19-1597; Rev 1; 7/11 10-Bit, 20Msps ADC Features o Differential Inputs for High Common-Mode Noise Rejection o Signal-to-Noise Ratio 61dB (at fIN = 2MHz) 59.3dB (at fIN = 10MHz) o Internal +2.5V Reference o 150MHz Input Bandwidth o Wide 2V Input Range o Low Power Consumption: 172mW o Separate Digital Supply Input for 3V Logic Compatibility o Single +5V Supply Operation Possible Ordering Information PART TEMP. RANGE MAX1425CAI+ 0C to +70C 28 SSOP MAX1425EAI+ -40C to +85C 28 SSOP +Denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package. Devices are also available in a tape-and-reel packaging. Specify tape and reel by adding "T" to the number when ordering. Applications Medical Ultrasound Imaging CCD Pixel Processing IR Focal Plane Array Radar IF and Baseband Digitization Set-Top Boxes Pin Configuration TOP VIEW + AGND 1 28 D0 AVDD 2 27 D1 REFP 3 26 D2 REFIN 4 25 D3 REFN 5 Functional Diagram CLK MAX1425 T/H PIPELINE ADC INN REF OUTPUT DRIVERS REF SYSTEM + BIAS REFIN REFP CML REFN AVDD AGND INTERFACE INP PIN-PACKAGE OE/PD CML 6 24 D4 MAX1425 23 DGND AGND 7 22 DVDD AVDD 8 21 DGND INP 9 20 DVDD INN 10 19 D5 CMLP 11 18 D6 DVDD CMLN 12 17 D7 DGND CLK 13 16 D8 OE/PD 14 15 D9 D9-D0 SSOP ________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim's website at www.maxim-ic.com. 1 MAX1425 General Description The MAX1425 10-bit, monolithic analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is capable of a 20Msps sampling rate. This device features an internal track-and-hold (T/H) amplifier for excellent dynamic performance; at the same time, it minimizes the number of external components. Low input capacitance of only 8pF minimizes input drive requirements. A wide input bandwidth (up to 150MHz) makes this device suitable for digital RF/IF downconverter applications employing undersampling techniques. The MAX1425 employs a differential pipelined architecture with a wideband T/H amplifier to maximize throughput while limiting power consumption to only 172mW. The MAX1425 generates an internal +2.5V reference that supplies three additional reference voltages (+3.25V, +2.25V, and +1.25V). These reference voltages provide a differential input range of +2V to -2V. The analog inputs are biased internally to correct the DC level, eliminating the need for external biasing on AC-coupled applications. A separate +3V digital logic supply input allows for separation of digital and analog circuitry. The output data is in two's complement format. The MAX1425 is available in the space-saving 28-pin SSOP package. For a pin-compatible version at a lower data rate, refer to the MAX1426 data sheet. For a higher data rate, refer to the MAX1424 data sheet. MAX1425 10-Bit, 20Msps ADC ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS AVDD to AGND ........................................................ -0.3V to +6V DVDD to DGND ....................................................... -0.3V to +6V AVDD to DGND ........................................................ -0.3V to +6V DGND to AGND ................................................................. 0.3V REFP, REFIN, REFN, CMLN, CMLP, CML, INP, INN ....................(VAGND - 0.3V) to (VAVDD + 0.3V) CLK, OE/PD, D0-D9 ...............(VDGND - 0.3V) to (VDVDD + 0.3V) Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70C) 28-Pin SSOP (derated 9.5mW/C above +70C) .........762mW Operating Temperature Ranges MAX1425CAI ..................................................... 0C to +70C MAX1425EAI................................................... -40C to +85C Junction Temperature ..................................................... +150C Storage Temperature Range ............................-65C to +150C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) .................................+300C Soldering Temperature (reflow) .......................................