MXM1120 MXM1120 Digital Hall Sensor Jan 29, 2015 Ver. 2.4 This document is subject to change without notice Confidential -1- Ver 2.4 MXM1120 1. Overview MXM1120 is the digital Hall sensor in measuring the intensity of the magnetic flux through selecting options of the various sensitivity with the low power consumption providing a built-in 10 bits ADC digital output. It can also detect the open/close state for many applications by one or multiple external magnets. This sensor is comprised of a Hall element, an offset cancellation circuitry, a programmable gain amplifier, a 10-bits low power ADC, and control logic in a single chip. The adjustment of the open/close state threshold values, the magnetic polarity, and the operation period can be programmed through I2C interface. The software package supports to convert the magnetic strength into the angle or distance by detecting intensity of flux between the external magnet and the sensing element. Because the small WLCSP and SOP package, the low current consumption, and the stable performance, Our MXM1120 can be used in the hand set and consumer electronics and any other industries. One of the typical applications in the smart phone is the lid opening angle measurement system. Functions: * Magnetometer device for magnets on external equipment * Built-in analog to digital converter for magnetometer data outputs * 10/8-bits selectable data outputs for each built-in Hall element * I2C bus interface: - Standard mode and fast mode compliant with Philips I2C specification Ver.2.1 * Interrupt function: When magnetic intensity level sensed is higher than upper threshold level or lower than lower threshold level, interrupt signal is generated through INTB PAD. * Configurable magnetic sensitivity level and measurable range, for example; - High sensitivity mode: - High dynamic range mode: 2.5mT (typically) at 5uT/LSB (10bit) 40.8mT (typically) at 80uT/LSB (10bit) * Built-in oscillator for internal clock source * Power on Reset circuit Operating temperature: * -30C to +85C Operating supply voltage: * Analog power supply (VDD): +2.7V to +3.6V (3.0V typical) * Digital Interface supply (VID): +1.65V to VDD (1.8V typical) Current consumption: * Power-down mode: 1 A typically * Normal operating mode: 18A typically at 10 Hz operating frequency (OPF[2:0] = "001") Package: * MXM1120 Confidential 9-pin WL-CSP (BGA): 1.33 mm x 1.33 mm x 0.5 mm (typically) -2- Ver 2.4 MXM1120 2. Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. Overview ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................. 3 Circuit Configuration ...................................................................................................................................... 5 3.1. Block Diagram ......................................................................................................................................... 5 3.2. Pin Function ............................................................................................................................................. 5 4. Overall Characteristics ................................................................................................................................... 6 4.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings ................................................................................................................... 6 4.2. Recommended Operating Conditions .................................................................................................... 6 4.3. Electrical Characteristics ........................................................................................................................ 6 4.3.1. DC Characteristics ............................................................................................................................ 6 4.3.2. AC Characteristics ............................................................................................................................ 7 4.3.3. IC Output Characteristics .................................................................................................................. 8 4.3.4. I2C Bus Interface ............................................................................................................................... 9 5. Functional Explanation ................................................................................................................................. 