5MP1 SERIES Metallized Polypropylene Metallized Polypropylene Metallized Polypropylene and Military Styles CFR13 and CFR14."Hi-Rel" replacement for electrolytics for a broad range of commercial and military switching power supplies. FEATURES - Better electrical properties with higher reliability and no capacitance versus electrolytic - Resonant frequency of 1065KHz - Ripple current to 30amps - Capacitance as high as 50f - Voltage protection: 200% - Long term stability, retrace and low dielectric absorption STANDARD CONFIGURATION - 5MP12/MIL Style CFR13 Wrap and axial leads - 5MP16/MIL Style CFR14 Wrap and lug terminations Rev. 3 Summary Capacitance Range 1.0F to 50.0F. Capacitance is measured at 25C at/or referenced to a frequency of 1kHz. Capacitance Tolerance Standard tolerance is 10%. Tolerances of 20% and 5% are available. Operating Temperature Range -55C to +105C Quality Control Capacitors are tested 100% for: o Capacitance tolerance o Dissipation Factor o Dielectric withstanding voltage o Insulation Resistance o Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) Process and inspection data are maintained on on special request. Enclosure/ Construction Mylar tape outer wrap. and available Environmental Voltage Rating DC working voltage ratings are from 100VDC to 400VDC Parameter Vibration Immersion Shock Humidity Thermal Shock Life Method 204 104 213 106 107 108 Condition D B I A F Reference MIL-STD-202 Characteristics Insulation Resistance Temperature(C) 25 Megaohmsx 300,000 Microfarads 85 30,000 Capacitance Change Temperature(C) -55 PercentageChange 2.0 (typical) 105 3,000 Insulation Resistance CAPACITANCE CHANGE VERSUS TEMPERATURE CAPACITANCE CHANGE (%) 1,000,000 100,000 10,000 1,000 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -55 -3 5 -15 +5 +2 5 +4 5 +6 5 +8 5 +10 5 T E M PE R A T U R E (C ) +45 +65 +85 +105 TEMPERATURE (C) Dilectric Strength Capacitors shall withstand a DC potential of twice rated voltage for one (1) minute through a limiting resistance of 100 ohms/volt without damage or breakdown. Dissipation Factor When measured at the frequency for capacitance measurement, the dissipation factor shall not exceed 0.1%. DISSIPATION FACTOR VERSUS TEMPERATURE DISSIPATION FACTOR (%) INSULATION RESISTANCE (MEGOHMS X MICROFARAD) 105 -4.0 CapacitanceChange INSULATION RESISTANCE VERSUS TEMPERATURE 100 +25 25 0 0 .0 5 0 .0 4 0 .0 3 0 .0 2 0 .0 1 0 -55 -3 5 -15 +5 +2 5 +4 5 +6 5 +8 5 +10 5 T E M PE R A T U R E (C ) Rev. 3 ELECTRICAL DATA EC PART NUMBER EQUIVALENT MILITARY DESIGNATION CAP F 5MP12D105_ 5MP12D205_ 5MP12D305_ 5MP12D505_ 5MP12D106_ 5MP12D206_ 5MP12D306_ 5MP12D506_ 5MP12F105_ 5MP12F205_ 5MP12F305_ 5MP12F505_ 5MP12F106_ 5MP12F206_ 5MP12J105_ 5MP12J205_ 5MP12J305_ 5MP12J505_ 5MP12J106_ CFR13ALB105_ CFR13ALB205_ CFR13ALB305_ CFR13ALB505_ CFR13ALB106_ CFR13ALB206_ CFR13ALB306_ Not Available CFR13ALC105_ CFR13ALC205_ CFR13ALC305_ CFR13ALC505_ CFR13ALC106_ CFR13ALC206_ CFR13ALE105_ CFR13ALE205_ CFR13ALE305_ CFR13ALE505_ CFR13ALE106_ 1 2 3 5 10 20 30 50 1 2 3 5 10 20 1 2 3 5 10 EC PART NUMBER EQUIVALENT MILITARY DESIGNATION CAP F 5MP16D105_ 5MP16D205_ 5MP16D305_ 5MP16D505_ 5MP16D106_ 5MP16D206_ 5MP16D306_ 5MP16D506_ 5MP16F105_ 5MP16F205_ 5MP16F305_ 5MP16F505_ 5MP16F106_ 5MP16F206_ 5MP16J105_ 5MP16J205_ 5MP16J305_ 5MP16J505_ 5MP16J106_ CFR14LLB105_ CFR14LLB205_ CFR14LLB305_ CFR14LLB505_ CFR14LLB106_ CFR14LLB206_ CFR14LLB306_ Not Available CFR14LLC105_ CFR14LLC205_ CFR14LLC305_ CFR14LLC505_ CFR14LLC106_ CFR14LLC206_ CFR14LLE105_ CFR14LLE205_ CFR14LLE305_ CFR14LLE505_ CFR14LLE106_ 1 2 3 5 10 20 30 50 1 2 3 5 10 20 1 2 3 5 10 D 0.469 0.534 0.624 0.640 0.805 0.875 1.075 1.375 0.450 0.605 0.654 