©2001 Fairch ild Semicond uctor C orpo ration HUF76407DK8 Rev. B
Thermal Resistance vs. Mounting Pad Area
The maximum rated junction temperature, TJM, and the
thermal resistance of the heat dissipating path determines
the maxi mum allo wab le de vice pow er dissipati on, PDM, in an
application. Therefore the application’s ambient
temperature, TA (oC), and ther mal resistance RθJA (oC/W)
must be reviewed to ensure that TJM is never exceeded.
Equat ion 1 math em atically represents the rela tionship and
serves as the basis for estab l is hing the rat ing of the part.
In usin g surface moun t devices su ch as the SO P-8 pac k age ,
the environment in which it is applied will have a significant
influence on the part’s current and maxim um power
dissip ation ratin gs. Preci se determination of PDM is complex
and influenced by many factors:
1. Mounting pad area onto which the device is attached and
whethe r there is cop pe r on one side or both sides of the
2. The number o f copp er la y e rs and the th ic knes s of t he
3. The use of exter nal heat sinks.
4. The use of thermal vias.
5. Air flow and board orientation.
6. For non st eady state ap plication s, the pul se width, the
duty cycle and the transient thermal response of the part,
the board and the environment they are in.
Fairchild provides thermal information to assist the
designer’ s preliminary application eval uation. Figure 23
defines the RθJA for the device as a function of the top
copper (component side) area. This is for a horizontally
positioned FR-4 board wi th 1oz co pper after 1000 seco nd s
of steady state power with no air flow. This graph provides
the necessary information for calculation of the steady state
junction temperature or power di ssipation. Pulse applications
can be ev aluated using the Fairchild device Spice thermal
model or manually utilizing the normalized maximum
transient thermal impedance curve.
Displayed on the curve are RθJA values listed in the
Electrical Specifications table. The points were chosen to
depict t he compromise between the copper board area, the
thermal resis tance and ultimately the po w e r dissipation,
Thermal resistances corresponding to other copper areas
can be obtained from Figure 23 or by calculation using
Equation 2. RθJA is defined as the natural log of the area
times a cofficient added to a constant. The area, in square
inches is the top copper area including the gate and source
While Equation 2 describes the thermal resistance of a
single die, se veral of the new UltraFETs are offered with two
die in the SOP-8 package. The dual die SOP-8 package
introduces an additi ona l thermal component, the rmal
coupling resistance, Rθβ. Equation 3 desc ribes Rθβ as a
function of the top coppe r moun ting pad area .
The thermal coupling resistance vs. copper area is also
graphically depicted in Figure 23. It is important to note the
thermal resistance (RθJA) and thermal coupling resi st anc e
(Rθβ) are equivalent for both die. For example at 0.1 square
inches of copper:
RθJA1 = RθJA2 = 159oC/W
Rθβ1 = Rθβ2 = 97oC/W
TJ1 and TJ2 define the junction temerature of the respective
die. Sim il arly, P 1 and P2 defi ne the po wer dissipated i n each
die. The steady sta te junction temperatu re can be ca lculated
using Equation 4 for die 1and Equation 5 for di e 2.
Example : To calcula te the junction temper a ture of each die
when di e 2 is dis si pat ing 0.5 Wa tts and die 1 is d is si pating 0
Watts. The am bi ent tem perature is 70oC and the pac k age is
mounted to a top copp er ar ea of 0.1 squ are inches per die.
Use Equation 4 to c alulate TJ1 and and Equation 5 to
calulate TJ2.
TJ1 = (0 Watts)(159oC/W) + (0.5 Watts)(97oC/W) + 70oC
TJ1 = 119oC
TJ2 = (0.5 Watts)(159oC/W) + (0 Watts)(97oC/W) + 70°C
TJ2 = 150oC
(EQ. 2
θJA 103.2 24.3 Area()
0.001 0.01 0.1
Rθβ, RθJA (oC/W)
191 oC/W - 0.027in2
228 oC/W - 0.006in2
RθJA = 103.2 - 24.3 * ln(AREA)
Rθβ = 46.4 - 21.7 * ln(AREA)
(EQ. 3
θβ 46.4 21.7 Area()
(EQ. 4
J1 P1RθJA P2Rθβ TA
(EQ. 5
J2 P2RθJA P1Rθβ TA