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Product Preview - 2.0214
250/400/500 MSPS
Denition of Terms
Analog Input Bandwidth (AIBW) The maximum
analog input frequency where proper ADC performance
is achieved. Above this frequency missing codes will
be expected.
Aperture delay (tAD) The delay difference between
Analog and Clock inputs to sampling.
tAD = Tsd – Tid, where
Tsd delay from Clock input to sampling, and
Tid delay from Analog input to sampling.
Aperture jitter (tjrms) The sample-to-sample variation
in Aperture delay.
Cross Talk (Xtlk) Crosstalk is the signal coupling
between the ADC channels, and is measured by
applying full scale signals to both an adjacent channel
and to the channel of interest. The crosstalk is the ratio
of power in between the signal applied to the adjacent
channel and the signal power at the channel of interest
that origin from the adjacent channel.
Decibel – carrier (dBc) A unit where the parameter
is measured by comparing to the applied fundamental
(or carrier) power in the given test.
Decibel – Full Scale (dBFS) A unit where the
parameter is measured by comparing to the theoretical
maximum fundamental power based on Full Scale
Differential Non-Linearity (DNL) The DNL is the
deviation from the ideal voltage that causes a change
of one single code (1 LSB). The DNL plot is a diagram
showing this deviation for all the codes in the ADC.
The DNL parameter is the worst case value on this
Effective Number of Bits (ENOB) Measures the
converter performance in terms of number of bit
resolution, based on a perfect ADC with quantization
ENOB = (SNDR – 1.76)/6.02.
Full Scale Range (FSR) The voltage difference at the
analog input of the ADC between the voltage that will
generate the maximum digital output code, and the
voltage that will generate the minimum digital output
When referring to deviation in Full Scale Range this
means that the analog voltages giving max/min output
code are different from the theoretical values. A Full
Scale Range fundamental is a sine wave where the
lowest value gives minimum output code and the
highest value gives maximum output code.
Noise Power Bandwidth (NoiseBW) The analog
input frequency where the power of the fundamental
is reduced by 3 dB compared to the low-frequency
Gain error (Gabs) The deviation from ideal Full Scale
Range. This parameter is independent from Grel.
Gain atness The input frequency range where the
Gain variation is within the specied number of dB.
Gain matching (Grel) The mismatch in Full Scale
Range between the ADC channels. This parameter is
independent from Gabs.
Integral Non-Linearity (INL) The INL is the deviation
of the ADC transfer function from an ideal straight
line. The INL plot is this deviation generated with the
best t method for the ADC Full Scale range. The INL
parameter is the worst case value on this line.
Intermodulation Distortion (IMD) IMDs are spectral
spurs due to nonlinearities that occur when two
frequencies f1 and f2 are processed simultaneously.
IMD2 is the worst 2nd order spur, i.e. f1+f2 or f1-f2.
In-Band IMD3 is the worst 3rd order spur close to the
original frequencies, i.e. 2f1-f2 or 2f2-f1.
IMD3 is the worst of all 3rd order spurs: 2f1-f2, 2f2-f1,
2f1+f2, and 2f1+f1.
Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) The ratio of the power of
the fundamental to the power of the noise measured
in dB. SNR excludes DC, harmonics and interleaving
Signal to Noise and Distortion Ratio (SNDR) The
ratio of the power of the fundamental to the power
of the noise and distortion measured in dB. SNDR
excludes DC.
Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR) The ratio
of the power of the fundamental to the power of the
highest harmonic or spurious component.