+260C Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VAVDD = VCMLP = +5V, VDVDD = +3.3V, VCMLN = VAGND = VDGND = 0V, internal reference, digital output load = 35pF, fCLK = 20MHz (50% duty cycle), TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25C.) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 1 LSB 1.5 LSB ACCURACY 10 Resolution RES Differential Nonlinearity DNL -1 Integral Nonlinearity INL -1.5 0.3 (Note 1) -3 1.0 3 Internal reference (Note 1) -10 5 10 External reference (REFIN) (Note 2) -5 2 5 External reference (REFP, CML, REFN) (Note 3) -5 3 5 (Note 4) -5 2 5 f = 2MHz 60 61 f = 10MHz 56 59 f = 2MHz 70 72 f = 10MHz 64 69 No Missing Codes Midscale Offset Gain Error Power-Supply Rejection Ratio Bits Guaranteed monotonic MSO GE PSRR %FSR %FSR mV/V DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE (AIN = -1.0dBFS) Signal-to-Noise Ratio SNR Spurious-Free Dynamic Range SFDR Total Harmonic Distortion (first five harmonics) THD Signal-to-Noise and Distortion SINAD Effective Number of Bits ENOB Intermodulation Distortion 2 IMD dB dB f = 2MHz -70 -67 f = 10MHz -69 -64 f = 2MHz 59 61 f = 10MHz 55 59 f = 2MHz 9.3 9.7 f = 10MHz 8.8 9.5 f1 = 10.17MHz, f2 = 10.19MHz (-7dB FS, each tone) (Note 5) -70 _______________________________________________________________________________________ dB dB Bits dBc 10-Bit, 20Msps ADC (VAVDD = VCMLP = +5V, VDVDD = +3.3V, VCMLN = VAGND = VDGND = 0V, internal reference, digital output load = 35pF, fCLK = 20MHz (50% duty cycle), TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25C.) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS ANALOG INPUT (INP, INN, CML) Input Resistance RIN Either input to ground Input Capacitance CIN Either input to ground Input Common-Mode Voltage Range VCMVR 3.5 k 8 pF 2.25 10% V VINP - VINN 2 V CML (Note 6) Differential Input Range DR Small-Signal Bandwidth SSBW (Note 7) 400 MHz Large-Signal Bandwidth LSBW (Note 7) 150 MHz REFERENCE (VREFIN = 0; REFP, REFN, CML applied externally) 6.5 Input Resistance RIN REFIN (Note 8) Input Capacitance CIN REFIN 10 pF VREFP - VREFN 2.0 V Differential Reference Input Current IIN REFP, CML, REFN Input Capacitance CIN REFP, CML, REFN k -325 325 A 15 pF REFP Input Range 3.25 10% V CML Input Range 2.25 10% V REFN Input Range 1.25 10% V REFERENCE OUTPUTS (REFP, CML, REFN; external +2.5V reference) Positive Reference Voltage VREFP 3.25 V Common-Mode Reference Voltage VCML 2.25 V Negative Reference Input Voltage VREFN 1.25 V Differential Reference VREFP - VREFN, TA = +25C 1.9 Differential Reference Temperature Coefficient 2.0 2.1 V 50 ppm/C REFERENCE OUTPUTS (REFP, CML, REFN; internal +2.5V reference) Positive Reference VREFP (Note 1) 3.25 V Common-Mode Reference Voltage VCML (Note 1) 2.25 V Negative Reference VREFN (Note 1) Differential Reference Differential Reference Temperature Coefficient VREFP - VREFN, TA = +25C 1.25 1.8 2 150 V 2.2 V ppm/C _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3 MAX1425 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) MAX1425 10-Bit, 20Msps ADC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (VAVDD = VCMLP = +5V, VDVDD = +3.3V, VCMLN = VAGND = VDGND = 0V, internal reference, digital output load = 35pF, fCLK = 20MHz (50% duty cycle), TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25C.) