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48-pin Single-Port Ethernet Controller
With 8-bit or 16-bit Non-PCI Interface
Evaluation Board User’s Guide
Revision 1.0
February 2008
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KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval Evaluation Board User’s Guide Rev. 1.0
Micrel, Inc. February 20, 2008
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Revision History
Revision Date Summary of Changes
1.0 2/20/2008 Initial Release
KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval Evaluation Board User’s Guide Rev. 1.0
Micrel, Inc. February 20, 2008
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction............................................................................ 5
2.0 Board Features....................................................................... 5
3.0 Evaluation Kit Contents......................................................... 5
4.0 Hardware Description............................................................ 6
4.1 Host Interface.......................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Jumper Setting & Definition .................................................................................. 8
4.3 Power Supply and Test Point Definition .............................................................. 9
4.4 RJ-45 Connector and Transformer ....................................................................... 9
4.5 EEPROM and LED Indicators ................................................................................ 9
4.6 Board Reset........................................................................................................... 10
5.0 Bill of Materials.....................................................................11
KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval Evaluation Board User’s Guide Rev. 1.0
Micrel, Inc. February 20, 2008
List of Figures
Figure 1. KSZ8851-16 MLL Evaluation Board................................................................................. 6
Figure 2. KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval Host Interface Connection with Spirent SmartBits ..................... 7
List of Tables
Table 1. Header JP1 – Host Interface Connection for SD[15:0] ..................................................... 7
Table 2. Header JP1 – Host Interface Connection for Control and Power...................................... 8
Table 3. KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval Jumper Definition.......................................................................... 8
Table 4. KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval Test Point Definition...................................................................... 9
Table 5. KSZ8851-16MLL EEPROM Format.................................................................................. 9
Table 6. KSZ8851-16MLL- Ev al Port Status LED Definition.......................................................... 10
Table 7. KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval LED Definition............................................................................. 10
KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval Evaluation Board User’s Guide Rev. 1.0
Micrel, Inc. February 20, 2008
1.0 Introduction
The KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval Evaluation Board is intended to provide a convenient and fast way to
evaluate or demonstrate the functionality and performance of this new Single-Port Ethernet
Controller KSZ8851-16MLL device from Micrel.
The KSZ8851-16MLL comes in a 48-pin, lead-free LQFP (7mm x 7mm) package and provides an
ideal solution for applications requiring high-performance from single-port Ethernet Controller with
8-bit or 16-bit generic processor interface. The KSZ8851-16MLL offers the most cost-effective
solution for adding high-throughput Ethernet connectivity to traditional embedded systems.
This evaluation board is designed as a stand alone without microcontroller or M16C on board. By
default the KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval board comes with an operation of 16-bit bus mode, Little
Endian mode and disabled EEPROM for KSZ8851-16MLL device. Customer may wire the board
for his desired interface. The purpose is to provide a simple tool that can be used to evaluate the
KSZ8851-16MLL device by connecting via headers to customer provided Microcontroller or Non-
PCI hardware platform.
Micrel provides a basic software driver based on the 8 or 16-bit bus solution and different
operating system platforms to evaluate the KSZ8851-16MLL functionality and performance. The
software includes a configuration utility to allow quick and easy device setup, initialization and
transmit/receive packet. All KSZ8851-16MLL configuration pins and host interface signals are
accessible either by jumpers, test points or headers.
2.0 Board Features
One KSZ8851-16MLL 48-pin Single-Port Ethernet Controller with shared data bus for
host interface
Single +5V/GND power input from headers
RJ-45 Jack for Fast Ethernet cable interface
HP Auto-MDIX for automatic detection and correction for straight-through and crossover
Two on board LDO voltage regulators, one for VDD_IO and the other for VDD_A3.3
One AT93C46 for external EEPROM interface
Two LED indicators for port status and activity
One LED in dicator for 3.3V out put ready
One LED indicator for Power Management Event (PME) output status
Jumpers to configure strapping pins and VDD_IO voltage option
Headers to wire the host interface from external hardware platform
Manual reset button for quick reboot after re-configuration of strapping pins
3.0 Evaluation Kit Contents
The KSZ8851-16MLL Evaluation Kit includes the following hardware:
KSZ8851-16MLL Evaluation Board
The KSZ8851-16MLL Data Sheet and Hardware Design Package with the following collaterals
that can be downloaded from Micrel’s website at http://www.micrel.com
KSZ8851-16MLL Eval Board Schematic (PDF and OrCAD DSN file)
KSZ8851-16MLL Eval Boards Gerber Files (PDF version included)
KSZ8851-16MLL Eval Board User’s Guide (this document and included BOM)
KSZ8851-16MLL IBIS Model
KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval Evaluation Board User’s Guide Rev. 1.0
Micrel, Inc. February 20, 2008
4.0 Hardware Description
The KSZ885 1-16 MLL- Eval (shown in Fig ure 1) c om es in a com pact form factor and plugs dir ectl y
into industr y standard test equipm ent such as Spirent SmartBits, the other side of board is wired
to exter nal h ost inter f ac e t h r ough he aders . Configurati on of the K SZ88 51- 16 ML L is ac co mplished
through on-board jumper selections and/or by register access via the host shared data/control
bus Interface.