10 5.1. Power States ........................................................................................................................................... 10 5.2. Reset Functions ...................................................................................................................................... 10 5.2.1. Power on Sequence ......................................................................................................................... 10 5.3. Operation Modes ................................................................................................................................... 11 5.4. Description of Each Operation Mode .................................................................................................. 12 5.4.1. Power-down Mode .......................................................................................................................... 12 5.4.2. Single Measurement Mode ............................................................................................................. 12 5.4.3. Continuous Measurement Mode ..................................................................................................... 13 Data Ready...................................................................................................................................... 13 5.4.4. Normal Read Sequence ................................................................................................................... 13 5.4.5. Embedded OTP Access Mode ......................................................................................................... 13 6. Serial Interface ............................................................................................................................................... 14 6.1. I2C Bus Interface ................................................................................................................................... 14 6.1.1. Data Transfer .................................................................................................................................. 14 Change of Data ............................................................................................................................... 14 Start/Stop Condition ....................................................................................................................... 14 Acknowledge .................................................................................................................................. 15 Slave Address.................................................................................................................................. 15 6.1.2. WRITE Instruction ......................................................................................................................... 16 6.1.3. READ Instruction ........................................................................................................................... 17 One Byte READ ............................................................................................................................. 17 Multiple Byte READ ...................................................................................................................... 17 7. Registers ......................................................................................................................................................... 18 7.1. Register Map .......................................................................................................................................... 18 7.2. Detailed Description of Registers ......................................................................................................... 19 7.2.1. PERSINT: Interrupt time ................................................................................................................ 19 7.2.2. INTSRS: Sensitivity (gain control) ................................................................................................. 20 7.2.3. LTH / HTH : Lower and upper threshold level ............................................................................... 21 7.2.4. I2CDIS : I2C interface disable ........................................................................................................ 21 7.2.5. SRST : Software reset ..................................................................................................................... 