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS V POWER SUPPLY Analog Supply Voltage VAVDD 4.75 5.00 5.25 Digital Supply Voltage VDVDD 2.7 3.3 5.5 V Analog Supply Current IAVDD 31 38 mA REFIN = AGND 26 35 mA OE/PD = DVDD VDVDD = 3.3V 0.6 1 mA 5.3 9 VDVDD = 5.0V 8.5 14 OE/PD = DVDD 90 150 A 172 220 mW Analog Supply Current with Internal Reference in Shutdown Analog Shutdown Current Digital Supply Current IDVDD Digital Shutdown Current Power Dissipation PD mA DIGITAL INPUTS (CLK, OE/PD) Input Logic High Input Logic Low VIH VIL VDVDD > 4.75V 2.4 VDVDD < 4.75V 0.7 * VDVDD VDVDD > 4.75V 0.8 VDVDD < 4.75V 0.3 * VDVDD V VDVDD = 5.25V Input Current Leakage V ICLK -10 10 A IOE/PD -20 20 A Input Capacitance 10 pF DIGITAL OUTPUTS (D0-D9) Output Logic High VOH IOH = -200A, VDVDD = 2.7V Output Logic Low VOL IOL = 200A, VDVDD = 2.7V Three-State Leakage VDVDD = 5.25V, OE/PD = DVDD Three-State Capacitance OE/PD = DVDD VDVDD - 0.5 VDV DD -10 V 0.5 V 10 A 10 pF TIMING CHARACTERISTICS Conversion Rate CONV Clock Frequency fCLK Clock High tCH Figure 4 20 Clock Low tCL Figure 4 20 Pipeline Delay (Latency) Aperture Delay Aperture Jitter Data Output Delay Bus Enable Bus Disable 4 tAD tAJ tOD 0.1 5 20 MHz 20 MHz 25 30 ns 25 30 ns 25 20 20 cycles ns ps ns ns ns 5.5 5 7 20 10 10 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 10-Bit, 20Msps ADC Note 1: Note 2: Note 3: Note 4: Note 5: Note 6: Note 7: Note 8: MAX1425 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Internal reference, REFIN bypassed to AGND with a 0.1F capacitor. External +2.5V reference applied to REFIN. Internal reference disabled. VREFIN = 0, VREFP = 3.25V, VCML = 2.25V, and VREFN = 1.25V. Measured as the ratio of the change in midscale offset voltage for a 5% change in VAVDD using the internal reference. IMD is measured with respect to either of the fundamental tones. Specifies the common-mode range of the differential input signal supplied to the MAX1425. Defined as the input frequency at which the fundamental component of the output spectrum is attenuated by 3dB. VREFIN is internally biased to +2.5V through a 5k resistor. Typical Operating Characteristics (VAVDD = VCMLP = +5V, VDVDD = +3.3V, VCMLN = VAGND = 0V, internal reference, digital output load = 35pF, fCLK = 20Msps (50% duty cycle), for dynamic performance 0dB is full scale, TA = +25C, unless otherwise noted.) INTEGRAL NONLINEARITY vs. CODE fINP = 2MHz 0.4 0.4 -1.0 AMPLITUDE (dB) -2.0 0.2 0.2 0 DNL (LSB) -0.2 -0.4 0 -0.2 -0.6 -4.0 -5.0 -6.0 -0.8 -0.4 -7.0 -1.0 -1.2 -8.0 -0.6 0 200 400 600 1000 800 -40 200 400 600 800 0.01 1000 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10,000 CODE BANDWIDTH (MHz) INTERMODULATION DISTORTION vs. FREQUENCY SIGNAL-TO-NOISE PLUS DISTORTION vs. POWER (fIN = 2.003MHz) SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO PLUS DISTORTION vs. POWER (fIN = 5.009MHz) 60 MAX1425-05 60 MAX1425-04 CLK == 20MHz ffCLK 20MHz f1 == 5.01MHz f1 5.01MHz f2 == 5.03MHz f2 5.03MHz -20 0 CODE 0 40 40 -60 -80 SNDR (dB) SINAD (dB) MAGNITUDE (dB) -3.0 20 20 -100 MAX1425-06 INL (LSB) 0 MAX1425-03 0.6 0.6 MAX1425-02 fINP = 2MHz MAX1425-01 0.8 ANALOG INPUT BANDWIDTH (FULL POWER) DIFFERENTIAL NONLINEARITY vs. CODE -120 -140 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FREQUENCY (MHz) 8 9 10 -60 -45 -30 INPUT (dB) -15 0 -60 -45 -30 -15 0 INPUT (dB) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (VAVDD = VCMLP = +5V, VDVDD = +3.3V, VCMLN = VAGND = 0V, internal reference, digital output load = 35pF, fCLK = 20Msps (50% duty cycle), for dynamic performance 0dB is full scale, TA = +25C, unless otherwise noted.) SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO vs. POWER (fIN = 2.003MHz) 50 40 30 40 SNR (dB) SNR (dB) 30 30 20 20 20 10 10 10 0 0 -30 -15 0 -60 0 -45 -30 -15 INPUT (dB) INPUT (dB) SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO vs. POWER (fIN = 9.884MHz) SPURIOUS-FREE DYNAMIC RANGE vs. POWER (fIN = 2.003MHz) SFDR (dB) SNR (dB) 20 -60 -45 -30 -15 60 50 50 40 30 20 20 10 10 0 -60 -45 -30 -15 0 -60 0 MAX1425-14 MAX1425-13 0 THD (dB) THD (dB) -40 -45 -30 INPUT (dB) -15 0 -40 -60 -80 -80 0 0 -20 -60 20 -15 TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION vs. POWER (fIN = 5.009MHz) -20 40 -30 INPUT (dB) TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION vs. POWER (fIN = 2.003MHz) SPURIOUS-FREE DYNAMIC RANGE