mi 67597360 OO07369 5 eve D RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR Raytheon Company T~27-99 Semiconductor Division istor ice Catalog Trans DRAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR = 27E D MM 7597360 0007370 1 ml 7-27-99 Features Shipping Formats @ Prefix Meanings: AT Standard JEDEC Type SC Special Customer Requirements Wafer size 24 inches, 3 inches Aluminum metallization 12 to 15K Angstroms Use only these prefixes. Do not use 2N prefix. = Suffix Meanings: WD Sample Probed, Wafer Form, Unscribed, Packed in tndividual Plastic Trays WE 100% DC Probed, Wafer Form, Unscribed, Rejects Inked, Packed in Individual Plastic Trays EB 100% DC Probed, Individual Dice, Rejects Removed, Packed in Vials EA 100% DC Probed, Individual Dice, Rejects Removed, Packed Individually in Waffle Pack Trays a a B Gold backing on all types 2 to 3K Angstroms w Glassivation 6 to 7K Angstroms a Wafer/Die Thickness 4 to 6 mils m Available in dice or wafer form; sample tested or 100% tested = Dice form is waffle packed or glass vial packed and vacuum sealed in anti-static bags m Wafers are packed in plastic trays and vacuum sealed in anti-static bags = Examples: AT 2222A WE 71 LC. Suffix WD, WE, EB, or EA JEDEC Part Type Prefix for JEDEC Types m Actual probe specifications can be tailored to customer requirements m Visual quality of dice and wafers guaranteed to 30% LTPD except 100% inspected dice which is guaranteed to 5% LTPD. SC 2300 EA @ 100% tested dice in waffle or vial pack guaranteed -C_ suffix WD, WE, EB, or EA to 10% LTPD for key parameters. Sequentially Assigned Numbers for Each Customer Drawing For any special requirements consult the Raytheon Prefix for Customer Specials Sales Office in your area. Product Information NPN PNP Product Die Size Bonding Pad Size (mils) Product Die Size Bonding Pad Size (mils ase Emitter Base Emitter CB 21 x 21 3.85.6 | 3.80 x 5.60 GA 19 x 19 3.3D 3.4D cc 27 X 27 4.0D 4.0D GB 21x 21 3.8*5.6 | 3.80 x 5.60 CG 27 X 27 6.26.2 | 5.30 x 5.30 GC 27 x 27 4.5D 4.5D CJ 16x 16 4.6D 4.6D GJ 17x17 3.5*3.5 | 3.50 = 3.50 CK 25 25 4.0 x 4.0 4.3D GK 27 x 27 4.0D 4.0D CL 19 x 19 3.2D 3.3D GL 17x17 4.0D 3.8D cQ 15 x 20 2.8D 2.8D GR 15x 20 3.2D 3.2D CR 27 x 27 62x62 | 5.30 5.30 GT 30 x 30 4.5D 4.0D CV 17x17 3.0*2.7 | 2.75 x 2.70 GV 16x 16 2.5D 2,25 * 2.25 CZ 19x 19 3.2D 3.3D GY 20 x 20 4.2D 4,50 x 4,70 C5 1119 3.3* 3.3 | 3.30 x 3.30 G6 11x 20 3.5* 4.0 | 3.50 x 4.00 Lo 20 x 20 6.53.5 | 3.50 x 3.50 x27E D mM 759730 0007371 3 mt 7-29-99 RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR WaHed JONPOldsJUBWUALNDAL JaUIOISND 6) PI1O]|2) Og UBD PUR adAy Aq AueA jy SUITED IDEds Oqolg [ENIDy 7B1ON, Ww suonesydde w juauing wnipad o0z | ose oo2 SO/ol | S/S'b S2 | OOl/L | OG | 06 | OL/L oo | vost | oso | o20 t ol 0 02 og oy 0s S2bPLY 'S2LPLY SOSELY SO6ELy | _Jalslidwe asodund yeiauIg | dNd | 99 ' VELIAIE | V8CELY VOPGELY wm 0s & ose Sor | ol/9 OL | OL/SO DP ) Op | Lo/vso | seo ; sho I aL se oF St 0s 09 VECELV | OLEELY WSr6cLV suoneoydde saddoyg | dNd | Ad suonesjdde sayydwe % , Ju youms oi6o; apow oS | 008 OL Soe | ose 02 | Oe/t ae | ob/t oe | bOsL ab see t a Si 001 Sy ab st 2S6r1 tSeply O9eh LY quauno paads yGiy agin | dNd | AD f vonesdde 620rL VEO} juauins yGiy oool =| Osh S'0/08 | OL/Oe Se | O00l/s OL | OOS/S | OCE | 00L | O0L/S OL $0 os | 00s 09 0g os 08 6 S20PLY 220hLV 2e0rLY EeOpLy | 4ayydwe asodind jesauag | dNd | 19 \ suoieodde sayayms 3160} ' 1h on payesmes pue Guryayyms | "of OPSELY ypeeziy | peads ybly s0ys}sued) [eIxe] | 001 | O02} Se; CC gorse | OLE Sk { OOt/L oe | OL/S'O Sl | lsd ol zo 1 Ot 9@01 Sy 3 Si BEQELY LLESLV | 60ZbLV BOZpLW | -[da uooIS padop wnuNeld | dNd | YD | suoneaydde 622108 Jayidue asodind i SOGELY POSELY yesauai Joy wed ybiy ! 0S =| OS Soo | S/S Osi | O1/s ost | b/s 001 | LOa/s | SBO | SEO t OL 0s @ 0} 09 09 08 e96ELV GELELY S092 POdZLY pue Ss}OU MO} jana MOT] | dNd | 79 suayesdde paads ybiy juasing ysiy soy ynjasn. 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Aqup vopewtaasey 205 . sumaulEItd, (eseg axon) S2yowere,s Ujs9q ! SPIN) UOIDAIaS JONpPOld JO}SISUBALRAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR 27E D Mm 7597360 0007373 7 om 7-29-99 Packaging Methods Label C > Figure 1. Waffle Pack Figure 2. Vial Pack Dice are placed in individual compartments. The The vial is sealed with filter paper and taped. plastic snap clips permit inspection and WT, Uy ty Ch resealing. Label Lid Filter Paper Plastic Tray Figure 3. Plastic Tray Pack Entire wafer is sandwiched between two pieces of filter paper then stacked in plastic trays and vacuum sealed in a plastic envelope. Ss Raytheon