Figure 1. KSZ8851-16MLL Evaluation Board
Other features include a RJ-45 Jack for Fast Ethernet cable connection, transformer (Pulse
H1102) to block DC level and provide a true AC coupling, EEPROM (Atmel AT93C46) to load
MAC address when it is enabled, jumper to select LDO output for VDD_IO voltage,
program mable LED ind icat or s f or r eporting por t link status and ac ti vity, and a m anua l res et but ton
for quick reboot after re-configuration of strapping pins.
The KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval receives +5V DC input power supply from its Headers JP1.
KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval Evaluation Board User’s Guide Rev. 1.0
Micrel, Inc. February 20, 2008
4.1 Host Interface
The KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval board receives +5V power from the header JP1 (pin 1/3). Figure 2
shows the Host interface connection with Spirent SmartBits for system set-up and performance
Any Non-PCI
Hardware Platform
Host I/F
Figure 2. KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval Host Interface Connection with Spirent SmartBits
The KSZ885 1-16MLL-Eval has a 40-pin header (JP1) for Host interface to external any Non-PCI
hardware platform. Table 1 lists Shared Data SD[15:0] pin outs for the Host interface on header
JP1. Table 2 lists the rest of control signals and power/ground pin outs for the Host interface on
header JP1.
16-Bit Bus Mode (pin 1 pull-up) 8-Bit Bus Mode (pin 1 pull down)
Pin #
(JP1) Shared Data
Bus Signal CMD = 0 (low) CMD = 1 (high) CMD = 0 (low) CMD = 1 (high)
20 SD0 D0 x (don’t care) D0 A0
19 SD1 D1 x (don’t care) D1 A1
18 SD2 D2 A2 D2 A2
17 SD3 D3 A3 D3 A3
16 SD4 D4 A4 D4 A4
15 SD5 D5 A5 D5 A5
14 SD6 D6 A6 D6 A6
13 SD7 D7 A7 D7 A7
12 SD8 D8 x (don’t care) GND GND
11 SD9 D9 x (don’t care) GND GND
10 SD10 D10 x (don’t care) GND GND
9 SD11 D11 x (don’t care) GND GND
8 SD12 D12 BE0 GND GND
7 SD13 D13 BE1 GND GND
6 SD14 D14 BE2 GND GND
5 SD15 D15 BE3 GND GND
Table 1. Header JP1 – Host Interface Connection for SD[15:0]
KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval Evaluation Board User’s Guide Rev. 1.0
Micrel, Inc. February 20, 2008
Pin # (JP1) Power & Control
Signal Names Description
1, 3 5.0V_IN +5V power supply inputs for this board
2, 4, 21, 22, 25,
26, 29, 33, 34,
37, 38, 39, 40 GND Ground inputs/pins
23 CPU_CSN Chip Select input from host CPU
24 CPU_RSTN Reset input from host CPU
27 CPU_PME Power Management Event output to host CPU
28 CPU_CMD Command type input from host CPU
31 CPU_INTRN Interrupt output to host CPU
35 CPU_WRN Write input from host CPU
36 CPU_RDN Read input from host CPU
30, 32 Spares For customer to use
Table 2. Header JP1 – Host Interface Connection for Control and Power
4.2 Jumper Setting & Definition
The KSZ885 1-16MLL- Eval does not req uire any jum per for norm al operation except the VDD_IO
option. During power-up, the KSZ8851-16MLL is configured using the chip’s internal pull-up and
pull-down resistors with its default strapping pin values which will set this device in operation of
16-bit bus mode, litt le endi an and witho ut EEPRO M. Jum per s are provid ed to ove rride the def ault
settings , a llo wing for qu ic k configurat ion and re-configuratio n of the board. To overr ide t he def au lt
settings, simply select and close the desired jumper setting(s) and toggle the on-board manual
reset button (S1) for the new setting(s) to take effect.
The KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval jumper settings are defined in Table 3 below.