0.769 0.905 1.315 0.620 0.802 0.961 1.067 1.543 0.062 0.062 0.093 0.093 0.093 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.062 0.093 0.093 0.093 0.125 0.125 0.093 0.093 0.125 0.125 0.125 L Lead Dia. ESR Ohms 20-100 kHz Max Fres kHz I PEAK AMPS dv/dt (V/s) 0.015 1065 407 407 0.032 0.012 703 528 264 0.032 0.011 574 790 263 0.040 0.100 385 828 166 0.040 0.009 248 1280 128 0.040 0.008 141 1517 76 0.040 0.006 115 2277 76 0.040 0.004 89 3795 76 0.040 0.020 861 250 250 0.032 0.015 609 498 249 0.032 0.013 452 576 192 0.040 0.011 323 782 156 0.040 0.009 200 1139 114 0.040 0.006 141 2277 114 0.040 0.019 784 319 319 0.040 0.015 511 521 260 0.040 0.012 417 781 260 0.040 0.010 283 950 190 0.040 0.006 200 1898 190 0.040 Note: The tenth character of the EC part number represents the capacitance tolerance: M=20%, K=10%, J=5%. D 0.469 0.534 0.624 0.640 0.805 0.875 1.075 1.375 0.450 0.605 0.654 0.769 0.905 1.315 0.620 0.802 0.961 1.067 1.543 0.062 0.062 0.093 0.093 0.093 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.062 0.093 0.093 0.093 0.125 0.125 0.093 0.093 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.750 0.938 0.938 1.250 1.500 2.250 2.250 2.250 1.250 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.250 2.250 1.500 1.750 1.750 2.250 2.250 L L1 ESR Ohms 20-100 kHz Max Fres kHz I PEAK AMPS dv/dt (V/s) 0.922 1.110 1.110 1.422 1.672 2.422 2.422 2.422 1.422 1.422 1.672 1.922 2.422 2.422 1.672 1.922 1.922 2.422 2.422 1.640 1.828 1.828 2.140 2.390 3.140 3.140 3.140 2.140 2.140 2.390 2.640 3.140 3.140 2.390 2.640 2.640 3.140 3.140 0.015 0.012 0.011 0.100 0.009 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.020 0.015 0.013 0.011 0.009 0.006 0.019 0.015 0.012 0.010 0.006 949 617 504 347 227 133 108 84 776 548 414 299 188 133 716 472 386 265 188 407 528 790 828 1280 1517 2277 3795 250 498 576 782 1139 2277 319 521 781 950 1898 407 264 263 166 128 76 76 76 250 249 192 156 114 114 319 260 260 190 190 Note: The tenth character of the EC part number represents the capacitance tolerance: M=20%, K=10%, J=5%. Rev. 3 EC PART NUMBER EQUIVALENT MILITARY DESIGNATION 5MP12D105_ 5MP12D205_ 5MP12D305_ 5MP12D505_ 5MP12D106_ 5MP12D206_ 5MP12D306_ 5MP12D506_ 5MP12F105_ 5MP12F205_ 5MP12F305_ 5MP12F505_ 5MP12F106_ 5MP12F206_ 5MP12J105_ 5MP12J205_ 5MP12J305_ 5MP12J505_ 5MP12J106_ 5MP16D105_ 5MP16D205_ 5MP16D305_ 5MP16D505_ 5MP16D106_ 5MP16D206_ 5MP16D306_ 5MP16D506_ 5MP16F105_ 5MP16F205_ 5MP16F305_ 5MP16F505_ 5MP16F106_ 5MP16F206_ 5MP16J105_ 5MP16J205_ 5MP16J305_ 5MP16J505_ 5MP16J106_ CFR13ALB105_ CFR13ALB205_ CFR13ALB305_ CFR13ALB505_ CFR13ALB106_ CFR13ALB206_ CFR13ALB306_ Not Available CFR13ALC105_ CFR13ALC205_ CFR13ALC305_ CFR13ALC505_ CFR13ALC106_ CFR13ALC206_ CFR13ALE105_ CFR13ALE205_ CFR13ALE305_ CFR13ALE505_ CFR13ALE106_ CFR14LLB105_ CFR14LLB205_ CFR14LLB305_ CFR14LLB505_ CFR14LLB106_ CFR14LLB206_ CFR14LLB306_ Not Available CFR14LLC105_ CFR14LLC205_ CFR14LLC305_ CFR14LLC505_ CFR14LLC106_ CFR14LLC206_ CFR14LLE105_ CFR14LLE205_ CFR14LLE305_ CFR14LLE505_ CFR14LLE106_ 25C 9.2 10.8 12.1 13.8 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 7.3 12.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 9.5 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 10.3 12.0 13.3 14.8 17.8 21.6 24.3 29.6 7.3 14.3 15.9 18.3 22.4 27.4 9.5 15.0 21.1 24.4 30.0 MAXIMUM RIPPLE CURRENT (AMPS RMS) 20-100 kHz CASE TEMPERATURE 35C 45C 55C 65C 75C 8.5 7.8 7.0 6.0 4.9 10.0 9.1 8.2 7.0 5.8 11.2 10.3 9.2 8.0 6.5 12.7 11.6 10.4 9.0 7.4 15.0 14.2 12.7 11.0 9.