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Top & Bottom Marking Strips for Double Row
Terminal Blocks
Top Marker Strips
Top mounting marker strips are available in white (opaque)
plastic. Two cover clips are supplied with each marker strip.
All top marker strips must be ordered separately.
Example: 12 position cover, TB200, 0.032” x 0.312” =
Catalog Number X20312.
Example: 12 position cover, TB200HB, 0.06” x 0.50” =
Catalog Number X23312HB.
Bottom Marker Strips
Bottom mounting marker strips are made of black PVC,
0.030” thick. Space is available to handle most marking
situations. All marker strips must be ordered separately.
To order, specify part number and required marking
orientation: (BF) bottom forward, (BR) bottom reverse, (TF)
top forward, or (TR) top reverse. Consult factory for specials.
Example: 13 position strip, TB100 with no markings, space
for marking one side = Catalog Number X10513.
Standard numeral height is 0.125”. Standard markings are
0-99. Special markings are available on special order.
Drawing(s) must be submitted to ensure accuracy of part
Dimensions (in)
Dim. TB100 TB200 TB200HB TB300 TB345 TB400
A 1.13 1.37 1.62 1.58 1.58 N/A
B 1.38 1.62 1.81 1.81 1.81 N/A
Space for marking one side Space for marking two sides
Catalog Number Build-A-Code
Series Top Marker Strip Poles High Barrier Option Only
133 - TB100 (0.060 thk x 0.500 w) 02 to 36 (TB100) HB = High Barrier
103 - TB100 (0.032 thk x 0.312 w) 02 to 30 (TB200/TB200HB)
233 - TB200/TB200HB (0.060 thk x 0.500 w) 02 to 24 (TB300/TB345)
203 - TB200/TB200HB (0.032 thk x 0.312 w)
333 - TB300 & TB345 (0.060 thk x 0.500 w)
303 - TB300 & TB345 (0.032 thk x 0.380 w)
Note: Marking Strips are not available on TB400 Series
Catalog Number Build-A-Code
Series Bottom Marker Strip Poles Orientation
105 = TB100/marking one side 02 to 36 (TB100) BF = Bottom forward
101 = TB100/marking both sides 02 to 30 (TB200/TB200HB) BR = Bottom reverse
205 = TB200/marking one side 02 to 24 (TB300/TB345) TF = Top forward
201 = TB200/marking both sides TR = Top reverse
295 = TB200HB/marking one side
291 = TB200HB/marking both sides
305 = TB300 & TB345/marking one side
301 = TB300 & TB345/marking both sides
Note: Marking Strips are not available on TB400 Series.