Continental Device India Limited Data Sheet Page 2 of 3
RATINGS (at TA = 25°C unless otherwise specified)
Limiting values BC807 BC808
Collector–emitter voltage (VBE = 0) –VCES max. 50 30 V
Collector–emitter voltage (open base)
–IC = 10 mA –VCE0 max. 45 25 V
Emitter–base voltage (open collector) –VEB0 max. 5 5 V
Collector current (DC) –ICmax. 500 mA
Collector current (peak value) –ICM max. 1000 mA
Emitter current (peak value) IEM max. 1000 mA
Base current (DC) –IBmax. 100 mA
Base current (peak value) –IBM max. 200 mA
Total power dissipation at Tamb = 25 °C * Ptot max. 250 mW
Storage temperature Tstg –55 to +150 °C
Junction temperature Tjmax. 150 °C
From junction to ambient Rth j–a = 500 K/W
Tj = 25 °C unless otherwise specified
Collector cut–off current
IE = 0; –VCB = 20V; Tj = 25°C –ICB0 max. 100 nA
IE = 0; –VCB = 20V; Tj = 150°C –ICB0 max. 5 mA
Emitter cut–off current
IC = 0; VEB = 5 V –IEB0 max. 10
Base emitter voltage *
–IC = 500 mA; –VCE = 1 V –VBE max. 1,2 V
Saturation voltage
–IC = 500 mA; –IB = 50 mA –VCEsat max. 700 mV
D.C. current gain
–IC = 500 mA; –VCE = 1 V hFE min. 40
–IC = 100 mA; –VCE = 1 V; BC807; BC808 hFE 100 to 600
BC807–16 hFE 100 to 250
BC807–25 hFE 160 to 400
BC807–40 hFE 250 to 600
Transition frequency at f = 100 MHz
–IC = 10 mA; –VCE = 5 V fT>80
Collector capacitance at f = 1 MHz
IE = Ie = 0; –VCB = 10 V Cctyp. 8 pF