21 7.2.6. OPMODE : Operation mode selection............................................................................................ 22 7.2.7. DID : Device ID .............................................................................................................................. 22 7.2.8. INFO : Device information ............................................................................................................. 23 7.2.9. ST1 : Status data ............................................................................................................................. 23 7.2.10. HS : Measured data output .............................................................................................................. 24 8. Application Note ............................................................................................................................................ 25 9. Package ........................................................................................................................................................... 26 9.1. Marking .................................................................................................................................................. 26 9.2. Pin Assignment ...................................................................................................................................... 26 9.3. Outline Dimensions ............................................................................................................................... 27 10. Relationship between the Magnetic Field and Output Code...................................................................... 28 11. Revision History ............................................................................................................................................. 29 Confidential -3Ver 2.4 MXM1120 12. Notice .............................................................................................................................................................. 30 Confidential -4- Ver 2.4 MXM1120 3. Circuit Configuration 3.1. Block Diagram VDD VID SCL SDA INTB Controller Hall Element Interface TST SAD0 SAD1 PGA ADC VSS 3.2. Pin Function WLCSP Pin No. Pin Name I/O Power level Type B1 SDA I/O VID CMOS Control data input/output pin Input: Schmidt trigger, Output: Open drain A2 VDD - - Power Internal block power supply pin B2 SCL I VID CMOS Control data clock input pin Input: Schmidt trigger B3 VSS - - Power Ground pin A3 SAD1 I VDD CMOS Slave address 1 input pin Connect to VSS or VDD (not VID) C3 INTB O VID CMOS When detected magnetic flux density meets specific threshold level, INTB become low level during specific duration. ("L" active) C2 VID - - Power Interface block power supply pin C1 TST I VDD CMOS Test purpose only Should be connected to GND. A1 SAD0 I VDD CMOS Slave address 0 input pin Connect to VSS or VDD (not VID) Confidential Function -5- Ver 2.4 MXM1120 4. Overall Characteristics 4.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings VSS = 0 V Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Unit Power supply voltage (VDD, VID) V+ -0.3 +4.3 V Input voltage VIN -0.3 (V+)+0.3 V Input current IIN - 10 mA Storage temperature TST -40 +125 C (Note 1) If the device is used in conditions exceeding these values, the device may be destroyed. Normal operations are not guaranteed in such exceeding conditions. 4.2. Recommended Operating Conditions VSS = 0 V Parameter Symbol Min. Operating temperature Ta -30 Power supply voltage (VDD) Vdd 2.7 Power supply voltage (VID) Vid 1.65 Typ. 3.0 Max. Unit +85 C 3.6 V Vdd V 4.3. Electrical Characteristics The following conditions is applied unless otherwise noted: Vdd=2.7V to 3.6V, Vid=1.65V to Vdd, Temperature range=-30C to 85C 4.3.1. DC Characteristics Parameter Symbol Pin High level input voltage 1 VHI1 Low level input voltage 1 VIL1 SCL SDA High level input voltage 2 VHI2 80%Vdd Low level input voltage 2 VIL2 SAD0 SAD1 Input current 1 IIN1 SCL SDA Vin=VSS or Vid -10 +10 A Input current 2 IIN2 SAD0 SAD1 Vin=VSS or Vdd -10 +10 A Input current 3 IIN3 TST Vin= VSS +10 A Hysteresis input voltage (Note 2) SCL SDA Vid>2V 5%Vid V VHS Vid<2V 10%Vid V Low level output voltage 1 (Note 3)(Note 4) VOL1 IDD1 Current consumption (Note 5) IDD2 Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit 80%Vid Vid+0.5 V -0.5 20%Vid V 20%Vdd IOL3mA Vid 2V 0.4 V IOL3mA Vid <2V 20%Vid V SDA VDD