Crystal unit Epson Toyocom Product Number (please contact us) MC-306 : Q1xMC3061xxxx00 MC-405 : Q1xMC4051xxxx00 MC-406 : Q1xMC4061xxxx00 kHz RANGE CRYSTAL UNIT SMD MC - 306 MC - 405 / MC - 406 Frequency range Thickness Overtone order Applications : : 32.768 kHz (20 kHz to 165 kHz) 8.0 x 3.8 x 2.54 mm ***MC-306 10.41 x 4.06 x 3.6 mm ***MC-405 / 406 : Fundamental : Clock and Microcomputer Actual size MC-306 MC-405 / 406 Specifications (characteristics) Item Nominal frequency range Storage temperature Operating temperature Level of drive Frequency tolerance (standard) Turnover temperature Parabolic coefficient Load capacitance Motional resistance (ESR) Symbol f_nom T_stg T_use DL f_tol Ti B CL R1 Motional capacitance C1 Shunt capacitance C0 Frequency aging f_age Specifications 20 kHz to 165 kHz -55 C to +125 C -40 C to +85 C 1.0 W Max. 20 10-6, 50 10-6 50 10-6, 100 10-6 +25 C 5 C -0.04 10-6 / C2 Max. 6 pF to (standard :12.5 pF) 50 k Max. As per below table 1.8 fF Typ. 4.0 fF to 0.6 fF 2.0 fF Typ. 0.9 pF Typ. 2.0 pF to 0.6 pF 0.85 pF Typ. -6 -6 3 10 / year Max. 5 10 / year Max. Conditions / Remarks Please contact us regarding available frequencies Store as bare product. 32.768 kHz +25 C, DL=0.1 W Please specify MC-306 MC-405 / 406 MC-306 MC-405 / 406 +25 C, First year Motional resistance (ESR) Frequency Motional resistance 31.2 kHzf_nom< 40 kHz 35 k Max. 40 kHzf_nom< 90 kHz 20 k Max. 90 kHzf_nom< 130 kHz 12 k Max. 130 kHzf_nom165 kHz 10 k Max. External dimensions (Unit:mm) Internal connection in MC-405 (TOP VIEW) MC-405 / 406 MC-306 8.0 Max. #4 #3 #1 #2 #3 32.768 k E 6571A #4 #1 #2 Internal connection in MC-406 (TOP VIEW) #3 #4 9.60 #1 #1 10.41 Max. 3.15 2.38 2.54 Max. #2 1.9 (0.9) (0.9) 2.54 Do not connect #2 and #3 to external device. Metal may be exposed on the top or bottom of this product. This will not affect any quality, reliability or electrical spec. 2.54 0.2 Min. 0.5 5.5 #2 3.6 Max. #2 #1 Internal connection (TOP VIEW) #3 #4 4.06 Max. 3.2 32.768 k E 571 3.8 Max. #3 #4 0.51 0.51 2.29 Do not connect #2 and #3 of MC-406 to external device. The first digit of No. means: 5xxxx 6xxxx MC-405 MC-406 Footprint (Recommended) (Unit:mm) MC-306 MC-406 1.3 1.52 4.1 0.8 1.9 1.52 MC-405 4.1 1.9 . 20 kHzf_nom< 31.2 kHz 55 k Max. 1.3 4.2 4.1 3.9 4.1 1.3 3.9 4.1