t2 and performing the calculation for C Voltage (V) VR 30 min V3 ESR Drop V1 * Using an Agilent 4263B LCR Meter and a Kelvin connection * Measure at frequency of 1000 Hz * Measurement Voltage of 10mV DC ESR Measurement * Six steps capacity and ESRDC Test Method is used as illustrated in the figure right. * Tests are carried out by charging and discharging the capacitor for two cycles at rated voltage and half rated voltage * C = (CDC1+CDC2) / 2 * ESRDC = (ESRDC1 + ESRDC2) / 2 Where: CDC1 = I2*(t5-t4)/ (V3-V4) CDC2 = I2*(t11-t10)/V9-V10) ESRDC1 = (V5-V4)/I2 ESRDC2 = (V11-V10)/I2 I1 = I2 = 75mA/F V2 Cycle 1 I1 VR t1 t2 Cycle 2 V2 V1 Step 4 I - Discharge Current [mA], 4 * C * VR VR - Rated Voltage V1 - Initial Test Voltage, 80% of VR V2 - Final Test Voltage, 40% of VR t1 - Initial Test time t2 - Final Test time C = I * (t2 - t1) / (V1 - V2) V9 Step 2 Step 2 Times (s) V8 V7 I1 V3 Step 4 Step 3 Step 6 Step 6 Step 3 V5 Step 1 Step 1 V6 V4 V11 V10 Step 5 Step 5 DCL Measurement @ 25C * DCL is measured using a Multimeter with high internal impedance across a resistor * Charge Capacitor to Rated Voltage at room temperature for 72 Hours * Disconnect parts from Voltage by opening switch 1 (Stabilize for 10 Min) * Measure Voltage across a known Valued Resistor (1K Ohm) * Calculate DCL = V/R I2 0 t1 t2 t3 t4 I2 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 Maximum Operating Current * This is the maximum current when capacitor temperature rise of the capacitor during its operation is less than 15C Maximum Peak Current * This is the maximum current in less than 1 sec + DC Power Supply + - - Multimeter 1k Watt Density * Watt Density = (0.12*V / RDC) / mass Energy Density * Energy density = (1/2 CV) / (3600*mass) 1 9 011519 SCM Series Series-Connected SuperCapacitors Modules POLARITY / REVERSE VOLTAGE In principal the positive and negative electrodes of the SuperCapacitors are symmetrical and in theory they should not have a polarity but for product consistency and for optimum performance the negative polarity is marked because the capacitors do not discharge completely when in use. It is recommended that the polarity should be used as marked. If the polarity is reversed the circuit will not have a catastrophic failure but the circuit will see a much higher leakage current for a short duration of time and the life time of the SuperCapacitors will be reduced. LIFE TIME AND TEMPERATURE PERFORMANCE The life of a SuperCapacitor is impacted by a combination of operating voltage and the operating temperature according to the following equation: time to failure, t Vn * exp (-Q / k*T) ..............(1) where V is the voltage of operation, Q is the activation energy in electron volts (eV), k is the Boltzmann's constant in eV and T is the operating temperature in K (where K is in degrees Kelvin). Typical values for the voltage exponent, n, is between 2.5 - 3.5, and Q is between 1.0 - 1.2 eV in the normal operating temperature range of 40 to 65C. The industry standard for SuperCapacitor end of life is when the equivalent series resistance, ESR, increases to 200% of the original value and the capacitance drops by 30%. Typically a SuperCapacitor shows an initial change in the ESR value and then levels off. If the capacitors are exposed to excessive temperatures the ESR will show a continuous degradation In the extreme case, if the temperatures or voltages are substantially higher, than the rated voltage, this will lead to cell leakage or gas leakage and the product will show a faster change in the ESR which may increase to many times the original value. Expected Lifetime at Various Voltages SCM Series, 5.4V/5.0V, 6.0V/5.5V, 7.5V, 9.0V/8.1V Rated 90 100%Vrated 80 90%Vrated 80%Vrated Temperature (C) 70 70%Vrated 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.1 1.0 MTTF (years) 10.0 100.0 Expected Lifetime at Various Voltages SCM Series, 4.6V/4.2V, 6.4V Rated 90 100%Vrated 80 90%Vrated Temperature (C) 70 80%Vrated 70%Vrated 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.1 1.0 10.0 MTTF (years) 10 011519 100.0 SCM Series Series-Connected SuperCapacitors Modules SOLDERING RECOMMENDATIONS When soldering SuperCapacitors to a PCB, the temperature & time that the body of the SuperCapacitor sees during soldering can have a negative effect on performance. We advise following these guidelines: * Do not immerse the SuperCapacitors in solder. Only the leads should come in contact with the solder. * Ensure that the body of the SuperCapacitor is not in contact with the PCB or other components during soldering. Temperature cycling during soldering may cause the case to shrink or crack, potentially damaging the PCB or other components. WAVE SOLDERING Only use wave soldering on Radial type SuperCapacitors. The PCB should be preheated for no longer than 60 seconds, with temperature at, or below, 100C. Soldering tin should be 0.8mm or thicker. Solder Temperature HAND SOLDERING Keep some distance between the SuperCapacitor body and the tip of the soldering iron; contact between SuperCapacitor body and soldering iron will cause extensive damage to the SuperCapacitor. It is recommended that the soldering iron temperature should be less than 350C, and contact time should be limited to no more than 4 seconds. Too much exposure to terminal heat during soldering can cause heat to transfer to the body of the SuperCapacitor, potentially damaging the SuperCapacitor. SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS Warnings * To avoid short circuit, after usage or test, SuperCapacitor voltage needs to discharge to 0.1V * Do not apply over-voltage, reverse charge, burn or heat higher than 150C, explosion-proof valve may break open * Do not press, damage or disassemble the SuperCapacitor, housing could heat to high temperature causing burns * If you observe overheating or burning smell from the capacitor disconnect power immediately, and do not touch Emergency Applications * If housing is leaking: * Skin contact: use soap and water thoroughly to wash the area of the skin * Eye contact: flush with flowing water or saline, and immediately seek medical treatment * Ingestion: immediately wash with water and seek medical treatment Transportation Suggested Solder Maximum Solder (C) Time (s) Time (s) 220 7 9 240 7 9 250 5 7 260 3 5 REFLOW SOLDERING Infrared or conveyor over reflow techniques can be used on these SuperCapacitors. Do not use a traditional reflow oven without clear rated reflow temperature for SuperCapacitors. Regulatory * UL 810A * RoHS Compliant * Reach Compliant / Halogen Free Storage * Capacitors may be stored within the operating temperature range of the capacitor * Lower storage temperature is preferred as it extends the shelf life of the capacitor * Do not store the SuperCapacitors in the following environments * High temperature / high humidity environments >40C / 70% RH * Direct sunlight * In direct contact with water, salt oil or other chemicals * In direct contact with corrosive materials, acids, alkalis, or toxic gases * Dusty environment * In environment with shock and vibration conditions Not subjected to US DOT or IATA regulations UN3499, <10Wh, Non-Hazardous Goods International shipping description - "Electronic Products - Capacitor" Licensed by CAP-XX 11 011519