Jumper Definition Setting Description
JP2 EED_IO OFF (Default) OFF: EEPROM is not present
ON: EEPROM is present
JP3 3.3V ON (Default) ON: to select 3.3V (JP5 and JP6 must be OFF)
OFF: De-select 3.3V
JP4 EESK OFF (Default) OFF: Little Endian
ON: Big Endian
JP5 2.5V OFF (Default) ON: to select 2.5V (JP3 and JP6 must be OFF)
OFF: De-select 2.5V
JP6 1.8V OFF (Default) ON: to select 1.8V (JP3 and JP5 must be OFF)
OFF: De-select 1.8V
JP7 P1LED1 OFF (Default) OFF: 16-Bit bus mode
ON: 8-Bit bus mode
Table 3. KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval Jumper Definition
KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval Evaluation Board User’s Guide Rev. 1.0
Micrel, Inc. February 20, 2008
4.3 Power Supply and Test Point Definition
The KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval is supplied from external +5.0V DC power through a jumper (pin 1 and
3 at JP1), this +5.0V DC input is converted to both +3.3V with a Micrel LDO voltage regulator (U3,
MIC5209BM) for VDD_A3.3 analog power and VDD (option for 3.3V, 2.5V or 1.8V) with a Micrel
LDO voltage regulator (U5, MIC5209BM) for VDD_IO digital power. The KSZ8851-16MLL
contains an internal +1.8V LDO, to provide its core, analog and PLL voltages.
The KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval has four test points. They are defined in the following Table 4.
Test Point Definition
TP1 Power supply measurement for VDD_IO
TP2 Power supply measurement for VDD_A3.3
TP3 1.8V digital core voltage output measurement from
KSZ8851-16MLL internal LDO
TP4 External power supply 5.0V_IN measurement
Table 4. KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval Test Point Definition
4.4 RJ-45 Connector and Transformer
The RJ-45 Jack (J1) connects to standard CAT-5 Ethernet cable to interface with 10Base-
T/100Base-TX Ethernet devices. The LAN interface on the KSZ8851-16MLL is connected to a
transf orm er (T 1) with 50 oh m term ination res ist or s f or both T X +/- an d RX+ /- d if f erential pairs. T he
line side of the transformer is connected to the RJ-45 connectors (J1).
J1 also supports Auto-MDIX and Auto-Negotiation / Forced Modes.
4.5 EEPROM and LED Indicators
It is optional in the KSZ8851-16MLL to use an external EEPROM. The EED_IO (JP2) must be
pulled high (ON) to use external EEPROM.
An external serial EEPROM with a standard microwire bus interface is used for non-volatile
storage of information such as the host MAC address. The KSZ8851-16MLL can detect if the
EEPROM is either a 1KB (93C46) or 4KB (93C66) EEPROM device. The EEPROM must be
organized as 16-bit mode.
The KSZ8851-16MLL EEPROM format is given in Table 5.
WORD 15 8 7 0
0H Reserved
1H Host MAC Address Byte 2 Host MAC Address Byte 1
2H Host MAC Address Byte 4 Host MAC Address Byte 3
3H Host MAC Address Byte 6 Host MAC Address Byte 5
4H – 6H Reserved
7H-3FH Not used for KSZ8851-16MLL (available for user to use)
Table 5. KSZ8851-16MLL EEPROM Format
KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval Evaluation Board User’s Guide Rev. 1.0
Micrel, Inc. February 20, 2008
A dual LED indicator (LED1) is located adjacent to the RJ-45 Connector (J1). The top LED is
connected to P1LED1 (pin 1) and bottom LED is connected to P1LED0 (pin 2) of the KSZ8851-
The two LEDs are pr ogramm able to LED mode ‘0’ or ‘ 1’ via r eg ister 0xC6 bits [9], and are defined
in the following Table 6.
LED Mode
0 (Default) 1
LED1 (Top) 100BT ACT
Table 6. KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval Port Status LED Definition
Table 7 shows the rest of LEDs definition.
LED Color Description
LED2 Green Power Management Event (PME) Status
LED3 Red 3.3V Power available indicator
Table 7. KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval LED Definition
4.6 Board Reset
The KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval generates a reset signal from the reset circuitry during power up. It
also provides a push button S1 reset circuit to reset the KSZ8851-16MLL device. During power
up, the board is automatically reset. User can also press reset button S1 on the board for a
manual reset.
KSZ8851-16MLL-Eval Evaluation Board User’s Guide Rev. 1.0
Micrel, Inc. February 20, 2008
5.0 Bill of Materials
KSZ8851-16MLL Eval Board (Rev isi on 1.0)
Mouser Electronics
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