OKI Semiconductor MSM9004-01/02 1/3, 1/4 DUTY LCD DRIVER WITH 4-DOT COMMON DRIVER AND 49-DOT SEGMENT DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM 9004-01 /02 is an LCD driver for dynamic display with a 1/3 and 1/4 duty selecting function. When the 1/3 duty is selected, it can display up to 147 segments, and when the 1/4 duty is selected, up to 196 segments. FEATURES * Logic power supply voltage (Vpp) LCD drive power supply voltage (Vg) Serial transfer clock frequency LCD output resistance -Common driver -Segment driver * Display duty LCD segment output * Maximum number of display segments -For 1/3 duty -For 1/4 duty Display blanking terminal attached Operating temperature range Interface with microcontroller -MSM9004-01 -MSM9004-02 * System clock -MSM9004-01 -MSM9004-02 Package :5.0V + 10% [3.5 V to5.5V : 2 MHz max. 220 kQ :60kQ : 1/3, 1/4 selectable 249 : 147 segments max. : 196 segments max. > -40 to +85C : LOAD, DATA, CLOCK1, CLOCK2 : LOAD, DATA, CLOCK2 : external input : internal oscillation circuit (need external resistor and capacitor) 64-pin plastic OFP (QFP 64-P-1414-BK) (Product name : MSM9004-01 GS-BK) (Product name : MSM9004-02 GS-BK) * Comparison of device code with function Function | LCD segment Duty system clock output so | 49 | v3 | 1/4 | external input | {Tern oscillation Device code circuit MSM9004-01 oO Oo _ MSM9004-02 _ Oo oO _ oO MSM9004-03 Oo _ _ O O _ MSM9004-04 Oo -|- Oo _ O 124 | MM 6724240 OOe3034 743OKI Semiconductor MSM9004-01/02 BLOCK DIAGRAM MSM9004-01 SEG (CSG Vop - : Vict BLANK 49-OUT SEGMENT DRIVER | Vicz Vecs 3/4SEL t CoM! TIMING COMMON COM2 GENERATOR 49-BIT DATA SELECTOR DRIVER CoM3 | COM4 J 1 49-BIT 49-BIT 49-BIT 49-BIT DATA LATCH 1 DATA LATCH 2 DATA LATCH 3 DATA LATCH 4 7 CLE ae a im ~ at den CLOCK! 49-BiT SHIFT REGISTER am Vss 0 oH8 CONTROL DATA LOGIC 125 Me 6724240 0023035 b8T aaaMSM3004-01 /02 OKI Semiconductor BLOCK DIAGRAM MSM9004-02 SEG1 SEG49 49-OUT SEGMENT DRIVER Vice Vica 3/4SELO- ' 1 | COMI TIMING COMMON come GENERATOR 49-BIT DATA SELECTOR Avi COMS COMA [ IL 49-BIT 49-BIT 49-BIT 49-BIT DATA LATCH 1 DATA LATCH 2 DATA LATCH 3 DATA LATCH 4 | [ 1 1 | =f dep osc OSCILLATOR 49-BIT SHIFT REGISTER 7 Vsg Cla e CONTROL DATA LOGIC 126 - MM 6724240 00230356 516OKI Semiconductor MSM9004-01/02 PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) MSM9004-01 - NI Z=V2er_ ., & HaxcSEE sect C1] [48] SEG48 SEG2 [2] (C) | 47 | SEG47 SEG3 [2] | 46 | SEG46 SseG4 [7] [a5 | SEG45 SEG5 (5 [aa] SEG44 SeG6 [6_| Tas] SEG43 SEG? C7] [az] SEG42 SEG8 [8_| TaT] SEGA seo (| [40] SEG4O SEG10 (10 | 39 | SEG39 SeG11 OT] [38] SEG38 SEG12 [12] [37 ] SEG37 SEG13 [3] [36 | SEG36 SeG14 F] [35 ] SEG3S SEG15 113] C) [34] SEG34 SEG16 [16 | | 33 | SEG33 se617 (171 SEG18 [18] SEG19 [19] SEG20 [20] SEG21 [27] SEG22 [22] SEG23 (25 | SEG24 [24] SEG25 [25] SEG26 [26] SEG27 [271 SEG28 (28 SEG29 [20 SEG30 [30] SEG31 (3T] SEG32 [32] 64-Pin Plastic QFP 127 Mi 6724240 0023037 45 aaa amma aaaMSM9004-01/02 OKI Semiconductor PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) MSM9004-02 ZELas Ho | 60 | ka | seGt-a9 Ronve | los#10 HA | vic = Vo0 Ronv3 ig= 10 yA Ronvo {o=-30 yA Ronvi 1o=+30 iA Vice 3 Von ON Resistance (COM) R 192230 pA _ 20 | kg2 | COM1-4 ONV2 o= Ronv3 lo= 30 pA Vicg=Vss fcop2=1 MHz | Dynamic 1/4 duty I | 0.75 AV Current Consumption ppp COM1-4 : No Load m 0 SEG1-49 : No Load *h For input data, input a logic "0" and a logic "1" alternatively to LCD display bits. External resistor for oscillation : Rg = 62 kQ External capacitor for oscillation : Cy = 0.01 WF 132 , M@@ 6724240 OO2e304e 41TOKI Semiconductor MSM9004-01/02 AC Characteristics (Ta= 40 to +85C, Vop=4.5 to 5.5 V, Vgi=Vpp-5.5 V to Vpp-3.5 V) Parameter Symbol! Condition Min. | Max. | Unit System Clock Frequency fepy Not applied to MSM9004-02 