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 13.6 11.1 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 12.4 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 13.6 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.2 5.9 12.0 11.3 10.1 8.7 7.1 13.8 12.6 11.3 9.8 8.0 15.0 14.7 13.1 11.4 9.3 15.0 15.0 15.0 13.8 11.3 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 14.1 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 7.8 15.0 15.0 13.4 11.6 9.5 15.0 15.0 15.0 13.1 10.7 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 12.5 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 9.5 8.7 7.8 6.7 5.5 11.0 10.0 8.9 7.8 6.3 12.3 11.2 10.0 8.7 7.1 13.7 12.5 11.2 9.7 7.9 16.5 15.0 13.5 11.7 9.5 20.0 18.3 16.4 14.2 11.6 22.5 20.5 18.4 15.9 13.0 27.3 25.5 23.6 20.6 20.0 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.3 6.4 13.3 12.1 10.8 9.4 7.7 14.7 13.5 12.0 10.4 8.5 17.0 15.5 13.9 12.0 9.8 20.7 18.9 16.9 14.6 12.0 25.4 23.2 20.7 17.9 14.7 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 8.3 15.0 15.0 14.2 12.3 10.0 19.5 17.8 15.9 13.8 11.3 22.6 20.6 18.5 16.0 13.1 27.8 25.4 22.7 19.7 16.1 85C 4.5 5.3 5.9 6.7 8.2 10.0 11.4 12.4 5.4 6.5 7.3 8.5 10.3 12.8 7.1 8.7 9.8 11.4 14.1 5.0 5.8 6.5 7.2 8.7 10.6 11.9 19.7 5.8 7.0 7.8 8.9 10.9 13.4 7.5 9.1 10.3 11.9 14.7 Note: The tenth character of the EC part number represents the capacitance tolerance: M=20%, K=10%, J=5% Rev. 3 MECHANICAL DATA Rev. 3 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION These metallized polypropylene capacitors are manufactured by using special techniques in order to achieve the optimum characteristics for high current, high capacitance, low ESR applications. For Filter designs where capacitance of 50F or less is suitable for the circuit, type 5MP the opportunity to utilize capacitors with ESR's orders of magnitude better than those of electrolytics, thus providing the opportunity to improve general system design. These unique capacitors also exhibit none of the of capacitance with frequency often associated with electrolytics. In addition to the features which make type 5MP particularly suitable for switching applications, they are also characterized by low losses. Other advantages of polypropylene are long term stability, retrace, low dielectric absorption, and high insulation resistance. HOW TO ORDER TYPE 5MP1 Metallized Polypropylene STYLE / VOLTAGE 2D AC high power / D=100VDC; F=200VDC; J=400VDC CAPACITANCE IN PICOFARADS The two digits are (e.g. 475=4700000pF) the third represents the number of zeros TOLERANCE Standard tolerance is 10%. Tolerances of 20% and 5% are available. 105 K Marking and Date Code All capacitors are marked with company initials "EC", corporate logo or EC trademark--in addition to type 5MP1, capacitance, tolerance, rated DC working voltage and date code. The two digits of the date code represent the year, the second two digits the week, i.e., 0952 is the 52nd week of 2009, 0902 is the second week of 2009. Quality Assurance Company. Raw material Major emphasis is placed on quality assurance. EC is an ISO 9001-2000 and AS9100:2004 inspection and the use of SPC manufacturing procedures assure the highest quality standards. Procedures are fully described in the EC Quality Control Manual. Electronic Concepts will continue to advance the state-of-the-art by utilizing leading edge technology, compact capacitor designs and establishing reliability procedures. Sales United States Eastern: *Headquarters* P.O. Box 1278 Eatontown,NJ 07724 Tel: 732-542-7880 Fax: 732-542-0524 Central: Illinois 630-668-8747 email: sales@ecicaps.com website:www.ecicaps.com Europe Ireland Electronic ConceptsEurope LTD IDA Estate, Oughterad Co. Galway, Ireland tel: +353-91-552385,552432 fax: +353-91-552387 email: sales@ecicaps.ie website:www.electronicconcepts.ie Rev. 3