Mallory Sonalert Products,Inc. Oxygen Melody Sound Level Category: Voltage Rating: Average Current Draw: Ipk Current*: Housing Material: Storage Temperature: Silence Loud Silence - NO SOUND Low Priority Alarm - 2 beeps repeating every 30 sec Loud Loud Medium Priority High Priority Alarm Alarm: 3 beeps 10 beeps repeating repeating every 7.5 every 2.5 sec sec Silence 85 to 95 dB(A) Typ. 85 to 95 dB(A) Typ. 85 to 95 dB(A) Typ. Silence 150 to 4000 Hz 150 to 4000 Hz 150 to 4000 Hz Connect "+" to "+" & Connect "+" to "+" & Connect "+" to "+" & Connect "+" to "+" & "-"& "-" to "-" of Power "-" & M to "-" of "-" & H to "-" of L to "-" of Power Supply Supply Power Supply Power Supply 9 to 12 VDC <15mA Typ. <15mA Typ. <15mA Typ. <20mA Typ. 75mA ABS 777D Plastic Resin, Black -40 to +85 C -30 to +65 C 0.6 oz (17g) Please contact factory. Operating Temperature: Weight Typical: Options: Dimensions: F cUL Recognized to IEC60601-1-8 Specifications: Connection: SBT12MMXPC Revision: Sales Outline Drawing Mode of Operation: Loudness @ 10cm: Frequency: Part #: cUL Recognized Inches [mm] ROHS Compliant PATENT NUMBER: 7880593 O1.750 [O44.5] 0.334 [8.5] S H M L (R) 0.200 [5.1] AL ER T ON M a d e in U .S .A. + 0.100 [2.5] M e d ic a l - 5 O0.039 [O1.0] 5 Holes Req'd 0.551 [14.0] 0.33 [8.4] *Ipk = Instantaneous Peak 4411 South High School Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46241 U.S.A * Phone: (317) 612-1000 Fax: (317) 612-1010 tolerances: 0.01 [0.3] 0.005 [0.1]