VID Power-down mode Vdd=Vid=3.0V 0.1 1 A Normal operating (Note 6) 18 30 A (Note 2) Schmitt trigger input (reference value for design) (Note 3) Maximum load capacitance: 400pF (capacitive load of each bus line applied to the I2C bus interface) (Note 4) Output is open-drain. Connect a pull-up resistor externally. (Note 5) Without any resistance load (Note 6) OPF[2:0] = "001" condition (operating frequency 10Hz) Confidential -6- Ver 2.4 MXM1120 4.3.2. AC Characteristics Parameter Symbol Pin Condition Power supply rise time (Note 7) PSUP VDD VID POR completion time (Note 7) PORT Power supply turn off voltage SDV Power supply turn on interval (Note 7) PSINT Wait time before mode setting Twat Min. Typ. Max. Unit Period of time that VDD (VID) changes from 0.2V to Vdd (Vid). (Note 8) 50 ms Period of time after PSUP to Power-down mode (Note 8) 100 s VDD VID Turn off voltage to enable POR to restart (Note 8) 0.2 V VDD VID Period of time that voltage lower than SDV needed to be kept to enable POR to restart (Note 8) 100 s 100 s (Note 7) Reference value for design (Note 8) When POR circuit detects the rise of VDD voltage, it resets internal circuits and initializes the registers. After reset, MXM1120 transits to power-down mode Power down mode Power down mode PORT:100s VDD (VID) SDV:0.2V 0V PSINT:100s PSUP:50ms Parameter Symbol Pin Effective pulse width of trigger input tTRIGH TRG Effective frequency of trigger input (Note 9) tTRIGf TRG Effective pulse width of trigger input ("L") tRSTL RSTN Condition Min. Typ. Max. 200 Unit ns 100 200 Hz ns (Note 9) The time from the end of the measurement to the next trigger input is 1.3ms. tTRIGH tRSTL VIH VIL Confidential -7- Ver 2.4 MXM1120 4.3.3. IC Output Characteristics Parameter Measurement data output bit Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. BIT = "0" - 10 - BIT = "1" - 8 - 420 500 usec (Note 10) +7% (Note 10) DBIT Unit bit Time for measurement TSM Single measurement mode Magnetic sensor sensitivity (Note 11) BSE Tc=25, VDD = 3.0V, BIT= "0", -7% (Note 10) Refer to chapter 7.2.2. INTSRS. (Note 11) Magnetic sensitivity range and resolution are just reference values for design because they depend on the measurement environment. This min/max range includes process variation and IC output fluctuation due to operating noise. Confidential -8- Ver 2.4 MXM1120 4.3.4. I2C Bus Interface I2C bus interface is compliant with standard mode and fast mode. Standard/fast mode is selected automatically by fSCL. (1) Standard mode fSCL100kHz Symbol Parameter Min. fSCL tHIGH SCL clock frequency SCL clock "High" time 4.0 tLOW SCL clock "Low" time 4.7 Typ. Max. Unit 100 kHz s s tR SDA and SCL rise time 1.0 s tF SDA and SCL fall time 0.3 s tHD:STA Start Condition hold time 4.0 s tSU:STA Start Condition setup time 4.7 s tHD:DAT SDA hold time (vs. SCL falling edge) 0 s tSU:DAT SDA setup time (vs. SCL rising edge) 250 ns tSU:STO Stop Condition setup time 4.0 s Bus free time 4.7 s tBUF (2) Fast mode 100kHz HS[9:0]) or (HTH[9:0] < HS[9:0]) "1" : (LTH[9:0] < HS[9:0]) and (HTH[9:0] > HS[9:0]) SRS[2:0]: Sensitivity range and resolution is adjusted with SRS[2:0]. BIT = 0 : 10bit SRS[2] SRS[1] SRS[0] Measuring range (mT) Resolution (mT/LSB) 0 0 0 40.8 0.08 0 0 1 20.4 0.04 0 1 0 10.2 0.02 0 1 1 5.1 0.01 1 0 0 0.005 1 0 1 2.55 10.2 1 1 0 10.2 0.02 1 1 1 10.2 0.02 SRS[2] SRS[1] SRS[0] Measuring range (mT) Resolution (mT/LSB) 0 0 0 40.8 0.32 0 0 1 20.4 0.16 0 1 0 10.2 0.08 0 1 1 5.1 0.04 1 0 0 0.02 1 0 1 2.55 10.2 0.08 0.08 0.02 BIT = 1 : 8bit 1 1 0 10.2 1 1 1 10.2 Confidential - 20 - 0.08 Ver 2.4 MXM1120 7.2.3. LTH / HTH : Lower and upper threshold level Address Register Name D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 LTH3 LTH2 LTH1 LTH0 0 0 HTH1 HTH0 0 0 02H LTHL LTH7 LTH6 LTH5 LTH4 03H LTHH LTH9 LTH8 0 0 04H HTHL HTH7 HTH6 HTH5 HTH4 05H HTHH HTH9 HTH8 0 0 0 0 HTH3 HTH2 0 0 LTH[9:0] / HTH[9:0]: Lower and upper threshold levels for interrupt function are defined with LTH[9:0] and HTH[9:0] respectively. The interrupt upper and lower threshold levels set the window limits that are used to trigger an interrupt. The values are in signed digit format and negative threshold setting is available. 