The circuit shown in Figure 1 demonstrates a typical
application for smart-battery systems. A functional dia-
gram is shown in Figure 2.
Setting Charge Voltage
To set the output voltage of the MAX8713, use the
SMBus to write a 16-bit ChargeVoltage() command.
This 16-bit command translates to a 1mV LSB and a
65.535V full-scale voltage. The MAX8713 ignores the
first 4 LSBs and uses the next 11 bits to set the voltage
DAC. The charge voltage range of the MAX8713 is 0 to
19.200V. All codes requesting charge voltage greater
than 19.200V result in a voltage setting of 19.200V. All
codes requesting charge voltage below 1.024V result in
a voltage set point of zero, which terminates charging.
Upon reset, the ChargeVoltage() and ChargeCurrent()
values are cleared and the charger remains shut down
until a ChargeVoltage() and ChargeCurrent() command
is sent.
The ChargeVoltage() command uses the Write-Word
protocol (Figure 5). The command code for
ChargeVoltage() is 0x15 (0b00010101). The 16-bit
binary number formed by D15–D0 represents the
charge-voltage set point in mV. However, the resolution
of the MAX8713 is 16mV in setting the charge voltage
because the D0–D3 bits are ignored as shown in Table
1. The D15 bit is also ignored because it is not needed
to span the 0 to 19.2V range. Figure 3 shows the map-
ping between the charge-voltage set point and the
ChargeVoltage() code. All codes requesting charge
voltage greater than 19.200V result in a 19.200V set-
ting. All codes requesting charge voltage below
1024mV result in a voltage set point of zero, which ter-
minates charging.
Upon initial power-up, ChargingVoltage() is reset to
zero and a ChargingVoltage() command must be sent
to initiate charging.
Setting Charge Current
To set the charge current for the MAX8713, use the
SMBus interface to write a 16-bit ChargeCurrent() com-
mand. This 16-bit command translates to a 1mA per
LSB and a 65.535A full-scale current using a 40mΩ
current-sense resistor (RS in Figure 1). Equivalently, the
ChargeCurrent() value sets the voltage across the CSIP
and CSIN inputs in 40µV increments. The MAX8713
ignores the lowest 5 LSBs and uses the next 6 bits to
set the current DAC. The charge current range is 0 to
2.016A using a 40mΩcurrent-sense resistor. All codes
requesting charge current above 2.016A result in a set-
ting of 2.016A. For larger current settings, scale down
the sense resistor. All codes requesting charge current
between 1mA to 32mA result in a current setting of
32mA. To stop charging, set ChargeCurrent() to 0.
Upon initial power-up, the ChargeVoltage() and
ChargeCurrent() values are cleared and the charger
remains shut down. To start the charger, send valid
ChargeVoltage() and ChargeCurrent() commands.
The ChargeCurrent() command uses the Write-Word
protocol (Figure 5). The command code for
ChargeCurrent() is 0x14 (0b00010100). Table 2 shows
the format of the ChargeCurrent() register. Figure 4
shows the mapping between the charge-current set
point and the ChargeCurrent() code. The default
charge current setting at power-up is 0mA.
LDO Regulator
An integrated low-dropout (LDO) linear regulator pro-
vides a 5.4V supply derived from DCIN, and delivers
over 5mA of load current. The LDO powers the gate dri-
vers of the n-channel MOSFETs in the DC-DC converter.
See the MOSFET Drivers section. The LDO also biases
the 4.096V reference and most of the control circuitry.
Bypass LDO to GND with a 1µF ceramic capacitor.
VDD Supply
The VDD input provides power to the SMBus interface.
Connect VDD to LDO, or apply an external supply to
VDD to keep the SMBus interface active while the sup-
ply to DCIN is removed. When VDD is biased, the inter-
nal registers are maintained. Bypass VDD to GND with
a 0.1µF ceramic capacitor.
Operating Conditions
Table 3 is a summary of operating states of the
•Adapter Present. When DCIN is greater than 7.5V,
the adapter is considered to be present. In this con-
dition, both the LDO and REF function properly and
battery charging is allowed.
•Power Fail. When DCIN is less than BATT + 0.3V,
the MAX8713 is in the power-fail state, since the
DC-DC converter is in dropout. The charger will not
attempt to charge when in the power-fail state.
DD Undervoltage. When VDD is less than 2.5V,
the VDD supply is considered to be in an undervolt-
age state. The SMBus interface does not respond to
commands. When coming out of the undervoltage
condition, the part is in its power-on reset state. No
charging occurs when VDD is in the undervoltage
state. When VDD is greater than 2.5V, SMBus regis-
ters are preserved.
Simplified Multichemistry
SMBus Battery Charger
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