1.6 3.0 kHz System Clock Pulse Width twer1 Not applied to MSM9004-02 1.0 us Data Clock Frequency fore _ _ 2.0 MHz Data Clock Pulse Frequency twop2 _ 200 _ ns Data Setup Time tsy _ 100 _ ns Data Hold Time tuo _ 100 _ ns Load Pulse Width twip _ 200 ns Clock-Load Time tet _ 200 ns Load-Clock Time tic _ 200 _ ns Rise Time t _ _ 100 ns Fall Time t _ _ 100 ns twepy, Wort t atte J 0.85Vpp moe / a, 0.15Vop twep2__, twep2 cpa ty tf J J 0.8Vpp CLOCK2 j 0.2Vpp tsu a) Ificp2 0.8Vpp DATA 0.2Vpp twip yy _ tr _/ \ tte 0.800 LOAD Ht o+ 02Vpp t te *1: Not applied to MSM9004-02. 133 Me 6724240 0025043 756 a aMSM9004-01/02 OKI Semiconductor FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Display Data Input CLOCK2 f f f f f f f f f f f f f f DATA __\b49XD4BXD47Xd46XD45X XX D2X DIX o X 0 X 0 Ker NX c2\X c3 Ka) \ AL A / LCD display bit Dummy bit Select bit LOAD (49 bits) (3 bits) (4 bits) ry. Note: Always set a logic "0" to the dummy bit. LCD Display Bit - LCD Panel Lighting Status Correspondence Table LCD diaptay bit LCD panel Lighting (D1 to D49) status 1 ON 0 OFF LCD Display Bit - Segment Output Correspondence Table LCD display bit} Di D2 | ----eer rere D45 D46 D47 D48 D49 Segment output; SEG1 SEG2 | -------7----- SEG45 | SEG46 | SEG47 | SEG48 SEG49 Select Bit - Data Latch Correspondence Table 4 c3 c2 C1 Display data writing | Corresponding data latch common output 0 0 0 1 Data latch 1 COM1 0 0 1 0 Data latch 2 COM2 0 1 0 0 Data latch 3 COM3 1 0 0 0 Data latch 4 COMA Select bits C1 to C4, select Data latch 1 to Data latch 4 corresponding to COM 1 to COM 4 independently. If logic "1"s are selected to multiple select bits, the LCD display bits are written to all corresponding data latches. Example: When logic "1"s are set to all select bits C1 to C4, and logic "0s are set to all LCD display bits D1 to D49, logic"0"s are written to Data latch 1 to Data latch 4 by once data input. This leads to turning off the entire LCD panel. 134 MB 6724240 0023044 692OKI Semiconductor MSM9004-01/02 How to Decrease Transfer Time When Unused Segments Exist The MSM9004-01 /02 can operate even if segment data is not full. Input data as in the figure shown below. In this case, the last 4 bits are the select bit. Transfer example: for 30 segments wore FLL. PPP DATA ko30 {028028021 ABZ) _ BANDA OAD ADL AG KI} C4) LCD display bit Dummy bit Select bit LOAD (30 bits) (3 bits) (4 bits) PL Note: Always set "0" to the dummy bit. 135 Mi 6724240 O023045 559 a a aMSM9004-01/02 OKI Semiconductor MSM9004-02 Oscillation Circuit Characteristics The values of resistor and capacitors connected to the OSC pin are shown below. In this case the frame frequency is 64 to 150 Hz. Parameter Symbol} Condition Min. | Max. | Unit Resistor for oscillation Ro Accuracy : +5% 20 91 kQ Capacitor for oscillation Co | Accuracy: +10% | 0.01 | 0.022 uF frame frequency = 1/24 oscillation frequency 86m 66724240 0023046 465 mmOKI Semiconductor MSM9004-01/02 APPLICATION CIRCUITS MSM9004-01 $5 V t Vop SEG1 Yoo DATA ! Output cLock2 1/4 DUTY LOAD LCD CPU stock: \\\ panes Vss BLANK - / i MSM9004-01 7 BIAS Vict CIRCUIT Vic2 seca Mies COM1 CcOM2 ae Vg VHF Ld 3/4SEL MSM9004-02 +5V t Voo SEG1 Yop DATA : Output CLOCK? va oury LOAD CPU yO PANEL Vss a _ BLANK : fi MSM9004-02 + BIAS Vict CIRCUIT Vice sEGae Vics MW - osc COM Ra 7% GoM Vss COM4 TIT Ld 3/4SEL Me 6724240 0023047 JTl1 =MSM9004-01/02 OKI Semiconductor REFERENCE DATA 138 500 300 100 50 30 Frame Frequency fram [Hz] 10 140 120 100 80 40 Frame Frequency frray [Hz] 20 ferm VS. Ro Vop = 5 V Ta = 25C Co = 0.01 pF Co = 0.015 uF Co = 0.022 pF 20 40 60 8 ~~ 100 Resistance Ro [kQ] a fer VS. Ta Vop=5V L Ro = 33 kQ Co = 0.015 pF i Ro = 62 kQ L Co = 0.01 pF L eg Ro = 62kQ Cg = 0.015 pF 4 1 1 1 L 40 =-100 2 85 Temperature Ta [C] Me 6724240 0023048 236