LM3658 Operation Description
The LM3658 will power down automatically when the voltage
on the USBpwr or CHG_IN pin drops below the battery volt-
age with an amount that is equal to VOK_CHG (VBATT > VCC -
VOK_CHG). Power-Down mode shuts off the internal power
FETs as well as the open-drain pull-down transistors on the
status pins STAT1 and STAT2. The only current consumed
by the LM3658 is an ultra-low quiescent current of 1 µA typi-
As soon as the voltage of one of the power sources rises
above VBATT + VOK_CHG, the charger will wake up. However,
charging will not be initiated unless the supply voltage source
exceeds the VPOR.
When the voltage of one of the power sources exceeds the
VPOR threshold, the LM3658 detects which power source is a
valid charge supply. When both supply voltages are valid and
present, CHG_IN will automatically be selected over USBpwr.
The USBpwr will be the designated power source only if no
CHG_IN is present or when the voltage on the CHG_IN pin is
less than the battery voltage.
The internal power FETs are thermally regulated to the junc-
tion temperature of 120ºC to guarantee optimal charging of
the battery. At all times is the charge current limited by the
ISET resistor setting, the USB 100 mA/500 mA selection, or
the 100ºC junction temperature of the LM3658. The charge
current is therefore a function of the charge current settings,
the thermal conductivity of the package and the ambient tem-
perature as described in the following equation:
Where TA is the ambient temperature and θJA is the thermal
resistance of the package. Thermal regulation guarantees
maximum charge current and superior charge rate without
exceeding the power dissipation limits of the LM3658.
During pre-qualification, STAT1 is on and STAT2 is off, and
the charger supplies a constant current of 50 mA to the bat-
tery. When the battery voltage reaches VFULL_RATE, the charg-
er transitions from pre-qualification to full-rate charging. The
pre-qualification mode aborts when the battery doesn’t reach
VFULL_RATE within the time allowed in TPREQUAL timer. In this
event, charging stops and STAT1 and STAT2 will both be on,
indicating a bad battery condition.
The full-rate charge cycle is initiated following the successful
completion of the pre-qualification mode. Timer TCHG starts to
count when the charger enters full-rate charging, with STAT1
on and STAT2 off. When charging with an AC wall adapter,
the full-rate charge current is proportional to the value of the
resistor that is connected to the ISET pin as described in the
following equation:
It is recommended to charge Li-Ion batteries at 1C rate, where
“C” is the capacity of the battery. As an example, it is recom-
mended to charge a 750 mAh battery at 750 mA, or 1C.
Charging at a higher rate can cause damage to the battery.
The full-rate charge cycle is initiated following the successful
completion of the pre-qualification mode. Timer TCHG starts to
count when the charger enters full-rate charging, with STAT1
on and STAT2 off. If the USB bus provides the charger supply,
then the default full-rate charge current is 100 mA max unless
the USB_sel pin is pulled high, which sets the charge current
to 500 mA max.
The battery voltage increases rapidly as a result of full-rate
charging and will reach the 4.2V termination voltage, trigger-
ing the constant-voltage charge cycle. Timer TCHG continues
to count in this cycle. STAT1 is on and STAT2 is off. The
charge current gradually decreases during constant-voltage
charging until it reaches the End-Of-Charge (EOC), which is
equal to 10% of the full-rate current set either by the resistor
connected to the ISET pin or the USB_sel pin. If Timer TCHG
times out before EOC is reached, charging stops and STAT1
and STAT2 will both be on, indicating a bad battery condition.
Once EOC has been reached, a top-off cycle continues to
charge the battery. Timed top-off cycle provides optimal bat-
tery capacity following a complete charge cycle. During this
cycle, charging terminates when ICHG reaches 2.5% of the full-
rate charge current or when TTOPOFF times out, whichever
occurs first. STAT1 will turn off and STAT2 will turn on once
the top-off cycle completes successfully, indicating that
charging is done.
Maintenance mode begins immediately after the charger suc-
cessfully finishes the top-off cycle. In the maintenance mode,
the battery voltage is being monitored by the LM3658 contin-
uously. If the battery voltage drops 200 mV below VTERM, a
new full-rate charge cycle starts to replenish the battery. As
this new full-rate charge cycle begins, STAT1 will turn on and
STAT2 will turn off, and all the timers will reset. Refer to the
LM3658 Flowchart.
The LM3658 provides two open-drain outputs STAT1 and
STAT2 that can be connected to external LEDs or to General
Purpose I/O’s (GPIO) of a peripheral IC. All charge status of
the LM3658 is illustrated in Table 1. “ON” means that STATx
pin is pulled low as its pull-down transistor is turned on, rep-
resenting a logic 0.
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