DATA SHEET SILICON TRANSISTOR 2SA1413-Z PNP SILICON TRIPLE DIFFUSED TRANSISTOR MP-3 DESCRIPTION 2SA1413-Z is designed for High Voltage Switching, especially BAC SE Oe ONS in Hybrid Integrated Circuits. FEATURES. ; 2340.2 High Voltage : Vceo = -600 V O54 High Speed : tr 1.0 us Complement to 2$C3632-Z .. Ea QUALITY GRADE et Standard 08 Please refer to Quality grade on NEC Semiconductor Devices MAXI a (Document number IEI-1209) published by NEC Corporation to 0.8 know the specification of quality grade on the devices and its 1. Base @ recommended applications. 2. Collector 3. Emitter 4, Collector ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta = 25 C) Collector to Base Voltage Vcso -600 Vv Collector to Emitter Voltage Vceo -600 V Emitter to Base Voltage Veseo -7 V Collector Current (DC) Ic -1.0 A Collector Current (Puise)* Ic -2.0 A Total Power Dissipation (Ta = 25 C)** Pr 2.0 Ww Junction Temperature Ti 150 C Storage Temperature Tstg-55 to +150 C * PW 10 ms, Duty Cycle 3 50 % ** When mounted on ceramic substrate of 7.6 cm? x 0.7 mm Document No. TC-1636A {O.D, No. TC-5955) Date Published December 1993 M oration 198 Printed in Japan : . NEC Corp 985NEC -2SA1413-Z ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta = 25 C) "CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT TEST CONDITIONS Collector Cutoff Current tcao ~10 | pA | Vce=-600V, Ie =0 Emitter Cutoff Current Tr) 10- | owA. | Vea = -7.0 V, Ic=0 DC Current Gain hres ** 30... 58 120 Vce = -5.0 V, lc =-0.1A DC Current Gain hre2*** 5 19 Vee = -5.0 V, lc =-0.5 A Collector Saturation Voltage Veetsan* ** ~-0.28 -1.0 Vv Ic = -0.3 A, le = -60 mA Base Saturation Voltage Voeisary*** 0.85 -1.2 Vv Ic = +0.3 A, le = -60 mA ' Gain Bandwidth Product fr 28 MHz Vce = -10 V, le = 50 mA Output Capacitance Cop - 42 pF Vce = ~10 V, le = 0, f = 1.0 MHz Turn-on Time ton 0.1 0.5 us Ic =-0.5 A, RL = 5002 Storage Time tetg 3.5 5.0 us fe: = -Iez = -0.1A Fall time ti 0.08 0.5 ps | Vec=-250V *** Pulsed: PW 350 us, Duty Cycle $ 2% hre Classification MARKING M L K hre1 30 to 60 40 to 80 60 to 120 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta = 25 C) TOTAL POWER DISSIPATION vs. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 12 - s t 10 < 2 gs - wn 20. S i 5 8 <4 = So 3 &. = 4 wt 5 With 7 5 e Ceram; Cme x. 1 2 ic g 07 & | bstrate mM with PCB 0 50 100 150 200 Ta - Ambient Temperature C Ic - Collector Current - A FORWARD SAFE OPERATING AREA SD o C. 3: 3 ~3.0 ~-10 ~-30 -100 -300 Vce Collector to Emitter Voltage - V ~1 000NEC 2SA1413-Z COLLECTOR CURRENT vs. REVERSE BIAS SAFE OPERATING AREA COLLECTOR TO EMITTER VOLTAGE -1.0 ~100 <x -0.8 < -80 I e c 5 -0.6 -60 2 3 5 04 5 -40 = = 5S g 3 1 g oo 06 ~ 02 3 2 0.4 Ip =-0.2 mA 0 -200 +400 -600 -800 -1000 0 -2.0 -4.0 -6.0 -8.0 -10 Vce - Collector to Emitter Voltage - V Vce Collector to Emitter Voltage - V COLLECTOR CURRENT vs. DC CURRENT GAIN vs. BASE TO EMITTER VOLTAGE COLLECTOR CURRENT 10 Vee = -5.0V 1000 Vee = ~5.0 < 03 - 300 -~ tol oS 100 5 -0.1 5 & 8 Go 30 80.03 8 8 1 10 ! 2 -0.01 3 0.003 1 0 -0.2. 0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 0.002 -0.005 -0.01 -0.02 -0.05 40.1 -02 -05 -1.0 -2.0 Vee Base to Emitter Voltage V Ic Collector Current -A COLLECTOR AND BASE SATURATION TURN OFF TIME vs. VOLTAGE vs. COLLECTOR CURRENT COLLECTOR CURRENT > 80 c=5-1B lela = 5 a> =~ 250 oT le: = Ie2 $2 -1.0 2 gs 2 aoc = 5.8 r oe -3.0 2 23 5 $3 $ 23 a 8s ~0.1 A a) a3 t > -0.03 ; -0.005 -0.01 -0.02 -0.05 -0.1 -0.2. -0.5 -0.03 -0.1 -0.3 . -1.0 ~3.0 Ic = Collector Current-A Ic Collector Curernt - ANEC GAIN BANDWIDTH PRODUCT vs. COLLECTOR CURRENT . 100 Vce = -5.0 V 50 20 10 5.0 2.0 fr - Gain Bandwidth Product - MHz 1.0 ~0.002 -0.005 -0.01 -0.02 -0.05 -01 02 Ic - Collector Current - mA TRANSIENT THERMAL RESISTANCE 1 000 300 100 30 10 3.0 1.0 Rth Transient Thermal Resistance C/W 0.3 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100 PW - Pulse Width -s 2SA1413-Z OUTPUT CAPACITANCE vs. COLLECTOR TO BASE VOLTAGE le=0 Cop Output Capacitance pF NM So N o & o -10 . 30 -100 ~300 Vce - Collector to Base Voltage - VNEC | | 2SA1413-Z [MEMO]NEC # 2SA1413-Z Reference Application note name "No. Quality control of NEC semiconductors devices. TEI-1202 Quality control guide of semiconductors devices. MEI-1202 Assembly manual of semiconductors devices. {El-1207 Design of Push-Pull Type Switching Regulators (Basic). TEB-1002 Design of Push-Pull Type Switching Regulators (Applications). TEB-1003 Optimum Base Drive Conditions of Switching Power Transistors. TEB-1014 No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of NEC Corporation.NEC Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors-which may appear in this document. . NEC Corporation does not assume any liability for infringement of patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of third parties by or arising from use of a device described herein or any other liability arising from use of such device. No license, either express, implied or otherwise, is granted under any patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of NEC Corporation or others. The devices listed in this document are not suitable for use in aerospace equipment, submarine cables, nuclear: reactor control systems.and life support systems. If customers intend to use NEC devices for above applications or they intend to use "Standard" quality grade NEC devices for applications not intended by NEC, please contact our sales people in advance. Application examples recommended by NEC Corporation. Standard: Computer, Office equipment, Communication equipment, Test and Measurement equipment, Machine tools, Industrial robots, Audio and Visual equipment, Other consumer products, etc. Special: Automotive and Transportation equipment, Traffic control systems, Antidisaster systems, Anticrime systems, etc. M4 92.6