vs. POWER (fIN = 9.984MHz) -60 -45 INPUT (dB) 60 0 40 30 INPUT (dB) 80 -15 70 60 0 -30 80 0 0 -45 SPURIOUS-FREE DYNAMIC RANGE vs. POWER (fIN = 5.009MHz) 70 40 -60 INPUT (dB) 80 MAX1425-10 60 0 MAX1425-15 -45 SFDR (dB) -60 MAX1425-11 SINAD (dB) 40 6 50 MAX1425-12 50 60 MAX1425-08 60 MAX1425-07 60 SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO vs. POWER (fIN = 5.009MHz) MAX1425-09 SIGNAL-TO-NOISE PLUS DISTORTION vs. POWER (fIN = 9.884MHz) SFDR (dB) MAX1425 10-Bit, 20Msps ADC -60 -45 -30 INPUT (dB) -15 0 -60 -45 -30 INPUT (dB) _______________________________________________________________________________________ -15 0 10-Bit, 20Msps ADC EFFECTIVE NUMBER OF BITS vs. POWER (fIN = 2.003MHz) 8 -40 -60 8 ENOB (bits) ENOB (bits) -20 6 4 2 0 -80 -45 -30 -15 0 -60 0 4 -45 -30 -15 0 -60 -45 -30 -15 0 INPUT (dB) INPUT (dB) INPUT (dB) EFFECTIVE NUMBER OF BITS vs. POWER (fIN = 9.884MHz) EFFECTIVE NUMBER OF BITS vs. INPUT FREQUENCY SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO vs. INPUT FREQUENCY 10.0 MAX1425-19 10 8 60 MAX1425-21 -60 6 2 MAX1425-20 THD (dB) 10 MAX1425-17 10 MAX1425-16 0 EFFECTIVE NUMBER OF BITS vs. POWER (fIN = 5.009MHz) MAX1425-18 TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION vs. POWER (fIN = 9.884MHz) 9.6 4 9.2 SNR (dB) ENOB (bits) ENOB (bits) 59 6 8.8 58 2 8.4 -45 -30 -15 0 2 4 6 8 INPUT (dB) INPUT FREQUENCY (MHz) TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION vs. INPUT FREQUENCY SIGNAL-TO-NOISE PLUS DISTORTION vs. INPUT FREQUENCY -65 2 10 10 -20 -40 MAGNITUDE (dB) SINAD (dB) 8 FFT PLOT (fIN = 2MHz) 59 58 -75 6 0 60 -70 4 INPUT FREQUENCY (MHz) MAX1425-23 61 MAX1425-22 -60 THD (dB) 57 8.0 -60 MAX1425-24 0 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -80 57 2 4 6 8 INPUT FREQUENCY (MHz) 10 -160 2 4 6 8 INPUT FREQUENCY (MHz) 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 FREQUENCY (MHz) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 MAX1425 Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (VAVDD = VCMLP = +5V, VDVDD = +3.3V, VCMLN = VAGND = 0V, internal reference, digital output load = 35pF, fCLK = 20Msps (50% duty cycle), for dynamic performance 0dB is full scale, TA = +25C, unless otherwise noted.) Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (VAVDD = VCMLP = +5V, VDVDD = +3.3V, VCMLN = VAGND = 0V, internal reference, digital output load = 35pF, fCLK = 20Msps (50% duty cycle), for dynamic performance 0dB is full scale, TA = +25C, unless otherwise noted.) FFT PLOT (fIN = 5MHz) FFT PLOT (fIN = 10MHz) MAX1425-26 -20 -20 -40 MAGNITUDE (dB) -60 -80 -40 -60 -80 -100 -100 -120 -120 -140 -140 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FREQUENCY (MHz) TOTAL SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE INTERNAL REFERENCE VOLTAGE vs. TEMPERATURE MAX1425-27 48 SHUTDOWN 44 0 FREQUENCY (MHz) 40 0.75 2.18 0.70 2.16 0.65 OE/PD = 1 0.60 36 32 INTERNAL REFERENCE (V) 1 SHUTDOWN CURRENT (mA) 0 10 MAX1425-28 MAGNITUDE (dB) 0 MAX1425-25 0 SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) MAX1425 10-Bit, 20Msps ADC 2.14 2.12 0.55 2.10 0.50 2.08 REFIN = AGND 28 -40 -15 10 35 TEMPERATURE (C) 8 60 85 -40 -15 10 35 60 85 TEMPERATURE (C) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 10-Bit, 20Msps ADC PIN NAME FUNCTION 1, 7 AGND Analog Ground. Connect all return paths for analog signals to these pins. 2, 8 AVDD Analog Supply Voltage Input. Bypass with a parallel combination of 2.2F, 0.1F, and 100pF capacitors to AGND. Bypass each supply input to the closest AGND (e.g., capacitors between pins 1 and 2). 3 REFP Positive Reference Output. Bypass to AGND with a 0.1F capacitor. If the internal reference is disabled, REFP can accept an external voltage. 