Part Number : CMD1522SRUGCTR8
Serial Number : CMD1522
Led type SMT
Industry size 1210
Size (mm) 3.2 x 2.7 x 1.1 mm
Output color RED / GREEN
Peak Wave Lenght (mA) 660 / 570
Min. Mcd 9.0 / 7.0
Typical mcd 15.0 / 12.0
Forward volt typ. 1.7 / 2.1
Forward volt max. 2.4 / 2.8
Rated current (mA) 20
Viewing angle (°) 140
Op. temperature (°C) -40 to +85
Storage temperature (°C)
Power Dissipation 100
Cont forward current max 40.0 / 30.0
ROHS Status Yes
Drawn : Ch'd : Datasheet : CMD1522 Print date : 14/08/06
Revision : Revision date : 2006-06-27 Name : GoV Scale :
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All data are subject to changes without notices. Information include in datasheet is not binding.