Skyworks Solutions, Inc. [978] 241-7000 •Fax [978] 241-7906 •Email • 1
Specifications subject to change without notice. 3/99A
GaAs IC Receive Diversity
T/R Switch DC–2 GHz
■PDC Antenna Switch
■Transmit to Main Antenna
■Receive from Dual Antenna Ports
■Operates with Positive, Negative or
Differential Voltages
■Low DC Power Consumption
The AS149-59 is a GaAs MMIC T/R Switch with receive
diversity ideal for use in PDC handsets and low power
base stations. It can be operated with positive or negative
3 V or differential biasing for high linearity. The switch is
packaged in a low cost, miniature MSOP-8 package.
On Path Parameter1Frequency2Min. Typ. Max. Unit
TXto M-Ant. Insertion Loss3DC–1.0 GHz 0.35 0.5 dB
DC–2.0 GHz 0.50 0.7 dB
RXto M-Ant. Iso. DC–1.0 GHz 23 26 dB
DC–2.0 GHz 15 19 dB
RXto M-Ant. Insertion Loss DC–1.0 GHz 0.65 0.8 dB
DC–2.0 GHz 0.9 1.1 dB
TXto M-Ant. Iso. DC–1.0 GHz 15 18 dB
DC–2.0 GHz 9 12 dB
RXto S-Ant. Iso. DC–1.0 GHz 20 23 dB
DC–2.0 GHz 12 15 dB
RXto S-Ant. Insertion Loss DC–1.0 GHz 0.5 0.6 dB
DC–2.0 GHz 0.9 1.1 dB
TXto M-Ant. Iso. DC–1.0 GHz 20 24 dB
DC–2.0 GHz 12 15 dB
VSWR4DC–1.0 GHz 1.5:1
DC–2.0 GHz 1.7:1
Electrical Specifications at 25°C (-2.75, +2.75 V)