4 REFIN External Reference Input. Bypass to AGND with a 0.1F capacitor. REFIN can be biased externally to adjust the reference level and calibrate full-scale errors. To disable the internal reference, connect REFIN to AGND. 5 REFN Negative Reference Output. Bypass to AGND with a 0.1F capacitor. REFN can accept an external voltage when the internal reference is disabled (REFN = AGND). 6 CML Common-Mode Level Input. Bypass to AGND with a 0.1F capacitor. CML can accept an external voltage when the internal reference is disabled (REFN = AGND). 9 INP Positive Analog Signal Input 10 INN Negative Analog Signal Input 11 CMLP Common-Mode Level Positive Input. For AC applications, connect to AVDD to internally set the input DC bias level. For DC-coupled applications, connect to AGND. 12 CMLN Common-Mode Level Negative Input. Connect to AGND to internally set the input DC bias level for both AC- and DC-coupled applications. 13 CLK 14 OE/PD 15 D9 16-19 D8-D5 Digital Data Outputs 8-5 20, 22 DVDD Digital Supply Voltage Input. Bypass with 2.2F and 0.1F capacitors in parallel. Digital supply can operate with voltages as low as +2.7V. 21, 23 DGND Digital Ground 24-27 D4-D1 Digital Data Outputs 4-1 28 D0 Digital Data Output (LSB) Clock Input. Clock frequency range from 0.1MHz to 20MHz. Active-Low Output Enable and Power-Down Input. Digital outputs become high impedance and device enters low-power mode when pin is high. Digital Data Output (MSB) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 9 MAX1425 Pin Description MAX1425 10-Bit, 20Msps ADC Detailed Description the residue by two and the next stage in the pipeline performs a similar operation. The MAX1425 uses a 10-stage, fully differential, pipelined architecture (Figure 1) that allows for high-speed conversion while minimizing power consumption. Each sample moves through a pipeline stage every half clock cycle. Counting the delay through the output latch, there is a 5.5 clock-cycle latency. A 2-bit flash ADC converts the input voltage to digital code. A DAC converts the ADC result back into an analog voltage, which is subtracted from the held input signal. The resulting error signal is then multiplied by two, and this product is passed along to the next pipeline stage where the process is repeated. Digital error correction compensates for offsets and mismatches in each pipeline stage and ensures no missing codes. System Timing Requirements Figure 3 shows the relationship between the clock input, analog input, and data output. The MAX1425 samples the falling edge of the input clock. Output data is valid on the rising edge of the input clock. The output data has an internal latency of 5.5 clock cycles, as shown. Figure 4 shows an output timing diagram that specifies the relationship between the input clock parameters and the valid output data. Analog Input and Internal Reference The MAX1425 has an internal +2.5V reference used to generate three reference levels: +3.25V, +2.25V, and +1.25V corresponding to V REFP, V CML, and V REFN. These reference voltages enable a 2V input range. Bypass all reference voltages with a 0.1F capacitor. The MAX1425 allows for three modes of reference operation: an internal reference (default) mode, an externally adjusted reference mode, or a full external reference mode. The internal reference mode occurs when no voltages are applied to REFIN, REFP, CML, Internal Track-and-Hold Circuit Figure 2 shows a simplified functional diagram of the internal track-and-hold (T/H) circuit in both track mode and hold mode. The fully differential circuit samples the input signal onto the four capacitors C1a, C1b, C2a, and C2b. Switches S2a and S2b set the common mode for the amplifier input, and open before S1. When S1 opens, the input is sampled. Switches S3a and S3b then connect capacitors C1a and C1b to the output of the amplifier. Capacitors C2a and C2b are connected either to REFN, REFP, or each other, depending on the results of the flash ADC. The amplifier