7.2.4. I2CDIS : I2C interface disable Address Register Name 06H D7 D6 D5 I2CDIS D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 I2CDIS[7:0] I2CDIS[7:0]: This register disables I2C bus interface. I2C bus interface is enabled as default. To disable I2C bus interface, write "00110111" to I2CDIS register, then I2C bus interface is disabled. Once I2C bus interface is disabled, it is impossible to write other value to I2CDIS register. To enable I2C bus interface, reset MXM1120 or SDA pin toggle 8 times in a row as below. High SCL SDA Disable I2C I/F Enable 7.2.5. SRST : Software reset Address Register Name 07H SRST D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SRST SRST: If you want to reset the IC, set SRST = "1". When SRST = "1", all registers are initialized. Confidential After reset, SRST bit turns to "0" automatically - 21 - Ver 2.4 MXM1120 7.2.6. OPMODE : Operation mode selection Address Register Name 08H D7 OPMODE D6 D5 0 D4 OPF[2:0] D3 D2 D1 D0 EFRD 0 BIT HSSON OPF[2:0]: Operating frequency mode is set by OPF[2:0]. Power consumption increases proportional to operating frequency. OPF[2] OPF[1] OPF[0] Period (msec) Frequency (Hz) 0 0 0 50 20 0 0 1 100 10 0 1 0 150 6.7 0 1 1 200 5 1 0 0 12.5 80 1 0 1 25 40 1 1 0 37.5 26.7 1 1 1 50 20 EFRD: Embedded OTP access mode "0": Previous OTP data is kept "1": New OTP data is read automatically BIT: ADC output data width selection "0": 10bits "1": 8bits HSSON: Device power down mode "0": Power down mode "1": Normal operation 7.2.7. DID : Device ID Address Register Name 09H DID D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 DID[7:0]: Device ID of MXM1120. It is described in one byte and fixed value; 9CH. Confidential - 22 - Ver 2.4 MXM1120 7.2.8. INFO : Device information Address Register Name 0AH INFO D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 INFO7 INFO6 INFO5 INFO4 INFO3 INFO2 INFO1 INFO0 INFO[7:0]: Device information is described in one byte and fixed value. 7.2.9. ST1 : Status data Address Register Name 10H ST1 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 0 INTM 0 0 BITM DRDY INTM: Status for interrupt (mirroring for INTB) BITM: Status for ADC output data width (mirroring for BIT) DRDY: Status for data ready. DRDY bit turns to "1" when measured data is ready to output. Confidential - 23 - Ver 2.4 MXM1120 7.2.10. HS : Measured data output Address Register Name D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 11H HSL HS7 HS6 HS5 HS4 HS3 HS2 HS1 HS0 12H HSH HS9 HS8 0 0 0 0 0 0 HS[9:0]: The measured data of the magnetic sensor. The data is stored in two's complement and Little Endian format. Measurement range of sensor is -512 ~ +511 in decimal in 10-bit output, and -128 ~ +127 in 8-bit output. Measurement data (HS[9:0]) Two's complement Hex Decimal 8-bit output 00 0111 1111 07F 127 | | | 00 0000 0001 001 1 00 0000 0000 000 0 11 1111 1111 3FF -1 | | | 11 1000 0000 380 -128 10-bit output 01 1111 1111 Confidential 1FF 511 | | | 00 0000 0001 001 1 00 0000 0000 000 0 11 1111 1111 3FF -1 | | | 10 0000 0000 200 -512 - 24 - Ver 2.4 MXM1120 8. Application Note Host CPU VDD POWER 2.7V~3.6V VID POWER 1.65V~VDD Power for interface Interrupt R R INTB SDA SCL VSS SAD0 VDD SAD1 C 0.1 uF C VID C TST 1.5 K 1.5 K 0.1 uF B I2C interface 1 2 A 3 Slave address selection SAD1 SDA0 address VSS VSS 0001 100 R/W VSS VDD 0001 101 R/W VDD VSS 0001 110 R/W VDD VDD 0001 111 R/W Confidential - 25 - Ver 2.4 MXM1120 9. Package 9.1. Marking Product name : 1100 LLLLL : Lot traceability code (5digits) Y : Year code (1 digit) WW : Work week code (2 digits) B : Revision code (1 digit) Pin 1 mark : Left bottom alignment < Top view> 9.2. Pin Assignment Pin number 3 2 1 C INTB VID TST B VSS SCL SDA A SAD1 VDD SAD0 < Top View> Confidential - 26 - Ver 2.4 MXM1120 9.3. Outline Dimensions Top view (Bump side down) Bottom view (Bump side up) Detail 1 Side view Detail 2 Dimension [mm] Dimension [mm] Symbol Symbol Min Nom. Max Note A 0.491 0.530 0.569 0.039 F1 0.265 Ball center to die edge A1 0.375 0.395 0.415 0.020 F2 0.265 Ball center to die edge A2 0.094 0.110 0.126 0.016 F3 0.265 Ball center to die edge D 1.290 1.330 1.370 0.040 F4 0.265 Ball center to die edge E 1.290 1.330 1.370 0.040 g 0.022 0.025 0.028 0.003 w 0.235 0.240 0.245 0.005 D1 0.400 - E1 0.400 - Confidential Min - 27 - Nom. Max Note Ver 2.4 MXM1120 10. Relationship between the Magnetic Field and Output Code The measurement data increases as the magnetic flux density increases in the arrow directions. Ma r k XXX ing XX Z (HS[9:0]) Confidential - 28 - Ver 2.4 MXM1120 11. Revision History 0.00 2013-07-24 - First edition 1.00 - Correction: 2013-10-01 - Correction: 4.2 Recommended operationg condition change. 