82 Tr@NSiStOl'S qu UMS5 and UM6 packages contain two transistors in one small surface mount package. UM5 - FMT (5 pin type including 2 circuits) Equivalent circuit Package V ,; . . CEO IC TOP VIEW h oO Application UMS | FMT | Equivalent product (v) (mA) Fe Vor (V) Ic (mA) UMS FMT Part No. Pint nom oon UMS1 | FMS1A| 2SA1037AKx2 -40 - 100 120~ -6 -1 = Pre Amp | LI LI Ld - FMS3 | 2SA1514Kx2 -120 -50 180~ -6 ~2 Pin | Pin | oof oom UMS2 | FMS2A/ 2SA1037AKx2 -40 -100 120~ -6 -1 Pre Amp LJ LI Ll - FMS4 | 2SA1514Kx2 120 50 180~ -6 -2 Pin uMW1 | FMW1 | 2SC2412Kx2 40 100 120~ 6 1 Pint oof mon Pre Amp - FMW3 | 2SC3906K x2 120 50 180~ 6 2 AL ats UMWS5 | FMW5 | 28C2412x2 40 100 250~ 6 1 L] LI LI ue, | | TV Tuner | UMW8 | FMws | 2SC3838K x2 "1 50 27~ 10 5 Mix. Osc. | upawio) FMW10| 2SC3837K x2 18 50 27~ 10 10 / UMW2 | FMW2 | 2SC2412Kx2 40 100 120~ 6 1 Pint Pre Amp, so non ~ | FMwa | 28c3906K x2 120 50 180~ 6 2 : te UMW9 | FMW9 | 2SC3838K x2 1 50 27~ 10 5 LW U LU We Me eet | umw14! FMw11] 2S03837K x2 18 50 o7~ 10 10 Pint . . ery UMW13) FMW13/ 2SC3839K x2 20 50 27~ 10 5 Pin_| oon Oona UMW6 | FMW6 | 2SC3837K x2 18 50 27~ 10 10 TV Tuner 1 r4 ; UMW7 | FMW7 | 2SC3838K x2 1 50 27~ 10 5 Mix. Osc. LJ LI LJ Ly Pin | io UMW12| FMW12| 2SC2412K x2 40 100 120~ 6 1 2SA1037AK -50 100 -6 -1 UMY1 | FMY1A 120~ fot 28C2412K 40 100 6 1 [i fi fi [i fit) 2SA1514K 120 50 -6 -2 Single End - FMY5 180~ CI 0 CI LJ 28C3906K 120 50 6 2 \ Pi a 28A1036K 32 500 120~ -3 10 - FMY6 ern 28C2411K 32 500 120~ 3 10 Pin_ | oor non 28A1037AK 40 100 -6 -1 Inverter UMY3 | FMY3A 120~ Driver , 28C2412K 40 100 6 1 TU Lp Pin 1 oom nop 2SA1037AK 40 100 -6 -1 Inverter UMY4 | FMY4A 120~ Driver . 28C2412K 40 100 6 1 LJ LU Tein Pin_| Pint. Don Oog 28A1037AK ~40 - 100 120~ -6 -1 | * x a x Pre Amp UML1 - LJ LJ LJ DAN212K Diode characteristics VR=80V, lo=100mA, C7=3.5pF, trr=4.0ns Pin | / Pin oor oro 28C2412K 40 100 120~ 6 1 ny 5 x Pre Amp UML2 - \ DAN212K Diode characteristics VR=80V, lo=100mA, C7=3.5pF, trr=4.0ns LI TJ LJ Fa it risti + pl @Product Designation Specify part No., packaging specification code and hre ranking code. Blank unless otherwise required tt Ti} 14/9 L J F |} M\W) 1 ___ - Part No. Packaging specification code he Ranking code 4 Package UM5 FMT | No classification in hre ranks.| 3 ZR. TL 7148 a Code g TR T149 a (Unit : mm) Package | UMS FMT (SOT-25) 2,040.2 2940.2 11.340. 1,940.2 ee) ones (2) a ae A acy t : SPOT) wl i Shc s1c -, dimensions a i | | ul | s i On fe -"~ | fi . an We) : Wo To... 2 3 +OL1 ei wo 10? Solos 0180.05 |, $) | 9.9285 0.183 06] e Each lead has same dimensions 2, Each lead has same dimensions b 3 sl Page Actual size Ervaracd Actual size ahr 103 z= eG Se? a | reo gee 228 sa? Zz. agi @Packaging , : : Page . . oo Quantity /Package | Quantity Unit Package Packaging type Packaging style Direction Code (pes) (pcs) 105 Pin 2 side on sprocket hole side TL UM5 taping Embossed reel tape : Pr 3,000 - Pin 3 side on sprocket hole side TR Pin 3 side on sprocket hole side T148 FMT Taping Embossed reel tape - pe 3,000 - Pin 2 side on sprocket hole side T149 @Packaging Specifications (Unit : mm) Page UMS FMT 110 Reel Tape 2.0 4,020.1. 10.0+1.5 ~ + 2.040.05 | A020.) +o. Fi eae q j ol.5tg- Bi ] i : 2 1 = | i -| a T 7 t a dl. (Qi o-&- G4. o-f.| 3 a8 wy a .