then multiplies CML S2a INP REFP REFN REFP REFN MDAC VIN T/H x2 C1a S3a VOUT C2a S4a S1 S4c C2b S4b INN C1b FLASH ADC DAC S2b CML a) TRACK MODE 2 BITS CML C1a S3a S2a INP VIN C2a S4a STAGE 1 STAGE 2 REFP REFN REFP REFN STAGE 10 S1 S4c C2b S4b INN DIGITAL CORRECTION LOGIC S3b C1b S2b 10 CML D [9:0] b) HOLD MODE Figure 2. Internal Track-and-Hold Circuit Figure 1. Pipelined A/D Architecture (Block) 10 10-Bit, 20Msps ADC MAX1425 5.5 CLOCK-CYCLE LATENCY n n+1 n+2 n+3 n+4 n+5 n+6 n+7 ANALOG INPUT CLOCK INPUT n-6 DATA OUTPUT n-5 n-4 n-3 n-2 n-1 n n+1 Figure 3. System Timing Diagram Table 1. MAX1425 Output Code tCLK DIFFERENTIAL INPUT tCI tCH +Full Scale INPUT CLK tOD OUTPUT DATA DATA 0 DATA 1 DATA 2 Figure 4. Output Timing Diagram and REFN. In this mode, the voltages at these pins are set to their nominal values (see Electrical Characteristics). The reference voltage levels can be adjusted externally by applying a voltage at REFIN. This allows other input levels to be used as well. The full external reference mode is entered when REFIN = AGND. External voltages can be applied to REFP, CML, and REFN. In this mode, the internal reference shuts down, resulting in less overall power consumption. Clock Input (CLK) CLK is TTL/CMOS-compatible. Since the interstage conversion of the device depends on the rising and falling edges of the external clock, use a clock with low jitter and fast rise and fall times (<2ns). Low clock jitter improves SNR performance. The MAX1425 operates with a 50% duty cycle. If the clock has a duty cycle other than 50%, the clock must meet the specifications for high and low periods as stated in the Electrical Characteristics. OUTPUT CODE (TWO'S COMPLEMENT) 0111111111 +Full Scale 1LSB 0111111110 +Full Scale 2LSB 0111111101 +3/4 Full Scale 0110000000 +1/2 Full Scale 0100000000 +1/4 Full Scale 0010000000 +1 LSB 0000000001 Bipolar Zero 0000000000 -1 LSB 1111111111 -1/4 Full Scale 1110000000 -1/2 Full Scale 1100000000 -3/4 Full Scale 1010000000 -Full Scale + 1LSB 1000000001 -Full Scale 1000000000 Output Enable/Power-Down Function (OE/PD) and Output Data All data outputs, D0 through D9, are TTL/CMOS-logic compatible. There is a 5.5 clock-cycle latency between the start convert signal and the valid output data. The output coding for the MAX1425 is in binary two's complement format, which has the MSB inverted (Table 1). The digital output goes into a high-impedance state and the device into a low-power mode when OE/PD goes high. For normal operation, drive OE low. The outputs are not designed to drive high capacitances or ______________________________________________________________________________________ 11 MAX1425 10-Bit, 20Msps ADC heavy loads, as they are specified to deliver only 200A for TTL compatibility. If an application needs output buffering, use 74LS74s or 74ALS541s as required. to remove some of the wideband noise associated with high-speed op amps. In this application, the amplifier outputs are directly coupled to the inputs. This configuration can also be modified for AC-coupled applications. The MAX1425 includes a DC level-shifting circuit internal to the part, allowing for AC-coupled applications. The level-shifting circuit is shown in Figure 6. The circuit in Figure 6 can accept a 1Vp-p maximum input voltage. With a maximum clock frequency of 20MHz, use 50 termination to minimize reflections. Buffer the digital outputs with a low-cost, high-speed, Applications Information Figure 5 depicts a typical application circuit containing a single-ended to differential converter. The internal reference provides a +2.25V output for level shifting. The input is buffered and then split to a voltage follower and inverter. The op amps are followed by a lowpass filter +5V 0.1F 300 BAS16 INP MAX4108 50 0.1F 300 22pF 0.1F 0.1F -5V MAX1425 600 CML +5V 2.5k 0.1F 300 600 