8. Application note. Pull up resister 2.2K 1.5K 1.01 2013-11-18 - Correction: 3.1 Block Diagram. (DRDYTST) 1.10 2013-12-04 - Addition: 9.1 Marking 2014-02-13 - Modification: 7.2.2 SRS register setting (3bit 2bit) - Modification: 7.2.3 LTH/HTH format (unsigned signed) - Modification: 7.2.6 OPF register setting (2bit 3bit) - Addition: 7.2.2 INT_TYP selection bit - Addition: 5.3 Operation mode - Addition: 5.4 Description of Each Operation Mode 2.1 2014-03-07 - Modification: 3.2 Pin function (TST power VID VDD) - Addition: 4.1 Absolute maximum ratings (Input current max 10mA) - Addition: 4.3 Electrical characteristics (Dynamic current VDD max) - Addition: 4.3.3 IC output characteristics (sensitivity min - max) - Modification: 7.2.4 I2CDIS methods 2.2 2014-04-11 - Modification : 5.2.1 Power on sequence 2.3 2015-01-16 2.4 - Modification : 9.1 2015-01-29 - Modification : 9.3 2.00 Confidential (wait 10ms wait 100ms) - Modification : 1. Overview - Modification : 4.3.3. IC output characteristics. Sensitivity min, max changed - Remove : 7.1 Register map ASA register (10H) - Modification : 7.2.2 INTSRS. SRS[2:0] table update - Remove : 7.2.9 ASA register Marking : rotate drawing to 90 degree left. Outline Dimensions - 29 - Ver 2.4 MXM1120 12. Notice The followings should be noted when this LSI specification is used. 1. The information in this document is subject to change without notice for the purpose of product improvement and technical progress. So please make sure that the information in your specification is the latest. (However, after the Delivery Specification is provided officially, any changes to the specification will be made after discussion and agreement by both sides.) 2. The descriptions of circuits, software and other related information in this document are provided for illustrative purpose in semiconductor product operation and application examples. When you use this product, please design circuits and mount in consideration of external conditions. 3. The incorporation of these circuits, software and information into the design of customer's equipment shall be done under the full responsibility of customer. MAGNACHIP assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by customers or third parties arising from the use of these circuits, software and information. 4. MAGNACHIP does not assume any liability for infringement of patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of third parties by or arising from the use of MAGNACHIP semiconductor products listed in this document or any other liability arising from the use of such products. No license expressed, implied or otherwise, is granted under any patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of MAGNACHIP and/or others. 5. Even though this product has an ESD protection circuit at every pin, take any necessary countermeasures 6. If semiconductor is exposed to strong light, temporal error operation may happen. against any destruction from ESD with use of earth bands, conductive floors and etc. According to the environment, shield the semiconductor to avoid any error operation. 7. While MAGNACHIP endeavors to enhance the quality, reliability and safety of MAGNACHIP semiconductor products, our customers agree and acknowledge that the possibility of defects thereof cannot be eliminated entirely. To minimize risks of damage to property and/or injuries (including death) to persons arising from defects in MAGNACHIP semiconductor products, customers shall incorporate sufficient safety measures in their design, such as redundancy, fire-contaminate, and anti-features. 8. The product listed in this document is intended for usage in general electronics applications (Computers, personal equipment, office equipment, measuring equipment, industrial robotics, domestic appliances, etc.) This application is neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires extraordinarily high quality and /or reliability or malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life or bodily injury ("Unintended Usage"). Unintended Usage includes atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, medical instruments, all types of safety devices, etc. Unintended Usage of MAGNACHIP products listed in this document shall be made at the customer's risk. 9. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any forms or by any means without prior written consent of MAGNACHIP. MAGNACHIP assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. Confidential - 30 - Ver 2.4