1. When used in the circuit of Figure 1 or
Figure 4; GV = VOUT/VIN; IFQ = 6 mA (HCPL-
4562), IFQ = 10 mA (HCNW4562).
2. Derate linearly above 70°C free-air
temperature at a rate of 2.0 mW/ °C
3. Maximum variation from the best fit line of
IPB vs. IF expressed as a percentage of the
peak-to-peak full scale output.
defined as the ratio of output collector
current, IO, to the forward LED input
current, IF, times 100%.
5. Device considered a two-terminal device:
Pins 1, 2, 3, and 4 shorted together and
Pins 5, 6, 7, and 8 shorted together.
6. Flat-band, small-signal voltage gain.
7. The frequency at which the gain is 3 dB
below the flat-band gain.
8. Differential gain is the change in the
small-signal gain of the optocoupler at
3.58 MHz as the bias level is varied over a
given range.
9. Differential phase is the change in the
small-signal phase response of the
optocoupler at 3.58 MHz as the bias level
is varied over a given range.
defined as the square root of the sum of
the square of each harmonic distortion
component. The THD of the isolated video
circuit is measured using a 2.6 kΩ load in
series with the 50 Ω input impedance of
the spectrum analyzer.
(IMRR), a measure of the optocoupler’s
ability to reject signals or noise that may
exist between input and output terminals,
is defined by 20 log10 [(VOUT/VIN)/(VOUT/
VIM)], where VIM is the isolation mode
voltage signal.
12. In accordance with UL 1577, each
optocoupler is proof tested by applying an
insulation test voltage ≥4500 V rms for 1
second (leakage detection current limit,
II-O ≤5 µA). This test is performed before
the 100% Production test shown in the
IEC/EN/DIN EN 60747-5-2 Insulation
Related Characteristics Table, if
13. In accordance with UL 1577, each
optocoupler is proof tested by applying an
insulation test voltage ≥6000 V rms for 1
second (leakage detection current limit,
II-O ≤5 µA). This test is performed before
the 100% Production test shown in the
IEC/EN/DIN EN 60747-5-2 Insulation
Related Characteristics Table, if
Package Characteristics
All Typicals at TA = 25°C
Parameter Sym. Device Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions Fig. Note
Input-Output VISO HCPL-4562 3750 V rms RH ≤50%, 5, 12
Momentary HCNW4562 5000 t = 1 min., 5, 13
Withstand HCPL-4562 5000 TA = 25°C5, 13
Voltage* (Option 020)
Input-Output RI-O HCPL-4562 1012 ΩVI-O = 500 Vdc 5
Resistance HCNW4562 1012 1013 TA = 25°C
1011 TA = 100°C
Input-Output CI-O HCPL-4562 0.6 pF f = 1 MHz 5
Capacitance HCNW4562 0.5 0.6
*The Input-Output Momentary Withstand Voltage is a dielectric voltage rating that should not be interpreted as an input-output continuous voltage
rating. For the continuous voltage rating refer to the VDE 0884 Insulation Related Characteristics Table (if applicable), your equipment level safety
specification or Avago Application Note 1074 entitled “Optocoupler Input-Output Endurance Voltage,” publication number 5963-2203E.