Manual Switches AML Series
Advanced Manual Line
Coordinated, attractive appearance.
AML features innovations designed by in-
dustrial designers to achieve the best bal-
ance of human factors and aesthetic ap-
pearance. Operator height, bezel size,
and the compatibility of square and rect-
angular shapes blend with other compo-
nents to harmonize your panel. There’s
no visual clutter to distract from man/
machine communication.
This comprehensive line of lighted and
unlighted manual controls features:
1Pushbuttons for high and
intermediate frequency functions;
1Rocker and paddle switches, with 2 or
3 positions, for less frequent control
1Plus lighted indicators and
annunciators which complement
AML’s universal appeal.
Various controls can be matched with
their functions to accommodate the most
natural and efficient habit pattern reflex.
Keylock operated switches can be used
to assure ‘‘authorized personnel only’’
Display flexibility. AML offers a choice of
five legend sizes, four button heights, full
or split section display, and illumination
by incandescent lamps, LED’s or neons.
Colors are bright and uniform, providing a
strong definition and good visibility. (Non-
illuminated devices have the same attrac-
tive colors.)
Color display options include:
1Transmitted color color can be
distinguished whether lamp is On or
1Dead front display appears black,
until illumination causes legend and
color to appear.
1Projected color white display is
diffused with color when illuminated.
AML’s simple, cost effective design pro-
vides many behind-panel benefits for the
designer and installer/user.
Simple to install. They snap in from the
panel front individually or in vertical or
horizontal strips; or in subpanel mounted
strips and matrices that can be pre-as-
sembled and pre-wired to assure accu-
rate alignment and efficient panel build-
Electrical flexibility. Solid state switches
with Hall effect integrated circuits
interface directly with microprocessors
and other logic level devices. These IC’s
were first applied in MICRO SWITCH solid
state keyboards. Today, many MICRO
SWITCH products incorporate the Hall
effect technology to meet a wide range of
position sensing and manual control
Electronic control switches with gold or
silver contacts, and 1, 2, or 4 poles, will
handle up to 3 amps. Including an encod-
ed version which generates different bi-
nary coded outputs merely by changing
cam-keyed buttons.
Power duty switches meet line discon-
nect application needs with10-amp push-
buttons and 15-amp paddle and rocker
Easy to wire. All AML devices present
single level termination. This means fas-
ter, easier, neater, and more economical
wiring. And there is a choice of solder,
quick-connect, push-on, and printed cir-
cuit termination.
The .110 ×.020 quick-connect/solder ter-
minal (types 2 and 8) is designed for use
with receptacles that comply with the UL
standard for insertion and withdrawal
forces. Maximum insertion force is 12 lbs.
max., withdrawal force is 14 lbs. These
receptacles are supplied by: AMP Inc.,
Berg, Augat, Hollingsworth, MALCO,
Zierick, and others. Refer to Thomas Reg-
ister or the Yellow Pages for the location
of your local supplier.
Manual Switches AML Series
Advanced Manual Line
1Complete selection of pushbutton,
rocker and paddle (toggle type)
switches accommodates different
functions and promotes operator
1Solid state, electronic, and power
duty control.
1Full or split screen incandescent
display switches and indicators
provide vivid transmitted color,
projected color (for neutral display
when unlit), and dead front (hidden
1Wide-angle visibility LED and line
voltage neon display switches and
1Annunciators back-lighted by LED’s
enable high density message display.
1Keylock switches available for
controlled access applications.
1All AML terminations at the same
shallow depth (1.7 in. /43,1 mm) for
convenient wiring or PC board
1Snap-in surface mount or sub-panel
(hidden bezel) mount with mounting
1Pad printed legends with a clear
polyurethane overcoat available in a
choice of five standard sizes.
1Metric design for worldwide accept-
1UL recognized, CSA certification.
1Selected listings are certified by VDE
and CE. (For compliance status,
contact the 800 number.)
MICRO SWITCH AML Advanced Manual
Line combines functional flexibility with
electrical versatility to provide a broad
range of options to choose from.
Relamping of T-1-3/4 incandescent
AML91 lamps is accomplished from the
front of the panel without tools. (AML92
T-1-3/4 LEDs can be added in the same
As an alternative to standard height be-
zels (.06 in./1,5 mm), pushbutton switch-
es can be furnished with full guard bezels
extending .19 in./5.0 mm from the mount-
ing surface. In the free position, standard
buttons are flush with full guard bezels.