MAX473A 0.1F 0.1F 2.5k +5V 50 +5V 0.1F 300 600 INPUT 0.1F 0.1F MAX4108 300 50 -5V 0.1F 50 INN MAX4108 BAS16 22pF 300 -5V 0.1F 25 25 600 Figure 5. Typical Application Circuit Using the Internal Reference 12 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 10-Bit, 20Msps ADC A small transformer (Figure 8) provides isolation and AC-coupling to the ADC's input. Connecting the transformer's center tap to CML provides a +2.25VDC level shift to the input. Transformer coupling reduces the need for high-speed op amps, thereby reducing cost. Although a 1:1 transformer is shown, a step-up transformer may be selected to reduce the drive requirements. Typical Application Using an External Reference Figure 7 depicts an application circuit that shuts down the internal reference, allowing an external reference to be used for selecting a different common-mode voltage. This added flexibility also allows for ratiometric conversions, as well as for calibration. Single-Ended DC-Coupled Input Signal Figure 9 shows an AC-coupled, single-ended application. The MAX4108 quad op amp provides high speed, high bandwidth, low noise, and low distortion to maintain the integrity of the input signal. CMLP 5.5k 5.5k INP TO T/H INPUT INN 4.5k 4.5k CMLN Figure 6. Analog Input DC Bias Circuit VDD 50 (V2DD) CML R 0.1F VDD 2 50 R REFP MAX4284 0.1F R R VDD 2 MAX1425 VDD 4 R 50 R ( V2DD + 1V ) REFN MAX4284 0.1F ( V2DD - 1V ) R VDD 4 REFIN R AGND +1V Figure 7. Using an External Reference for REFP, REFN, and CML (internal reference shut down) ______________________________________________________________________________________ 13 MAX1425 Using Transformer Coupling octal D-latched flip-flop (74ALS374), or use octal buffers such as the 74ALS541. MAX1425 10-Bit, 20Msps ADC R4 25 VIN V C3 22pF N.C. 2 R2 100 R3 100 3 T1 INP 50 MAX4108 MAX1425 1 IN1 2V 0.1F 50 22pF 100 6 MAX1425 5 4 MINICIRCUITS KKB1 CML 0.1F R5 25 100 INN 0.1F INP C9 22pF Figure 9. Single-Ended AC-Coupled Input Signal Figure 8. Using a Transformer for AC-Coupling Bypassing and Board Layout The MAX1425 requires high-speed board layout design techniques. Locate all bypass capacitors as close to the device as possible, using surface-mount devices for minimum inductance. Bypass all analog voltages (AV DD , REFIN, REFP, REFN, and CML) to AGND. Bypass the digital supply (DVDD) to DGND. Multilayer boards with separated ground and power planes produce the highest level of signal integrity. Route highspeed digital signal traces away from sensitive analog traces. Matching impedance, especially for the input clock generator, may reduce reflections, thus providing less jitter in the system. For optimum results, use lowdistortion complementary components such as the MAX4108. 14 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 10-Bit, 20Msps ADC PACKAGE TYPE PACKAGE CODE OUTLINE NO. LAND PATTERN NO. 28 SSOP A28+1 21-0056 90-0095 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 15 MAX1425 ________________________________________________________Package Information For the latest package outline information and land patterns (footprints), go to www.maxim-ic.com/packages. Note that a "+", "#", or "-" in the package code indicates RoHS status only. Package drawings may show a different suffix character, but the drawing pertains to the package regardless of RoHS status. MAX1425 10-Bit, 20Msps ADC Revision History REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE 0 1/00 Initial release 1 7/11 Updated Ordering Information, Absolute Maximum Ratings, Electrical Characteristics and Package Information DESCRIPTION PAGES CHANGED -- 1, 2, 4, 15 Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. 16 ____________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 (c) 2011 Maxim Integrated Products Maxim is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.