The raised bezel guards against acciden-
tal operation by someone leaning against
or dropping something on a control con-
High Intensity LEDs For Full-face AML Lighted Display
AML92 Series
1Full-face illumination for high visibility lighted colors.
1Advanced illumination technology combines high-intensity LED in standard
T-1-3/4 wedge base lamp package.
1Easy plug-in installation in AML lighted switches and indicators.
1Low operating temperature permits high density, continuous operation with
minimal heat build-up.
AML92 Series LEDs have a quad chip assembled in a T-1-3/4 wedge base lamp
package. They provide full-face illumination when used with lighted pushbutton,
rocker and paddle switches, or indicators equipped with incandescent lamp
sockets. For ordering information, refer to page 58.
Manual Switches AML Series
Advanced Manual Line
AML 10 Series AML 20 Series AML 30 Series AML 40 Series
Electrical/Mechnical Life* N/A
Pushbuttons–Momentary 1,000,000 25,000 (silver)/
100,000 (gold)
25,000 ---
Pushbuttons–Alternate 25,000 25,000 25,000 ---
Rockers 25,000 25,000 25,000 ---
Paddles 25,000 25,000 25,000 ---
Agency Ratings
(May not apply to every
series division)
UL File E53576 File E12252 File E12252 File E58932
CSA File LR4442 File LR4442 File LR4442 File LR4442
VDE None File 0630/10.78+File 0630/10.78++ None
CE Rating 1710 Rating 1710
No. 4275.5788 No. 4275.5788
*95% Survival
+Exception: Four-Pole AML’s are not included in VDE Approval
++ Exception: Only the 2-pole AML33 and AML34 are certified by VDE
1AML10 Series
Electrical Characteristics Absolute Maximum Rating4
Switching Time
Leakage Voltage
Integrated Supply Output Current Rise Fall Supply Externally Loads
Circuit Current Voltage max. 10% to 90% to Voltage Applied to to Storage
Function (Max.) (Operated) (Released) 90% 10% (VS) Output Output Temperature
5 VDC 3.5 mA +.4 Volt 2.0 µA 1.0µsec 1.0µsec –.5 to +7.0 –.5 Volt min. 20 mA –40°Cto
Sinking1(Released) (Sinking (Sinking (Sinking VDC +15 Volts max. (Sinking) +65°C
6.5mA 8 mA) 8 mA) 8 mA) 0°to +65°C (Off condition) (–40°to
(Operated (+32°to +149°F)
no load) +149°F)
6-16 VDC 6.5 mA @ +.4 Volt 20 µA 1.5 µsec 0.5µsec –1.2 to +20 +20 VDC max. in 40 mA –40°Cto
Sinking26 VDC. (Sinking (Sinking (Sinking VDC Off condition only +65°C
10.0 mA @ 20mA 20 mA) 20 mA) –0.5 VDC min. in (–40°to
16 VDC max.) Off or On +149°F)
(Plus load condition.
4.5-24 VDC
7.0 mA
24 V
9.0 mA
14.0 mA
no load)
+.4 Volt
10 mA)
10 µA 1.5 µsec
10 mA)
0.5 µsec
10 mA)
–30 to +30
–0.5 Volt min. +24
Volts max. (Off
20 mA
+65°C (–40°
to +149°F)
1Over temperature range of 0°to +55°C(+32°to 2Over temperature range of 0°to +55°C(+32°to 4As with all solid state components, performance can be
+131°F) and supply voltage of 4.5 to 5.5 VDC. +131°F) and supply voltage of 16 VDC. expected to deteriorate as rating limits are approached;
however, they will not be damaged unless the limits are
3At 24°C. (+75°F)
1AML20 Series
Contacts Voltage Current Load Type
Silver 250 VAC 2 Amps 75% Power Factor
or 125 VAC 3 Amps 75% Power Factor
Gold-plated Silver 24 VDC 2 Amps Resistive
Gold 125 VAC/DC 100 mA Resistive
1AML30 Series
Voltage Pushbuttons Rockers or Paddles Load Type
125 VAC 10 amps 15 amps 60% power factor
250 VAC 10 amps 15 amps 60% power factor